* Copyright (c) 1998, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "asm/codeBuffer.hpp"
#include "compiler/compilerDefinitions.hpp"
#include "compiler/oopMap.hpp"
#include "runtime/javaFrameAnchor.hpp"
#include "runtime/frame.hpp"
#include "runtime/handles.hpp"
#include "utilities/align.hpp"
#include "utilities/macros.hpp"
class ImmutableOopMap;
class ImmutableOopMapSet;
class JNIHandleBlock;
class OopMapSet;
// CodeBlob Types
// Used in the CodeCache to assign CodeBlobs to different CodeHeaps
enum class CodeBlobType {
MethodNonProfiled = 0, // Execution level 1 and 4 (non-profiled) nmethods (including native nmethods)
MethodProfiled = 1, // Execution level 2 and 3 (profiled) nmethods
NonNMethod = 2, // Non-nmethods like Buffers, Adapters and Runtime Stubs
All = 3, // All types (No code cache segmentation)
NumTypes = 4 // Number of CodeBlobTypes
// CodeBlob - superclass for all entries in the CodeCache.
// Subtypes are:
// CompiledMethod : Compiled Java methods (include method that calls to native code)
// nmethod : JIT Compiled Java methods
// RuntimeBlob : Non-compiled method code; generated glue code
// BufferBlob : Used for non-relocatable code such as interpreter, stubroutines, etc.
// AdapterBlob : Used to hold C2I/I2C adapters
// VtableBlob : Used for holding vtable chunks
// MethodHandlesAdapterBlob : Used to hold MethodHandles adapters
// RuntimeStub : Call to VM runtime methods
// SingletonBlob : Super-class for all blobs that exist in only one instance
// DeoptimizationBlob : Used for deoptimization
// ExceptionBlob : Used for stack unrolling
// SafepointBlob : Used to handle illegal instruction exceptions
// UncommonTrapBlob : Used to handle uncommon traps
// UpcallStub : Used for upcalls from native code
// Layout : continuous in the CodeCache
// - header
// - relocation
// - content space
// - instruction space
// - data space
class CodeBlobLayout;
class UpcallStub; // for as_upcall_stub()
class RuntimeStub; // for as_runtime_stub()
class JavaFrameAnchor; // for UpcallStub::jfa_for_frame
class CodeBlob {
friend class VMStructs;
friend class JVMCIVMStructs;
friend class CodeCacheDumper;
// order fields from large to small to minimize padding between fields
address _code_begin;
address _code_end;
address _content_begin; // address to where content region begins (this includes consts, insts, stubs)
// address _content_end - not required, for all CodeBlobs _code_end == _content_end for now
address _data_end;
address _relocation_begin;
address _relocation_end;
ImmutableOopMapSet* _oop_maps; // OopMap for this CodeBlob
const char* _name;
S390_ONLY(int _ctable_offset;)
int _size; // total size of CodeBlob in bytes
int _header_size; // size of header (depends on subclass)
int _frame_complete_offset; // instruction offsets in [0.._frame_complete_offset) have
// not finished setting up their frame. Beware of pc's in
// that range. There is a similar range(s) on returns
// which we don't detect.
int _data_offset; // offset to where data region begins
int _frame_size; // size of stack frame in words (NOT slots. On x64 these are 64bit words)
bool _caller_must_gc_arguments;
bool _is_compiled;
const CompilerType _type; // CompilerType
#ifndef PRODUCT
AsmRemarks _asm_remarks;
DbgStrings _dbg_strings;
~CodeBlob() {
#endif // not PRODUCT
CodeBlob(const char* name, CompilerType type, const CodeBlobLayout& layout, int frame_complete_offset,
int frame_size, ImmutableOopMapSet* oop_maps,
bool caller_must_gc_arguments, bool compiled = false);
CodeBlob(const char* name, CompilerType type, const CodeBlobLayout& layout, CodeBuffer* cb, int frame_complete_offset,
int frame_size, OopMapSet* oop_maps,
bool caller_must_gc_arguments, bool compiled = false);
// Only used by unit test.
CodeBlob() : _type(compiler_none) {}
// Returns the space needed for CodeBlob
static unsigned int allocation_size(CodeBuffer* cb, int header_size);
static unsigned int align_code_offset(int offset);
// Deletion
virtual void flush();
// Typing
virtual bool is_buffer_blob() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_nmethod() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_runtime_stub() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_deoptimization_stub() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_uncommon_trap_stub() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_exception_stub() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_safepoint_stub() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_adapter_blob() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_vtable_blob() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_method_handles_adapter_blob() const { return false; }
virtual bool is_upcall_stub() const { return false; }
bool is_compiled() const { return _is_compiled; }
const bool* is_compiled_addr() const { return &_is_compiled; }
inline bool is_compiled_by_c1() const { return _type == compiler_c1; };
inline bool is_compiled_by_c2() const { return _type == compiler_c2; };
inline bool is_compiled_by_jvmci() const { return _type == compiler_jvmci; };
const char* compiler_name() const;
CompilerType compiler_type() const { return _type; }
// Casting
nmethod* as_nmethod_or_null() { return is_nmethod() ? (nmethod*) this : NULL; }
nmethod* as_nmethod() { assert(is_nmethod(), "must be nmethod"); return (nmethod*) this; }
CompiledMethod* as_compiled_method_or_null() { return is_compiled() ? (CompiledMethod*) this : NULL; }
CompiledMethod* as_compiled_method() { assert(is_compiled(), "must be compiled"); return (CompiledMethod*) this; }
CodeBlob* as_codeblob_or_null() const { return (CodeBlob*) this; }
UpcallStub* as_upcall_stub() const { assert(is_upcall_stub(), "must be upcall stub"); return (UpcallStub*) this; }
RuntimeStub* as_runtime_stub() const { assert(is_runtime_stub(), "must be runtime blob"); return (RuntimeStub*) this; }
// Boundaries
address header_begin() const { return (address) this; }
relocInfo* relocation_begin() const { return (relocInfo*) _relocation_begin; };
relocInfo* relocation_end() const { return (relocInfo*) _relocation_end; }
address content_begin() const { return _content_begin; }
address content_end() const { return _code_end; } // _code_end == _content_end is true for all types of blobs for now, it is also checked in the constructor
address code_begin() const { return _code_begin; }
address code_end() const { return _code_end; }
address data_end() const { return _data_end; }
// This field holds the beginning of the const section in the old code buffer.
// It is needed to fix relocations of pc-relative loads when resizing the
// the constant pool or moving it.
S390_ONLY(address ctable_begin() const { return header_begin() + _ctable_offset; })
void set_ctable_begin(address ctable) { S390_ONLY(_ctable_offset = ctable - header_begin();) }
// Sizes
int size() const { return _size; }
int header_size() const { return _header_size; }
int relocation_size() const { return (address) relocation_end() - (address) relocation_begin(); }
int content_size() const { return content_end() - content_begin(); }
int code_size() const { return code_end() - code_begin(); }
// Only used from CodeCache::free_unused_tail() after the Interpreter blob was trimmed
void adjust_size(size_t used) {
_size = (int)used;
_data_offset = (int)used;
_code_end = (address)this + used;
_data_end = (address)this + used;
// Containment
bool blob_contains(address addr) const { return header_begin() <= addr && addr < data_end(); }
bool code_contains(address addr) const { return code_begin() <= addr && addr < code_end(); }
bool contains(address addr) const { return content_begin() <= addr && addr < content_end(); }
bool is_frame_complete_at(address addr) const { return _frame_complete_offset != CodeOffsets::frame_never_safe &&
code_contains(addr) && addr >= code_begin() + _frame_complete_offset; }
int frame_complete_offset() const { return _frame_complete_offset; }
virtual bool is_not_entrant() const { return false; }
// OopMap for frame
ImmutableOopMapSet* oop_maps() const { return _oop_maps; }
void set_oop_maps(OopMapSet* p);
const ImmutableOopMap* oop_map_for_slot(int slot, address return_address) const;
const ImmutableOopMap* oop_map_for_return_address(address return_address) const;
virtual void preserve_callee_argument_oops(frame fr, const RegisterMap* reg_map, OopClosure* f) = 0;
// Frame support. Sizes are in word units.
int frame_size() const { return _frame_size; }
void set_frame_size(int size) { _frame_size = size; }
// Returns true, if the next frame is responsible for GC'ing oops passed as arguments
bool caller_must_gc_arguments(JavaThread* thread) const { return _caller_must_gc_arguments; }
// Naming
const char* name() const { return _name; }
void set_name(const char* name) { _name = name; }
// Debugging
virtual void verify() = 0;
virtual void print() const;
virtual void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
virtual void print_value_on(outputStream* st) const;
void dump_for_addr(address addr, outputStream* st, bool verbose) const;
void print_code();
// Print to stream, any comments associated with offset.
virtual void print_block_comment(outputStream* stream, address block_begin) const {
#ifndef PRODUCT
ptrdiff_t offset = block_begin - code_begin();
assert(offset >= 0, "Expecting non-negative offset!");
_asm_remarks.print(uint(offset), stream);
#ifndef PRODUCT
AsmRemarks &asm_remarks() { return _asm_remarks; }
DbgStrings &dbg_strings() { return _dbg_strings; }
void use_remarks(AsmRemarks &remarks) { _asm_remarks.share(remarks); }
void use_strings(DbgStrings &strings) { _dbg_strings.share(strings); }
class CodeBlobLayout : public StackObj {
int _size;
int _header_size;
int _relocation_size;
int _content_offset;
int _code_offset;
int _data_offset;
address _code_begin;
address _code_end;
address _content_begin;
address _content_end;
address _data_end;
address _relocation_begin;
address _relocation_end;
CodeBlobLayout(address code_begin, address code_end, address content_begin, address content_end, address data_end, address relocation_begin, address relocation_end) :
CodeBlobLayout(const address start, int size, int header_size, int relocation_size, int data_offset) :
_content_offset(CodeBlob::align_code_offset(_header_size + _relocation_size)),
assert(is_aligned(_relocation_size, oopSize), "unaligned size");
_code_begin = (address) start + _code_offset;
_code_end = (address) start + _data_offset;
_content_begin = (address) start + _content_offset;
_content_end = (address) start + _data_offset;
_data_end = (address) start + _size;
_relocation_begin = (address) start + _header_size;
_relocation_end = _relocation_begin + _relocation_size;
CodeBlobLayout(const address start, int size, int header_size, const CodeBuffer* cb) :
_relocation_size(align_up(cb->total_relocation_size(), oopSize)),
_content_offset(CodeBlob::align_code_offset(_header_size + _relocation_size)),
_code_offset(_content_offset + cb->total_offset_of(cb->insts())),
_data_offset(_content_offset + align_up(cb->total_content_size(), oopSize))
assert(is_aligned(_relocation_size, oopSize), "unaligned size");
_code_begin = (address) start + _code_offset;
_code_end = (address) start + _data_offset;
_content_begin = (address) start + _content_offset;
_content_end = (address) start + _data_offset;
_data_end = (address) start + _size;
_relocation_begin = (address) start + _header_size;
_relocation_end = _relocation_begin + _relocation_size;
int size() const { return _size; }
int header_size() const { return _header_size; }
int relocation_size() const { return _relocation_size; }
int content_offset() const { return _content_offset; }
int code_offset() const { return _code_offset; }
int data_offset() const { return _data_offset; }
address code_begin() const { return _code_begin; }
address code_end() const { return _code_end; }
address data_end() const { return _data_end; }
address relocation_begin() const { return _relocation_begin; }
address relocation_end() const { return _relocation_end; }
address content_begin() const { return _content_begin; }
address content_end() const { return _content_end; }
class RuntimeBlob : public CodeBlob {
friend class VMStructs;
// Creation
// a) simple CodeBlob
// frame_complete is the offset from the beginning of the instructions
// to where the frame setup (from stackwalk viewpoint) is complete.
RuntimeBlob(const char* name, int header_size, int size, int frame_complete, int locs_size);
// b) full CodeBlob
const char* name,
CodeBuffer* cb,
int header_size,
int size,
int frame_complete,
int frame_size,
OopMapSet* oop_maps,
bool caller_must_gc_arguments = false
static void free(RuntimeBlob* blob);
void verify();
// OopMap for frame
virtual void preserve_callee_argument_oops(frame fr, const RegisterMap* reg_map, OopClosure* f) { ShouldNotReachHere(); }
// Debugging
virtual void print_on(outputStream* st) const { CodeBlob::print_on(st); }
virtual void print_value_on(outputStream* st) const { CodeBlob::print_value_on(st); }
// Deal with Disassembler, VTune, Forte, JvmtiExport, MemoryService.
static void trace_new_stub(RuntimeBlob* blob, const char* name1, const char* name2 = "");
class WhiteBox;
// BufferBlob: used to hold non-relocatable machine code such as the interpreter, stubroutines, etc.
class BufferBlob: public RuntimeBlob {
friend class VMStructs;
friend class AdapterBlob;
friend class VtableBlob;
friend class MethodHandlesAdapterBlob;
friend class UpcallStub;
friend class WhiteBox;
// Creation support
BufferBlob(const char* name, int size);
BufferBlob(const char* name, int size, CodeBuffer* cb);
// This ordinary operator delete is needed even though not used, so the
// below two-argument operator delete will be treated as a placement
// delete rather than an ordinary sized delete; see C++14
void operator delete(void* p);
void* operator new(size_t s, unsigned size) throw();
// Creation
static BufferBlob* create(const char* name, int buffer_size);
static BufferBlob* create(const char* name, CodeBuffer* cb);
static void free(BufferBlob* buf);
// Typing
virtual bool is_buffer_blob() const { return true; }
// GC/Verification support
void preserve_callee_argument_oops(frame fr, const RegisterMap* reg_map, OopClosure* f) { /* nothing to do */ }
void verify();
void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
void print_value_on(outputStream* st) const;
// AdapterBlob: used to hold C2I/I2C adapters
class AdapterBlob: public BufferBlob {
AdapterBlob(int size, CodeBuffer* cb);
// Creation
static AdapterBlob* create(CodeBuffer* cb);
// Typing
virtual bool is_adapter_blob() const { return true; }
class VtableBlob: public BufferBlob {
VtableBlob(const char*, int);
void* operator new(size_t s, unsigned size) throw();
// Creation
static VtableBlob* create(const char* name, int buffer_size);
// Typing
virtual bool is_vtable_blob() const { return true; }
// MethodHandlesAdapterBlob: used to hold MethodHandles adapters
class MethodHandlesAdapterBlob: public BufferBlob {
MethodHandlesAdapterBlob(int size): BufferBlob("MethodHandles adapters", size) {}
// Creation
static MethodHandlesAdapterBlob* create(int buffer_size);
// Typing
virtual bool is_method_handles_adapter_blob() const { return true; }
// RuntimeStub: describes stubs used by compiled code to call a (static) C++ runtime routine
class RuntimeStub: public RuntimeBlob {
friend class VMStructs;
// Creation support
const char* name,
CodeBuffer* cb,
int size,
int frame_complete,
int frame_size,
OopMapSet* oop_maps,
bool caller_must_gc_arguments
// This ordinary operator delete is needed even though not used, so the
// below two-argument operator delete will be treated as a placement
// delete rather than an ordinary sized delete; see C++14
void operator delete(void* p);
void* operator new(size_t s, unsigned size) throw();
// Creation
static RuntimeStub* new_runtime_stub(
const char* stub_name,
CodeBuffer* cb,
int frame_complete,
int frame_size,
OopMapSet* oop_maps,
bool caller_must_gc_arguments
static void free(RuntimeStub* stub) { RuntimeBlob::free(stub); }
// Typing
bool is_runtime_stub() const { return true; }
address entry_point() const { return code_begin(); }
// GC/Verification support
void preserve_callee_argument_oops(frame fr, const RegisterMap *reg_map, OopClosure* f) { /* nothing to do */ }
void verify();
void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
void print_value_on(outputStream* st) const;
// Super-class for all blobs that exist in only one instance. Implements default behaviour.
class SingletonBlob: public RuntimeBlob {
friend class VMStructs;
// This ordinary operator delete is needed even though not used, so the
// below two-argument operator delete will be treated as a placement
// delete rather than an ordinary sized delete; see C++14
void operator delete(void* p);
void* operator new(size_t s, unsigned size) throw();
const char* name,
CodeBuffer* cb,
int header_size,
int size,
int frame_size,
OopMapSet* oop_maps
: RuntimeBlob(name, cb, header_size, size, CodeOffsets::frame_never_safe, frame_size, oop_maps)
address entry_point() { return code_begin(); }
// GC/Verification support
void preserve_callee_argument_oops(frame fr, const RegisterMap *reg_map, OopClosure* f) { /* nothing to do */ }
void verify(); // does nothing
void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
void print_value_on(outputStream* st) const;
// DeoptimizationBlob
class DeoptimizationBlob: public SingletonBlob {
friend class VMStructs;
friend class JVMCIVMStructs;
int _unpack_offset;
int _unpack_with_exception;
int _unpack_with_reexecution;
int _unpack_with_exception_in_tls;
// Offsets when JVMCI calls uncommon_trap.
int _uncommon_trap_offset;
int _implicit_exception_uncommon_trap_offset;
// Creation support
CodeBuffer* cb,
int size,
OopMapSet* oop_maps,
int unpack_offset,
int unpack_with_exception_offset,
int unpack_with_reexecution_offset,
int frame_size
// Creation
static DeoptimizationBlob* create(
CodeBuffer* cb,
OopMapSet* oop_maps,
int unpack_offset,
int unpack_with_exception_offset,
int unpack_with_reexecution_offset,
int frame_size
// Typing
bool is_deoptimization_stub() const { return true; }
// GC for args
void preserve_callee_argument_oops(frame fr, const RegisterMap *reg_map, OopClosure* f) { /* Nothing to do */ }
// Printing
void print_value_on(outputStream* st) const;
address unpack() const { return code_begin() + _unpack_offset; }
address unpack_with_exception() const { return code_begin() + _unpack_with_exception; }
address unpack_with_reexecution() const { return code_begin() + _unpack_with_reexecution; }
// Alternate entry point for C1 where the exception and issuing pc
// are in JavaThread::_exception_oop and JavaThread::_exception_pc
// instead of being in registers. This is needed because C1 doesn't
// model exception paths in a way that keeps these registers free so
// there may be live values in those registers during deopt.
void set_unpack_with_exception_in_tls_offset(int offset) {
_unpack_with_exception_in_tls = offset;
assert(code_contains(code_begin() + _unpack_with_exception_in_tls), "must be PC inside codeblob");
address unpack_with_exception_in_tls() const { return code_begin() + _unpack_with_exception_in_tls; }
// Offsets when JVMCI calls uncommon_trap.
void set_uncommon_trap_offset(int offset) {
_uncommon_trap_offset = offset;
assert(contains(code_begin() + _uncommon_trap_offset), "must be PC inside codeblob");
address uncommon_trap() const { return code_begin() + _uncommon_trap_offset; }
void set_implicit_exception_uncommon_trap_offset(int offset) {
_implicit_exception_uncommon_trap_offset = offset;
assert(contains(code_begin() + _implicit_exception_uncommon_trap_offset), "must be PC inside codeblob");
address implicit_exception_uncommon_trap() const { return code_begin() + _implicit_exception_uncommon_trap_offset; }
// UncommonTrapBlob (currently only used by Compiler 2)
#ifdef COMPILER2
class UncommonTrapBlob: public SingletonBlob {
friend class VMStructs;
// Creation support
CodeBuffer* cb,
int size,
OopMapSet* oop_maps,
int frame_size
// Creation
static UncommonTrapBlob* create(
CodeBuffer* cb,
OopMapSet* oop_maps,
int frame_size
// GC for args
void preserve_callee_argument_oops(frame fr, const RegisterMap *reg_map, OopClosure* f) { /* nothing to do */ }
// Typing
bool is_uncommon_trap_stub() const { return true; }
// ExceptionBlob: used for exception unwinding in compiled code (currently only used by Compiler 2)
class ExceptionBlob: public SingletonBlob {
friend class VMStructs;
// Creation support
CodeBuffer* cb,
int size,
OopMapSet* oop_maps,
int frame_size
// Creation
static ExceptionBlob* create(
CodeBuffer* cb,
OopMapSet* oop_maps,
int frame_size
// GC for args
void preserve_callee_argument_oops(frame fr, const RegisterMap* reg_map, OopClosure* f) { /* nothing to do */ }
// Typing
bool is_exception_stub() const { return true; }
#endif // COMPILER2
// SafepointBlob: handles illegal_instruction exceptions during a safepoint
class SafepointBlob: public SingletonBlob {
friend class VMStructs;
// Creation support
CodeBuffer* cb,
int size,
OopMapSet* oop_maps,
int frame_size
// Creation
static SafepointBlob* create(
CodeBuffer* cb,
OopMapSet* oop_maps,
int frame_size
// GC for args
void preserve_callee_argument_oops(frame fr, const RegisterMap* reg_map, OopClosure* f) { /* nothing to do */ }
// Typing
bool is_safepoint_stub() const { return true; }
class UpcallLinker;
// A (Panama) upcall stub. Not used by JNI.
class UpcallStub: public RuntimeBlob {
friend class UpcallLinker;
intptr_t _exception_handler_offset;
jobject _receiver;
ByteSize _frame_data_offset;
UpcallStub(const char* name, CodeBuffer* cb, int size,
intptr_t exception_handler_offset,
jobject receiver, ByteSize frame_data_offset);
// This ordinary operator delete is needed even though not used, so the
// below two-argument operator delete will be treated as a placement
// delete rather than an ordinary sized delete; see C++14
void operator delete(void* p);
void* operator new(size_t s, unsigned size) throw();
struct FrameData {
JavaFrameAnchor jfa;
JavaThread* thread;
JNIHandleBlock* old_handles;
JNIHandleBlock* new_handles;
// defined in frame_ARCH.cpp
FrameData* frame_data_for_frame(const frame& frame) const;
// Creation
static UpcallStub* create(const char* name, CodeBuffer* cb,
intptr_t exception_handler_offset,
jobject receiver, ByteSize frame_data_offset);
static void free(UpcallStub* blob);
address exception_handler() { return code_begin() + _exception_handler_offset; }
jobject receiver() { return _receiver; }
JavaFrameAnchor* jfa_for_frame(const frame& frame) const;
// Typing
virtual bool is_upcall_stub() const override { return true; }
// GC/Verification support
void oops_do(OopClosure* f, const frame& frame);
virtual void preserve_callee_argument_oops(frame fr, const RegisterMap* reg_map, OopClosure* f) override;
virtual void verify() override;
// Misc.
virtual void print_on(outputStream* st) const override;
virtual void print_value_on(outputStream* st) const override;
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