* Copyright (c) 2015, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "code/codeBlob.hpp"
#include "code/pcDesc.hpp"
#include "oops/metadata.hpp"
#include "oops/method.hpp"
class Dependencies;
class ExceptionHandlerTable;
class ImplicitExceptionTable;
class AbstractCompiler;
class xmlStream;
class CompiledStaticCall;
class NativeCallWrapper;
class ScopeDesc;
class CompiledIC;
class MetadataClosure;
// This class is used internally by nmethods, to cache
// exception/pc/handler information.
class ExceptionCache : public CHeapObj<mtCode> {
friend class VMStructs;
enum { cache_size = 16 };
Klass* _exception_type;
address _pc[cache_size];
address _handler[cache_size];
volatile int _count;
ExceptionCache* volatile _next;
ExceptionCache* _purge_list_next;
inline address pc_at(int index);
void set_pc_at(int index, address a) { assert(index >= 0 && index < cache_size,""); _pc[index] = a; }
inline address handler_at(int index);
void set_handler_at(int index, address a) { assert(index >= 0 && index < cache_size,""); _handler[index] = a; }
inline int count();
// increment_count is only called under lock, but there may be concurrent readers.
void increment_count();
ExceptionCache(Handle exception, address pc, address handler);
Klass* exception_type() { return _exception_type; }
ExceptionCache* next();
void set_next(ExceptionCache *ec);
ExceptionCache* purge_list_next() { return _purge_list_next; }
void set_purge_list_next(ExceptionCache *ec) { _purge_list_next = ec; }
address match(Handle exception, address pc);
bool match_exception_with_space(Handle exception) ;
address test_address(address addr);
bool add_address_and_handler(address addr, address handler) ;
class nmethod;
// cache pc descs found in earlier inquiries
class PcDescCache {
friend class VMStructs;
enum { cache_size = 4 };
// The array elements MUST be volatile! Several threads may modify
// and read from the cache concurrently. find_pc_desc_internal has
// returned wrong results. C++ compiler (namely xlC12) may duplicate
// C++ field accesses if the elements are not volatile.
typedef PcDesc* PcDescPtr;
volatile PcDescPtr _pc_descs[cache_size]; // last cache_size pc_descs found
PcDescCache() { debug_only(_pc_descs[0] = NULL); }
void reset_to(PcDesc* initial_pc_desc);
PcDesc* find_pc_desc(int pc_offset, bool approximate);
void add_pc_desc(PcDesc* pc_desc);
PcDesc* last_pc_desc() { return _pc_descs[0]; }
class PcDescSearch {
address _code_begin;
PcDesc* _lower;
PcDesc* _upper;
PcDescSearch(address code, PcDesc* lower, PcDesc* upper) :
_code_begin(code), _lower(lower), _upper(upper)
address code_begin() const { return _code_begin; }
PcDesc* scopes_pcs_begin() const { return _lower; }
PcDesc* scopes_pcs_end() const { return _upper; }
class PcDescContainer {
PcDescCache _pc_desc_cache;
PcDescContainer() {}
PcDesc* find_pc_desc_internal(address pc, bool approximate, const PcDescSearch& search);
void reset_to(PcDesc* initial_pc_desc) { _pc_desc_cache.reset_to(initial_pc_desc); }
PcDesc* find_pc_desc(address pc, bool approximate, const PcDescSearch& search) {
address base_address = search.code_begin();
PcDesc* desc = _pc_desc_cache.last_pc_desc();
if (desc != NULL && desc->pc_offset() == pc - base_address) {
return desc;
return find_pc_desc_internal(pc, approximate, search);
class CompiledMethod : public CodeBlob {
friend class VMStructs;
void init_defaults();
enum MarkForDeoptimizationStatus : u1 {
MarkForDeoptimizationStatus _mark_for_deoptimization_status; // Used for stack deoptimization
// set during construction
unsigned int _has_unsafe_access:1; // May fault due to unsafe access.
unsigned int _has_method_handle_invokes:1; // Has this method MethodHandle invokes?
unsigned int _has_wide_vectors:1; // Preserve wide vectors at safepoints
unsigned int _has_monitors:1; // Fastpath monitor detection for continuations
Method* _method;
address _scopes_data_begin;
// All deoptee's will resume execution at this location described by
// this address.
address _deopt_handler_begin;
// All deoptee's at a MethodHandle call site will resume execution
// at this location described by this offset.
address _deopt_mh_handler_begin;
PcDescContainer _pc_desc_container;
ExceptionCache * volatile _exception_cache;
void* _gc_data;
virtual void flush() = 0;
CompiledMethod(Method* method, const char* name, CompilerType type, const CodeBlobLayout& layout, int frame_complete_offset, int frame_size, ImmutableOopMapSet* oop_maps, bool caller_must_gc_arguments, bool compiled);
CompiledMethod(Method* method, const char* name, CompilerType type, int size, int header_size, CodeBuffer* cb, int frame_complete_offset, int frame_size, OopMapSet* oop_maps, bool caller_must_gc_arguments, bool compiled);
// Only used by unit test.
CompiledMethod() {}
template<typename T>
T* gc_data() const { return reinterpret_cast<T*>(_gc_data); }
template<typename T>
void set_gc_data(T* gc_data) { _gc_data = reinterpret_cast<void*>(gc_data); }
bool has_unsafe_access() const { return _has_unsafe_access; }
void set_has_unsafe_access(bool z) { _has_unsafe_access = z; }
bool has_monitors() const { return _has_monitors; }
void set_has_monitors(bool z) { _has_monitors = z; }
bool has_method_handle_invokes() const { return _has_method_handle_invokes; }
void set_has_method_handle_invokes(bool z) { _has_method_handle_invokes = z; }
bool has_wide_vectors() const { return _has_wide_vectors; }
void set_has_wide_vectors(bool z) { _has_wide_vectors = z; }
enum { not_installed = -1, // in construction, only the owner doing the construction is
// allowed to advance state
in_use = 0, // executable nmethod
not_used = 1, // not entrant, but revivable
not_entrant = 2, // marked for deoptimization but activations may still exist
virtual bool is_in_use() const = 0;
virtual int comp_level() const = 0;
virtual int compile_id() const = 0;
virtual address verified_entry_point() const = 0;
virtual void log_identity(xmlStream* log) const = 0;
virtual void log_state_change() const = 0;
virtual bool make_not_used() = 0;
virtual bool make_not_entrant() = 0;
virtual bool make_entrant() = 0;
virtual address entry_point() const = 0;
virtual bool is_osr_method() const = 0;
virtual int osr_entry_bci() const = 0;
Method* method() const { return _method; }
virtual void print_pcs() = 0;
bool is_native_method() const { return _method != NULL && _method->is_native(); }
bool is_java_method() const { return _method != NULL && !_method->is_native(); }
// ScopeDesc retrieval operation
PcDesc* pc_desc_at(address pc) { return find_pc_desc(pc, false); }
// pc_desc_near returns the first PcDesc at or after the given pc.
PcDesc* pc_desc_near(address pc) { return find_pc_desc(pc, true); }
// ScopeDesc for an instruction
ScopeDesc* scope_desc_at(address pc);
ScopeDesc* scope_desc_near(address pc);
bool is_at_poll_return(address pc);
bool is_at_poll_or_poll_return(address pc);
bool is_marked_for_deoptimization() const { return _mark_for_deoptimization_status != not_marked; }
void mark_for_deoptimization(bool inc_recompile_counts = true);
bool has_been_deoptimized() const { return _mark_for_deoptimization_status == deoptimize_done; }
void mark_deoptimized() { _mark_for_deoptimization_status = deoptimize_done; }
virtual void make_deoptimized() { assert(false, "not supported"); };
bool update_recompile_counts() const {
// Update recompile counts when either the update is explicitly requested (deoptimize)
// or the nmethod is not marked for deoptimization at all (not_marked).
// The latter happens during uncommon traps when deoptimized nmethod is made not entrant.
return _mark_for_deoptimization_status != deoptimize_noupdate &&
_mark_for_deoptimization_status != deoptimize_done;
// tells whether frames described by this nmethod can be deoptimized
// note: native wrappers cannot be deoptimized.
bool can_be_deoptimized() const { return is_java_method(); }
virtual oop oop_at(int index) const = 0;
virtual Metadata* metadata_at(int index) const = 0;
address scopes_data_begin() const { return _scopes_data_begin; }
virtual address scopes_data_end() const = 0;
int scopes_data_size() const { return scopes_data_end() - scopes_data_begin(); }
virtual PcDesc* scopes_pcs_begin() const = 0;
virtual PcDesc* scopes_pcs_end() const = 0;
int scopes_pcs_size() const { return (intptr_t) scopes_pcs_end() - (intptr_t) scopes_pcs_begin(); }
address insts_begin() const { return code_begin(); }
address insts_end() const { return stub_begin(); }
// Returns true if a given address is in the 'insts' section. The method
// insts_contains_inclusive() is end-inclusive.
bool insts_contains(address addr) const { return insts_begin() <= addr && addr < insts_end(); }
bool insts_contains_inclusive(address addr) const { return insts_begin() <= addr && addr <= insts_end(); }
int insts_size() const { return insts_end() - insts_begin(); }
virtual address consts_begin() const = 0;
virtual address consts_end() const = 0;
bool consts_contains(address addr) const { return consts_begin() <= addr && addr < consts_end(); }
int consts_size() const { return consts_end() - consts_begin(); }
virtual address stub_begin() const = 0;
virtual address stub_end() const = 0;
bool stub_contains(address addr) const { return stub_begin() <= addr && addr < stub_end(); }
int stub_size() const { return stub_end() - stub_begin(); }
virtual address handler_table_begin() const = 0;
virtual address handler_table_end() const = 0;
bool handler_table_contains(address addr) const { return handler_table_begin() <= addr && addr < handler_table_end(); }
int handler_table_size() const { return handler_table_end() - handler_table_begin(); }
virtual address exception_begin() const = 0;
virtual address nul_chk_table_begin() const = 0;
virtual address nul_chk_table_end() const = 0;
bool nul_chk_table_contains(address addr) const { return nul_chk_table_begin() <= addr && addr < nul_chk_table_end(); }
int nul_chk_table_size() const { return nul_chk_table_end() - nul_chk_table_begin(); }
virtual oop* oop_addr_at(int index) const = 0;
virtual Metadata** metadata_addr_at(int index) const = 0;
// Exception cache support
// Note: _exception_cache may be read and cleaned concurrently.
ExceptionCache* exception_cache() const { return _exception_cache; }
ExceptionCache* exception_cache_acquire() const;
void set_exception_cache(ExceptionCache *ec) { _exception_cache = ec; }
address handler_for_exception_and_pc(Handle exception, address pc);
void add_handler_for_exception_and_pc(Handle exception, address pc, address handler);
void clean_exception_cache();
void add_exception_cache_entry(ExceptionCache* new_entry);
ExceptionCache* exception_cache_entry_for_exception(Handle exception);
// MethodHandle
bool is_method_handle_return(address return_pc);
address deopt_mh_handler_begin() const { return _deopt_mh_handler_begin; }
address deopt_handler_begin() const { return _deopt_handler_begin; }
address* deopt_handler_begin_addr() { return &_deopt_handler_begin; }
// Deopt
// Return true is the PC is one would expect if the frame is being deopted.
inline bool is_deopt_pc(address pc);
inline bool is_deopt_mh_entry(address pc);
inline bool is_deopt_entry(address pc);
// Accessor/mutator for the original pc of a frame before a frame was deopted.
address get_original_pc(const frame* fr) { return *orig_pc_addr(fr); }
void set_original_pc(const frame* fr, address pc) { *orig_pc_addr(fr) = pc; }
virtual int orig_pc_offset() = 0;
address* orig_pc_addr(const frame* fr);
virtual const char* compile_kind() const = 0;
virtual int get_state() const = 0;
const char* state() const;
bool inlinecache_check_contains(address addr) const {
return (addr >= code_begin() && addr < verified_entry_point());
void preserve_callee_argument_oops(frame fr, const RegisterMap *reg_map, OopClosure* f);
// implicit exceptions support
address continuation_for_implicit_div0_exception(address pc) { return continuation_for_implicit_exception(pc, true); }
address continuation_for_implicit_null_exception(address pc) { return continuation_for_implicit_exception(pc, false); }
static address get_deopt_original_pc(const frame* fr);
// Inline cache support for class unloading and nmethod unloading
bool cleanup_inline_caches_impl(bool unloading_occurred, bool clean_all);
address continuation_for_implicit_exception(address pc, bool for_div0_check);
// Serial version used by whitebox test
void cleanup_inline_caches_whitebox();
virtual void clear_inline_caches();
void clear_ic_callsites();
// Execute nmethod barrier code, as if entering through nmethod call.
void run_nmethod_entry_barrier();
// Verify and count cached icholder relocations.
int verify_icholder_relocations();
void verify_oop_relocations();
bool has_evol_metadata();
// Fast breakpoint support. Tells if this compiled method is
// dependent on the given method. Returns true if this nmethod
// corresponds to the given method as well.
virtual bool is_dependent_on_method(Method* dependee) = 0;
virtual NativeCallWrapper* call_wrapper_at(address call) const = 0;
virtual NativeCallWrapper* call_wrapper_before(address return_pc) const = 0;
virtual address call_instruction_address(address pc) const = 0;
virtual CompiledStaticCall* compiledStaticCall_at(Relocation* call_site) const = 0;
virtual CompiledStaticCall* compiledStaticCall_at(address addr) const = 0;
virtual CompiledStaticCall* compiledStaticCall_before(address addr) const = 0;
Method* attached_method(address call_pc);
Method* attached_method_before_pc(address pc);
virtual void metadata_do(MetadataClosure* f) = 0;
// GC support
address oops_reloc_begin() const;
bool static clean_ic_if_metadata_is_dead(CompiledIC *ic);
// GC unloading support
// Cleans unloaded klasses and unloaded nmethods in inline caches
virtual bool is_unloading() = 0;
bool unload_nmethod_caches(bool class_unloading_occurred);
virtual void do_unloading(bool unloading_occurred) = 0;
PcDesc* find_pc_desc(address pc, bool approximate) {
return _pc_desc_container.find_pc_desc(pc, approximate, PcDescSearch(code_begin(), scopes_pcs_begin(), scopes_pcs_end()));
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