* Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "code/compiledMethod.hpp"
#include "code/scopeDesc.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/barrierSet.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/barrierSetStackChunk.hpp"
#include "logging/log.hpp"
#include "logging/logStream.hpp"
#include "memory/memRegion.hpp"
#include "oops/instanceStackChunkKlass.inline.hpp"
#include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
#include "oops/stackChunkOop.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/frame.hpp"
#include "runtime/registerMap.hpp"
#include "runtime/smallRegisterMap.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/stackChunkFrameStream.inline.hpp"
template <typename RegisterMapT>
class FrameOopIterator : public OopIterator {
const frame& _f;
const RegisterMapT* _map;
FrameOopIterator(const frame& f, const RegisterMapT* map)
: _f(f),
_map(map) {
virtual void oops_do(OopClosure* cl) override {
if (_f.is_interpreted_frame()) {
_f.oops_interpreted_do(cl, nullptr);
} else {
OopMapDo<OopClosure, DerivedOopClosure, IncludeAllValues> visitor(cl, nullptr);
visitor.oops_do(&_f, _map, _f.oop_map());
frame stackChunkOopDesc::top_frame(RegisterMap* map) {
assert(!is_empty(), "");
StackChunkFrameStream<ChunkFrames::Mixed> fs(this);
frame f = fs.to_frame();
assert(to_offset(f.sp()) == sp(), "f.offset_sp(): %d sp(): %d async: %d", f.offset_sp(), sp(), map->is_async());
return f;
frame stackChunkOopDesc::sender(const frame& f, RegisterMap* map) {
assert(map->in_cont(), "");
assert(!map->include_argument_oops(), "");
assert(!f.is_empty(), "");
assert(map->stack_chunk() == this, "");
assert(!is_empty(), "");
int index = f.frame_index(); // we need to capture the index before calling derelativize, which destroys it
StackChunkFrameStream<ChunkFrames::Mixed> fs(this, derelativize(f));
if (!fs.is_done()) {
frame sender = fs.to_frame();
assert(is_usable_in_chunk(sender.unextended_sp()), "");
return sender;
if (parent() != nullptr) {
assert(!parent()->is_empty(), "");
return parent()->top_frame(map);
return Continuation::continuation_parent_frame(map);
static int num_java_frames(CompiledMethod* cm, address pc) {
int count = 0;
for (ScopeDesc* scope = cm->scope_desc_at(pc); scope != nullptr; scope = scope->sender()) {
return count;
static int num_java_frames(const StackChunkFrameStream<ChunkFrames::Mixed>& f) {
|| (f.cb() != nullptr && f.cb()->is_compiled() && f.cb()->as_compiled_method()->is_java_method()), "");
return f.is_interpreted() ? 1 : num_java_frames(f.cb()->as_compiled_method(), f.orig_pc());
int stackChunkOopDesc::num_java_frames() const {
int n = 0;
for (StackChunkFrameStream<ChunkFrames::Mixed> f(const_cast<stackChunkOopDesc*>(this)); !f.is_done();
f.next(SmallRegisterMap::instance)) {
if (!f.is_stub()) {
n += ::num_java_frames(f);
return n;
template <stackChunkOopDesc::BarrierType barrier>
class DoBarriersStackClosure {
const stackChunkOop _chunk;
DoBarriersStackClosure(stackChunkOop chunk) : _chunk(chunk) {}
template <ChunkFrames frame_kind, typename RegisterMapT>
bool do_frame(const StackChunkFrameStream<frame_kind>& f, const RegisterMapT* map) {
_chunk->do_barriers0<barrier>(f, map);
return true;
template <stackChunkOopDesc::BarrierType barrier>
void stackChunkOopDesc::do_barriers() {
DoBarriersStackClosure<barrier> closure(this);
template void stackChunkOopDesc::do_barriers<stackChunkOopDesc::BarrierType::Load> ();
template void stackChunkOopDesc::do_barriers<stackChunkOopDesc::BarrierType::Store>();
class DerivedPointersSupport {
static void relativize(oop* base_loc, derived_pointer* derived_loc) {
oop base = *base_loc;
if (base == nullptr) {
assert(!UseCompressedOops || !CompressedOops::is_base(base), "");
// This is always a full derived pointer
uintptr_t derived_int_val = *(uintptr_t*)derived_loc;
// Make the pointer an offset (relativize) and store it at the same location
uintptr_t offset = derived_int_val - cast_from_oop<uintptr_t>(base);
*(uintptr_t*)derived_loc = offset;
static void derelativize(oop* base_loc, derived_pointer* derived_loc) {
oop base = *base_loc;
if (base == nullptr) {
assert(!UseCompressedOops || !CompressedOops::is_base(base), "");
// All derived pointers should have been relativized into offsets
uintptr_t offset = *(uintptr_t*)derived_loc;
// Restore the original derived pointer
*(uintptr_t*)derived_loc = cast_from_oop<uintptr_t>(base) + offset;
struct RelativizeClosure : public DerivedOopClosure {
virtual void do_derived_oop(oop* base_loc, derived_pointer* derived_loc) override {
DerivedPointersSupport::relativize(base_loc, derived_loc);
struct DerelativizeClosure : public DerivedOopClosure {
virtual void do_derived_oop(oop* base_loc, derived_pointer* derived_loc) override {
DerivedPointersSupport::derelativize(base_loc, derived_loc);
template <typename DerivedPointerClosureType>
class EncodeGCModeConcurrentFrameClosure {
stackChunkOop _chunk;
DerivedPointerClosureType* _cl;
EncodeGCModeConcurrentFrameClosure(stackChunkOop chunk, DerivedPointerClosureType* cl)
: _chunk(chunk),
_cl(cl) {
template <ChunkFrames frame_kind, typename RegisterMapT>
bool do_frame(const StackChunkFrameStream<frame_kind>& f, const RegisterMapT* map) {
f.iterate_derived_pointers(_cl, map);
BarrierSetStackChunk* bs_chunk = BarrierSet::barrier_set()->barrier_set_stack_chunk();
frame fr = f.to_frame();
FrameOopIterator<RegisterMapT> iterator(fr, map);
bs_chunk->encode_gc_mode(_chunk, &iterator);
return true;
bool stackChunkOopDesc::try_acquire_relativization() {
for (;;) {
// We use an acquiring load when reading the flags to ensure that if we leave this
// function thinking that relativization is finished, we know that if another thread
// did the relativization, we will still be able to observe the relativized derived
// pointers, which is important as subsequent modifications of derived pointers must
// happen after relativization.
uint8_t flags_before = flags_acquire();
if ((flags_before & FLAG_GC_MODE) != 0) {
// Terminal state - relativization is ensured
return false;
if ((flags_before & FLAG_CLAIM_RELATIVIZE) != 0) {
// Someone else has claimed relativization - wait for completion
MonitorLocker ml(ContinuationRelativize_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
uint8_t flags_under_lock = flags_acquire();
if ((flags_under_lock & FLAG_GC_MODE) != 0) {
// Terminal state - relativization is ensured
return false;
if ((flags_under_lock & FLAG_NOTIFY_RELATIVIZE) != 0) {
// Relativization is claimed by another thread, and it knows it needs to notify
} else if (try_set_flags(flags_under_lock, flags_under_lock | FLAG_NOTIFY_RELATIVIZE)) {
// Relativization is claimed by another thread, and it knows it needs to notify
// Retry - rerun the loop
if (try_set_flags(flags_before, flags_before | FLAG_CLAIM_RELATIVIZE)) {
// Claimed relativization - let's do it
return true;
void stackChunkOopDesc::release_relativization() {
for (;;) {
uint8_t flags_before = flags();
if ((flags_before & FLAG_NOTIFY_RELATIVIZE) != 0) {
MonitorLocker ml(ContinuationRelativize_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
// No need to CAS the terminal state; nobody else can be racingly mutating here
// as both claim and notify flags are already set (and monotonic)
// We do however need to use a releasing store on the flags, to ensure that
// the reader of that value (using load_acquire) will be able to observe
// the relativization of the derived pointers
uint8_t flags_under_lock = flags();
release_set_flags(flags_under_lock | FLAG_GC_MODE);
if (try_set_flags(flags_before, flags_before | FLAG_GC_MODE)) {
// Successfully set the terminal state; we are done
void stackChunkOopDesc::relativize_derived_pointers_concurrently() {
if (!try_acquire_relativization()) {
// Already relativized
DerivedPointersSupport::RelativizeClosure derived_cl;
EncodeGCModeConcurrentFrameClosure<decltype(derived_cl)> frame_cl(this, &derived_cl);
class TransformStackChunkClosure {
stackChunkOop _chunk;
TransformStackChunkClosure(stackChunkOop chunk) : _chunk(chunk) { }
template <ChunkFrames frame_kind, typename RegisterMapT>
bool do_frame(const StackChunkFrameStream<frame_kind>& f, const RegisterMapT* map) {
DerivedPointersSupport::RelativizeClosure derived_cl;
f.iterate_derived_pointers(&derived_cl, map);
BarrierSetStackChunk* bs_chunk = BarrierSet::barrier_set()->barrier_set_stack_chunk();
frame fr = f.to_frame();
FrameOopIterator<RegisterMapT> iterator(fr, map);
bs_chunk->encode_gc_mode(_chunk, &iterator);
return true;
void stackChunkOopDesc::transform() {
assert(!is_gc_mode(), "Should only be called once per chunk");
assert(!has_bitmap(), "Should only be set once");
TransformStackChunkClosure closure(this);
template <stackChunkOopDesc::BarrierType barrier, bool compressedOopsWithBitmap>
class BarrierClosure: public OopClosure {
NOT_PRODUCT(intptr_t* _sp;)
BarrierClosure(intptr_t* sp) NOT_PRODUCT(: _sp(sp)) {}
virtual void do_oop(oop* p) override { compressedOopsWithBitmap ? do_oop_work((narrowOop*)p) : do_oop_work(p); }
virtual void do_oop(narrowOop* p) override { do_oop_work(p); }
template <class T> inline void do_oop_work(T* p) {
oop value = (oop)HeapAccess<>::oop_load(p);
if (barrier == stackChunkOopDesc::BarrierType::Store) {
HeapAccess<>::oop_store(p, value);
template <stackChunkOopDesc::BarrierType barrier, ChunkFrames frame_kind, typename RegisterMapT>
void stackChunkOopDesc::do_barriers0(const StackChunkFrameStream<frame_kind>& f, const RegisterMapT* map) {
// We need to invoke the write barriers so as not to miss oops in old chunks that haven't yet been concurrently scanned
assert (!f.is_done(), "");
if (f.is_interpreted()) {
Method* m = f.to_frame().interpreter_frame_method();
// Class redefinition support
} else if (f.is_compiled()) {
nmethod* nm = f.cb()->as_nmethod();
// The entry barrier takes care of having the right synchronization
// when keeping the nmethod alive during concurrent execution.
// There is no need to mark the Method, as class redefinition will walk the
// CodeCache, noting their Methods
if (has_bitmap() && UseCompressedOops) {
BarrierClosure<barrier, true> oops_closure(f.sp());
f.iterate_oops(&oops_closure, map);
} else {
BarrierClosure<barrier, false> oops_closure(f.sp());
f.iterate_oops(&oops_closure, map);
template void stackChunkOopDesc::do_barriers0<stackChunkOopDesc::BarrierType::Load> (const StackChunkFrameStream<ChunkFrames::Mixed>& f, const RegisterMap* map);
template void stackChunkOopDesc::do_barriers0<stackChunkOopDesc::BarrierType::Store>(const StackChunkFrameStream<ChunkFrames::Mixed>& f, const RegisterMap* map);
template void stackChunkOopDesc::do_barriers0<stackChunkOopDesc::BarrierType::Load> (const StackChunkFrameStream<ChunkFrames::CompiledOnly>& f, const RegisterMap* map);
template void stackChunkOopDesc::do_barriers0<stackChunkOopDesc::BarrierType::Store>(const StackChunkFrameStream<ChunkFrames::CompiledOnly>& f, const RegisterMap* map);
template void stackChunkOopDesc::do_barriers0<stackChunkOopDesc::BarrierType::Load> (const StackChunkFrameStream<ChunkFrames::Mixed>& f, const SmallRegisterMap* map);
template void stackChunkOopDesc::do_barriers0<stackChunkOopDesc::BarrierType::Store>(const StackChunkFrameStream<ChunkFrames::Mixed>& f, const SmallRegisterMap* map);
template void stackChunkOopDesc::do_barriers0<stackChunkOopDesc::BarrierType::Load> (const StackChunkFrameStream<ChunkFrames::CompiledOnly>& f, const SmallRegisterMap* map);
template void stackChunkOopDesc::do_barriers0<stackChunkOopDesc::BarrierType::Store>(const StackChunkFrameStream<ChunkFrames::CompiledOnly>& f, const SmallRegisterMap* map);
template <typename RegisterMapT>
void stackChunkOopDesc::fix_thawed_frame(const frame& f, const RegisterMapT* map) {
if (!(is_gc_mode() || requires_barriers())) {
BarrierSetStackChunk* bs_chunk = BarrierSet::barrier_set()->barrier_set_stack_chunk();
FrameOopIterator<RegisterMapT> iterator(f, map);
bs_chunk->decode_gc_mode(this, &iterator);
if (f.is_compiled_frame() && f.oop_map()->has_derived_oops()) {
DerivedPointersSupport::DerelativizeClosure derived_closure;
OopMapDo<OopClosure, DerivedPointersSupport::DerelativizeClosure, SkipNullValue> visitor(nullptr, &derived_closure);
visitor.oops_do(&f, map, f.oop_map());
template void stackChunkOopDesc::fix_thawed_frame(const frame& f, const RegisterMap* map);
template void stackChunkOopDesc::fix_thawed_frame(const frame& f, const SmallRegisterMap* map);
void stackChunkOopDesc::print_on(bool verbose, outputStream* st) const {
if (*((juint*)this) == badHeapWordVal) {
st->print("BAD WORD");
} else if (*((juint*)this) == badMetaWordVal) {
st->print("BAD META WORD");
} else {
InstanceStackChunkKlass::print_chunk(const_cast<stackChunkOopDesc*>(this), verbose, st);
#ifdef ASSERT
class StackChunkVerifyOopsClosure : public OopClosure {
stackChunkOop _chunk;
int _count;
StackChunkVerifyOopsClosure(stackChunkOop chunk)
: _chunk(chunk), _count(0) {}
void do_oop(oop* p) override { (_chunk->has_bitmap() && UseCompressedOops) ? do_oop_work((narrowOop*)p) : do_oop_work(p); }
void do_oop(narrowOop* p) override { do_oop_work(p); }
template <typename T> inline void do_oop_work(T* p) {
oop obj = _chunk->load_oop(p);
assert(obj == nullptr || dbg_is_good_oop(obj), "p: " PTR_FORMAT " obj: " PTR_FORMAT, p2i(p), p2i(obj));
if (_chunk->has_bitmap()) {
BitMap::idx_t index = _chunk->bit_index_for(p);
assert(_chunk->bitmap().at(index), "Bit not set at index " SIZE_FORMAT " corresponding to " PTR_FORMAT, index, p2i(p));
int count() const { return _count; }
class VerifyStackChunkFrameClosure {
stackChunkOop _chunk;
intptr_t* _sp;
CodeBlob* _cb;
bool _callee_interpreted;
int _size;
int _argsize;
int _num_oops;
int _num_frames;
int _num_interpreted_frames;
int _num_i2c;
VerifyStackChunkFrameClosure(stackChunkOop chunk, int num_frames, int size)
: _chunk(chunk), _sp(nullptr), _cb(nullptr), _callee_interpreted(false),
_size(size), _argsize(0), _num_oops(0), _num_frames(num_frames), _num_interpreted_frames(0), _num_i2c(0) {}
template <ChunkFrames frame_kind, typename RegisterMapT>
bool do_frame(const StackChunkFrameStream<frame_kind>& f, const RegisterMapT* map) {
_sp = f.sp();
_cb = f.cb();
int fsize = f.frame_size() - ((f.is_interpreted() == _callee_interpreted) ? _argsize : 0);
int num_oops = f.num_oops();
assert(num_oops >= 0, "");
_argsize = f.stack_argsize() + frame::metadata_words_at_top;
_size += fsize;
_num_oops += num_oops;
if (f.is_interpreted()) {
log_develop_trace(continuations)("debug_verify_stack_chunk frame: %d sp: " INTPTR_FORMAT " pc: " PTR_FORMAT " interpreted: %d size: %d argsize: %d oops: %d", _num_frames, f.sp() - _chunk->start_address(), p2i(f.pc()), f.is_interpreted(), fsize, _argsize, num_oops);
LogTarget(Trace, continuations) lt;
if (lt.develop_is_enabled()) {
LogStream ls(lt);
assert(f.pc() != nullptr,
"young: %d num_frames: %d sp: " PTR_FORMAT " start: " PTR_FORMAT " end: " PTR_FORMAT,
!_chunk->requires_barriers(), _num_frames, p2i(f.sp()), p2i(_chunk->start_address()), p2i(_chunk->bottom_address()));
if (_num_frames == 0) {
assert(f.pc() == _chunk->pc(), "");
if (_num_frames > 0 && !_callee_interpreted && f.is_interpreted()) {
log_develop_trace(continuations)("debug_verify_stack_chunk i2c");
StackChunkVerifyOopsClosure oops_closure(_chunk);
f.iterate_oops(&oops_closure, map);
assert(oops_closure.count() == num_oops, "oops: %d oopmap->num_oops(): %d", oops_closure.count(), num_oops);
_callee_interpreted = f.is_interpreted();
return true;
template <typename T>
class StackChunkVerifyBitmapClosure : public BitMapClosure {
stackChunkOop _chunk;
int _count;
StackChunkVerifyBitmapClosure(stackChunkOop chunk) : _chunk(chunk), _count(0) {}
bool do_bit(BitMap::idx_t index) override {
T* p = _chunk->address_for_bit<T>(index);
oop obj = _chunk->load_oop(p);
assert(obj == nullptr || dbg_is_good_oop(obj),
"p: " PTR_FORMAT " obj: " PTR_FORMAT " index: " SIZE_FORMAT,
p2i(p), p2i((oopDesc*)obj), index);
return true; // continue processing
bool stackChunkOopDesc::verify(size_t* out_size, int* out_oops, int* out_frames, int* out_interpreted_frames) {
DEBUG_ONLY(if (!VerifyContinuations) return true;)
assert(oopDesc::is_oop(this), "");
assert(stack_size() >= 0, "");
assert(argsize() >= 0, "");
assert(!has_bitmap() || is_gc_mode(), "");
if (is_empty()) {
assert(argsize() == 0, "");
assert(max_thawing_size() == 0, "");
assert(oopDesc::is_oop_or_null(parent()), "");
const bool concurrent = !Thread::current()->is_Java_thread();
// If argsize == 0 and the chunk isn't mixed, the chunk contains the metadata (pc, fp -- frame::sender_sp_offset)
// for the top frame (below sp), and *not* for the bottom frame.
int size = stack_size() - argsize() - sp();
assert(size >= 0, "");
assert((size == 0) == is_empty(), "");
const StackChunkFrameStream<ChunkFrames::Mixed> first(this);
const bool has_safepoint_stub_frame = first.is_stub();
VerifyStackChunkFrameClosure closure(this,
has_safepoint_stub_frame ? 1 : 0, // Iterate_stack skips the safepoint stub
has_safepoint_stub_frame ? first.frame_size() : 0);
assert(!is_empty() || closure._cb == nullptr, "");
if (closure._cb != nullptr && closure._cb->is_compiled()) {
assert(argsize() ==
(closure._cb->as_compiled_method()->method()->num_stack_arg_slots()*VMRegImpl::stack_slot_size) >>LogBytesPerWord,
"chunk argsize: %d bottom frame argsize: %d", argsize(),
(closure._cb->as_compiled_method()->method()->num_stack_arg_slots()*VMRegImpl::stack_slot_size) >>LogBytesPerWord);
assert(closure._num_interpreted_frames == 0 || has_mixed_frames(), "");
if (!concurrent) {
assert(closure._size <= size + argsize() + frame::metadata_words,
"size: %d argsize: %d closure.size: %d end sp: " PTR_FORMAT " start sp: %d chunk size: %d",
size, argsize(), closure._size, closure._sp - start_address(), sp(), stack_size());
assert(argsize() == closure._argsize - (closure._num_frames > 0 ? frame::metadata_words_at_top : 0),
"argsize(): %d closure.argsize: %d closure.callee_interpreted: %d",
argsize(), closure._argsize, closure._callee_interpreted);
int calculated_max_size = closure._size
+ closure._num_i2c * frame::align_wiggle
+ closure._num_interpreted_frames * frame::align_wiggle;
assert(max_thawing_size() == calculated_max_size,
"max_size(): %d calculated_max_size: %d argsize: %d num_i2c: %d",
max_thawing_size(), calculated_max_size, closure._argsize, closure._num_i2c);
if (out_size != nullptr) *out_size += size;
if (out_oops != nullptr) *out_oops += closure._num_oops;
if (out_frames != nullptr) *out_frames += closure._num_frames;
if (out_interpreted_frames != nullptr) *out_interpreted_frames += closure._num_interpreted_frames;
} else {
assert(out_size == nullptr, "");
assert(out_oops == nullptr, "");
assert(out_frames == nullptr, "");
assert(out_interpreted_frames == nullptr, "");
if (has_bitmap()) {
assert(bitmap().size() == InstanceStackChunkKlass::bitmap_size_in_bits(stack_size()),
"bitmap().size(): %zu stack_size: %d",
bitmap().size(), stack_size());
int oop_count;
if (UseCompressedOops) {
StackChunkVerifyBitmapClosure<narrowOop> bitmap_closure(this);
bit_index_for((narrowOop*)(sp_address() - frame::metadata_words_at_bottom)),
oop_count = bitmap_closure._count;
} else {
StackChunkVerifyBitmapClosure<oop> bitmap_closure(this);
bit_index_for((oop*)(sp_address() - frame::metadata_words_at_bottom)),
oop_count = bitmap_closure._count;
assert(oop_count == closure._num_oops,
"bitmap_closure._count: %d closure._num_oops: %d", oop_count, closure._num_oops);
return true;
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