* Copyright (c) 1997, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/barrierSet.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/c2/barrierSetC2.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
#include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
#include "opto/block.hpp"
#include "opto/callnode.hpp"
#include "opto/castnode.hpp"
#include "opto/cfgnode.hpp"
#include "opto/idealGraphPrinter.hpp"
#include "opto/loopnode.hpp"
#include "opto/machnode.hpp"
#include "opto/opcodes.hpp"
#include "opto/phaseX.hpp"
#include "opto/regalloc.hpp"
#include "opto/rootnode.hpp"
#include "utilities/macros.hpp"
#include "utilities/powerOfTwo.hpp"
NodeHash::NodeHash(uint est_max_size) :
_max( round_up(est_max_size < NODE_HASH_MINIMUM_SIZE ? NODE_HASH_MINIMUM_SIZE : est_max_size) ),
_inserts(0), _insert_limit( insert_limit() ),
_table( NEW_ARENA_ARRAY( _a , Node* , _max ) ) // (Node**)_a->Amalloc(_max * sizeof(Node*)) ),
#ifndef PRODUCT
, _grows(0),_look_probes(0), _lookup_hits(0), _lookup_misses(0),
_insert_probes(0), _delete_probes(0), _delete_hits(0), _delete_misses(0),
_total_inserts(0), _total_insert_probes(0)
// _sentinel must be in the current node space
_sentinel = new ProjNode(NULL, TypeFunc::Control);
NodeHash::NodeHash(Arena *arena, uint est_max_size) :
_max( round_up(est_max_size < NODE_HASH_MINIMUM_SIZE ? NODE_HASH_MINIMUM_SIZE : est_max_size) ),
_inserts(0), _insert_limit( insert_limit() ),
_table( NEW_ARENA_ARRAY( _a , Node* , _max ) )
#ifndef PRODUCT
, _grows(0),_look_probes(0), _lookup_hits(0), _lookup_misses(0),
_insert_probes(0), _delete_probes(0), _delete_hits(0), _delete_misses(0),
_total_inserts(0), _total_insert_probes(0)
// _sentinel must be in the current node space
_sentinel = new ProjNode(NULL, TypeFunc::Control);
NodeHash::NodeHash(NodeHash *nh) {
debug_only(_table = (Node**)badAddress); // interact correctly w/ operator=
// just copy in all the fields
*this = *nh;
// nh->_sentinel must be in the current node space
void NodeHash::replace_with(NodeHash *nh) {
debug_only(_table = (Node**)badAddress); // interact correctly w/ operator=
// just copy in all the fields
*this = *nh;
// nh->_sentinel must be in the current node space
// Find in hash table
Node *NodeHash::hash_find( const Node *n ) {
// ((Node*)n)->set_hash( n->hash() );
uint hash = n->hash();
if (hash == Node::NO_HASH) {
NOT_PRODUCT( _lookup_misses++ );
return NULL;
uint key = hash & (_max-1);
uint stride = key | 0x01;
NOT_PRODUCT( _look_probes++ );
Node *k = _table[key]; // Get hashed value
if( !k ) { // ?Miss?
NOT_PRODUCT( _lookup_misses++ );
return NULL; // Miss!
int op = n->Opcode();
uint req = n->req();
while( 1 ) { // While probing hash table
if( k->req() == req && // Same count of inputs
k->Opcode() == op ) { // Same Opcode
for( uint i=0; i<req; i++ )
if( n->in(i)!=k->in(i)) // Different inputs?
goto collision; // "goto" is a speed hack...
if( n->cmp(*k) ) { // Check for any special bits
NOT_PRODUCT( _lookup_hits++ );
return k; // Hit!
NOT_PRODUCT( _look_probes++ );
key = (key + stride/*7*/) & (_max-1); // Stride through table with relative prime
k = _table[key]; // Get hashed value
if( !k ) { // ?Miss?
NOT_PRODUCT( _lookup_misses++ );
return NULL; // Miss!
return NULL;
// Find in hash table, insert if not already present
// Used to preserve unique entries in hash table
Node *NodeHash::hash_find_insert( Node *n ) {
// n->set_hash( );
uint hash = n->hash();
if (hash == Node::NO_HASH) {
NOT_PRODUCT( _lookup_misses++ );
return NULL;
uint key = hash & (_max-1);
uint stride = key | 0x01; // stride must be relatively prime to table siz
uint first_sentinel = 0; // replace a sentinel if seen.
NOT_PRODUCT( _look_probes++ );
Node *k = _table[key]; // Get hashed value
if( !k ) { // ?Miss?
NOT_PRODUCT( _lookup_misses++ );
_table[key] = n; // Insert into table!
debug_only(n->enter_hash_lock()); // Lock down the node while in the table.
check_grow(); // Grow table if insert hit limit
return NULL; // Miss!
else if( k == _sentinel ) {
first_sentinel = key; // Can insert here
int op = n->Opcode();
uint req = n->req();
while( 1 ) { // While probing hash table
if( k->req() == req && // Same count of inputs
k->Opcode() == op ) { // Same Opcode
for( uint i=0; i<req; i++ )
if( n->in(i)!=k->in(i)) // Different inputs?
goto collision; // "goto" is a speed hack...
if( n->cmp(*k) ) { // Check for any special bits
NOT_PRODUCT( _lookup_hits++ );
return k; // Hit!
NOT_PRODUCT( _look_probes++ );
key = (key + stride) & (_max-1); // Stride through table w/ relative prime
k = _table[key]; // Get hashed value
if( !k ) { // ?Miss?
NOT_PRODUCT( _lookup_misses++ );
key = (first_sentinel == 0) ? key : first_sentinel; // ?saw sentinel?
_table[key] = n; // Insert into table!
debug_only(n->enter_hash_lock()); // Lock down the node while in the table.
check_grow(); // Grow table if insert hit limit
return NULL; // Miss!
else if( first_sentinel == 0 && k == _sentinel ) {
first_sentinel = key; // Can insert here
return NULL;
// Insert into hash table
void NodeHash::hash_insert( Node *n ) {
// // "conflict" comments -- print nodes that conflict
// bool conflict = false;
// n->set_hash();
uint hash = n->hash();
if (hash == Node::NO_HASH) {
uint key = hash & (_max-1);
uint stride = key | 0x01;
while( 1 ) { // While probing hash table
NOT_PRODUCT( _insert_probes++ );
Node *k = _table[key]; // Get hashed value
if( !k || (k == _sentinel) ) break; // Found a slot
assert( k != n, "already inserted" );
// if( PrintCompilation && PrintOptoStatistics && Verbose ) { tty->print(" conflict: "); k->dump(); conflict = true; }
key = (key + stride) & (_max-1); // Stride through table w/ relative prime
_table[key] = n; // Insert into table!
debug_only(n->enter_hash_lock()); // Lock down the node while in the table.
// if( conflict ) { n->dump(); }
// Replace in hash table with sentinel
bool NodeHash::hash_delete( const Node *n ) {
Node *k;
uint hash = n->hash();
if (hash == Node::NO_HASH) {
NOT_PRODUCT( _delete_misses++ );
return false;
uint key = hash & (_max-1);
uint stride = key | 0x01;
debug_only( uint counter = 0; );
for( ; /* (k != NULL) && (k != _sentinel) */; ) {
debug_only( counter++ );
NOT_PRODUCT( _delete_probes++ );
k = _table[key]; // Get hashed value
if( !k ) { // Miss?
NOT_PRODUCT( _delete_misses++ );
return false; // Miss! Not in chain
else if( n == k ) {
NOT_PRODUCT( _delete_hits++ );
_table[key] = _sentinel; // Hit! Label as deleted entry
debug_only(((Node*)n)->exit_hash_lock()); // Unlock the node upon removal from table.
return true;
else {
// collision: move through table with prime offset
key = (key + stride/*7*/) & (_max-1);
assert( counter <= _insert_limit, "Cycle in hash-table");
return false;
// Round up to nearest power of 2
uint NodeHash::round_up(uint x) {
x += (x >> 2); // Add 25% slop
return MAX2(16U, round_up_power_of_2(x));
// Grow _table to next power of 2 and insert old entries
void NodeHash::grow() {
// Record old state
uint old_max = _max;
Node **old_table = _table;
// Construct new table with twice the space
#ifndef PRODUCT
_total_inserts += _inserts;
_total_insert_probes += _insert_probes;
_insert_probes = 0;
_inserts = 0;
_max = _max << 1;
_table = NEW_ARENA_ARRAY( _a , Node* , _max ); // (Node**)_a->Amalloc( _max * sizeof(Node*) );
_insert_limit = insert_limit();
// Insert old entries into the new table
for( uint i = 0; i < old_max; i++ ) {
Node *m = *old_table++;
if( !m || m == _sentinel ) continue;
debug_only(m->exit_hash_lock()); // Unlock the node upon removal from old table.
// Clear all entries in _table to NULL but keep storage
void NodeHash::clear() {
#ifdef ASSERT
// Unlock all nodes upon removal from table.
for (uint i = 0; i < _max; i++) {
Node* n = _table[i];
if (!n || n == _sentinel) continue;
memset( _table, 0, _max * sizeof(Node*) );
// Remove useless nodes from value table,
// implementation does not depend on hash function
void NodeHash::remove_useless_nodes(VectorSet &useful) {
// Dead nodes in the hash table inherited from GVN should not replace
// existing nodes, remove dead nodes.
uint max = size();
Node *sentinel_node = sentinel();
for( uint i = 0; i < max; ++i ) {
Node *n = at(i);
if(n != NULL && n != sentinel_node && !useful.test(n->_idx)) {
debug_only(n->exit_hash_lock()); // Unlock the node when removed
_table[i] = sentinel_node; // Replace with placeholder
void NodeHash::check_no_speculative_types() {
#ifdef ASSERT
uint max = size();
Unique_Node_List live_nodes;
Node *sentinel_node = sentinel();
for (uint i = 0; i < max; ++i) {
Node *n = at(i);
if (n != NULL &&
n != sentinel_node &&
n->is_Type() &&
live_nodes.member(n)) {
TypeNode* tn = n->as_Type();
const Type* t = tn->type();
const Type* t_no_spec = t->remove_speculative();
assert(t == t_no_spec, "dead node in hash table or missed node during speculative cleanup");
#ifndef PRODUCT
// Dump statistics for the hash table
void NodeHash::dump() {
_total_inserts += _inserts;
_total_insert_probes += _insert_probes;
if (PrintCompilation && PrintOptoStatistics && Verbose && (_inserts > 0)) {
if (WizardMode) {
for (uint i=0; i<_max; i++) {
if (_table[i])
tty->print("%d/%d/%d ",i,_table[i]->hash()&(_max-1),_table[i]->_idx);
tty->print("\nGVN Hash stats: %d grows to %d max_size\n", _grows, _max);
tty->print(" %d/%d (%8.1f%% full)\n", _inserts, _max, (double)_inserts/_max*100.0);
tty->print(" %dp/(%dh+%dm) (%8.2f probes/lookup)\n", _look_probes, _lookup_hits, _lookup_misses, (double)_look_probes/(_lookup_hits+_lookup_misses));
tty->print(" %dp/%di (%8.2f probes/insert)\n", _total_insert_probes, _total_inserts, (double)_total_insert_probes/_total_inserts);
// sentinels increase lookup cost, but not insert cost
assert((_lookup_misses+_lookup_hits)*4+100 >= _look_probes, "bad hash function");
assert( _inserts+(_inserts>>3) < _max, "table too full" );
assert( _inserts*3+100 >= _insert_probes, "bad hash function" );
Node *NodeHash::find_index(uint idx) { // For debugging
// Find an entry by its index value
for( uint i = 0; i < _max; i++ ) {
Node *m = _table[i];
if( !m || m == _sentinel ) continue;
if( m->_idx == (uint)idx ) return m;
return NULL;
#ifdef ASSERT
NodeHash::~NodeHash() {
// Unlock all nodes upon destruction of table.
if (_table != (Node**)badAddress) clear();
void NodeHash::operator=(const NodeHash& nh) {
// Unlock all nodes upon replacement of table.
if (&nh == this) return;
if (_table != (Node**)badAddress) clear();
memcpy((void*)this, (void*)&nh, sizeof(*this));
// Do not increment hash_lock counts again.
// Instead, be sure we never again use the source table.
((NodeHash*)&nh)->_table = (Node**)badAddress;
// 1) Use a breadthfirst walk to collect useful nodes reachable from root.
PhaseRemoveUseless::PhaseRemoveUseless(PhaseGVN* gvn, Unique_Node_List* worklist, PhaseNumber phase_num) : Phase(phase_num) {
// Implementation requires an edge from root to each SafePointNode
// at a backward branch. Inserted in add_safepoint().
// Identify nodes that are reachable from below, useful.
// Update dead node list
// Remove all useless nodes from PhaseValues' recorded types
// Must be done before disconnecting nodes to preserve hash-table-invariant
// Remove all useless nodes from future worklist
// Disconnect 'useless' nodes that are adjacent to useful nodes
C->disconnect_useless_nodes(_useful, worklist);
// First, remove useless nodes (equivalent to identifying live nodes).
// Then, renumber live nodes.
// The set of live nodes is returned by PhaseRemoveUseless in the _useful structure.
// If the number of live nodes is 'x' (where 'x' == _useful.size()), then the
// PhaseRenumberLive updates the node ID of each node (the _idx field) with a unique
// value in the range [0, x).
// At the end of the PhaseRenumberLive phase, the compiler's count of unique nodes is
// updated to 'x' and the list of dead nodes is reset (as there are no dead nodes).
// The PhaseRenumberLive phase updates two data structures with the new node IDs.
// (1) The worklist is used by the PhaseIterGVN phase to identify nodes that must be
// processed. A new worklist (with the updated node IDs) is returned in 'new_worklist'.
// 'worklist' is cleared upon returning.
// (2) Type information (the field PhaseGVN::_types) maps type information to each
// node ID. The mapping is updated to use the new node IDs as well. Updated type
// information is returned in PhaseGVN::_types.
// The PhaseRenumberLive phase does not preserve the order of elements in the worklist.
// Other data structures used by the compiler are not updated. The hash table for value
// numbering (the field PhaseGVN::_table) is not updated because computing the hash
// values is not based on node IDs. The field PhaseGVN::_nodes is not updated either
// because it is empty wherever PhaseRenumberLive is used.
PhaseRenumberLive::PhaseRenumberLive(PhaseGVN* gvn,
Unique_Node_List* worklist, Unique_Node_List* new_worklist,
PhaseNumber phase_num) :
PhaseRemoveUseless(gvn, worklist, Remove_Useless_And_Renumber_Live),
_old2new_map(C->unique(), C->unique(), -1),
assert(RenumberLiveNodes, "RenumberLiveNodes must be set to true for node renumbering to take place");
assert(C->live_nodes() == _useful.size(), "the number of live nodes must match the number of useful nodes");
assert(gvn->nodes_size() == 0, "GVN must not contain any nodes at this point");
assert(_delayed.size() == 0, "should be empty");
uint worklist_size = worklist->size();
// Iterate over the set of live nodes.
for (uint current_idx = 0; current_idx < _useful.size(); current_idx++) {
Node* n = _useful.at(current_idx);
bool in_worklist = false;
if (worklist->member(n)) {
in_worklist = true;
const Type* type = gvn->type_or_null(n);
_new_type_array.map(current_idx, type);
assert(_old2new_map.at(n->_idx) == -1, "already seen");
_old2new_map.at_put(n->_idx, current_idx);
n->set_idx(current_idx); // Update node ID.
if (in_worklist) {
if (update_embedded_ids(n) < 0) {
_delayed.push(n); // has embedded IDs; handle later
assert(worklist_size == new_worklist->size(), "the new worklist must have the same size as the original worklist");
assert(_live_node_count == _useful.size(), "all live nodes must be processed");
_is_pass_finished = true; // pass finished; safe to process delayed updates
while (_delayed.size() > 0) {
Node* n = _delayed.pop();
int no_of_updates = update_embedded_ids(n);
assert(no_of_updates > 0, "should be updated");
// Replace the compiler's type information with the updated type information.
// Update the unique node count of the compilation to the number of currently live nodes.
// Set the dead node count to 0 and reset dead node list.
// Clear the original worklist
int PhaseRenumberLive::new_index(int old_idx) {
assert(_is_pass_finished, "not finished");
if (_old2new_map.at(old_idx) == -1) { // absent
// Allocate a placeholder to preserve uniqueness
_old2new_map.at_put(old_idx, _live_node_count);
return _old2new_map.at(old_idx);
int PhaseRenumberLive::update_embedded_ids(Node* n) {
int no_of_updates = 0;
if (n->is_Phi()) {
PhiNode* phi = n->as_Phi();
if (phi->_inst_id != -1) {
if (!_is_pass_finished) {
return -1; // delay
int new_idx = new_index(phi->_inst_id);
assert(new_idx != -1, "");
phi->_inst_id = new_idx;
if (phi->_inst_mem_id != -1) {
if (!_is_pass_finished) {
return -1; // delay
int new_idx = new_index(phi->_inst_mem_id);
assert(new_idx != -1, "");
phi->_inst_mem_id = new_idx;
const Type* type = _new_type_array.fast_lookup(n->_idx);
if (type != NULL && type->isa_oopptr() && type->is_oopptr()->is_known_instance()) {
if (!_is_pass_finished) {
return -1; // delay
int old_idx = type->is_oopptr()->instance_id();
int new_idx = new_index(old_idx);
const Type* new_type = type->is_oopptr()->with_instance_id(new_idx);
_new_type_array.map(n->_idx, new_type);
return no_of_updates;
PhaseTransform::PhaseTransform( PhaseNumber pnum ) : Phase(pnum),
#ifndef PRODUCT
// Force allocation for currently existing nodes
_types.map(C->unique(), NULL);
PhaseTransform::PhaseTransform( Arena *arena, PhaseNumber pnum ) : Phase(pnum),
#ifndef PRODUCT
// Force allocation for currently existing nodes
_types.map(C->unique(), NULL);
// Initialize with previously generated type information
PhaseTransform::PhaseTransform( PhaseTransform *pt, PhaseNumber pnum ) : Phase(pnum),
#ifndef PRODUCT
void PhaseTransform::init_con_caches() {
const TypeInt* PhaseTransform::find_int_type(Node* n) {
if (n == NULL) return NULL;
// Call type_or_null(n) to determine node's type since we might be in
// parse phase and call n->Value() may return wrong type.
// (For example, a phi node at the beginning of loop parsing is not ready.)
const Type* t = type_or_null(n);
if (t == NULL) return NULL;
return t->isa_int();
const TypeLong* PhaseTransform::find_long_type(Node* n) {
if (n == NULL) return NULL;
// (See comment above on type_or_null.)
const Type* t = type_or_null(n);
if (t == NULL) return NULL;
return t->isa_long();
#ifndef PRODUCT
void PhaseTransform::dump_old2new_map() const {
void PhaseTransform::dump_new( uint nidx ) const {
for( uint i=0; i<_nodes.Size(); i++ )
if( _nodes[i] && _nodes[i]->_idx == nidx ) {
tty->print_cr("Old index= %d",i);
tty->print_cr("Node %d not found in the new indices", nidx);
void PhaseTransform::dump_types( ) const {
void PhaseTransform::dump_nodes_and_types(const Node* root, uint depth, bool only_ctrl) {
VectorSet visited;
dump_nodes_and_types_recur(root, depth, only_ctrl, visited);
void PhaseTransform::dump_nodes_and_types_recur( const Node *n, uint depth, bool only_ctrl, VectorSet &visited) {
if( !n ) return;
if( depth == 0 ) return;
if( visited.test_set(n->_idx) ) return;
for( uint i=0; i<n->len(); i++ ) {
if( only_ctrl && !(n->is_Region()) && i != TypeFunc::Control ) continue;
dump_nodes_and_types_recur( n->in(i), depth-1, only_ctrl, visited );
if (type_or_null(n) != NULL) {
tty->print(" "); type(n)->dump(); tty->cr();
// Set minimum table size to "255"
PhaseValues::PhaseValues( Arena *arena, uint est_max_size )
: PhaseTransform(arena, GVN), _table(arena, est_max_size), _iterGVN(false) {
NOT_PRODUCT( clear_new_values(); )
// Set minimum table size to "255"
PhaseValues::PhaseValues(PhaseValues* ptv)
: PhaseTransform(ptv, GVN), _table(&ptv->_table), _iterGVN(false) {
NOT_PRODUCT( clear_new_values(); )
#ifndef PRODUCT
PhaseValues::~PhaseValues() {
// Statistics for value progress and efficiency
if( PrintCompilation && Verbose && WizardMode ) {
tty->print("\n%sValues: %d nodes ---> %d/%d (%d)",
is_IterGVN() ? "Iter" : " ", C->unique(), made_progress(), made_transforms(), made_new_values());
if( made_transforms() != 0 ) {
tty->print_cr(" ratio %f", made_progress()/(float)made_transforms() );
} else {
ConNode* PhaseTransform::makecon(const Type *t) {
assert(t->singleton(), "must be a constant");
assert(!t->empty() || t == Type::TOP, "must not be vacuous range");
switch (t->base()) { // fast paths
case Type::Half:
case Type::Top: return (ConNode*) C->top();
case Type::Int: return intcon( t->is_int()->get_con() );
case Type::Long: return longcon( t->is_long()->get_con() );
default: break;
if (t->is_zero_type())
return zerocon(t->basic_type());
return uncached_makecon(t);
// Make an idealized constant - one of ConINode, ConPNode, etc.
ConNode* PhaseValues::uncached_makecon(const Type *t) {
assert(t->singleton(), "must be a constant");
ConNode* x = ConNode::make(t);
ConNode* k = (ConNode*)hash_find_insert(x); // Value numbering
if (k == NULL) {
set_type(x, t); // Missed, provide type mapping
GrowableArray<Node_Notes*>* nna = C->node_note_array();
if (nna != NULL) {
Node_Notes* loc = C->locate_node_notes(nna, x->_idx, true);
loc->clear(); // do not put debug info on constants
} else {
x->destruct(this); // Hit, destroy duplicate constant
x = k; // use existing constant
return x;
// Fast integer constant. Same as "transform(new ConINode(TypeInt::make(i)))"
ConINode* PhaseTransform::intcon(jint i) {
// Small integer? Check cache! Check that cached node is not dead
if (i >= _icon_min && i <= _icon_max) {
ConINode* icon = _icons[i-_icon_min];
if (icon != NULL && icon->in(TypeFunc::Control) != NULL)
return icon;
ConINode* icon = (ConINode*) uncached_makecon(TypeInt::make(i));
assert(icon->is_Con(), "");
if (i >= _icon_min && i <= _icon_max)
_icons[i-_icon_min] = icon; // Cache small integers
return icon;
// Fast long constant.
ConLNode* PhaseTransform::longcon(jlong l) {
// Small integer? Check cache! Check that cached node is not dead
if (l >= _lcon_min && l <= _lcon_max) {
ConLNode* lcon = _lcons[l-_lcon_min];
if (lcon != NULL && lcon->in(TypeFunc::Control) != NULL)
return lcon;
ConLNode* lcon = (ConLNode*) uncached_makecon(TypeLong::make(l));
assert(lcon->is_Con(), "");
if (l >= _lcon_min && l <= _lcon_max)
_lcons[l-_lcon_min] = lcon; // Cache small integers
return lcon;
ConNode* PhaseTransform::integercon(jlong l, BasicType bt) {
if (bt == T_INT) {
return intcon(checked_cast<jint>(l));
assert(bt == T_LONG, "not an integer");
return longcon(l);
// Fast zero or null constant. Same as "transform(ConNode::make(Type::get_zero_type(bt)))"
ConNode* PhaseTransform::zerocon(BasicType bt) {
assert((uint)bt <= _zcon_max, "domain check");
ConNode* zcon = _zcons[bt];
if (zcon != NULL && zcon->in(TypeFunc::Control) != NULL)
return zcon;
zcon = (ConNode*) uncached_makecon(Type::get_zero_type(bt));
_zcons[bt] = zcon;
return zcon;
Node* PhaseGVN::apply_ideal(Node* k, bool can_reshape) {
Node* i = BarrierSet::barrier_set()->barrier_set_c2()->ideal_node(this, k, can_reshape);
if (i == NULL) {
i = k->Ideal(this, can_reshape);
return i;
// Return a node which computes the same function as this node, but in a
// faster or cheaper fashion.
Node *PhaseGVN::transform( Node *n ) {
return transform_no_reclaim(n);
// Return a node which computes the same function as this node, but
// in a faster or cheaper fashion.
Node *PhaseGVN::transform_no_reclaim(Node *n) {
NOT_PRODUCT( set_transforms(); )
// Apply the Ideal call in a loop until it no longer applies
Node* k = n;
Node* i = apply_ideal(k, /*can_reshape=*/false);
NOT_PRODUCT(uint loop_count = 1;)
while (i != NULL) {
assert(i->_idx >= k->_idx, "Idealize should return new nodes, use Identity to return old nodes" );
k = i;
#ifdef ASSERT
if (loop_count >= K + C->live_nodes()) {
dump_infinite_loop_info(i, "PhaseGVN::transform_no_reclaim");
i = apply_ideal(k, /*can_reshape=*/false);
NOT_PRODUCT(if (loop_count != 0) { set_progress(); })
// If brand new node, make space in type array.
// Since I just called 'Value' to compute the set of run-time values
// for this Node, and 'Value' is non-local (and therefore expensive) I'll
// cache Value. Later requests for the local phase->type of this Node can
// use the cached Value instead of suffering with 'bottom_type'.
const Type* t = k->Value(this); // Get runtime Value set
assert(t != NULL, "value sanity");
if (type_or_null(k) != t) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
// Do not count initial visit to node as a transformation
if (type_or_null(k) == NULL) {
set_type(k, t);
// If k is a TypeNode, capture any more-precise type permanently into Node
if (t->singleton() && !k->is_Con()) {
return makecon(t); // Turn into a constant
// Now check for Identities
i = k->Identity(this); // Look for a nearby replacement
if (i != k) { // Found? Return replacement!
return i;
// Global Value Numbering
i = hash_find_insert(k); // Insert if new
if (i && (i != k)) {
// Return the pre-existing node
return i;
// Return Idealized original
return k;
bool PhaseGVN::is_dominator_helper(Node *d, Node *n, bool linear_only) {
if (d->is_top() || (d->is_Proj() && d->in(0)->is_top())) {
return false;
if (n->is_top() || (n->is_Proj() && n->in(0)->is_top())) {
return false;
assert(d->is_CFG() && n->is_CFG(), "must have CFG nodes");
int i = 0;
while (d != n) {
n = IfNode::up_one_dom(n, linear_only);
if (n == NULL || i >= 100) {
return false;
return true;
#ifdef ASSERT
// Check for a simple dead loop when a data node references itself directly
// or through an other data node excluding cons and phis.
void PhaseGVN::dead_loop_check( Node *n ) {
// Phi may reference itself in a loop
if (n != NULL && !n->is_dead_loop_safe() && !n->is_CFG()) {
// Do 2 levels check and only data inputs.
bool no_dead_loop = true;
uint cnt = n->req();
for (uint i = 1; i < cnt && no_dead_loop; i++) {
Node *in = n->in(i);
if (in == n) {
no_dead_loop = false;
} else if (in != NULL && !in->is_dead_loop_safe()) {
uint icnt = in->req();
for (uint j = 1; j < icnt && no_dead_loop; j++) {
if (in->in(j) == n || in->in(j) == in)
no_dead_loop = false;
if (!no_dead_loop) n->dump(3);
assert(no_dead_loop, "dead loop detected");
* Dumps information that can help to debug the problem. A debug
* build fails with an assert.
void PhaseGVN::dump_infinite_loop_info(Node* n, const char* where) {
assert(false, "infinite loop in %s", where);
// Initialize with previous PhaseIterGVN info; used by PhaseCCP
PhaseIterGVN::PhaseIterGVN(PhaseIterGVN* igvn) : PhaseGVN(igvn),
_stack(igvn->_stack ),
_iterGVN = true;
// Initialize with previous PhaseGVN info from Parser
PhaseIterGVN::PhaseIterGVN(PhaseGVN* gvn) : PhaseGVN(gvn),
// TODO: Before incremental inlining it was allocated only once and it was fine. Now that
// the constructor is used in incremental inlining, this consumes too much memory:
// _stack(C->live_nodes() >> 1),
// So, as a band-aid, we replace this by:
_stack(C->comp_arena(), 32),
_iterGVN = true;
uint max;
// Dead nodes in the hash table inherited from GVN were not treated as
// roots during def-use info creation; hence they represent an invisible
// use. Clear them out.
max = _table.size();
for( uint i = 0; i < max; ++i ) {
Node *n = _table.at(i);
if(n != NULL && n != _table.sentinel() && n->outcnt() == 0) {
if( n->is_top() ) continue;
// If remove_useless_nodes() has run, we expect no such nodes left.
assert(false, "remove_useless_nodes missed this node");
// Any Phis or Regions on the worklist probably had uses that could not
// make more progress because the uses were made while the Phis and Regions
// were in half-built states. Put all uses of Phis and Regions on worklist.
max = _worklist.size();
for( uint j = 0; j < max; j++ ) {
Node *n = _worklist.at(j);
uint uop = n->Opcode();
if( uop == Op_Phi || uop == Op_Region ||
n->is_Type() ||
n->is_Mem() )
void PhaseIterGVN::shuffle_worklist() {
if (_worklist.size() < 2) return;
for (uint i = _worklist.size() - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
uint j = C->random() % (i + 1);
swap(_worklist.adr()[i], _worklist.adr()[j]);
#ifndef PRODUCT
void PhaseIterGVN::verify_step(Node* n) {
if (VerifyIterativeGVN) {
ResourceMark rm;
VectorSet visited;
Node_List worklist;
_verify_window[_verify_counter % _verify_window_size] = n;
if (C->unique() < 1000 || 0 == _verify_counter % (C->unique() < 10000 ? 10 : 100)) {
Node::verify(-1, visited, worklist);
for (int i = 0; i < _verify_window_size; i++) {
Node* n = _verify_window[i];
if (n == NULL) {
if (n->in(0) == NodeSentinel) { // xform_idom
_verify_window[i] = n->in(1);
// Typical fanout is 1-2, so this call visits about 6 nodes.
if (!visited.test_set(n->_idx)) {
Node::verify(4, visited, worklist);
void PhaseIterGVN::trace_PhaseIterGVN(Node* n, Node* nn, const Type* oldtype) {
if (TraceIterativeGVN) {
uint wlsize = _worklist.size();
const Type* newtype = type_or_null(n);
if (nn != n) {
// print old node
tty->print("< ");
if (oldtype != newtype && oldtype != NULL) {
do { tty->print("\t"); } while (tty->position() < 16);
if (oldtype != newtype || nn != n) {
// print new node and/or new type
if (oldtype == NULL) {
tty->print("* ");
} else if (nn != n) {
tty->print("> ");
} else {
tty->print("= ");
if (newtype == NULL) {
} else {
do { tty->print("\t"); } while (tty->position() < 16);
if (Verbose && wlsize < _worklist.size()) {
tty->print(" Push {");
while (wlsize != _worklist.size()) {
Node* pushed = _worklist.at(wlsize++);
tty->print(" %d", pushed->_idx);
tty->print_cr(" }");
if (nn != n) {
// ignore n, it might be subsumed
verify_step((Node*) NULL);
void PhaseIterGVN::init_verifyPhaseIterGVN() {
_verify_counter = 0;
_verify_full_passes = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _verify_window_size; i++) {
_verify_window[i] = NULL;
#ifdef ASSERT
// Verify that all modified nodes are on _worklist
Unique_Node_List* modified_list = C->modified_nodes();
while (modified_list != NULL && modified_list->size()) {
Node* n = modified_list->pop();
if (!n->is_Con() && !_worklist.member(n)) {
fatal("modified node is not on IGVN._worklist");
void PhaseIterGVN::verify_PhaseIterGVN() {
#ifdef ASSERT
// Verify nodes with changed inputs.
Unique_Node_List* modified_list = C->modified_nodes();
while (modified_list != NULL && modified_list->size()) {
Node* n = modified_list->pop();
if (!n->is_Con()) { // skip Con nodes
fatal("modified node was not processed by IGVN.transform_old()");
if (VerifyIterativeGVN && PrintOpto) {
if (_verify_counter == _verify_full_passes) {
tty->print_cr("VerifyIterativeGVN: %d transforms and verify passes",
(int) _verify_full_passes);
} else {
tty->print_cr("VerifyIterativeGVN: %d transforms, %d full verify passes",
(int) _verify_counter, (int) _verify_full_passes);
#ifdef ASSERT
if (modified_list != NULL) {
while (modified_list->size() > 0) {
Node* n = modified_list->pop();
assert(false, "VerifyIterativeGVN: new modified node was added");
#endif /* PRODUCT */
#ifdef ASSERT
* Dumps information that can help to debug the problem. A debug
* build fails with an assert.
void PhaseIterGVN::dump_infinite_loop_info(Node* n, const char* where) {
assert(false, "infinite loop in %s", where);
* Prints out information about IGVN if the 'verbose' option is used.
void PhaseIterGVN::trace_PhaseIterGVN_verbose(Node* n, int num_processed) {
if (TraceIterativeGVN && Verbose) {
tty->print(" Pop ");
if ((num_processed % 100) == 0) {
#endif /* ASSERT */
void PhaseIterGVN::optimize() {
DEBUG_ONLY(uint num_processed = 0;)
if (StressIGVN) {
uint loop_count = 0;
// Pull from worklist and transform the node. If the node has changed,
// update edge info and put uses on worklist.
while(_worklist.size()) {
if (C->check_node_count(NodeLimitFudgeFactor * 2, "Out of nodes")) {
Node* n = _worklist.pop();
if (loop_count >= K * C->live_nodes()) {
DEBUG_ONLY(dump_infinite_loop_info(n, "PhaseIterGVN::optimize");)
C->record_method_not_compilable("infinite loop in PhaseIterGVN::optimize");
DEBUG_ONLY(trace_PhaseIterGVN_verbose(n, num_processed++);)
if (n->outcnt() != 0) {
NOT_PRODUCT(const Type* oldtype = type_or_null(n));
// Do the transformation
Node* nn = transform_old(n);
NOT_PRODUCT(trace_PhaseIterGVN(n, nn, oldtype);)
} else if (!n->is_top()) {
* Register a new node with the optimizer. Update the types array, the def-use
* info. Put on worklist.
Node* PhaseIterGVN::register_new_node_with_optimizer(Node* n, Node* orig) {
if (orig != NULL) C->copy_node_notes_to(n, orig);
return n;
// Non-recursive: idealize Node 'n' with respect to its inputs and its value
Node *PhaseIterGVN::transform( Node *n ) {
if (_delay_transform) {
// Register the node but don't optimize for now
return n;
// If brand new node, make space in type array, and give it a type.
if (type_or_null(n) == NULL) {
return transform_old(n);
Node *PhaseIterGVN::transform_old(Node* n) {
// Remove 'n' from hash table in case it gets modified
if (VerifyIterativeGVN) {
assert(!_table.find_index(n->_idx), "found duplicate entry in table");
// Apply the Ideal call in a loop until it no longer applies
Node* k = n;
DEBUG_ONLY(bool is_new = (k->outcnt() == 0);)
Node* i = apply_ideal(k, /*can_reshape=*/true);
assert(i != k || is_new || i->outcnt() > 0, "don't return dead nodes");
#ifndef PRODUCT
DEBUG_ONLY(uint loop_count = 1;)
while (i != NULL) {
#ifdef ASSERT
if (loop_count >= K + C->live_nodes()) {
dump_infinite_loop_info(i, "PhaseIterGVN::transform_old");
assert((i->_idx >= k->_idx) || i->is_top(), "Idealize should return new nodes, use Identity to return old nodes");
// Made a change; put users of original Node on worklist
// Replacing root of transform tree?
if (k != i) {
// Make users of old Node now use new.
subsume_node(k, i);
k = i;
// Try idealizing again
DEBUG_ONLY(is_new = (k->outcnt() == 0);)
i = apply_ideal(k, /*can_reshape=*/true);
assert(i != k || is_new || (i->outcnt() > 0), "don't return dead nodes");
#ifndef PRODUCT
// If brand new node, make space in type array.
// See what kind of values 'k' takes on at runtime
const Type* t = k->Value(this);
assert(t != NULL, "value sanity");
// Since I just called 'Value' to compute the set of run-time values
// for this Node, and 'Value' is non-local (and therefore expensive) I'll
// cache Value. Later requests for the local phase->type of this Node can
// use the cached Value instead of suffering with 'bottom_type'.
if (type_or_null(k) != t) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
set_type(k, t);
// If k is a TypeNode, capture any more-precise type permanently into Node
// Move users of node to worklist
// If 'k' computes a constant, replace it with a constant
if (t->singleton() && !k->is_Con()) {
Node* con = makecon(t); // Make a constant
subsume_node(k, con); // Everybody using k now uses con
return con;
// Now check for Identities
i = k->Identity(this); // Look for a nearby replacement
if (i != k) { // Found? Return replacement!
subsume_node(k, i); // Everybody using k now uses i
return i;
// Global Value Numbering
i = hash_find_insert(k); // Check for pre-existing node
if (i && (i != k)) {
// Return the pre-existing node if it isn't dead
subsume_node(k, i); // Everybody using k now uses i
return i;
// Return Idealized original
return k;
const Type* PhaseIterGVN::saturate(const Type* new_type, const Type* old_type,
const Type* limit_type) const {
return new_type->narrow(old_type);
// Kill a globally dead Node. All uses are also globally dead and are
// aggressively trimmed.
void PhaseIterGVN::remove_globally_dead_node( Node *dead ) {
enum DeleteProgress {
assert(_stack.is_empty(), "not empty");
_stack.push(dead, PROCESS_INPUTS);
while (_stack.is_nonempty()) {
dead = _stack.node();
if (dead->Opcode() == Op_SafePoint) {
uint progress_state = _stack.index();
assert(dead != C->root(), "killing root, eh?");
assert(!dead->is_top(), "add check for top when pushing");
NOT_PRODUCT( set_progress(); )
if (progress_state == PROCESS_INPUTS) {
// After following inputs, continue to outputs
if (!dead->is_Con()) { // Don't kill cons but uses
bool recurse = false;
// Remove from hash table
_table.hash_delete( dead );
// Smash all inputs to 'dead', isolating him completely
for (uint i = 0; i < dead->req(); i++) {
Node *in = dead->in(i);
if (in != NULL && in != C->top()) { // Points to something?
int nrep = dead->replace_edge(in, NULL, this); // Kill edges
assert((nrep > 0), "sanity");
if (in->outcnt() == 0) { // Made input go dead?
_stack.push(in, PROCESS_INPUTS); // Recursively remove
recurse = true;
} else if (in->outcnt() == 1 &&
in->has_special_unique_user()) {
} else if (in->outcnt() <= 2 && dead->is_Phi()) {
if (in->Opcode() == Op_Region) {
} else if (in->is_Store()) {
DUIterator_Fast imax, i = in->fast_outs(imax);
if (in->outcnt() == 2) {
assert(!(i < imax), "sanity");
} else {
BarrierSet::barrier_set()->barrier_set_c2()->enqueue_useful_gc_barrier(this, in);
if (ReduceFieldZeroing && dead->is_Load() && i == MemNode::Memory &&
in->is_Proj() && in->in(0) != NULL && in->in(0)->is_Initialize()) {
// A Load that directly follows an InitializeNode is
// going away. The Stores that follow are candidates
// again to be captured by the InitializeNode.
for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = in->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++) {
Node *n = in->fast_out(j);
if (n->is_Store()) {
} // if (in != NULL && in != C->top())
} // for (uint i = 0; i < dead->req(); i++)
if (recurse) {
} // if (!dead->is_Con())
} // if (progress_state == PROCESS_INPUTS)
// Aggressively kill globally dead uses
// (Rather than pushing all the outs at once, we push one at a time,
// plus the parent to resume later, because of the indefinite number
// of edge deletions per loop trip.)
if (dead->outcnt() > 0) {
// Recursively remove output edges
_stack.push(dead->raw_out(0), PROCESS_INPUTS);
} else {
// Finished disconnecting all input and output edges.
// Remove dead node from iterative worklist
} // while (_stack.is_nonempty())
// Remove users from node 'old' and add them to node 'nn'.
void PhaseIterGVN::subsume_node( Node *old, Node *nn ) {
if (old->Opcode() == Op_SafePoint) {
assert( old != hash_find(old), "should already been removed" );
assert( old != C->top(), "cannot subsume top node");
// Copy debug or profile information to the new version:
C->copy_node_notes_to(nn, old);
// Move users of node 'old' to node 'nn'
for (DUIterator_Last imin, i = old->last_outs(imin); i >= imin; ) {
Node* use = old->last_out(i); // for each use...
// use might need re-hashing (but it won't if it's a new node)
// Update use-def info as well
// We remove all occurrences of old within use->in,
// so as to avoid rehashing any node more than once.
// The hash table probe swamps any outer loop overhead.
uint num_edges = 0;
for (uint jmax = use->len(), j = 0; j < jmax; j++) {
if (use->in(j) == old) {
use->set_req(j, nn);
i -= num_edges; // we deleted 1 or more copies of this edge
// Search for instance field data PhiNodes in the same region pointing to the old
// memory PhiNode and update their instance memory ids to point to the new node.
if (old->is_Phi() && old->as_Phi()->type()->has_memory() && old->in(0) != NULL) {
Node* region = old->in(0);
for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = region->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
PhiNode* phi = region->fast_out(i)->isa_Phi();
if (phi != NULL && phi->inst_mem_id() == (int)old->_idx) {
// Smash all inputs to 'old', isolating him completely
Node *temp = new Node(1);
temp->init_req(0,nn); // Add a use to nn to prevent him from dying
remove_dead_node( old );
temp->del_req(0); // Yank bogus edge
if (nn != NULL && nn->outcnt() == 0) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
if( VerifyIterativeGVN ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < _verify_window_size; i++ ) {
if ( _verify_window[i] == old )
_verify_window[i] = nn;
temp->destruct(this); // reuse the _idx of this little guy
void PhaseIterGVN::add_users_to_worklist0( Node *n ) {
for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = n->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
_worklist.push(n->fast_out(i)); // Push on worklist
// Return counted loop Phi if as a counted loop exit condition, cmp
// compares the induction variable with n
static PhiNode* countedloop_phi_from_cmp(CmpNode* cmp, Node* n) {
for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = cmp->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
Node* bol = cmp->fast_out(i);
for (DUIterator_Fast i2max, i2 = bol->fast_outs(i2max); i2 < i2max; i2++) {
Node* iff = bol->fast_out(i2);
if (iff->is_BaseCountedLoopEnd()) {
BaseCountedLoopEndNode* cle = iff->as_BaseCountedLoopEnd();
if (cle->limit() == n) {
PhiNode* phi = cle->phi();
if (phi != NULL) {
return phi;
return NULL;
void PhaseIterGVN::add_users_to_worklist( Node *n ) {
// Move users of node to worklist
for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = n->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
Node* use = n->fast_out(i); // Get use
if( use->is_Multi() || // Multi-definer? Push projs on worklist
use->is_Store() ) // Enable store/load same address
// If we changed the receiver type to a call, we need to revisit
// the Catch following the call. It's looking for a non-NULL
// receiver to know when to enable the regular fall-through path
// in addition to the NullPtrException path.
if (use->is_CallDynamicJava() && n == use->in(TypeFunc::Parms)) {
Node* p = use->as_CallDynamicJava()->proj_out_or_null(TypeFunc::Control);
if (p != NULL) {
uint use_op = use->Opcode();
if(use->is_Cmp()) { // Enable CMP/BOOL optimization
add_users_to_worklist(use); // Put Bool on worklist
if (use->outcnt() > 0) {
Node* bol = use->raw_out(0);
if (bol->outcnt() > 0) {
Node* iff = bol->raw_out(0);
if (iff->outcnt() == 2) {
// Look for the 'is_x2logic' pattern: "x ? : 0 : 1" and put the
// phi merging either 0 or 1 onto the worklist
Node* ifproj0 = iff->raw_out(0);
Node* ifproj1 = iff->raw_out(1);
if (ifproj0->outcnt() > 0 && ifproj1->outcnt() > 0) {
Node* region0 = ifproj0->raw_out(0);
Node* region1 = ifproj1->raw_out(0);
if( region0 == region1 )
if (use_op == Op_CmpI) {
Node* phi = countedloop_phi_from_cmp((CmpINode*)use, n);
if (phi != NULL) {
// If an opaque node feeds into the limit condition of a
// CountedLoop, we need to process the Phi node for the
// induction variable when the opaque node is removed:
// the range of values taken by the Phi is now known and
// so its type is also known.
Node* in1 = use->in(1);
for (uint i = 0; i < in1->outcnt(); i++) {
if (in1->raw_out(i)->Opcode() == Op_CastII) {
Node* castii = in1->raw_out(i);
if (castii->in(0) != NULL && castii->in(0)->in(0) != NULL && castii->in(0)->in(0)->is_If()) {
Node* ifnode = castii->in(0)->in(0);
if (ifnode->in(1) != NULL && ifnode->in(1)->is_Bool() && ifnode->in(1)->in(1) == use) {
// Reprocess a CastII node that may depend on an
// opaque node value when the opaque node is
// removed. In case it carries a dependency we can do
// a better job of computing its type.
// If changed Cast input, check Phi users for simple cycles
if (use->is_ConstraintCast()) {
for (DUIterator_Fast i2max, i2 = use->fast_outs(i2max); i2 < i2max; i2++) {
Node* u = use->fast_out(i2);
if (u->is_Phi())
// If changed LShift inputs, check RShift users for useless sign-ext
if( use_op == Op_LShiftI ) {
for (DUIterator_Fast i2max, i2 = use->fast_outs(i2max); i2 < i2max; i2++) {
Node* u = use->fast_out(i2);
if (u->Opcode() == Op_RShiftI)
// If changed AddI/SubI inputs, check CmpU for range check optimization.
if (use_op == Op_AddI || use_op == Op_SubI) {
for (DUIterator_Fast i2max, i2 = use->fast_outs(i2max); i2 < i2max; i2++) {
Node* u = use->fast_out(i2);
if (u->is_Cmp() && (u->Opcode() == Op_CmpU)) {
// If changed AddP inputs, check Stores for loop invariant
if( use_op == Op_AddP ) {
for (DUIterator_Fast i2max, i2 = use->fast_outs(i2max); i2 < i2max; i2++) {
Node* u = use->fast_out(i2);
if (u->is_Mem())
// If changed initialization activity, check dependent Stores
if (use_op == Op_Allocate || use_op == Op_AllocateArray) {
InitializeNode* init = use->as_Allocate()->initialization();
if (init != NULL) {
Node* imem = init->proj_out_or_null(TypeFunc::Memory);
if (imem != NULL) add_users_to_worklist0(imem);
// If the ValidLengthTest input changes then the fallthrough path out of the AllocateArray may have become dead.
// CatchNode::Value() is responsible for killing that path. The CatchNode has to be explicitly enqueued for igvn
// to guarantee the change is not missed.
if (use_op == Op_AllocateArray && n == use->in(AllocateNode::ValidLengthTest)) {
Node* p = use->as_AllocateArray()->proj_out_or_null(TypeFunc::Control);
if (p != NULL) {
if (use_op == Op_Initialize) {
Node* imem = use->as_Initialize()->proj_out_or_null(TypeFunc::Memory);
if (imem != NULL) add_users_to_worklist0(imem);
// Loading the java mirror from a Klass requires two loads and the type
// of the mirror load depends on the type of 'n'. See LoadNode::Value().
// LoadBarrier?(LoadP(LoadP(AddP(foo:Klass, #java_mirror))))
BarrierSetC2* bs = BarrierSet::barrier_set()->barrier_set_c2();
bool has_load_barrier_nodes = bs->has_load_barrier_nodes();
if (use_op == Op_LoadP && use->bottom_type()->isa_rawptr()) {
for (DUIterator_Fast i2max, i2 = use->fast_outs(i2max); i2 < i2max; i2++) {
Node* u = use->fast_out(i2);
const Type* ut = u->bottom_type();
if (u->Opcode() == Op_LoadP && ut->isa_instptr()) {
if (has_load_barrier_nodes) {
// Search for load barriers behind the load
for (DUIterator_Fast i3max, i3 = u->fast_outs(i3max); i3 < i3max; i3++) {
Node* b = u->fast_out(i3);
if (bs->is_gc_barrier_node(b)) {
if (use->Opcode() == Op_OpaqueZeroTripGuard) {
assert(use->outcnt() <= 1, "OpaqueZeroTripGuard can't be shared");
if (use->outcnt() == 1) {
Node* cmp = use->unique_out();
* Remove the speculative part of all types that we know of
void PhaseIterGVN::remove_speculative_types() {
assert(UseTypeSpeculation, "speculation is off");
for (uint i = 0; i < _types.Size(); i++) {
const Type* t = _types.fast_lookup(i);
if (t != NULL) {
_types.map(i, t->remove_speculative());
// Check if the type of a divisor of a Div or Mod node includes zero.
bool PhaseIterGVN::no_dependent_zero_check(Node* n) const {
switch (n->Opcode()) {
case Op_DivI:
case Op_ModI: {
// Type of divisor includes 0?
if (type(n->in(2)) == Type::TOP) {
// 'n' is dead. Treat as if zero check is still there to avoid any further optimizations.
return false;
const TypeInt* type_divisor = type(n->in(2))->is_int();
return (type_divisor->_hi < 0 || type_divisor->_lo > 0);
case Op_DivL:
case Op_ModL: {
// Type of divisor includes 0?
if (type(n->in(2)) == Type::TOP) {
// 'n' is dead. Treat as if zero check is still there to avoid any further optimizations.
return false;
const TypeLong* type_divisor = type(n->in(2))->is_long();
return (type_divisor->_hi < 0 || type_divisor->_lo > 0);
return true;
#ifndef PRODUCT
uint PhaseCCP::_total_invokes = 0;
uint PhaseCCP::_total_constants = 0;
// Conditional Constant Propagation, ala Wegman & Zadeck
PhaseCCP::PhaseCCP( PhaseIterGVN *igvn ) : PhaseIterGVN(igvn) {
NOT_PRODUCT( clear_constants(); )
assert( _worklist.size() == 0, "" );
// Clear out _nodes from IterGVN. Must be clear to transform call.
_nodes.clear(); // Clear out from IterGVN
#ifndef PRODUCT
PhaseCCP::~PhaseCCP() {
_total_constants += count_constants();
#ifdef ASSERT
static bool ccp_type_widens(const Type* t, const Type* t0) {
assert(t->meet(t0) == t->remove_speculative(), "Not monotonic");
switch (t->base() == t0->base() ? t->base() : Type::Top) {
case Type::Int:
assert(t0->isa_int()->_widen <= t->isa_int()->_widen, "widen increases");
case Type::Long:
assert(t0->isa_long()->_widen <= t->isa_long()->_widen, "widen increases");
return true;
#endif //ASSERT
// In this analysis, all types are initially set to TOP. We iteratively call Value() on all nodes of the graph until
// we reach a fixed-point (i.e. no types change anymore). We start with a list that only contains the root node. Each time
// a new type is set, we push all uses of that node back to the worklist (in some cases, we also push grandchildren
// or nodes even further down back to the worklist because their type could change as a result of the current type
// change).
void PhaseCCP::analyze() {
// Initialize all types to TOP, optimistic analysis
for (uint i = 0; i < C->unique(); i++) {
_types.map(i, Type::TOP);
// Push root onto worklist
Unique_Node_List worklist;
assert(_root_and_safepoints.size() == 0, "must be empty (unused)");
// Pull from worklist; compute new value; push changes out.
// This loop is the meat of CCP.
while (worklist.size() != 0) {
Node* n = fetch_next_node(worklist);
if (n->is_SafePoint()) {
// Make sure safepoints are processed by PhaseCCP::transform even if they are
// not reachable from the bottom. Otherwise, infinite loops would be removed.
const Type* new_type = n->Value(this);
if (new_type != type(n)) {
assert(ccp_type_widens(new_type, type(n)), "ccp type must widen");
dump_type_and_node(n, new_type);
set_type(n, new_type);
push_child_nodes_to_worklist(worklist, n);
// Fetch next node from worklist to be examined in this iteration.
Node* PhaseCCP::fetch_next_node(Unique_Node_List& worklist) {
if (StressCCP) {
return worklist.remove(C->random() % worklist.size());
} else {
return worklist.pop();
#ifndef PRODUCT
void PhaseCCP::dump_type_and_node(const Node* n, const Type* t) {
if (TracePhaseCCP) {
do {
} while (tty->position() < 16);
// We need to propagate the type change of 'n' to all its uses. Depending on the kind of node, additional nodes
// (grandchildren or even further down) need to be revisited as their types could also be improved as a result
// of the new type of 'n'. Push these nodes to the worklist.
void PhaseCCP::push_child_nodes_to_worklist(Unique_Node_List& worklist, Node* n) const {
for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = n->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
Node* use = n->fast_out(i);
push_if_not_bottom_type(worklist, use);
push_more_uses(worklist, n, use);
void PhaseCCP::push_if_not_bottom_type(Unique_Node_List& worklist, Node* n) const {
if (n->bottom_type() != type(n)) {
// For some nodes, we need to propagate the type change to grandchildren or even further down.
// Add them back to the worklist.
void PhaseCCP::push_more_uses(Unique_Node_List& worklist, Node* parent, const Node* use) const {
push_phis(worklist, use);
push_catch(worklist, use);
push_cmpu(worklist, use);
push_counted_loop_phi(worklist, parent, use);
push_loadp(worklist, use);
push_and(worklist, parent, use);
push_cast_ii(worklist, parent, use);
push_opaque_zero_trip_guard(worklist, use);
// We must recheck Phis too if use is a Region.
void PhaseCCP::push_phis(Unique_Node_List& worklist, const Node* use) const {
if (use->is_Region()) {
--> --------------------
--> maximum size reached
--> --------------------
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.70 Sekunden
Fehler beim Verzeichnis:
in der Quellcodebibliothek suchen
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.