* Copyright (c) 2003, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "prims/jvmtiEnvThreadState.hpp"
#include "prims/jvmtiEventController.hpp"
#include "prims/jvmtiThreadState.hpp"
#include "oops/oopHandle.hpp"
#include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
#include "runtime/fieldDescriptor.hpp"
#include "runtime/frame.hpp"
#include "runtime/javaThread.hpp"
#include "runtime/threads.hpp"
#include "runtime/vmOperation.hpp"
#include "utilities/growableArray.hpp"
#include "utilities/macros.hpp"
// Forward Declarations
class JvmtiEnv;
class JvmtiThreadState;
class JvmtiRawMonitor; // for jvmtiEnv.hpp
class JvmtiEventControllerPrivate;
class JvmtiTagMap;
// One JvmtiEnv object is created per jvmti attachment;
// done via JNI GetEnv() call. Multiple attachments are
// allowed in jvmti.
class JvmtiEnvBase : public CHeapObj<mtInternal> {
static JvmtiEnvBase* _head_environment; // head of environment list
static bool _globally_initialized;
static jvmtiPhase _phase;
static volatile int _dying_thread_env_iteration_count;
enum {
JDK15_JVMTI_VERSION = JVMTI_VERSION_1_0 + 33, /* version: 1.0.33 */
JDK16_JVMTI_VERSION = JVMTI_VERSION_1_1 + 102, /* version: 1.1.102 */
JDK17_JVMTI_VERSION = JVMTI_VERSION_1_2 + 2 /* version: 1.2.2 */
static jvmtiPhase get_phase() { return _phase; }
static jvmtiPhase get_phase(jvmtiEnv* env) { return ((JvmtiEnvBase*)JvmtiEnv_from_jvmti_env(env))->phase(); }
static void set_phase(jvmtiPhase phase) { _phase = phase; }
static bool is_vm_live() { return _phase == JVMTI_PHASE_LIVE; }
static void entering_dying_thread_env_iteration() { ++_dying_thread_env_iteration_count; }
static void leaving_dying_thread_env_iteration() { --_dying_thread_env_iteration_count; }
static bool is_inside_dying_thread_env_iteration(){ return _dying_thread_env_iteration_count > 0; }
static jvmtiError suspend_thread(oop thread_oop, JavaThread* java_thread, bool single_suspend,
int* need_safepoint_p);
static jvmtiError resume_thread(oop thread_oop, JavaThread* java_thread, bool single_resume);
static jvmtiError check_thread_list(jint count, const jthread* list);
static bool is_in_thread_list(jint count, const jthread* list, oop jt_oop);
// check if thread_oop represents a passive carrier thread
static bool is_passive_carrier_thread(JavaThread* java_thread, oop thread_oop) {
return java_thread != NULL && java_thread->jvmti_vthread() != NULL
&& java_thread->jvmti_vthread() != thread_oop
&& java_thread->threadObj() == thread_oop;
enum {
jvmtiEnv _jvmti_external;
jint _magic;
jint _version; // version value passed to JNI GetEnv()
JvmtiEnvBase* _next;
bool _is_retransformable;
const void *_env_local_storage; // per env agent allocated data.
jvmtiEventCallbacks _event_callbacks;
jvmtiExtEventCallbacks _ext_event_callbacks;
JvmtiTagMap* volatile _tag_map;
JvmtiEnvEventEnable _env_event_enable;
jvmtiCapabilities _current_capabilities;
jvmtiCapabilities _prohibited_capabilities;
volatile bool _class_file_load_hook_ever_enabled;
static volatile bool _needs_clean_up;
char** _native_method_prefixes;
int _native_method_prefix_count;
JvmtiEnvBase(jint version);
void dispose();
void env_dispose();
void set_env_local_storage(const void* data) { _env_local_storage = data; }
const void* get_env_local_storage() { return _env_local_storage; }
void record_class_file_load_hook_enabled();
void record_first_time_class_file_load_hook_enabled();
char** get_native_method_prefixes() { return _native_method_prefixes; }
int get_native_method_prefix_count() { return _native_method_prefix_count; }
jvmtiError set_native_method_prefixes(jint prefix_count, char** prefixes);
friend class JvmtiEventControllerPrivate;
void initialize();
void set_event_callbacks(const jvmtiEventCallbacks* callbacks, jint size_of_callbacks);
static void globally_initialize();
static void periodic_clean_up();
friend class JvmtiEnvIterator;
JvmtiEnv* next_environment() { return (JvmtiEnv*)_next; }
void set_next_environment(JvmtiEnvBase* env) { _next = env; }
static JvmtiEnv* head_environment() {
JVMTI_ONLY(return (JvmtiEnv*)_head_environment);
jvmtiPhase phase();
bool is_valid();
bool use_version_1_0_semantics(); // agent asked for version 1.0
bool use_version_1_1_semantics(); // agent asked for version 1.1
bool use_version_1_2_semantics(); // agent asked for version 1.2
bool is_retransformable() { return _is_retransformable; }
static ByteSize jvmti_external_offset() {
return byte_offset_of(JvmtiEnvBase, _jvmti_external);
// If (thread == NULL) then return current thread object.
// Otherwise return JNIHandles::resolve_external_guard(thread).
static oop current_thread_obj_or_resolve_external_guard(jthread thread);
// Return true if the thread identified with a pair <jt,thr_obj> is current.
// A passive carrier thread is not treated as current.
static bool is_JavaThread_current(JavaThread* jt, oop thr_obj) {
JavaThread* current = JavaThread::current();
// jt can be NULL in case of a virtual thread
if (jt == NULL || jt != current) {
return false;
oop cur_obj = current->jvmti_vthread();
// cur_obj == NULL is true for normal platform threads only
// otherwise it can be virtual or carrier thread.
return cur_obj == NULL || cur_obj == thr_obj;
static jvmtiError get_JavaThread(ThreadsList* tlist, jthread thread, JavaThread** jt_pp) {
jvmtiError err = JVMTI_ERROR_NONE;
if (thread == NULL) {
*jt_pp = JavaThread::current();
} else {
err = JvmtiExport::cv_external_thread_to_JavaThread(tlist, thread, jt_pp, NULL);
return err;
// If there is a virtual thread mounted on the JavaThread* then
// return virtual thread oop. Otherwise, return thread oop.
static oop get_vthread_or_thread_oop(JavaThread* jt) {
oop result = jt->threadObj();
if (jt->jvmti_vthread() != NULL) {
result = jt->jvmti_vthread();
return result;
static jvmtiError get_threadOop_and_JavaThread(ThreadsList* t_list, jthread thread,
JavaThread** jt_pp, oop* thread_oop_p);
// Return true if java thread is a carrier thread with a mounted virtual thread.
static bool is_cthread_with_mounted_vthread(JavaThread* jt);
static bool is_cthread_with_continuation(JavaThread* jt);
static JvmtiEnv* JvmtiEnv_from_jvmti_env(jvmtiEnv *env) {
return (JvmtiEnv*)((intptr_t)env - in_bytes(jvmti_external_offset()));
jvmtiCapabilities *get_capabilities() { return &_current_capabilities; }
jvmtiCapabilities *get_prohibited_capabilities() { return &_prohibited_capabilities; }
bool early_class_hook_env() {
return get_capabilities()->can_generate_early_class_hook_events != 0
&& get_capabilities()->can_generate_all_class_hook_events != 0;
bool early_vmstart_env() {
return get_capabilities()->can_generate_early_vmstart != 0;
static char** get_all_native_method_prefixes(int* count_ptr);
// This test will answer true when all environments have been disposed and some have
// not yet been deallocated. As a result, this test should only be used as an
// optimization for the no environment case.
static bool environments_might_exist() {
return head_environment() != NULL;
static void check_for_periodic_clean_up();
JvmtiEnvEventEnable *env_event_enable() {
return &_env_event_enable;
jvmtiError allocate(jlong size, unsigned char** mem_ptr) {
if (size < 0) {
if (size == 0) {
*mem_ptr = NULL;
} else {
*mem_ptr = (unsigned char *)os::malloc((size_t)size, mtInternal);
if (*mem_ptr == NULL) {
jvmtiError deallocate(unsigned char* mem) {
if (mem != NULL) {
// Memory functions
unsigned char* jvmtiMalloc(jlong size); // don't use this - call allocate
// method to create a local handle
jobject jni_reference(Handle hndl);
// method to create a local handle.
// This function allows caller to specify which
// threads local handle table to use.
jobject jni_reference(JavaThread *thread, Handle hndl);
// method to destroy a local handle
void destroy_jni_reference(jobject jobj);
// method to destroy a local handle.
// This function allows caller to specify which
// threads local handle table to use.
void destroy_jni_reference(JavaThread *thread, jobject jobj);
jvmtiEnv* jvmti_external() { return &_jvmti_external; };
// Event Dispatch
bool has_callback(jvmtiEvent event_type) {
assert(event_type >= JVMTI_MIN_EVENT_TYPE_VAL &&
event_type <= JVMTI_MAX_EVENT_TYPE_VAL, "checking");
return ((void**)&_event_callbacks)[event_type-JVMTI_MIN_EVENT_TYPE_VAL] != NULL;
jvmtiEventCallbacks* callbacks() {
return &_event_callbacks;
jvmtiExtEventCallbacks* ext_callbacks() {
return &_ext_event_callbacks;
void set_tag_map(JvmtiTagMap* tag_map) {
_tag_map = tag_map;
JvmtiTagMap* tag_map() {
return _tag_map;
JvmtiTagMap* tag_map_acquire() {
return Atomic::load_acquire(&_tag_map);
void release_set_tag_map(JvmtiTagMap* tag_map) {
Atomic::release_store(&_tag_map, tag_map);
// return true if event is enabled globally or for any thread
// True only if there is a callback for it.
bool is_enabled(jvmtiEvent event_type) {
return _env_event_enable.is_enabled(event_type);
// Random Utilities
// helper methods for creating arrays of global JNI Handles from local Handles
// allocated into environment specific storage
jthread * new_jthreadArray(int length, Handle *handles);
jthreadGroup * new_jthreadGroupArray(int length, objArrayHandle groups);
// convert to a jni jclass from a non-null Klass*
jclass get_jni_class_non_null(Klass* k);
jint count_locked_objects(JavaThread *java_thread, Handle hobj);
jvmtiError get_locked_objects_in_frame(JavaThread *calling_thread,
JavaThread* java_thread,
javaVFrame *jvf,
GrowableArray<jvmtiMonitorStackDepthInfo*>* owned_monitors_list,
jint depth);
static javaVFrame* jvf_for_thread_and_depth(JavaThread* java_thread, jint depth);
// get a field descriptor for the specified class and field
static bool get_field_descriptor(Klass* k, jfieldID field, fieldDescriptor* fd);
// check and skip frames hidden in mount/unmount transitions
static javaVFrame* check_and_skip_hidden_frames(bool is_in_VTMS_transition, javaVFrame* jvf);
static javaVFrame* check_and_skip_hidden_frames(JavaThread* jt, javaVFrame* jvf);
static javaVFrame* check_and_skip_hidden_frames(oop vthread, javaVFrame* jvf);
// check if virtual thread is not terminated (alive)
static bool is_vthread_alive(oop vt);
// return JavaThread if virtual thread is mounted, NULL otherwise
static JavaThread* get_JavaThread_or_null(oop vthread);
// get virtual thread last java vframe
static javaVFrame* get_vthread_jvf(oop vthread);
// get carrier thread last java vframe
static javaVFrame* get_cthread_last_java_vframe(JavaThread* jt, RegisterMap* reg_map);
// get ordinary thread thread state
static jint get_thread_state(oop thread_oop, JavaThread* jt);
// get virtual thread thread state
static jint get_vthread_state(oop thread_oop, JavaThread* jt);
// enumerates the live threads in the given thread group
static jvmtiError get_live_threads(JavaThread* current_thread, Handle group_hdl, jint *count_ptr, Handle **thread_objs_p);
// enumerates the subgroups in the given thread group
static jvmtiError get_subgroups(JavaThread* current_thread, Handle group_hdl, jint *count_ptr, objArrayHandle *group_objs_p);
// JVMTI API helper functions which are called when target thread is suspended
// or at safepoint / thread local handshake.
static jint get_frame_count(javaVFrame* jvf);
jvmtiError get_frame_count(JavaThread* java_thread, jint *count_ptr);
jvmtiError get_frame_count(oop frame_oop, jint *count_ptr);
jvmtiError get_frame_location(javaVFrame* jvf, jint depth,
jmethodID* method_ptr, jlocation* location_ptr);
jvmtiError get_frame_location(JavaThread* java_thread, jint depth,
jmethodID* method_ptr, jlocation* location_ptr);
jvmtiError get_frame_location(oop vthread_oop, jint depth,
jmethodID* method_ptr, jlocation* location_ptr);
jvmtiError set_frame_pop(JvmtiThreadState* state, javaVFrame* jvf, jint depth);
jvmtiError get_object_monitor_usage(JavaThread* calling_thread,
jobject object, jvmtiMonitorUsage* info_ptr);
jvmtiError get_stack_trace(javaVFrame* jvf,
jint stack_depth, jint max_count,
jvmtiFrameInfo* frame_buffer, jint* count_ptr);
jvmtiError get_stack_trace(JavaThread* java_thread,
jint stack_depth, jint max_count,
jvmtiFrameInfo* frame_buffer, jint* count_ptr);
jvmtiError get_current_contended_monitor(JavaThread* calling_thread, JavaThread* java_thread,
jobject* monitor_ptr, bool is_virtual);
jvmtiError get_owned_monitors(JavaThread* calling_thread, JavaThread* java_thread,
GrowableArray<jvmtiMonitorStackDepthInfo*> *owned_monitors_list);
jvmtiError get_owned_monitors(JavaThread* calling_thread, JavaThread* java_thread, javaVFrame* jvf,
GrowableArray<jvmtiMonitorStackDepthInfo*> *owned_monitors_list);
static jvmtiError check_top_frame(Thread* current_thread, JavaThread* java_thread,
jvalue value, TosState tos, Handle* ret_ob_h);
jvmtiError force_early_return(jthread thread, jvalue value, TosState tos);
// This class is the only safe means of iterating through environments.
// Note that this iteratation includes invalid environments pending
// deallocation -- in fact, some uses depend on this behavior.
class JvmtiEnvIterator : public StackObj {
bool _entry_was_marked;
JvmtiEnvIterator() {
if (Threads::number_of_threads() == 0) {
_entry_was_marked = false; // we are single-threaded, no need
} else {
_entry_was_marked = true;
~JvmtiEnvIterator() {
if (_entry_was_marked) {
JvmtiEnv* first() { return JvmtiEnvBase::head_environment(); }
JvmtiEnv* next(JvmtiEnvBase* env) { return env->next_environment(); }
class JvmtiHandshakeClosure : public HandshakeClosure {
jvmtiError _result;
JvmtiHandshakeClosure(const char* name)
: HandshakeClosure(name),
jvmtiError result() { return _result; }
class SetForceEarlyReturn : public JvmtiHandshakeClosure {
JvmtiThreadState* _state;
jvalue _value;
TosState _tos;
SetForceEarlyReturn(JvmtiThreadState* state, jvalue value, TosState tos)
: JvmtiHandshakeClosure("SetForceEarlyReturn"),
_tos(tos) {}
void do_thread(Thread *target) {
doit(target, false /* self */);
void doit(Thread *target, bool self);
// HandshakeClosure to update for pop top frame.
class UpdateForPopTopFrameClosure : public JvmtiHandshakeClosure {
JvmtiThreadState* _state;
UpdateForPopTopFrameClosure(JvmtiThreadState* state)
: JvmtiHandshakeClosure("UpdateForPopTopFrame"),
_state(state) {}
void do_thread(Thread *target) {
doit(target, false /* self */);
void doit(Thread *target, bool self);
// HandshakeClosure to set frame pop.
class SetFramePopClosure : public JvmtiHandshakeClosure {
JvmtiEnv *_env;
JvmtiThreadState* _state;
jint _depth;
SetFramePopClosure(JvmtiEnv *env, JvmtiThreadState* state, jint depth)
: JvmtiHandshakeClosure("SetFramePopClosure"),
_depth(depth) {}
void do_thread(Thread *target) {
doit(target, false /* self */);
void doit(Thread *target, bool self);
// HandshakeClosure to get monitor information with stack depth.
class GetOwnedMonitorInfoClosure : public JvmtiHandshakeClosure {
JavaThread* _calling_thread;
JvmtiEnv *_env;
GrowableArray<jvmtiMonitorStackDepthInfo*> *_owned_monitors_list;
GetOwnedMonitorInfoClosure(JavaThread* calling_thread, JvmtiEnv* env,
GrowableArray<jvmtiMonitorStackDepthInfo*>* owned_monitor_list)
: JvmtiHandshakeClosure("GetOwnedMonitorInfo"),
_owned_monitors_list(owned_monitor_list) {}
void do_thread(Thread *target);
// VM operation to get object monitor usage.
class VM_GetObjectMonitorUsage : public VM_Operation {
JvmtiEnv *_env;
jobject _object;
JavaThread* _calling_thread;
jvmtiMonitorUsage* _info_ptr;
jvmtiError _result;
VM_GetObjectMonitorUsage(JvmtiEnv *env, JavaThread* calling_thread, jobject object, jvmtiMonitorUsage* info_ptr) {
_env = env;
_object = object;
_calling_thread = calling_thread;
_info_ptr = info_ptr;
VMOp_Type type() const { return VMOp_GetObjectMonitorUsage; }
jvmtiError result() { return _result; }
void doit() {
_result = ((JvmtiEnvBase*) _env)->get_object_monitor_usage(_calling_thread, _object, _info_ptr);
// HandshakeClosure to get current contended monitor. It is used for both platform and virtual threads.
class GetCurrentContendedMonitorClosure : public JvmtiHandshakeClosure {
JavaThread *_calling_thread;
JvmtiEnv *_env;
jobject *_owned_monitor_ptr;
bool _is_virtual;
GetCurrentContendedMonitorClosure(JavaThread* calling_thread, JvmtiEnv *env, jobject *mon_ptr, bool is_virtual)
: JvmtiHandshakeClosure("GetCurrentContendedMonitor"),
_is_virtual(is_virtual) {}
void do_thread(Thread *target);
// HandshakeClosure to get stack trace.
class GetStackTraceClosure : public JvmtiHandshakeClosure {
JvmtiEnv *_env;
jint _start_depth;
jint _max_count;
jvmtiFrameInfo *_frame_buffer;
jint *_count_ptr;
GetStackTraceClosure(JvmtiEnv *env, jint start_depth, jint max_count,
jvmtiFrameInfo* frame_buffer, jint* count_ptr)
: JvmtiHandshakeClosure("GetStackTrace"),
_count_ptr(count_ptr) {}
void do_thread(Thread *target);
#ifdef ASSERT
// HandshakeClosure to print stack trace in JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler error handling.
class PrintStackTraceClosure : public HandshakeClosure {
static void do_thread_impl(Thread *target);
: HandshakeClosure("PrintStackTraceClosure") {}
void do_thread(Thread *target);
// Forward declaration.
struct StackInfoNode;
// Get stack trace at safepoint or at direct handshake.
class MultipleStackTracesCollector {
friend class VM_GetThreadListStackTraces;
JvmtiEnv *_env;
jint _max_frame_count;
jvmtiStackInfo *_stack_info;
jvmtiError _result;
int _frame_count_total;
struct StackInfoNode *_head;
JvmtiEnvBase *env() { return (JvmtiEnvBase *)_env; }
jint max_frame_count() { return _max_frame_count; }
struct StackInfoNode *head() { return _head; }
void set_head(StackInfoNode *head) { _head = head; }
MultipleStackTracesCollector(JvmtiEnv *env, jint max_frame_count)
: _env(env),
_head(NULL) {
void set_result(jvmtiError result) { _result = result; }
void fill_frames(jthread jt, JavaThread *thr, oop thread_oop);
void allocate_and_fill_stacks(jint thread_count);
jvmtiStackInfo *stack_info() { return _stack_info; }
jvmtiError result() { return _result; }
// VM operation to get stack trace at safepoint.
class VM_GetAllStackTraces : public VM_Operation {
JavaThread *_calling_thread;
jint _final_thread_count;
MultipleStackTracesCollector _collector;
VM_GetAllStackTraces(JvmtiEnv *env, JavaThread *calling_thread,
jint max_frame_count)
: _calling_thread(calling_thread),
_collector(env, max_frame_count) {
VMOp_Type type() const { return VMOp_GetAllStackTraces; }
void doit();
jint final_thread_count() { return _final_thread_count; }
jvmtiStackInfo *stack_info() { return _collector.stack_info(); }
jvmtiError result() { return _collector.result(); }
// VM operation to get stack trace at safepoint.
class VM_GetThreadListStackTraces : public VM_Operation {
jint _thread_count;
const jthread* _thread_list;
MultipleStackTracesCollector _collector;
JvmtiEnvBase *env() { return _collector.env(); }
VM_GetThreadListStackTraces(JvmtiEnv *env, jint thread_count, const jthread* thread_list, jint max_frame_count)
: _thread_count(thread_count),
_collector(env, max_frame_count) {
VMOp_Type type() const { return VMOp_GetThreadListStackTraces; }
void doit();
jvmtiStackInfo *stack_info() { return _collector.stack_info(); }
jvmtiError result() { return _collector.result(); }
class VM_VirtualThreadGetStackTrace : public VM_Operation {
JvmtiEnv *_env;
Handle _vthread_h;
jint _start_depth;
jint _max_count;
jvmtiFrameInfo* _frame_buffer;
jint* _count_ptr;
jvmtiError _result;
VM_VirtualThreadGetStackTrace(JvmtiEnv *env, Handle vthread_h,
jint start_depth, jint max_count,
jvmtiFrameInfo* frame_buffer, jint* count_ptr)
: _env(env),
VMOp_Type type() const { return VMOp_VirtualThreadGetStackTrace; }
void doit();
jvmtiError result() { return _result; }
class VM_VirtualThreadGetFrameCount : public VM_Operation {
JvmtiEnv *_env;
Handle _vthread_h;
jint* _count_ptr;
jvmtiError _result;
VM_VirtualThreadGetFrameCount(JvmtiEnv *env, Handle vthread_h, jint* count_ptr)
: _env(env),
VMOp_Type type() const { return VMOp_VirtualThreadGetFrameCount; }
void doit();
jvmtiError result() { return _result; }
// HandshakeClosure to get single stack trace.
class GetSingleStackTraceClosure : public HandshakeClosure {
JavaThread *_calling_thread;
jthread _jthread;
MultipleStackTracesCollector _collector;
GetSingleStackTraceClosure(JvmtiEnv *env, JavaThread *calling_thread,
jthread thread, jint max_frame_count)
: HandshakeClosure("GetSingleStackTrace"),
_collector(env, max_frame_count) {
void do_thread(Thread *target);
jvmtiStackInfo *stack_info() { return _collector.stack_info(); }
jvmtiError result() { return _collector.result(); }
// HandshakeClosure to count stack frames.
class GetFrameCountClosure : public JvmtiHandshakeClosure {
JvmtiEnv *_env;
jint *_count_ptr;
GetFrameCountClosure(JvmtiEnv *env, jint *count_ptr)
: JvmtiHandshakeClosure("GetFrameCount"),
_count_ptr(count_ptr) {}
void do_thread(Thread *target);
// HandshakeClosure to get frame location.
class GetFrameLocationClosure : public JvmtiHandshakeClosure {
JvmtiEnv *_env;
jint _depth;
jmethodID* _method_ptr;
jlocation* _location_ptr;
GetFrameLocationClosure(JvmtiEnv *env, jint depth,
jmethodID* method_ptr, jlocation* location_ptr)
: JvmtiHandshakeClosure("GetFrameLocation"),
_location_ptr(location_ptr) {}
void do_thread(Thread *target);
// HandshakeClosure to get virtual thread monitor information with stack depth.
class VirtualThreadGetOwnedMonitorInfoClosure : public HandshakeClosure {
JvmtiEnv *_env;
Handle _vthread_h;
GrowableArray<jvmtiMonitorStackDepthInfo*> *_owned_monitors_list;
jvmtiError _result;
VirtualThreadGetOwnedMonitorInfoClosure(JvmtiEnv* env,
Handle vthread_h,
GrowableArray<jvmtiMonitorStackDepthInfo*>* owned_monitors_list)
: HandshakeClosure("VirtualThreadGetOwnedMonitorInfo"),
void do_thread(Thread *target);
jvmtiError result() { return _result; }
// HandshakeClosure to get virtual thread thread at safepoint.
class VirtualThreadGetThreadClosure : public HandshakeClosure {
Handle _vthread_h;
jthread* _carrier_thread_ptr;
jvmtiError _result;
VirtualThreadGetThreadClosure(Handle vthread_h, jthread* carrier_thread_ptr)
: HandshakeClosure("VirtualThreadGetThread"),
_result(JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) {}
void do_thread(Thread *target);
jvmtiError result() { return _result; }
// HandshakeClosure to get virtual thread stack trace at safepoint.
class VirtualThreadGetStackTraceClosure : public HandshakeClosure {
JvmtiEnv *_env;
Handle _vthread_h;
jint _start_depth;
jint _max_count;
jvmtiFrameInfo *_frame_buffer;
jint *_count_ptr;
jvmtiError _result;
VirtualThreadGetStackTraceClosure(JvmtiEnv *env, Handle vthread_h,
jint start_depth, jint max_count,
jvmtiFrameInfo* frame_buffer, jint* count_ptr)
: HandshakeClosure("VirtualThreadGetStackTrace"),
_result(JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) {}
void do_thread(Thread *target);
jvmtiError result() { return _result; }
// HandshakeClosure to count virtual thread stack frames at safepoint.
class VirtualThreadGetFrameCountClosure : public HandshakeClosure {
JvmtiEnv *_env;
Handle _vthread_h;
jint *_count_ptr;
jvmtiError _result;
VirtualThreadGetFrameCountClosure(JvmtiEnv *env, Handle vthread_h, jint *count_ptr)
: HandshakeClosure("VirtualThreadGetFrameCount"),
_env(env), _vthread_h(vthread_h), _count_ptr(count_ptr),
_result(JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) {}
void do_thread(Thread *target);
jvmtiError result() { return _result; }
// HandshakeClosure get to virtual thread frame location at safepoint.
class VirtualThreadGetFrameLocationClosure : public HandshakeClosure {
JvmtiEnv *_env;
Handle _vthread_h;
jint _depth;
jmethodID* _method_ptr;
jlocation* _location_ptr;
jvmtiError _result;
VirtualThreadGetFrameLocationClosure(JvmtiEnv *env, Handle vthread_h, jint depth,
jmethodID* method_ptr, jlocation* location_ptr)
: HandshakeClosure("VirtualThreadGetFrameLocation"),
_result(JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) {}
void do_thread(Thread *target);
jvmtiError result() { return _result; }
// HandshakeClosure to get virtual thread state at safepoint.
class VirtualThreadGetThreadStateClosure : public HandshakeClosure {
Handle _vthread_h;
jint *_state_ptr;
jvmtiError _result;
VirtualThreadGetThreadStateClosure(Handle vthread_h, jint *state_ptr)
: HandshakeClosure("VirtualThreadGetThreadState"),
_result(JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) {}
void do_thread(Thread *target);
jvmtiError result() { return _result; }
// HandshakeClosure to set frame pop for a virtual thread.
class VirtualThreadSetFramePopClosure : public JvmtiHandshakeClosure {
JvmtiEnv *_env;
Handle _vthread_h;
JvmtiThreadState* _state;
jint _depth;
VirtualThreadSetFramePopClosure(JvmtiEnv *env, Handle vthread_h, JvmtiThreadState* state, jint depth)
: JvmtiHandshakeClosure("VirtualThreadSetFramePopClosure"),
_depth(depth) {}
void do_thread(Thread *target) {
doit(target, false /* self */);
void doit(Thread *target, bool self);
// ResourceTracker
// ResourceTracker works a little like a ResourceMark. All allocates
// using the resource tracker are recorded. If an allocate using the
// resource tracker fails the destructor will free any resources
// that were allocated using the tracker.
// The motive for this class is to avoid messy error recovery code
// in situations where multiple allocations are done in sequence. If
// the second or subsequent allocation fails it avoids any code to
// release memory allocated in the previous calls.
// Usage :-
// ResourceTracker rt(env);
// :
// err = rt.allocate(1024, &ptr);
class ResourceTracker : public StackObj {
JvmtiEnv* _env;
GrowableArray<unsigned char*> *_allocations;
bool _failed;
ResourceTracker(JvmtiEnv* env);
jvmtiError allocate(jlong size, unsigned char** mem_ptr);
unsigned char* allocate(jlong size);
char* strdup(const char* str);
// Jvmti monitor closure to collect off stack monitors.
class JvmtiMonitorClosure: public MonitorClosure {
JavaThread *_calling_thread;
GrowableArray<jvmtiMonitorStackDepthInfo*> *_owned_monitors_list;
jvmtiError _error;
JvmtiEnvBase *_env;
JvmtiMonitorClosure(JavaThread *calling_thread,
GrowableArray<jvmtiMonitorStackDepthInfo*> *owned_monitors,
JvmtiEnvBase *env) {
_calling_thread = calling_thread;
_owned_monitors_list = owned_monitors;
_env = env;
void do_monitor(ObjectMonitor* mon);
jvmtiError error() { return _error;}
// Jvmti module closure to collect all modules loaded to the system.
class JvmtiModuleClosure : public StackObj {
static GrowableArray<OopHandle> *_tbl; // Protected with Module_lock
static void do_module(ModuleEntry* entry);
jvmtiError get_all_modules(JvmtiEnv* env, jint* module_count_ptr, jobject** modules_ptr);
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