* Copyright (c) 2020, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "classfile/javaClasses.hpp"
#include "classfile/symbolTable.hpp"
#include "classfile/systemDictionary.hpp"
#include "compiler/compilationPolicy.hpp"
#include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
#include "prims/upcallLinker.hpp"
#include "runtime/interfaceSupport.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/javaCalls.hpp"
#include "runtime/jniHandles.inline.hpp"
#include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
#define FOREIGN_ABI "jdk/internal/foreign/abi/"
extern struct JavaVM_ main_vm;
// When an upcall is invoked from a thread that is not attached to the VM, we need to attach it,
// and then to detach it at some point later. Detaching a thread as soon as the upcall completes
// is suboptimal, as the same thread could later upcall to Java again, at which point the VM would
// create multiple Java views of the same native thread. For this reason, we use thread local storage
// to keep track of the fact that we have attached a native thread to the VM. When the thread local
// storage is destroyed (which happens when the native threads is terminated), we check if the
// storage has an attached thread and, if so, we detach it from the VM.
struct UpcallContext {
Thread* attachedThread;
UpcallContext() {} // Explicit constructor to address XL C compiler bug.
~UpcallContext() {
if (attachedThread != NULL) {
JavaVM_ *vm = (JavaVM *)(&main_vm);
APPROVED_CPP_THREAD_LOCAL UpcallContext threadContext;
JavaThread* UpcallLinker::maybe_attach_and_get_thread() {
JavaThread* thread = JavaThread::current_or_null();
if (thread == nullptr) {
JavaVM_ *vm = (JavaVM *)(&main_vm);
JNIEnv* p_env = nullptr; // unused
jint result = vm->functions->AttachCurrentThreadAsDaemon(vm, (void**) &p_env, nullptr);
guarantee(result == JNI_OK, "Could not attach thread for upcall. JNI error code: %d", result);
thread = JavaThread::current();
threadContext.attachedThread = thread;
assert(!thread->has_last_Java_frame(), "newly-attached thread not expected to have last Java frame");
return thread;
// modelled after JavaCallWrapper::JavaCallWrapper
JavaThread* UpcallLinker::on_entry(UpcallStub::FrameData* context) {
JavaThread* thread = maybe_attach_and_get_thread();
context->thread = thread;
assert(thread->can_call_java(), "must be able to call Java");
// Allocate handle block for Java code. This must be done before we change thread_state to _thread_in_Java,
// since it can potentially block.
context->new_handles = JNIHandleBlock::allocate_block(thread);
// clear any pending exception in thread (native calls start with no exception pending)
// The call to transition_from_native below contains a safepoint check
// which needs the code cache to be writable.
MACOS_AARCH64_ONLY(ThreadWXEnable wx(WXWrite, thread));
// After this, we are officially in Java Code. This needs to be done before we change any of the thread local
// info, since we cannot find oops before the new information is set up completely.
ThreadStateTransition::transition_from_native(thread, _thread_in_Java, true /* check_asyncs */);
context->old_handles = thread->active_handles();
// For the profiler, the last_Java_frame information in thread must always be in
// legal state. We have no last Java frame if last_Java_sp == NULL so
// the valid transition is to clear _last_Java_sp and then reset the rest of
// the (platform specific) state.
thread->set_active_handles(context->new_handles); // install new handle block and reset Java frame linkage
return thread;
// modelled after JavaCallWrapper::~JavaCallWrapper
void UpcallLinker::on_exit(UpcallStub::FrameData* context) {
JavaThread* thread = context->thread;
assert(thread == JavaThread::current(), "must still be the same thread");
// restore previous handle block
// Old thread-local info. has been restored. We are now back in native code.
ThreadStateTransition::transition_from_java(thread, _thread_in_native);
// Release handles after we are marked as being in native code again, since this
// operation might block
JNIHandleBlock::release_block(context->new_handles, thread);
assert(!thread->has_pending_exception(), "Upcall can not throw an exception");
void UpcallLinker::handle_uncaught_exception(oop exception) {
ResourceMark rm;
// Based on CATCH macro
tty->print_cr("Uncaught exception:");
JVM_ENTRY(jlong, UL_MakeUpcallStub(JNIEnv *env, jclass unused, jobject mh, jobject abi, jobject conv,
jboolean needs_return_buffer, jlong ret_buf_size))
ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
Handle mh_h(THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve(mh));
jobject mh_j = JNIHandles::make_global(mh_h);
oop lform = java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle::form(mh_h());
oop vmentry = java_lang_invoke_LambdaForm::vmentry(lform);
Method* entry = java_lang_invoke_MemberName::vmtarget(vmentry);
const methodHandle mh_entry(THREAD, entry);
assert(entry->method_holder()->is_initialized(), "no clinit barrier");
CompilationPolicy::compile_if_required(mh_entry, CHECK_0);
assert(entry->is_static(), "static only");
// Fill in the signature array, for the calling-convention call.
const int total_out_args = entry->size_of_parameters();
assert(total_out_args > 0, "receiver arg");
BasicType* out_sig_bt = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(BasicType, total_out_args);
BasicType ret_type;
int i = 0;
SignatureStream ss(entry->signature());
for (; !ss.at_return_type(); ss.next()) {
out_sig_bt[i++] = ss.type(); // Collect remaining bits of signature
if (ss.type() == T_LONG || ss.type() == T_DOUBLE)
out_sig_bt[i++] = T_VOID; // Longs & doubles take 2 Java slots
assert(i == total_out_args, "");
ret_type = ss.type();
// skip receiver
BasicType* in_sig_bt = out_sig_bt + 1;
int total_in_args = total_out_args - 1;
return (jlong) UpcallLinker::make_upcall_stub(
mh_j, entry, in_sig_bt, total_in_args, out_sig_bt, total_out_args, ret_type, abi, conv, needs_return_buffer, checked_cast<int>(ret_buf_size));
#define CC (char*) /*cast a literal from (const char*)*/
#define FN_PTR(f) CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(void*, &f)
static JNINativeMethod UL_methods[] = {
{CC "makeUpcallStub", CC "(" "Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandle;" "L" FOREIGN_ABI "ABIDescriptor;" "L" FOREIGN_ABI "UpcallLinker$CallRegs;" "ZJ)J", FN_PTR(UL_MakeUpcallStub)},
* This one function is exported, used by NativeLookup.
JNI_ENTRY(void, JVM_RegisterUpcallLinkerMethods(JNIEnv *env, jclass UL_class))
ThreadToNativeFromVM ttnfv(thread);
int status = env->RegisterNatives(UL_class, UL_methods, sizeof(UL_methods)/sizeof(JNINativeMethod));
guarantee(status == JNI_OK && !env->ExceptionOccurred(),
"register jdk.internal.foreign.abi.UpcallLinker natives");
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.14 Sekunden
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