complem[T: TYPE]: THEORY
IMPORTING graphs, subgraphs, graph_ops, abstract_min
G,H,K: VAR graph[T]
V: VAR finite_set[T]
powerset_finite : LEMMA
FORALL (A: finite_set[T]): is_finite[set[T]](powerset[T](A))
doubleton_is_set: JUDGEMENT doubleton[T] SUBTYPE_OF set[T]
all_edges(V):set[doubleton[T]] =
{d: doubleton[T] | EXISTS (x,y: T): x /=y AND d = dbl[T](x,y)
AND V(x) AND V(y)}
all_edges_power : LEMMA subset?(all_edges(V),powerset(V))
all_edges_finite : LEMMA is_finite(all_edges(V))
completion(G: graph[T]): graph[T] =
(# vert := vert(G),
edges := all_edges(vert(G)) #)
completion_is_subgraph: LEMMA subgraph?[T](G, completion(G))
complement(G: graph[T]): graph[T] =
(# vert := vert(G),
edges := difference(all_edges(vert(G)),edges(G)) #)
comp_comp_lem: LEMMA complement(complement(G)) = G
isol(G: graph[T]): graph[T] =
(# vert := vert(G),
edges := emptyset[doubleton[T]] #)
IMPORTING graph_conn_defs
x,y,z: VAR T
P,Q: VAR[T,T->bool]
w,w1,p,p1,r: VAR walks[T].prewalk
% BEGINNING OF SECTION -------------------------------------------------
% We show directly that either graph or its complement is path-connected.
% Subsequently this is proved again using the Los graph theorem.
% Results in this section depend only on above definitions and lemmas,
% and are not referenced subsequently.
path_or_not_path: THEOREM empty?(G) OR path_connected?(G)
OR path_connected?(complement(G))
% A stronger theorem.
five_degrees_separation: PROPOSITION
FORALL (x,y: (vert(G))): x = y
OR (EXISTS w: walk_from?(G,w,x,y) and length(w)<5)
OR FORALL (x,y: (vert(G))): x = y
OR (EXISTS w: walk_from?(complement(G),w,x,y) and length(w)<4 )
% Using this stronger theORem we re-prove path_or_not
paths_or_not: THEOREM empty?(G) OR path_connected?(G) OR path_connected?(complement(G))
% Possibly a more compact formulation.
five_degrees_separated: PROPOSITION
(FORALL (x,y: (vert(G))):
EXISTS w: walk_from?(G,w,x,y) AND length(w) < 5)
(FORALL (x,y: (vert(G))):
EXISTS w: walk_from?(complement(G),w,x,y) AND length(w) < 4)
% END OF PATH-CONNECTED SECTION -------------------------------------------
strong_transitive?(G): bool = FORALL (x,y,z:(vert(G))):
edge?(G)(x,y) AND edge?(G)(y,z) AND x /= z
IMPLIES edge?(G)(x,z)
transitive?(G): bool = FORALL (x,y,z: T):
edge?(G)(x,y) AND edge?(G)(y,z) AND x /= z
IMPLIES edge?(G)(x,z)
strong_implies: LEMMA strong_transitive?(G) IMPLIES transitive?(G)
imply_strong : LEMMA transitive?(G) implies strong_transitive?(G)
completion_is_transitive: LEMMA strong_transitive?[T](completion(G))
super(G1: graph[T])(G2: graph[T]): bool = subgraph?[T](G1,G2)
% los_graphic: LEMMA (FORALL x,y,z: P(x,y)&P(y,z)=>P(x,z)) &
% (FORALL x,y: P(x,y) => P(y,x)) &
% (FORALL x,y,z: Q(x,y)&Q(y,z)=>Q(x,z)) &
% (FORALL x,y: Q(x,y) => Q(y,x)) &
% (FORALL x,y: P(x,y) OR Q(x,y)) =>
% (FORALL x,y:P(x,y)) OR (FORALL x,y: Q(x,y))
IMPORTING los_graph
trans_complem: LEMMA vert(G)=vert(H) AND strong_transitive?(G)
AND strong_transitive?(H) AND union(G,H)=completion(G)
IMPLIES G=completion(G) or H=completion(G)
t_close(G): graph[T] = min[graph[T], num_edges[T],
(LAMBDA (H: graph[T]): vert(H)=vert(G) AND super(G)(H)
AND strong_transitive?(H))
t_close_1: LEMMA H=t_close(G)
IMPLIES vert(H)=vert(G) AND super(G)(H) AND strong_transitive?(H)
t_close_2: LEMMA H=t_close(G) AND super(G)(K) AND strong_transitive?(K)
AND vert(K)=vert(G)
IMPLIES num_edges[T](H) <= num_edges[T](K)
t_close_3: LEMMA subgraph?[T](t_close(G),completion(G))
trans_fill: LEMMA vert(G)=vert(H) AND union(G,H)=completion(G)
IMPLIES union(t_close(G),t_close(H))=completion(G)
complem_fill: THEOREM vert(G)=vert(H) AND union(G,H)=completion(G)
IMPLIES t_close(G)=completion(G) or t_close(H)=completion(G)
IMPORTING graph_connected
subgraph_conn: LEMMA subgraph?[T](H,G) AND connected?(H) AND vert(H)=vert(G)
IMPLIES connected?(G)
complete_conn: LEMMA empty?(G) OR connected?(completion(G))
short_path : LEMMA path_from?(G,p,x,y) AND length(p)>2
AND edge?(G)(seq(p)(length(p)-3),seq(p)(length(p)-1))
IMPLIES (EXISTS p1: path_from?(G,p1,x,y) AND length(p1)=length(p)-1)
trans_walk : LEMMA strong_transitive?(G) AND walk_from?(G,w,x,y)
IMPLIES x=y or edge?(G)(x,y)
trans_connected: THEOREM strong_transitive?(G) AND connected?(G)
IMPLIES G=completion(G)
disjoint_trans : LEMMA empty?(intersection(vert(H),vert(K))) AND transitive?(H)
AND transitive?(K) IMPLIES transitive?(union(H,K))
disjoint_trans_strong: LEMMA empty?(intersection(vert(H),vert(K)))
AND strong_transitive?(H) AND strong_transitive?(K)
IMPLIES strong_transitive?(union(H,K))
subgraph_trans : LEMMA subset?(V,vert(G)) AND transitive?(G)
IMPLIES transitive?(subgraph(G,V))
subgraph_trans_strong: LEMMA subset?(V,vert(G)) AND strong_transitive?(G)
IMPLIES strong_transitive?(subgraph(G,V))
t_close_4 : LEMMA subgraph?[T](G,K) AND subgraph?[T](K,t_close(G))
AND strong_transitive?(K)
IMPLIES K=t_close(G)
closure_connect : LEMMA connected?(G) IFF connected?(t_close(G))
connected_complem: THEOREM empty?(G) OR connected?(G) OR connected?(complement(G))
% Up to this point we defined the transitive closure of a graph abstractly
% as defining a type. Now we show that the transitive closure "function" is
% uniquely constructible.
p_close(G): graph[T] =
(# vert:= vert(G),
edges := {e:doubleton[T] | (FORALL (x,y:T): x /=y AND e(x)
AND e(y) IMPLIES EXISTS (p:prewalk[T]): walk_from?(G,p,x,y))}
p_subgraph_t : LEMMA subgraph?[T](p_close(G),t_close(G))
p_transitive : LEMMA strong_transitive?(p_close(G))
p_close_1 : LEMMA H=p_close(G) IMPLIES vert(H)=vert(G) AND super(G)(H)
p_close_trans : LEMMA t_close(G)=p_close(G)
t_subgraph : THEOREM subgraph?[T](H,G) IMPLIES subgraph?[T](t_close(H),t_close(G))
END complem
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.73 Sekunden
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