\section{HeartController class}
This is the core class monitoring and regulating the heart.
class HeartController is subclass of GLOBAL
instance variables
leads : map Chamber to Lead;
sensed : map Chamber to Sense;
mode : Mode;
FixedAV : Time;
lastPulse : Time;
ARP : Time;
interval : Time;
\item leads: the leads attached to the pacemaker
\item sensed: keeps track of the last sense for each chamber
\item mode: current operation mode
\item lastPulse: stores the time of the last atrial pace event
\item ARP : the ARP parameter
\item interval : is the interval between paces to achieve the expeced rate
The following operation is the constructor with the default values for the instance variables.
HeartController : () ==> HeartController
HeartController() ==
leads := {|->};
sensed := {|->};
mode := <OFF>;
FixedAV := 150;
lastPulse := 0;
ARP := 250;
interval:= Pacemaker`rateController.getInterval();
The addLeadPacer operation its used to attach a lead to the Pacemaker.
addLeadPacer : Lead ==> ()
addLeadPacer (lead) ==
leads := leads ++ {lead.getChamber() |-> lead};
The right pacing mode its choosed by pace that also refreshes the sensed map.
pace : () ==> ()
pace () ==
(cases mode :
<AOO> -> PaceAOO(),
<AAT> -> PaceAAT(),
<DOO> -> PaceDOO(),
<OFF> -> skip,
others -> error
sensed := {|->}
And each time step we pace and after it we call step in the leads
Step : () ==> ()
Step () ==
for all key in set dom leads
do leads(key).Step();
Pace in the AOO mode follows from the VDM-SL specification discarding all the sensed activity and pacing each time interval.
PaceAOO : () ==> ()
PaceAOO () ==
let curTime : Time = World`timerRef.GetTime()
in if (interval + lastPulse <= curTime)
then (
lastPulse := curTime;
else skip
pre <ATRIA> in set dom leads
AAT mode follows from the VDM-SL specification..
PaceAAT : () ==> ()
PaceAAT () ==
let curTime : Time = World`timerRef.GetTime()
in if <ATRIA> in set dom sensed and sensed(<ATRIA>) = <PULSE>
then if curTime - lastPulse <= ARP
then skip
else (
lastPulse := curTime;
elseif (interval + lastPulse <= curTime)
then (
lastPulse := curTime;
else skip
pre <ATRIA> in set dom leads
Pace in the DOO mode follows from the VDM-SL specification discarding all the sensed activity and pacing each time interval.
PaceDOO : () ==> ()
PaceDOO () ==
let curTime : Time = World`timerRef.GetTime()
in (if (interval + lastPulse <= curTime)
then (
lastPulse := curTime;
leads(<VENTRICLE>).addLeadPace(<PULSE>,curTime + FixedAV)
else skip;
pre {<ATRIA>,<VENTRICLE>} subset dom leads
Is finished depends on the leads isFinished.
isFinished : () ==> bool
isFinished () ==
return forall key in set dom leads &
This is the lead handler that its called each time a pulse is sensed.
sensorNotify : Sense * Chamber ==> ()
sensorNotify (s,c) ==
(sensed := sensed ++ {c |-> s});
To switch the operating modes one should use
setMode : Mode ==> ()
setMode (m) ==
(mode := m);
And setInterval is the operation used by the RateController to adjust the interval.
setInterval : Time ==> ()
setInterval (t) == interval := t;
end HeartController
\subsection*{Test coverage}
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