-- ===============================================================================================================
-- TrayAllocator in tray allocation for a sortation system
-- By José Antonio Esparza and Kim Bjerge - spring 2010
-- ===============================================================================================================
class TrayAllocator
public ThroughputResult::
traysWithItemOnSorter : nat
twoTrayItemsOnSorter : nat
traySteps : nat
inductedItems : nat
calcThroughput : real;
public InductionSeperation: nat = 2;
public NumOfInductions : nat = 3;
public NumOfTrays : nat = 20;
public SecInHour : nat = 3600 -- Number of seconds in an hour
instance variables
-- Ensure sufficient number of trays on sorter ring based on inductions and separation
inv NumOfTrays > InductionSeperation * NumOfInductions;
countTraySteps : nat := 0; -- Used for calculation of throughput
countItemsInducted : nat := 0; -- Counts the number of items inducted
-- Induction group and invariants
public inductionGroup : seq of InductionController := [];
inv len inductionGroup = NumOfInductions;
-- Induction id and inds of inductionGroup sequence must be the same
inv forall id in set inds inductionGroup & inductionGroup(id).GetId() = id;
-- Sorter ring and invariants
public sorterRing : inmap Tray`UID to Tray;
inv card dom sorterRing = NumOfTrays;
-- Tray id and dom of sorterRing map must be the same
inv forall id in set dom sorterRing & sorterRing(id).GetId() = id;
-- Tray at card reader and invariants
public trayAtCardReader : Tray`UID := 0;
-- trayAtCardReader must be a valid tray in sorterRing
inv trayAtCardReader > 0 => trayAtCardReader in set dom sorterRing;
-- Allocation "strategy pattern" for one and two tray items
oneTrayStrategy : AllocatorOneTray;
twoTrayStrategy : AllocatorTwoTray;
-- TrayAllocator constructor
public TrayAllocator: SorterEnviroment==> TrayAllocator
TrayAllocator(e) ==
sorterRing := {num |-> new Tray(num) | num in set {1,...,NumOfTrays}};
inductionGroup := [new InductionController(self, num) | num in set {1,...,NumOfInductions}];
-- Creating strategies for allocation of one and two tray items
oneTrayStrategy := new AllocatorOneTray(self);
twoTrayStrategy := new AllocatorTwoTray(self);
-- Simulate sorter-ring moved one tray step
public CardReader: Tray`UID * Tray`State ==> ()
CardReader(uid, state) ==
-- Update current tray at card reader
trayAtCardReader := uid;
-- Simulate change of Tray state
-- sorterRing(trayAtCardReader).SetState(state);
-- Count the number of tray steps
countTraySteps := countTraySteps + 1;
pre uid in set dom sorterRing;
-- Inducting item on sorter if empty trays and no higher induction priority
public InductItem: InductionController * Item ==> bool
InductItem(ic, item) ==
dcl strategy : AllocatorStrategy;
-- Determine the strategy to compute the allocation of trays
let numTrays = item.GetSizeOfTrays()
cases numTrays:
1 -> strategy := oneTrayStrategy,
2 -> strategy := twoTrayStrategy
-- Central part of the Tray allocation algorithm
-- Look for inductions with higher priority before allocation of empty trays
if strategy.InductionsWithHigherPriority(ic)
return false
let trays = strategy.AllocateTray(ic.GetId())
if trays = {}
return false
countItemsInducted := countItemsInducted + 1;
IO`print("*Induction id " ^ String`NatToStr(ic.GetId()) ^ "\n");
-- Assign item to trays
PutItemOnTrays(item, trays);
return true;
pre ic in set elems inductionGroup and item.GetSizeOfTrays() <= 2; -- To be changed if Tray`ItemMaxTrays is increased
-- Assign item on empty trays
private PutItemOnTrays: Item * set of Tray ==> ()
PutItemOnTrays(item, trays) ==
for all t in set trays
pre trays <> {} and forall t in set trays & t.IsTrayEmpty();
-- Returns true if sorter is full
public IsSorterFull: () ==> bool
IsSorterFull() ==
return forall id in set dom sorterRing & sorterRing(id).GetState() = <Full>;
-- Returns calculated throughput of soter capacity for current state of sorter ring
public GetThroughput: () ==> ThroughputResult
GetThroughput () ==
CalculateThroughput(countTraySteps, rng sorterRing, countItemsInducted);
-- Calculates the current throughput based on items on sorter ring
Calculation as sum of simulation time steps = number of steps * Tray`TraySize/SorterEnviroment`Speed
throughput calculated as items inducted in simulation time converted to items/hour
calculate the number of items inducted = number of tray with status equal <full> minus sum of two tray items divied by 2
private CalculateThroughput: nat * set of Tray * nat-> ThroughputResult
CalculateThroughput(steps, trays, items) ==
let runTime :real = steps * (Tray`TraySize/SorterEnviroment`Speed),
traysWithItems = {twi | twi in set trays & twi.IsTrayFull()},
traysWith2Items = {tw2i | tw2i in set traysWithItems & tw2i.GetItem() <> nil and tw2i.GetItem().GetSizeOfTrays() = 2},
itemsOnSorter = card traysWithItems,
twoTrayItemsOnSorter = card traysWith2Items,
throughput = itemsOnSorter * SecInHour/runTime
mk_ThroughputResult(itemsOnSorter, twoTrayItemsOnSorter, steps, items, throughput)
pre trays <> {};
end TrayAllocator
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.30 Sekunden
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