class EnvironmentTask
instance variables
-- use a unique identifier for each generated event
--static temporarily commented out because LookUp does not work
private num : nat := 0;
-- we limit the number of inserted stimuli
protected max_stimuli : nat := 0;
-- administration for the event traces
-- e2s is used for all out-going stimuli (environment to system)
-- s2e is used for all received responses (system to environment)
protected e2s : map nat to nat := {|->};
protected s2e : map nat to nat := {|->}
-- checkResponseTimes verifies for each received response whether
-- or not the elapse time did (not) exceed the user-defined limit
public checkResponseTimes: map nat to nat * map nat to nat * nat -> bool
checkResponseTimes (pe2s, ps2e, plim) ==
forall idx in set dom ps2e &
ps2e(idx) - pe2s(idx) <= plim
-- the responses received should also be sent
pre dom ps2e inter dom pe2s = dom ps2e
public EnvironmentTask: nat ==> EnvironmentTask
EnvironmentTask (pno) == max_stimuli := pno;
public getNum: () ==> nat
getNum () == ( dcl res : nat := num; num := num + 1; return res );
-- Run shall be overloaded to implement the event generation loop
-- towards the system. typically, it starts a periodic thread
public Run: () ==> ()
Run () == is subclass responsibility;
public HandleEvent: nat ==> ()
HandleEvent (pev) == is subclass responsibility;
-- logEnvToSys is used to register when an event was inserted into
-- the system. note that the 'time' keyword refers to the internal
-- simulation wall clock of VDMTools
public logEnvToSys: nat ==> ()
logEnvToSys (pev) == e2s := e2s munion {pev |-> time};
-- logSysToEnv is used to register when an event was received from}
-- the system. note that the 'time' keyword refers to the internal}
-- simulation wall clock of VDMTools}
public logSysToEnv: nat ==> ()
logSysToEnv (pev) == s2e := s2e munion {pev |-> time};
-- getMinMaxAverage calculates the minimum, maximum and average
-- response times that were observed during execution of the model
-- note that getMinMaxAverage is blocked until the number of
-- system responses is equal to the number of sent stimuli
-- termination is ensured because only a maximum number of stimuli
-- is allowed to be inserted in the system, so eventually all
-- stimuli can be processed by the system. this method only works
-- when each stimulus leads to exactly one response, which is the
-- case in this instance
public getMinMaxAverage: () ==> nat * nat * real
getMinMaxAverage () ==
( dcl min : [nat] := nil, max : [nat] := nil, diff : nat := 0;
for all cnt in set dom s2e do
let dt = s2e(cnt) - e2s(cnt) in
( if min = nil then min := dt
else (if min > dt then min := dt);
if max = nil then max := dt
else (if max < dt then max := dt);
diff := diff + dt );
return mk_(min, max, diff / card dom s2e) )
pre card dom s2e > 0;
public IsFinished: () ==> ()
IsFinished() == skip;
-- getNum is mutually exclusive to ensure unique values
mutex (getNum);
-- getMinMaxAverage is blocked until all responses have been received
per getMinMaxAverage => card dom s2e >= max_stimuli;
per IsFinished => #fin(logSysToEnv) > 0;
end EnvironmentTask
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.11 Sekunden
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