% Controller.vdmrt
\subsubsection{Abstraction by inheritance -- the \texttt{Controller} class}
Since there are two controllers in our system model, it is good engineering practice
to put common functions in a base class and use VDM++ inheritance to overload
functionality if and when required. Note that each controller is linked to
a \texttt{MotorActuator} and a \texttt{MotorSensor}.
class Controller
-- control loop sample time (1 ms)
public SAMPLETIME = 0.001
instance variables
-- identify the controller by name
public mName : seq of char;
-- the motor that is controlled
public mMotorActuator : MotorActuator;
public mMotorSensor : MotorSensor;
-- constructor
public Controller: seq of char ==> Controller
Controller (pName) ==
( -- initialise the name of the controller
mName := pName;
-- initialise the motor actuator and sensor
mMotorActuator := new MotorActuator(self);
mMotorSensor := new MotorSensor(self) )
The constructor initialises the name of the controller and creates the \texttt{MotorActuator}
and \texttt{MotorSensor} instances, passing the \texttt{self} object reference to these
constructors, such that these objects know to which controller they belong. The name of the
controller is used to provide meaningful log information. Furthermore, a link to the
environment model is maintained, such that the database of named values can be accessed
through the \texttt{setValue} and \texttt{getValue} operations. Both operations add
the name of the controller as a prefix to the named variable, such that the two controllers
are distinguishable in the database.
instance variables
-- link back to the environment
protected mEnvironment : [Environment] := nil;
-- establish a link to the environment model
public setEnvironment: Environment ==> ()
setEnvironment (pEnvironment) == mEnvironment := pEnvironment;
-- push a value to the environment
public setValue: seq of char * real ==> ()
setValue (pName, pValue) ==
mEnvironment.setValue(mName^"_"^pName, pValue)
pre mEnvironment <> nil;
-- get a value from the environment
public getValue: seq of char ==> real
getValue (pName) ==
return mEnvironment.getValue(mName^"_"^pName)
pre mEnvironment <> nil
Three operation prototypes are provided with deferred implementations. The
\texttt{PowerUp} operation is used to start the main thread of the controller
and all subsidiary processes required at startup. This operation is called
by the environment. The \texttt{CtrlLoop} operation is the prototype for
the periodic thread that implements the actual control loop. Note that
the periodic thread is actually specified here, instead of inside the
subclass. Hence, both controllers will execute with the same periodicy
and offset. They will actually run in parallel in our model since they
are deployed on different CPUs.
protected DEBUGCTRLLOOP = 2
-- prototype used for simulation diagnostics
protected printDiagnostics: nat ==> ()
printDiagnostics (pLoopCnt) ==
duration (0)
( -- generic diagnostics announcement
IO`printf(mName ^ " controller at %s on %s\n",
[pLoopCnt, time / 1E9]);
-- print the actuator internal state
mMotorActuator.printDiagnostics() )
-- prototype for the device power-up
public PowerUp: () ==> ()
PowerUp () == is subclass responsibility
-- prototype of the main control loop
async private CtrlLoop: () ==> ()
CtrlLoop () ==
( -- use standard GoF behavior pattern
duration (0) CtrlLoopEntry();
duration (0) CtrlLoopExit() );
-- auxiliary operation are used for diagnostics
-- always executes with zero duration
public CtrlLoopEntry: () ==> ()
CtrlLoopEntry () == skip;
public CtrlLoopBody: () ==> ()
CtrlLoopBody () == is subclass responsibility;
-- auxiliary operation are used for diagnostics
-- always executes with zero duration
public CtrlLoopExit: () ==> ()
CtrlLoopExit () == skip;
-- the control loop runs at 1kHz with a 750 msec initial offset
periodic (1, 0, 0, 0) (CtrlLoop)
end Controller
The periodic thread in the \texttt{Environment} and the periodic threads
of the controllers in the system model have the same parameters, except
for the initial offset. This causes the simulation to be totally deterministic,
since the environment is always evaluated before the controller threads.
If jitter is added to the periodic threads of the controllers, or the
computations inside the control loop take longer than 0.5~second, than
this may cause unrealistic simulations. It is another abstraction made
in this model to simplify the design.
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.15 Sekunden
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