% Environment.vdmrt
\subsubsection{Mimicing the continuous time world -- The \texttt{Environment} class}
The \texttt{Environment} class is used to mimic the behavior of the otherwise
continuous time world in our discrete time setting in VDM-RT. In a sense, it
implements a basic continous time simulator running in a seperate thread
of our model in order to provide the appropriate stimuli and observe the responses
from the ChessWay system model. We have created a generic interface between the
two models, based on the exchange of a set of floating point (real) values,
that can be referenced by name. A set of reserved names is listed below.
class Environment
reserved : set of seq of char = {
-- the accelerometer on to the LEFT controller
-- the wheel connected to the LEFT controller
-- the gyroscope connected to the LEFT controller
-- the wheel connected to the RIGHT controller
-- the direction switch on the RIGHT controller
-- the ON/OFF switch on the RIGHT controller
-- the safety switch on the RIGHT controller
-- the user behavior
-- alternate interface model (using KP CT model)
This list of names will be the basis of the contract and interface definition in
phase two of the project, where we will use proper co-models instead of running
this discrete time model in isolation.
-- all actuators are represented by a 3-tuple containing
-- start time, start value, direction coefficient
public tCtCurve = real * real * real;
-- map open-loop sensor name to non-empty sequence of 3-tuples
public tCtBehavior = map seq of char to seq1 of tCtCurve
inv tcb == forall tc in set rng tcb &
forall i in set inds tc \ {1} &
tc(i-1).#1 < tc(i).#1
instance variables
-- collection of CT open-loop sensor signals
-- these will be read from a file (scenario)
private mCtBehavior : tCtBehavior := {|->}
The evolution over time of these environment variables is described by
straightforward linear approximation. Each named variable in the domain of
\texttt{tCtBehavior} is bound to a non-empty list of \texttt{tCtCurve} elements.
Each \texttt{tCtCurve} element defines a three-tuple $(t, y, dydt)$, whereby
$y$ is the value that is valid exactly at time $t$. Future values of this
variable can be calculated by simply computing $y + dydt * (T - t)$,
$T \ge t$. The elements in the range of the \texttt{tCtBehavior}
are ordered such that the first element of each three tuple, which
defines the starting time of the curve element, are strict monotone
increasing, which is shown by the invariant.
public loadCsvFile: seq of char * seq of char ==> ()
loadCsvFile (pctvar, pfname) ==
( dcl lcnt : nat := 1, lctc : seq of tCtCurve := [mk_(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)];
-- diagnostics
IO`printf("Reading CSV file %s\n", [pfname]);
def mk_(rb, rv) = CSV`flinecount(pfname) in
if rb
then ( dcl cx : real := 0, cy : real := 0;
-- print diagnostics
IO`printf("Reading %s lines from CSV file\n", [rv]);
-- read all lines
while rv >= lcnt do
let mk_(-, vs) = CSV`freadval[seq of real](pfname, lcnt) in
( -- time must be strict monotone increasing
if vs(1) > cx
then ( lctc := lctc ^ [mk_ (cx+0.5, cy, 0.0)];
cx := vs(1);
cy := vs(2) )
else cy := (cy + vs(2)) / 2;
lcnt := lcnt + 1 );
-- conditionally add the last value read
if lctc(len lctc).#1 < cx
then lctc := lctc ^ [mk_ (cx+0.5, cy, 0.0)];
-- store the continuous time behavior
mCtBehavior := mCtBehavior ++ {pctvar |-> lctc};
-- create initial sensor settings
-- create initial user behavior
mUser.evaluate() )
else ( IO`println("Loading CSV file failed");
-- cause overture tool to abort execution
error ) )
pre pctvar in set reserved;
-- auxiliary operation to load a simulation scenario
public loadScenario: seq of char ==> ()
loadScenario (pfname) ==
( -- diagnostics
IO`printf("Reading scenario %s\n", [pfname]);
def mk_(rb,rv) = IO`freadval[tCtBehavior](pfname) in
if rb
then ( -- print diagnostics
IO`println("Scenario loaded successfully");
-- store the behaviors
mCtBehavior := rv;
-- create initial sensor settings
-- create initial user behavior
mUser.evaluate() )
else ( IO`println("Loading scenario failed");
-- cause Overture tool to abort execution
error ) );
-- auxiliary operation executed by the main loop
-- computes and updates the open-loop sensor values
public evalSensors: real ==> ()
evalSensors (ptime) ==
-- iterate over all actuation signals
for all iname in set dom mCtBehavior do
-- retrieve the behavior descriptions
def behaviors = mCtBehavior(iname) in
def behavior = hd behaviors in
-- single or multiple behavior descriptors
if len behaviors = 1
evalSingle(ptime, iname, behavior)
-- retrieve the next behavior description
def mk_(ltime, -, -) = hd tl behaviors in
if ltime <= ptime
then ( -- remove the current behavior if time passed
mCtBehavior := mCtBehavior ++
{iname |-> tl behaviors};
-- set the new open-loop sensor value
evalSingle(ptime, iname, hd tl behaviors) )
else evalSingle(ptime, iname, behavior);
public evalSingle: real * seq of char * tCtCurve ==> ()
evalSingle (ptime, pname, mk_(ltime, lvalue, ldir)) ==
setValue(pname, lvalue + ldir * (ptime - ltime))
pre ptime >= ltime
The operation \texttt{loadScenario} is used to initialise the \texttt{mCtBehavior}
instance variable, which is the database of all continuous time enviroment variable
descriptors described previously. The initial values for this mapping is kept in a
separate file that is read from the file system, using the \texttt{IO}-library.
This allows for multiple scenarios being executed, without the need to have to
change the models. This corresponds to the need for scenarios in phase two of
the project. Once the file is read succesfully, all descriptors are evaluated
for $t=0$ in order to intialise all environment variables, before the execution of
the system model commences.
instance variables
-- flag to enable debugging logging in Environment classes
static public debug : nat := 1
instance variables
-- maintain a link to the World class
private mWorld : World;
-- the maximum simulation time
private mMaxSimTime : nat;
-- the wheel model
private mLeftWheel : Wheel;
private mRightWheel : Wheel;
-- the hall sensor model
private mLeftHall : HallSensor;
private mRightHall : HallSensor;
-- the user model
private mUser : User;
-- constructor of the Environment class
public Environment : World * nat ==> Environment
Environment (pWorld, pMaxSimTime) ==
( -- link the environment to the World
mWorld := pWorld;
-- set the maximum simulation time
mMaxSimTime := pMaxSimTime;
-- create the wheel models
mLeftWheel := new Wheel("LEFT", self);
mRightWheel := new Wheel("RIGHT", self);
-- create the hall sensor models
mLeftHall := new HallSensor("LEFT", self, mLeftWheel);
mRightHall := new HallSensor("RIGHT", self, mRightWheel);
-- force the initial values for the Hall sensors
-- create the user model
mUser := new User(self, mLeftWheel, mRightWheel) )
The constructor of the \texttt{Environment} class establishes static links
to the objects that are part of the environment model: the \texttt{Wheel}
and \texttt{User}. Each wheel has a separate \texttt{HallSensor} connected to it.
The values of the named interface are kept in the \texttt{mValues} instance variables.
instance variables
-- sensors
private ain: ISensorReal := ChessWay`acc_in;
private vin: ISensorReal := ChessWay`vel_in;
-- actuators
private aout: IActuatorReal := ChessWay`acc_out;
private vout: IActuatorReal := ChessWay`vel_out
instance variables
-- maintain the list of simulation values
private mValues: map seq of char to real := {|->}
The instance variable \texttt{mValues} is declared private, and two access operations,
\texttt{getValue} and \texttt{setValue} are provided to access these late-bound named
interface elements. Both operations have a \texttt{duration(0)} clause in the body, which
assures that calling these operations from the system model is perceived as instanteneous.
-- auxiliary operation to store actuator data
public setValue: seq of char * real ==> ()
setValue (pName, pValue) ==
duration (0)
( dcl currentValue : [real] :=
if pName in set dom mValues
then mValues(pName)
else nil;
-- update the value map
mValues := mValues ++ {pName |-> pValue};
-- check for co-sim variables
setCosimValue(pName, pValue);
-- print optional diagnostics
if debug > 1 and pValue <> currentValue
then ( IO`print(pName ^ " is set to ");
IO`print(" at ");
IO`print("\n") ) )
-- protect against illegal late bound names
pre pName in set reserved;
private setCosimValue: seq of char * real ==> ()
setCosimValue (pName, pValue) ==
if mWorld.cosim
then cases (pName) :
"LEFT_ACC" -> ChessWay`acc_out.SetValue(pValue),
"RIGHT_VEL" -> ChessWay`vel_out.SetValue(pValue),
others -> skip
-- auxiliary operation to retrieve sensor data
public getValue: seq of char ==> real
getValue (pName) ==
duration (0)
if pName not in set dom mValues
then ( -- release warning
IO`print("warning: "^pName^
" read before initialised\n");
-- return defined value
return 0.0 )
else ( -- obtain the current value
dcl retval : real := getCosimValue(pName);
-- print optional diagnostics
if debug > 1
then ( IO`print(pName ^ " was ");
IO`print(" at ");
IO`print("\n") );
-- return the value
return retval )
-- protect against illegal late bound names
pre pName in set reserved;
private getCosimValue: seq of char ==> real
getCosimValue (pName) ==
cases (pName) :
"LEFT_ACC" -> return ChessWay`acc_in.GetValue(),
"RIGHT_VEL" -> return ChessWay`vel_in.GetValue(),
others -> return mValues(pName)
The operations \texttt{getValue} and \texttt{setValue} both check whether the named
interface elements actually exist in the reserved word table specified earlier, before
look up or modification. Furthermore, these operations are declared \textit{mutual exclusive}
by means of permission predicates, in order to guarantee consistency at run-time. Only one
thread in our model shall be able to read or modify any of the values at the same time.
-- environment access must be atomic
mutex (setValue);
mutex (getValue);
mutex (setValue,getValue)
The operation \texttt{mainLoop} is the core function in the \texttt{Environment} class,
which is executed as a periodic thread. Each iteration, it starts by determining the
actual system time and then updates the environment model. A specific procedure is
followed: first it evaluates the sensors by looking at the scenario, then it updates
the wheel model, followed by updating the hall sensors and finally the user. This
specific procedure reflects the causal relationship between these submodels. Another
ordering will yield different (wrong) results!
private mainLoop: () ==> ()
mainLoop () ==
( -- determine the current time
dcl ticks : nat := time,
clock : real := ticks / World`SIM_RESOLUTION;
-- update the open-loop sensor values and user behavior
-- update the wheel models
-- update the Hall sensor models
-- update the user model
-- optional diagnostics
if debug > 0 then printDiagnostics();
-- check if the maximum simulation time was reached
if (ticks >= mMaxSimTime) then terminate() );
-- operation to signal the main thread once we're done
private terminate: () ==> ()
terminate () == ( printEnvironment(); mWorld.signal() )
-- run this thread 1000 times per second
-- with a 250 msec offset
periodic (1, 0, 0, 0) (mainLoop)
Note that the \texttt{mainLoop} operation also determines whether or not the end
of the simulation run has been reached, by checking the current simulation wall clock
against the maximum simulation target time. Once this is reached, the \texttt{terminate}
operation is called, which will set the \texttt{finish} variable in the \texttt{World}
class. This will cause the main DESTECS interpreter thread to become unblocked. Since
this thread has the highest priority, it will stop execution of the model and provide
control back to the user.
-- auxiliary diagnostics operations
private printDiagnostics: () ==> ()
printDiagnostics () ==
( -- diagnostics
IO`print("\nEnvironment.mainLoop = ");
IO`print("\n") );
public printEnvironment: () ==> ()
printEnvironment () ==
( -- diagnostics
IO`print("Dump of the environment\n");
-- iterate over all key/value pairs
for all pKey in set dom mValues do
( IO`print(pKey);
IO`print(" = ");
IO`print("\n") ) )
end Environment
The \texttt{printDiagnostics} and \texttt{printEnvironment} operations are used to show
the status of the simulation.
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.40 Sekunden
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