% HallSensor.vdmrt
\subsubsection{Detecting wheel rotation -- the \texttt{HallSensor} class}
Rotation of the wheel is implemented using so-called Hall sensors, which detect the presence
of the permanent magnets inside the direct drive motors. Three of these sensors
are available per wheel, which are equidistant spread among the circumference, one each
every 120~degrees. This architecture implies that every 60~degrees of rotation, the
status of at least one sensor will change. The \texttt{HallSensor} class captures
the three sensors attached to a single \texttt{Wheel}.
class HallSensor
instance variables
-- the logical name of the wheel
mName : seq of char;
-- link to the environment
mEnvironment : Environment;
-- link to the motor
mWheel : Wheel
private convert: real -> nat
convert (prad) ==
-- convert radians into degrees modulo 360
let degrees = floor (prad * MATH`pi / 180) in degrees mod 360
public HallSensor: seq of char * Environment * Wheel
==> HallSensor
HallSensor (pName, pEnvironment, pWheel) ==
( mName := pName;
mEnvironment := pEnvironment;
mWheel := pWheel );
private setSensor: seq of char * bool ==> ()
setSensor (pSensor, pValue) ==
if pValue
then mEnvironment.setValue(pSensor, 1.0)
else mEnvironment.setValue(pSensor, 0.0);
public setSensors: bool * bool * bool ==> ()
setSensors (ph1, ph2, ph3) ==
( setSensor(mName^"_HALL1", ph1);
setSensor(mName^"_HALL2", ph2);
setSensor(mName^"_HALL3", ph3) );
public evaluate: () ==> ()
evaluate () ==
-- retrieve and convert the current wheel position
def position = convert(mWheel.position) in
cases (position div 60):
0 -> setSensors(true, false, true),
1 -> setSensors(true, false, false),
2 -> setSensors(true, true, false),
3 -> setSensors(false, true, false),
4 -> setSensors(false, true, true),
5 -> setSensors(false, false, true),
others -> error
end HallSensor
The \texttt{evaluate} operation is called by the \texttt{Environment}. The
\texttt{HallSensor} will retrieve the current wheel angular position and
calculates the new sensor values. These values are pushed back to the
environment, using the cascaded \texttt{setSensors} and
\texttt{setSensor} operations.
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.13 Sekunden
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