\section{TransportPlan class}
class TransportPlan
instance variables
private id_token : nat;
private totalFee : real;
private totalDuration : nat;
private choice : CyberRail`Choice;
public routeList : seq of Route := [];
private routesTravled : seq of Route := [];
inv len routeList > 0 => forall i in set inds routeList
& i < len routeList =>
routeList(i).arrivalLocation = routeList(i+1).departureLocation;
public Route ::
departureLocation : CyberRail`String
arrivalLocation : CyberRail`String
fee : real
platform : CyberRail`String
dur : nat
id_route : nat
inv r == len r.platform > 0 and
len r.arrivalLocation > 0 and
len r.departureLocation > 0 and
r.fee >= 0 ;
public DTO ::
id_token : nat
routeList : seq of Route
choice : CyberRail`Choice
public TransportPlan : seq of Route * CyberRail`Choice * nat ==> TransportPlan
TransportPlan(routes, pChoice, id_tok) ==
id_token := id_tok;
choice := pChoice;
routeList := routes;
public getNextRoute : () ==> TransportPlan`Route
getNextRoute () == (
return hd routeList;
pre len routeList > 0;
public containsRoute: nat ==> bool
containsRoute(id_route) ==
return exists r in set elems routeList & r.id_route = id_route
pre len routeList > 0;
public addRoute: Route ==> ()
addRoute(route) ==(
routeList := routeList^[route];
totalFee:= totalFee + route.fee
pre routeList(len routeList).arrivalLocation = route.departureLocation;
public routeTraveled: () ==> ()
routeTraveled () == (
routesTravled := routesTravled ^ [hd routeList];
routeList := tl routeList;
pre len routeList > 0;
pure public routesRemaining : () ==> nat
routesRemaining() == ( return len routeList;);
public getByValue : () ==> DTO
getByValue()== return mk_TransportPlan`DTO(id_token, routeList, choice);
public getPlanAsNaviInput: () ==> CyberRail`NavigationInput
getPlanAsNaviInput() ==(
return mk_CyberRail`NavigationInput((hd routeList).departureLocation,
(routeList(len routeList)).arrivalLocation, choice, id_token )
pre len routeList > 0;
public getTokenId: () ==> nat
getTokenId() == return id_token;
public getRouteList: () ==> seq of Route
return routeList;
end TransportPlan
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