\section{VeMoController Class}
-- Class: VeMoController
-- Description: VeMoController main controller for the VeMo system
-- class definition
class VeMoController
-- instance variables
instance variables
public ctrlUnits : inmap nat to Controller := {|->};
public lights : inmap nat to TrafficLight := {|->};
inv dom ctrlUnits inter dom lights = {};
inv forall id in set dom ctrlUnits & ctrlUnits(id).GetVehicleID() = id;
inv forall id in set dom lights & lights(id).GetID() = id;
public static graphics : gui_Graphics := new gui_Graphics();
static env : Environment := World`env;
-- Types definition section
-- Operations definition section
public VeMoController : () ==> VeMoController
VeMoController () ==
public addController: Controller ==> ()
addController(ctrl) ==
ctrlUnits := ctrlUnits munion {ctrl.GetVehicleID() |-> ctrl} ;
let vecID = ctrl.GetVehicleID() in
let pos = ctrl.GetPosition() in
graphics.updatePosition(vecID, pos.X(), pos.Y());
let dir = ctrl.GetDirection() in
for all unit in set rng ctrlUnits do
graphics.connectVehicles(unit.GetVehicleID() ,vecID);
pre ctrl.GetVehicleID() not in set (dom ctrlUnits union dom lights);
--and ctrl not in set dom controllerConnections;
public addTrafficLight: TrafficLight ==> ()
addTrafficLight(light) ==
lights := lights munion {light.GetID() |-> light};
pre light.GetID() not in set dom lights
and light.GetID() not in set dom ctrlUnits;
public getController : nat ==> Controller
getController(id) ==
return ctrlUnits(id);
pre id in set dom ctrlUnits;
public getTrafficLight : nat ==> TrafficLight
getTrafficLight(id) ==
return lights(id);
pre id in set dom lights;
public EnvironmentReady: () ==> ()
EnvironmentReady() == skip;
public CalculateInRange: () ==> ()
CalculateInRange() ==
-- vehicles/controllers are denoted units in the following
let units = rng ctrlUnits in
-- for all units, find the ones in range.
-- This could be optimized given that if one unit can see another unit,
-- then they can see each other, no need to calculate the range again
-- for units seeing each other. However this will be complex, given that
-- one unit might have serveral units in its range that aren't in range
-- of each other.
for all unit in set units do
let pos = unit.GetPosition() in
graphics.updatePosition(unit.GetVehicleID(), pos.X(), pos.Y());
let dir = unit.GetDirection() in graphics.updateDirection(
let inrange = FindInRangeWithOppositeDirection(unit, units)
-- only request data, the way the loop is built will ensure that all
-- units will request data.
if(card inrange > 0)
for all oncomingVehicle in set inrange do
let vehicleDTO = unit.getVehicleDTO() in
-- synchronization, when we have calculated inrange allow vehicles to
--move again
for all u in set rng ctrlUnits do u.EnvironmentReady();
-- Functions definition section
public static OppositeDirection : Types`Direction -> Types`Direction
OppositeDirection(d) ==
cases d:
<EAST> -> <WEST>,
<WEST> -> <EAST>
-- compare the range of a single vehicle/controller to a
-- set of vehicles/controllers
public FindInRange : Controller * set of Controller -> set of Controller
FindInRange(v, vs) ==
let inrange = { ir | ir in set vs & v <> ir and InRange(v,ir) = true }
-- compare the range of two vehicles/controllers
public InRange : Controller * Controller -> bool
InRange(u1,u2) ==
let pos1 = u1.GetPosition(), pos2 = u2.GetPosition()
pos1.inRange(pos2, Config`Range);
-- compare the range of a single vehicle/controller to a set of
-- vehicles/controllers moving in the opposite direction
public FindInRangeWithOppositeDirection : Controller * set of Controller
-> set of Controller
FindInRangeWithOppositeDirection(u ,us) ==
let dir = OppositeDirection(u.GetDirection()) in
let inrange = { ir | ir in set FindInRange(u, us) & dir = ir.GetDirection()}
in inrange;
-- Values definition section
-- Thread definition section
while true do
-- sync definition section
per CalculateInRange => #fin(EnvironmentReady) > #fin(CalculateInRange);
-- has heavy performance loss
mutex (CalculateInRange, addController, getController);
mutex (addController);
mutex (getController);
mutex (CalculateInRange)
end VeMoController
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.19 Sekunden
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