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  KEY           = "Bj\o{}rner\&82",
  AUTHOR        = "Dines Bj\o{}rner and Cliff B.\ Jones",
  TITLE         = "Formal Specification \& Software Development",
  PUBLISHER     = "Prentice-Hall International",
  YEAR          = "1982",
  SERIES        = "Series in Computer Science",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "NA. (PGL)"}

  KEY           = "Dick\&91",
  AUTHOR        = "Jeremy Dick and Jerome Loubersac",
  TITLE         = "A Visual Approach to VDM: Entity-Structure Diagrams",
  INSTITUTION   = "Bull",
  ADDRESS       = "68, Route de Versailles, 78430 Louveciennes (France)",
  YEAR          = "1991",
  MONTH         = "January",
  NUMBER        = "DE/DRPA/91001",
  SIZE          = "57",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "I have a copy of it and I have read it 1/5-91 (PGL)."}

  KEY           = "Hall90",
  AUTHOR        = "Anthony Hall",
  TITLE         = "Seven Myths of Formal Methods",
  JOURNAL       = "IEEE Software",
  YEAR          = "1990",
  MONTH         = "September",
  VOLUME        = "7",
  NUMBER        = "5",
  PAGES         = "11--19",
  SIZE          = "9",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "BIB. OBL. I have read it 12/4-91 (PGL)."}

   KEY      = "Hayes\&89",
   AUTHOR   = "I.J. Hayes, C.B. Jones",
   TITLE    = "{Specifications are not (necessarily) executable}",
   JOURNAL  = "Software Engineering Journal",
   PAGES    = "330-338",
   VOLUME   = "",
   MONTH    = "November",
   YEAR     = "1989",
   COMMENT  = "I have a copy of it and I have read it (PGL)."}

  KEY           = "Jones90",
  AUTHOR        = "Cliff B.\ Jones",
  TITLE         = "Systematic Software Development Using VDM (second edition)",  
  PUBLISHER     = "Prentice Hall",
  ADDRESS       = "Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey"
  YEAR          = "1990",
  SIZE          = "333"
  ANNOTE        = "This book deals with the Vienna Development Method.
                   The approach explains formal (functional)
                   specifications and verified design with an emphasis
                   on the study of proofs in the development process.",
  COMMENT       = "I have a copy of it (PGL)."}

  KEY           = "Larsen\&91",
  AUTHOR        = "Peter Gorm Larsen and Poul B\o{}gh Lassen",
  TITLE         = "An Executable Subset of Meta-IV with Loose Specification",
  BOOKTITLE     = "Accepted at the VDM'91 Symposium",
  PUBLISHER     = "Springer-Verlag",
  YEAR          = "1991",
  MONTH         = "March",
  SIZE          = "15",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "BIB. PGL"}

  KEY           = "Larsen\&91",
  AUTHOR        = "Peter Gorm Larsen, Nico Plat, and Hans Toetenel",
  TITLE         = "A Complete Formal Semantics of Data Flow Diagrams",
  INSTITUTION   = "Delft University of Technology",
  YEAR          = "1991",
  MONTH         = "July",
  SIZE          = "36",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "BIB. I have both a hard and a softcopy of this

  KEY           = "Plat\&91",
  AUTHOR        = "Nico Plat, Jan van Katwijk, and Hans Toetenel",
  TITLE         = "Applications and Benefits of Formal Methods in
                   Software Development",
  INSTITUTION   = "Delft University of Technology",
  ADDRESS       = "Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics",
  YEAR          = "1991",
  MONTH         = "April",
  NUMBER        = "91-33",
  SIZE          = "32",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "BIB. I have read it 22/4-91 (PGL)."}

  KEY          = "Toetenel\&90",
  AUTHOR       = "Hans Toetenel, Jan van Katwijk, Nico Plat",
  TITLE        = "Structured Analysis -- Formal Design, using Stream
                  \& Object oriented Formal Specification",
  BOOKTITLE    = "Proc. of the ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop
                  on Formal Methods in Software Development. 
                  Software Engineering Notes {\rm 15(4): 118-127}",
  PUBLISHER    = "ACM Press",
  YEAR         = "1990",
  ADDRESS      = "Napa, California, USA",
  MONTH        = "9-11 May",
  SIZE          = "10",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "BIB. I have read it 18/4-91 (PGL)."}

  KEY           = "Ward\&85",
  AUTHOR        = "P.T.\ Ward and S.J.\ Mellor"
  TITLE         = "Structured Development for Real-Time Systems",
  PUBLISHER     = "Yourdon Press",
  ADDRESS       = "New York",
  YEAR          = "1985-1986",
  VOLUME        = "1-3"
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "I have read selected parts of it but I don't have
                   a copy (PGL)."}

  KEY           = "Watt\&87",
  AUTHOR        = "David A.\ Watt, Brian A.\ Wichmann and William Findlay",
  TITLE         = "ADA Language and Methodology",
  PUBLISHER     = "Prentice-Hall International",
  YEAR          = "1987",
  SIZE          = "518",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "NA. I have read most of it during my stay in Delft

  KEY           = "Wing90",
  AUTHOR        = "Jeannette M.\ Wing",
  TITLE         = "A Specifier's Introduction to Formal Methods",
  JOURNAL       = "IEEE Software",
  YEAR          = "1990",
  MONTH         = "September",
  VOLUME        = "23",
  NUMBER        = "9",
  PAGES         = "8--24",
  SIZE          = "15",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "BIB. I have read it 29/4-91 (PGL)."}

  KEY           = "Adler88",
  AUTHOR        = "Mike Adler",
  TITLE         = "An Algebra for Data Flow Diagram Process
  JOURNAL       = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engeneering",
  YEAR          = "1988",
  MONTH         = "February",
  VOLUME        = "14",
  NUMBER        = "2",
  PAGES         = "169--183",
  SIZE          = "15",
  ANNOTE        = "This article makes an attempt of formalizing the
                   data flow diagram decomposition by means directed
                   acyclic graphs and input/output connective
  COMMENT       = "BIB. I have read it 19/4-91 (PGL)."}

  KEY           = "Alabiso88",
  AUTHOR        = "Bruno Alabiso",
  TITLE         = "Transformation of Data Flow Analysis Models to
                   Object Oriented Design",
  BOOKTITLE     = "OOPSLA'88 Proceedings",
  PUBLISHER     = "ACM",
  YEAR          = "1988",
  MONTH         = "November",
  PAGES         = "335--353",
  SIZE          = "19",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "BIB. I have read it 18/6-91 and it introduces the
                   notion of I/O uncohesiveness which is useful for
                   the CONFIRM project (PGL)."}

  KEY           = "Bj\o{}rner\&82",
  AUTHOR        = "Dines Bj\o{}rner and Cliff B.\ Jones",
  TITLE         = "Formal Specification \& Software Development",
  PUBLISHER     = "Prentice-Hall International",
  YEAR          = "1982",
  SERIES        = "Series in Computer Science",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "NA. (PGL)"}

  KEY           = "Bruza\&89",
  AUTHOR        = "P.D.\ Bruza and Th.P.\ van der Weide",
  TITLE         = "The Semantics of Data Flow Diagrams",
  INSTITUTION   = "University of Nijmegen",
  ADDRESS       = "Department of Informatics",
  YEAR          = "1989",
  MONTH         = "October",
  NUMBER        = "89-16",
  SIZE          = "13",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "BIB. I have read it 15/4/91 (PGL)"}

  KEY           = "BSIVDM91",
  TITLE         = "VDM Specification Language -- Proto-Standard",
  INSTITUTION   = "British Standards Institution",
  YEAR          = "1991",
  MONTH         = "March",
  SIZE          = "269",
  NOTE          = "BSI IST/5/50",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "(PGL)."}

  KEY           = "DeMarco78",
  AUTHOR        = "Tom DeMarco",
  TITLE         = "Structured Analysis and System Specification",
  PUBLISHER     = "Yourdon Press",
  YEAR          = "1978",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "En udgave fra 1979 er bestilt 8/12.
                   L\aa{}nt fra NTUB (OBL). 
                   I have read parts of it 5/5-91 (PGL)."}

  KEY           = "Eisenback\&89",
  AUTHOR        = "Susan Eisenback, Lee McLoughlin, and Chris Sadler",
  TITLE         = "Data-Flow Design as a Visual Programming Language",
  BOOKTITLE     = "Fifth International Workshop on Software
                   Specification and Design",
  ORGANIZATION  = "IEEE Computer Society",
  YEAR          = "1989",
  MONTH         = "May",
  PAGES         = "281--283",
  SIZE          = "3",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "BIB. I have read it 17/6-91 (PGL)."}

  KEY           = "Fraser\&91",
  AUTHOR        = "Martin D.\ Fraser, Kuldeep, and Vijay K.\ Vaishnavi",
  TITLE         = "Informal and Formal Requirements Specification
                   Languages: Bridging the Gap",
  JOURNAL       = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering",
  YEAR          = "1991",
  MONTH         = "May",
  VOLUME        = "17",
  NUMBER        = "5",
  PAGES         = "454--466",
  SIZE          = "13",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "BIB. I have read it (PGL)."}

  KEY           = "Gane\&77",
  AUTHOR        = "Chris Gane and Trish Sarson",
  TITLE         = "Structured Systems Analysis: Tools \& Techniques",
  PUBLISHER     = "Prentice-Hall",
  ADDRESS       = "Englewood Cliff, New Jersey 07632",
  YEAR          = "1977",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "NA. I have read parts of it (PGL)."}

  KEY           = "Jones90",
  AUTHOR        = "Cliff B.\ Jones",
  TITLE         = "Systematic Software Development Using VDM (second edition)",  
  PUBLISHER     = "Prentice Hall",
  ADDRESS       = "Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey"
  YEAR          = "1990",
  SIZE          = "333"
  ANNOTE        = "This book deals with the Vienna Development Method.
                   The approach explains formal (functional)
                   specifications and verified design with an emphasis
                   on the study of proofs in the development process.",
  COMMENT       = "I have a copy of it (PGL)."}

  KEY           = "Larsen\&91",
  AUTHOR        = "Peter Gorm Larsen, Jan van Katwijk, Nico Plat,
                   Kees Pronk, and Hans Toetenel",
  TITLE         = "Towards an Integrated Combination of SA and VDM",
  BOOKTITLE     = "Structured Analysis and Formal Methods",
  YEAR          = "1991",
  MONTH         = "June",
  SIZE          = "9",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "BIB. I have both a hardcopy and a softcopy of
                   this article (PGL)."}

  KEY           = "Larsen\&91",
  AUTHOR        = "Peter Gorm Larsen, Nico Plat, and Hans Toetenel",
  TITLE         = "A Complete Formal Semantics of Data Flow Diagrams",
  INSTITUTION   = "Delft University of Technology",
  YEAR          = "1991",
  MONTH         = "July",
  SIZE          = "36",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "BIB. I have both a hard and a softcopy of this

  KEY           = "Larsen\&91",
  AUTHOR        = "Peter Gorm Larsen, Nico Plat, and Hans Toetenel",
  TITLE         = "A Formal Semantics of Data Flow Diagrams",
  JOURNAL       = "Submitted to Formal Aspects of Computing",
  YEAR          = "1991",
  MONTH         = "July",
  SIZE          = "20",
  NOTE          = "",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "BIB. I have both a hard and a softcopy of it (PGL)."}

  KEY           = "Larsen\&91",
  AUTHOR        = "Peter Gorm Larsen, Jan van Katwijk, Nico Plat,
                   Kees Pronk, and Hans Toetenel",
  TITLE         = "SVDM: An Integrated Combination of SA and VDM",
  BOOKTITLE     = "Methods Integration Conference",
  YEAR          = "1991",
  MONTH         = "September",
  SIZE          = "20",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "BIB. I have both a hardcopy and a softcopy of
                   this article (PGL)."}

  KEY           = "Plat\&91",
  AUTHOR        = "Nico Plat, Jan van Katwijk, and Kees Pronk",
  TITLE         = "A Case for Structured Analysis/Formal Design",
  BOOKTITLE     = "VDM '91 -- Formal Software Development Methods",
  PUBLISHER     = "Springer-Verlag",
  YEAR          = "1991",
  MONTH         = "October",
  SIZE          = "26",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "BIB. I have read it twice 9-14/4-91 (PGL)"}

  KEY           = "Randell91",
  AUTHOR        = "Gill Randell",
  TITLE         = "The Integration of Structured and Formal Methods",
  BOOKTITLE     = "Workshop Structured Analysis and Formal Methods",
  ADDRESS       = "York",
  YEAR          = "1991",
  MONTH         = "June",
  PAGES         = "35--36",
  SIZE          = "2",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "BIB. (PGL)."}

  KEY           = "Semmens\&91",
  AUTHOR        = "Lesley Semmens and Pat Allen",
  TITLE         = "Using Yourdon and Z: an Approach to Formal Specification",
  INSTITUTION   = "Faculty of Information and Engineering Systems",
  ADDRESS       = "Leeds Polytechnic",
  YEAR          = "1991",
  MONTH         = "January",
  SIZE          = "26",
  NOTE          = "Handed out at a workshop called ``Structured Analysis
                   and Formal Methods'' June 1991 in York",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "BIB. I have read it 9/6-91 (PGL)."}

  KEY           = "Sommerville82",
  AUTHOR        = "I.\ Sommerville",
  TITLE         = "Software Engineering",
  PUBLISHER     = "Addison-Wesley",
  ADDRESS       = "London",
  YEAR          = "1982",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "We don't have it (PGL)."}

  KEY          = "Toetenel\&90",
  AUTHOR       = "Hans Toetenel, Jan van Katwijk, Nico Plat",
  TITLE        = "Structured Analysis -- Formal Design, using Stream
                  \& Object oriented Formal Specification",
  BOOKTITLE    = "Proc. of the ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop
                  on Formal Methods in Software Development. 
                  Software Engineering Notes {\rm 15(4): 118-127}",
  PUBLISHER    = "ACM Press",
  YEAR         = "1990",
  ADDRESS      = "Napa, California, USA",
  MONTH        = "9-11 May",
  SIZE          = "10",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "BIB. I have read it 18/4-91 (PGL)."}

  KEY           = "Yourdon\&75",
  AUTHOR        = "E.\ Yourdon and L.L.\ Constantine",
  TITLE         = "Structured Design",
  PUBLISHER     = "Yourdon Press",
  YEAR          = "1975",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "En udgave fra 1978 med titlen: 'Structured Design.
                   Fundamentals of a discipline of computer programs and
                   systems design' er bestilt 5/12. 2/2/0.
                   Er modtaget.
                   Der findes ovenst\aa{}ende TO! b\o{}ger. 
                   \AA{}rstallene er muligvis
                   forkerte. (OBL)
                   Yes I think that it should be 1975 (PGL)."}

  KEY           = "Larsen\&93",
  AUTHOR        = "Peter Gorm Larsen, Poul B\o{}gh Lassen and Marcel Verhoef",
  TITLE         = "Specification of the VDM-SL Static Semantics Checker",
  INSTITUTION   = "The Institute of Applied Computer Science",
  ADDRESS       = "Forskerparken 10, 5250 Odense SV, Denmark",
  YEAR          = "1993",
  MONTH         = "November",
  SIZE          = "189",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "LIB PGL"}

  KEY           = "Lassen93",
  AUTHOR        = "Poul B\o{}gh Lassen",
  EDITOR        = "J.C.P.\ Woodcock and P.G.\ Larsen",
  TITLE         = "IFAD VDM-SL Toolbox",
  BOOKTITLE     = "FME'93: Industrial-Strength Formal Methods",
  PUBLISHER     = "Springer-Verlag",
  ADDRESS       = "Berlin Heidelberg",
  YEAR          = "1993",
  MONTH         = "April",
  PAGES         = "681",
  SIZE          = "1",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "PGL"}

  KEY           = "Bj{\o}rner\&82",
  EDITOR        = "D. Bj{\o}rner and C.B. Jones",
  TITLE         = "{Formal Specification and Software Development}",
  PUBLISHER     = "Prentice-Hall International",
  YEAR          = "1982",
  ANNOTE        = "A monograph, intended for the practising,
                   professional software engineer and professional programmer. 
                   Contains, as separate chapters: 1: \cite{Lucas82},
                   2: \cite{Jones82a}, 3: \cite{Stoy82}, 4: \cite{Jones82b},
                   5: \cite{Jones82c}, 6: \cite{Henhapl&82}, 7: \cite{Andrews&82},
                   8: \cite{Jones82d}, 9: \cite{Bjorner82c}, 10: \cite{Fielding&82},
                   11: \cite{Bjorner82d}, 12: \cite{Bjorner&82e},
                   13: \cite{Bjorner82f}.",
  COMMENT       = ""}

  KEY           = "Jones90",
  AUTHOR        = "Cliff B.\ Jones",
  TITLE         = "{Systematic Software Development Using VDM}",  
  PUBLISHER     = "Prentice-Hall International",
  ADDRESS       = "Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey"
  YEAR          = "1990",
  SIZE          = "333",
  EDITION       = "Second",
  NOTE          = "ISBN 0-13-880733-7"
  ANNOTE        = "This book deals with the Vienna Development Method.
                   The approach explains formal (functional)
                   specifications and verified design with an emphasis
                   on the study of proofs in the development process.",
  COMMENT       = "I have a copy of it (PGL)."}

  KEY           = "Andrews\&91",
  AUTHOR        = "Derek Andrews and Darrel Ince",
  TITLE         = "{Practical Formal Methods with VDM}",
  PUBLISHER     = "McGraw Hill",
  YEAR          = "1991",
  MONTH         = "September",
  SIZE          = "450",
  NOTE          = "ISBN 0-07-707214-6",
  ANNOTE        = "This book is a good introductory text book about
                   using VDM as a development method.",
  COMMENT       = "LIB. I have a copy of it (PGL)."}

  KEY           = "BSIVDM92",
  TITLE         = "{VDM Specification Language -- Proto-Standard}",
  INSTITUTION   = "British Standards Institution",
  YEAR          = "1992",
  MONTH         = "December",
  SIZE          = "402",
  NOTE          = "BSI IST/5/19 N-246B",
  ANNOTE        = "",
  COMMENT       = "(PGL)."}

  KEY           = "Dawes91",
  AUTHOR        = "John Dawes",
  TITLE         = "{The VDM-SL Reference Guide}",
  PUBLISHER     = "Pitman",
  YEAR          = "1991",
  SIZE          = "217",
  NOTE          = "ISBN 0-273-03151-1",
  ANNOTE        = "This is the best reference manual for the complete
                   VDM-SL which is being standardised. It refers to a
     draft version of the standard which is quite close
     to the current version of the standard.",
  COMMENT       = "I have a copy and I have read it 10/9-91 (PGL)."}

  KEY          = "Longworth\&86",
  AUTHOR       = "G. Longworth and D. Nicholls",
  TITLE        = "{SSADM Manual}",
  YEAR         = "1986"
  MONTH        = "December",
  COMMENT      = "PGL not available"}

  KEY           = "Larsen\&89",
  AUTHOR        = "Peter Gorm Larsen, Michael Meincke Arentoft,
                   Brian Monahan and Stephen Bear",
  EDITOR        = "Ritter"
  TITLE         = "{Towards a Formal Semantics of The BSI/VDM
                   Specification Language}",
  BOOKTITLE     = "{Information Processing 89}",
  PUBLISHER     = "North-Holland"
  YEAR          = "1989",
  MONTH         = "August"
  PAGES         = "95--100"
  SIZE          = "6"
  ANNOTE        = "This is an overview article describing the
                   work towards a formal semantics of the BSI/VDM SL.",
  COMMENT       = "I have the whole book (PGL). This is my first

  KEY           = "Bear88",
  AUTHOR        = "Stephen Bear",
  TITLE         = "{Structuring for the VDM Specification Language.}",
  BOOKTITLE     = "{VDM '88 VDM -- The Way Ahead}",
  PUBLISHER     = "Springer-Verlag",
  YEAR          = "1988",
  MONTH         = "September",
  PAGES         = "2--25",
  SIZE          = "24",
  ANNOTE        = "A proposal for a scheme of structuring for the BSI-VDM
                   Specification Language is presented. The proposal has
                   the advantage that the import relation may be cyclic
                   and it separates the semantics of
                   the structuring concepts from the semantics of the core
  COMMENT       = "I have a hardcopy and I have a copy of the whole
                   proceedings (PGL)."}

¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.23 Sekunden  (vorverarbeitet)  ¤

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