% This file should be named durnew.sty
%\newcommand{\failure}{\mbox{{\em \underline{failure}}}}
%\newcommand{\false}{\mbox{{\em \underline{false}}}}
%\newcommand{\undefined}{\mbox{{\em \underline{undefined}}}}
%\newcommand{\pset}{\mbox{-\underline{set}\ }}
%\newcommand{\occam}{{\tt occam}}
%\newcommand{\procos}{{\bf ProCoS}}
%\def\plzero{\rm PL$_0$}
%\def\plone{\rm PL$_1$}
%\def\slzero{\rm SL$_0$}
% The command \s*xyz* will make "xyz" a san-serif keyword,
% \u*xyz* will make "xyz" an underlined keyword in "ordinary" font and
% \cp*xyz* causes xyz to be written in Small Caps style.
\def\s*#1*{\ifmmode\mathord{\hbox{\sf #1}}\else{\sf #1}\fi}
\def\c*#1*{\ifmmode\mathord{\hbox{\sc #1}}\else{\sc #1}\fi}
% Commands for writing duration formulae
\newcommand{\pred}[1]{\lceil #1 \rceil}
\newcommand{\com}[1]{\{\ \mbox{ #1 }\ \} }
\newcommand{\means}[1]{[\![\, #1 \,]\!]}
% begin{ itemlist.sty }
% LATEX style option:
% Definition of special list environments
% \begin{itemlist}{"largest item"}
% Starts a list indented corresponding to "largest item". Items will
% be boldfaced.
% \begin{genitemlist}{"label format"}{"largest item"}
% As for itemlist, but with labels formatted according to "label
% format". In the format, the item is indicated by "#1".
% Format example: "\it #1 :" will put the item in italics and
% add a colon.
\def\mklbl#1{\bf #1\hfill}
\leftmargin=\labelwidth \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
\leftmargin=\labelwidth \advance\leftmargin\labelsep}}
% end{ itemlist.sty }
% begin{ mathtab.sty }
% MATHTAB -- an environment similar to TABBING, but using math mode.
{}\@startfield} % \strut moved to startfield
% end{ mathtab.sty }
% begin{ math.sty }
% Notation to be used in math mode
% HHL 87-11-13
\newcount\repcount % NOTE repetition cannot be nested
\loop\ifnum \repcount < #2 \advance \repcount by 1
% Generalization of horizontal arrow definitions in Plain TeX.
% \Lrightarrow{0} equals \rightarrow
% \Lrightarrow{1} equals \longrightarrow (almost)
% \Lrightarrow{2} extends \longrightarrow by the size of a -
% etc.
% Correspondingly for left and double arrows.
% For left/right arrows, {0} equals the long version.
\def\mjoinrel{\mkern-4mu} % In Plain TeX: -3mu
% Special case: stacking on top of right-arrows (for transitions etc.)
% \trans generates an arrow corresponding to \longrightarrow.
% \Trans generates a double arrow of the same size.
% The l-version makes the arrow approx. twice as long.
% The L-version uses the generic arrows described above.
% Special operators
% Commands for special embracings
\def\sem#1{\mathopen{[\![} #1 \mathclose{]\!]}}
\def\size#1{\left | #1 \right |}
\def\bigsize#1{\bigl | #1 \bigr |}
\def\Bigsize#1{\Bigl | #1 \Bigr |}
\def\biggsize#1{\biggl | #1 \biggr |}
\def\Biggsize#1{\Biggl | #1 \Biggr |}
\def\atomic#1{\mathopen{\mbox{\tt <\,}} #1 \mathclose{\mbox{\tt \,>}}}
\def\tuborg#1{\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} #1 \end{array} \right .}
\def\infrule#1#2{#1 \over #2}
\def\Pset#1{{\cal P}(#1)}
\def\setdef#1#2{\{\, #1 \mid #2 \,\}}
\def\enum#1{\{ #1 \}}
\def\tup#1{\langle #1 \rangle}
% Math-style options
\def\nodigitchange % Digits will be roman in all families
\def\itletters % Make default math-letters standard italic
\def\sfletters % Make default math-letters sans serif
% end{ math.sty }
% Definitions to be used in the ProCoS language definition document
% Version: HHL 89-07-11
% HHL 89-07-27
% The command \*xyz* will make "xyz" a typewriter-style keyword.
\def\*#1*{\ifmmode\mathord{\hbox{\tt #1}}\else{\tt #1}\fi}
% The command \inoutop will make ? and ! behave like operators in math mode.
{\catcode`\!=\active \gdef!{\mathinner{\mathchar"5021}}}
{\catcode`\?=\active \gdef?{\mathinner{\mathchar"503F}}}
\def\inoutop{\mathcode`\?="8000 \mathcode`\!="8000}
% The \OR command separates syntactic constructs by "|"
% \def\OR{\mathclose{\null}\:\ | \ \:\mathopen{\null}}
% GRAMMAR -- special environment for syntax rules
\hskip \leftmargini \= \+ \settowidth{\grammarlength}{#1}
\hspace{\grammarlength} \= ::== \= \kill}
% DISP -- environment for indented mathematical tabbing environment
% The indentation corresponds to lists at level two
\def\bdisp{\begin{mathtab} \hskip\leftmargini \= \+ \kill}
\def\sdisp{\\ \\}
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Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.