\section{Station Model} \label{station}
\subsection{Station Topology}
The station topology does not change very often. Once the tracks
been laid, they usually stay for quite a while. We therefore consider the
station topology to be fixed, corresponding to a static data structure,
defined by its
components, i.e.\ track segments, points, crossings and signals.
We begin by modelling the track topology.
Rails are split into track segments where each
track segment
a unique identification. We model a track topology by a graph in which the
nodes represent
track segments and the edges represent
connectivity for the train traffic,
i.e. the possibility of driving from one track segment to another.
The track topology in Figure~\ref{spor}, which
is built from the track segments 16 to 24,
is modelled by the graph in Figure~\ref{graph}.
This graph is defined by the relation
\caption{Track topology\label{spor}}
\caption{Track topology graph\label{graph}}
Tracks & = & \{ (16,17),\ (17,16),\ (17,18),\ (17,21),\ (17,22),\
& & \ \ (18,19),\ (19,18),\ (19,20),\
(19,24),\ (20,19),\ (21,17),\\
& &\ \ (22,17),\ (22,23),\ (23,22),
(23,24),\ (24,23),\ (24,19) \}
Written in VDM-SL \cite{vdmsl}, the model is\footnote{The lines 1.0 to
2.1 contain the specification of the module interface.}.
module station
types struct Station_topo;
struct Tracks;
struct Track_id ;
struct Points;
struct Point_state;
struct Crossings;
struct Signals;
struct Signal_id;
struct Station_state;
struct Track_states;
struct Point_states;
struct Signal_states;
struct Track_state;
struct Train_id;
struct Train_type;
struct Point_control;
struct Operation;
struct Signal_state
Is_wf_Station_topo : Station_topo +> bool ;
Is_wf_Station_state : Station_topo * Station_state +> bool
Tracks = set of (Track_id * Track_id);
Track_id = seq of char
A track topology is defined by a relation on track segments, where each track
segment has a unique identification.
The interpretation of the {\ttfamily Tracks} relation is that
each pair of track segments in the relation is physically connected.
The well-formedness constraints on the model are stated below.
\paragraph{Track well-formedness}
\item The {\ttfamily Tracks} relation does not contain any elements\footnote{
This restriction makes the functions simpler.}
of the form
{\ttfamily (t,t)}.
NoReflexive : Tracks +> bool
NoReflexive (tracks) ==
forall mk_(t1,t2) in set tracks & t1 <> t2;
\item The {\ttfamily Tracks} relation is symmetric, i.e.\
if it is possible to drive a train from one track segment to another,
it is also possible to drive in the opposite direction.
Symmetric : Tracks +> bool
Symmetric (tracks) ==
forall mk_(t1,t2) in set tracks & mk_(t2,t1) in set tracks
Together the well-formedness constrains are
Is_wf_Tracks : Tracks +> bool
Is_wf_Tracks (tracks) ==
NoReflexive (tracks) and
Symmetric (tracks)
Note that there is no requirement stating that the track topology should be
connected. An example of a station where the tracks are not connected is Hjulby
station at Funen, which consists of two parallel tracks.
\subsubsection{Points and Crossings}
In the above model we assumed that whenever a pair of track segments
is in the {\ttfamily Tracks}
relation, they are physically connected, and therefore it is
possible to drive a train
from one track segment to the other. However,
track segments connected to more than two track segments (points and
crossings) impose
limitations on the driving, due to their physical
For a point it is not possible to drive
from one branch to the other, and having entered a crossing it is only
possible to exit in one direction (assuming no reversing).
In a point,
the branches are named {\sc left} and {\sc right}, see
Figure~\ref{point}. A point is said to have {\it control} in the
left branch, if it is possible for a train to drive from the stem through the left branch of
the point, and
for the right branch. If a train enters a point from one of the
branches, the point must have control in that branch, otherwise the point may be
damaged\footnote{We do not consider points which are
constructed such that if a train enters a point from a branch in which the point
does not have control, then the points tongue is forced to that
The naming of point branches is an example of a
definition which is system dependent.
For relay systems (1953-54),
point branches are named $+$ and $-$, such that $+$ is the point branch which
has the least physical curvature. In the
relay group systems (1964), the point branch corresponding to
the non-broken line in the track and signal diagram\footnote{A drawing
of the station topology, which is used in the system development.} is named $+$ and the
other $-$, no matter which is the physically least curved.
In the {\bf ebilock} system (1990) the convention has been changed, such that
the branches are now named
right and left, seen from the stem of the point. We use this last
A point may only be in one state at a time, i.e.\ it
can either have control in the left or in the right
branch, not in both at the same
\paragraph{Example, continued:}
In Figure~\ref{spor}, the track segments 19 and 24
are points.
Thus, a train can only move between 19 and 20 when 19 has control in
the left branch,
and it can only move between 19 and 24 when both 19 and 24 have
control in the right branches. Similarly, a train may only move between
the track segments 23 and 24 when 24 has control in its left branch.
To model these restrictions, we
add information about points to the model.
Each edge in the graph that models the connection of a track
segment to a point branch, is annotated with the branch in which the point
should have control in order to allow a move between the track segment and the
point. A connection between two points is annotated with the
required control for both points, like e.g.\ the connection between
node 19 and 24, in Figure~\ref{graphsp}.
Each crossing is modelled by two track segments, corresponding
to the two directions in which a crossing may
be used. In Figure~\ref{spor}, track segment $17$ is a crossing. It is modelled
in Figure~\ref{graphsp} by the track segments $17\slash$ and $17\backslash$.
\caption{Graph with points and crossings\label{graphsp}}
The formulas are
Points & = & \{ \begin{array}[t]{lll}
(19,20) & \Mapsto & \{ 19 \Mapsto \const{left}\} , \\
(20,19) & \Mapsto & \{ 19 \Mapsto \const{left}\} , \\
(19,24) & \Mapsto & \{ 19 \Mapsto \const{right},\ 24 \Mapsto \const{right}\} , \\
(24,19) & \Mapsto & \{ 19 \Mapsto \const{right},\
24 \Mapsto \const{right}\} , \\
(24,23) & \Mapsto & \{ 24 \Mapsto \const{left}\} , \\
(23,24) & \Mapsto & \{ 24 \Mapsto \const{left}\} \ \}
Crossings & = & \{(17\backslash ,17\slash)\}
The VDM-SL formulas are
Points = map (Track_id * Track_id) to
(map Track_id to Point_control);
Point_control = <left> | <right>;
Crossings = set of (Track_id * Track_id)
$Points$ formalises the annotation of connections to
points, and $Crossings$ relates the pairs of track segments which
constitute crossings.
For each pair of track segments in the domain of
$Points$, at least one of the two track segments
(possibly both) is a point.
The mapping
defines the branches in which the point(s) must have control in order for
a train to drive between the track segments.
To keep the model simple we have chosen not to
consider double points. Their introduction is straight forward,
as they introduce no new concepts.
points it is possible to do without crossings, as a crossing may be
implemented by 2 points. However, crossings are much cheaper than
points, and therefore they are often preferred.
The well-formedness constrains for points and crossings are stated below.
\paragraph*{Point well-formedness}
\item The domain of $Points$ is a subset of
{\ttfamily Tracks}, i.e.\ for each pair of track segments in the domain of $Points$ it must be possible
to drive between the two track segments.
PointsInTracks : Tracks * Points +> bool
PointsInTracks (tracks,points) ==
dom points subset tracks;
\item For each $(t1,t2)$ in the domain of $Points$, $Points
(t1,t2) = Points (t2,t1)$, i.e. if a point must have control in a certain
branch in order to move from $t1$ to $t2$, then it must have control in the same
branch to move from $t2$ to $t1$.
Inverses : Points +> bool
Inverses (points) ==
forall mk_(t1,t2) in set dom points &
mk_(t2,t1) in set dom points and
points (mk_(t1,t2)) = points (mk_(t2,t1));
\item For each pair of track segments, $(t1,t2)$, in the domain of $Points$
the domain of $Points (t1,t2)$ is a non-empty subset of $\{
t1,t2\}$, i.e.\ for each pair of track segments in the domain of
$Points$, at least one of the track segments is a point.
OkDomRng: Points +> bool
OkDomRng (points) ==
forall mk_(t1,t2) in set dom points &
points (mk_(t1,t2)) <> {|->} and
dom (points (mk_(t1,t2))) subset {t1,t2};
\item In {\ttfamily Tracks}, a point is related to 3 track segments, whereas other
track segments are related to at most two track segments.
Note that a track segment may be related to only one other track
segment, as it may be at the end of a track\footnote{We assume that
points are not situated at track ends.}
RelateToTracks: Tracks * Points +> bool
RelateToTracks (tracks,points) ==
(forall tpair in set dom points &
forall pid in set dom points (tpair) &
card {t | mk_(t,t') in set tracks & t' = pid } = 3) and
(forall mk_(t1,-) in set tracks &
(not exists tpair in set dom points &
t1 in set dom points (tpair)) =>
card {t|mk_(t,t') in set tracks & t'=t1} <= 2 );
\item For each point, $p$, there exist two track segments $t1$ and
$t2$, such that $p \Mapsto \const{left}$ is in $Points (t1,p)$
and $p \Mapsto \const{right}$ is in $Points (t2,p)$, i.e.\ for each point
it should be possible both to drive along the left and the right
Control2Dir: Points +> bool
Control2Dir (points) ==
forall mk_(t1,t2) in set dom points &
({t1} <: points (mk_(t1,t2)) = {t1 |-> <left>} =>
exists mk_(t,t') in set dom points &
t = t1 and
{t1} <: points (mk_(t1,t')) = {t1 |-> }) and
({t1} <: points (mk_(t1,t2)) = {t1 |-> <right>} =>
exists mk_(t,t') in set dom points &
t = t1 and
{t1} <: points (mk_(t1,t')) = {t1 |-> });
Together the well-formedness constrains on points are
Is_wf_Points: Tracks * Points +> bool
Is_wf_Points (tracks,points) ==
PointsInTracks (tracks,points) and
Inverses (points) and
OkDomRng (points) and
RelateToTracks (tracks,points) and
Control2Dir (points);
\paragraph*{Crossing well-formedness}
\item The intersection of the relations {\ttfamily Tracks} and $Crossings$ is empty, i.e.\
it is not possible to drive from one branch in a crossing to the other.
SeperateBranches: Tracks * Crossings +> bool
SeperateBranches (tracks,crossings) ==
crossings inter tracks = {};
\item All track segments in the $Crossings$ relation
are in the {\ttfamily Tracks} relation.
CrossInTracks: Tracks * Crossings +> bool
CrossInTracks (tracks,crossings) ==
forall mk_(t1,t2) in set crossings &
(exists mk_(t3,-) in set tracks & t1 = t3) and
(exists mk_(t4,-) in set tracks & t2 = t4);
All track segments in
the $Crossings$ relation are different.
UniqueCross: Crossings +> bool
UniqueCross (crossings) ==
forall mk_(t1,t2) in set crossings &
t1 <> t2 and
forall mk_(t3,t4) in set crossings \ {mk_(t1,t2)} &
(t1 <> t3 and t1 <> t4 and t2 <> t3 and t2 <> t4);
\item No track segment which is a point is in the $Crossings$ relation, i.e.\
no part of a crossing can be a point.
DiffPointsCrossings: Points * Crossings +> bool
DiffPointsCrossings (points,crossings) ==
forall mk_(t1,t2) in set crossings &
forall pointcontrol in set rng points &
t1 not in set dom pointcontrol and
t2 not in set dom pointcontrol;
Together the well-formedness constraints on crossings are
Is_wf_Crossings: Tracks * Points * Crossings +> bool
Is_wf_Crossings (tracks,points,crossings) ==
SeperateBranches (tracks,crossings) and
CrossInTracks (tracks,crossings) and
UniqueCross (crossings) and
DiffPointsCrossings (points,crossings)
In order to control the trains speed, DSB uses signals placed along
the tracks at track segment separations.
The reason for placing signals at track segment separations is that it is
only possible to observe whether there is a train at a track segment or
not. It is impossible to detect the position of the train inside a
track segment.
For each signal, the signalling is
readable from one direction. Each signal has an unique identification.
We model signals by annotating the edges in the graph with the signal
identifiers. The direction of the signalling is modelled by changing the
graph to a directed graph.
\paragraph*{Example, continued:}
Imagine that there is a signal named $K$ placed at the separation
between the track segments 19 and 20, readable from track segment 19, when
moving towards track segment 20, and that there is a signal $A$ between the
track segments
21 and
17, readable from 21, when moving towards track segment 17, see
This is modelled by the graph in Figure~\ref{graphsig}.
\caption{Track topology with signals\label{sporsig}}
\caption{Graph with points, crossings and signals\label{graphsig}}
Written in formulas we have
Signals & = & \{ \begin{array}[t]{lll}
(19,20) & \Mapsto & K, \\
(21,17\slash) & \Mapsto & A\ \}
The VDM-SL formalisation of signals is:
Signals = map (Track_id * Track_id) to Signal_id;
Signal_id = seq of char
If a pair of track segments is in the domain of the
signal mapping, this means that at the separation between the first and the
second track segment there is a signal which is readable from the first track
The change of the graph to a directed graph is not explicit observable in the
VDM types, but is implicit in that the well-formedness constrains do
not require the domain of the signals mapping to be symmetric.
The well-formedness constrains for signals are stated below.
\paragraph{Signal Well-Formedness}
\item Every signal has a unique identification.
UniqueSignals: Signals +> bool
UniqueSignals (signals) ==
card rng signals = card dom signals;
\item The position of signals must conform to the {\it Tracks}
relation, such that either the signal is placed at the interface (the
track segment separation)
between the station and the open line ({\tt "}{\it ol}{\tt "}), or it is placed at a track
segment separation which is in the {\ttfamily Tracks} relation.
SigInTracks: Tracks * Signals +> bool
SigInTracks (tracks,signals) ==
forall mk_(t1,t2) in set dom signals &
(t1 = "ol" => card { t | mk_(t,t') in set tracks
& t' = t2 } = 1 ) and
(t2 = "ol" => card { t | mk_(t,t') in set tracks
& t' = t1 } = 1 ) and
(t1 <> "ol" and t2 <> "ol" => mk_(t1,t2) in set tracks );
Together the well-formedness constraints on the $Signals$ mapping are
Is_wf_Signals: Tracks * Signals +> bool
Is_wf_Signals (tracks,signals) ==
UniqueSignals (signals) and
SigInTracks (tracks,signals)
Putting the formalisation of tracks, points, crossings, and signals
together, we obtain a model for a station topology
Station_topo :: tracks : Tracks
points : Points
crossings : Crossings
signals : Signals
The model has the previous stated well-formedness constraints for tracks,
points, crossings and signals.
Is_wf_Station_topo: Station_topo +> bool
Is_wf_Station_topo (stationtopo) ==
Is_wf_Tracks (stationtopo.tracks) and
Is_wf_Points (stationtopo.tracks,stationtopo.points) and
Is_wf_Crossings (stationtopo.tracks,stationtopo.points,
stationtopo.crossings) and
Is_wf_Signals (stationtopo.tracks,stationtopo.signals)
\subsection{Station State Space} \label{stationstate}
Using the above model of
station topologies,
we now define the state space of stations.
A station state is constituted by the state of the track
the points and the signals. The state of crossings is modelled by
the states of the track segments constituting the crossing.
Station_state :: trackstates : Track_states
pointstates : Point_states
signalstates : Signal_states;
The {\it trackstates} is a mapping from track segments to their states, the
{\it pointstates} is a mapping from the track segments being points to the
states of the points, and the {\it signalstates} is a mapping from signal
identifiers to the states of the signals.
Track_states = map Track_id to Track_state;
Point_states = map Track_id to Point_state;
Signal_states = map Signal_id to Signal_state;
A track segment may be occupied by zero or more trains, where each train has an
unique identification. Furthermore, each train has a type, that is a
train is either
a fixed-route train or an autonomous train. A fixed-route
train is a train for
which the interlocking system determines the route the train
should drive through the station. An autonomous train is a train
for which the train driver has been granted the permission of changing
the state of some of the points at the station. Normally, a
fixed-route train is driving according to a time-schedule, and an
autonomous train is a shunting train.
Track_state = map Train_id to Train_type;
Train_id = seq of char;
Train_type = <fixedroute> | <autonomous> ;
A point state is composed of a point control and a point operation.
A point may have control in one of the branches,
left or right. We do not consider the state where the point is
switching from one state to the other and thereby has not control.
The reason for this is that we
want to use the model to define the safety requirements, i.e.\ the invariants
for the interlocking
system. The invariants never
require that a point does not have control. In a later
model it will be natural to extend the point states with this state.
Point operation defines
whether the point is released for manual operation or if it is
controlled by the interlocking system. A point is released for manual
operation if a train driver is granted the permission to switch the
point, without control of the interlocking system.
Point_state = Point_control * Operation ;
Operation = <manual> | <interlock>;
A signal may signal stop or a drive aspect. In a later step of
development, the signalling may be more differentiated as the drive aspect
may be used to signal the allowed train speed.
Signal_state = <stop> | <driveaspect>
The station state space must conform to the station topology such that
\item All track id's in the station state space
are track id's in the station
topology, and all track id's in the station
are track id's in the station state space.
ConformTracks: Tracks * Track_states +> bool
ConformTracks (tracks,trackstates) ==
TracksStateInTopo (tracks,trackstates) and
TracksTopoInState (tracks,trackstates);
TracksStateInTopo: Tracks * Track_states +> bool
TracksStateInTopo (tracks,trackstates) ==
forall t in set dom trackstates &
exists mk_(t1,t2) in set tracks & t = t1 or t = t2;
TracksTopoInState: Tracks * Track_states +> bool
TracksTopoInState (tracks,trackstates) ==
forall mk_(t1,t2) in set tracks &
t1 in set dom trackstates and
t2 in set dom trackstates;
\item All track segments which are points in the station state space
are points in the station
topology, and all track segments which are points in the station
are points in the station state space.
ConformPoints: Points * Point_states +> bool
ConformPoints (points,pointstates) ==
PointsStateInTopo (points,pointstates) and
PointsTopoInState (points,pointstates);
PointsStateInTopo: Points * Point_states +> bool
PointsStateInTopo (points,pointstates) ==
forall t in set dom pointstates &
exists mk_(t1,t2) in set dom points &
t in set dom points (mk_(t1,t2));
PointsTopoInState: Points * Point_states +> bool
PointsTopoInState (points,pointstates) ==
forall mk_(t1,t2) in set dom points &
(t1 in set dom points (mk_(t1,t2)) =>
t1 in set dom pointstates) and
(t2 in set dom points (mk_(t1,t2)) =>
t2 in set dom pointstates);
\item All signal id's in the station state space
are signal id's in the station
topology, and all signal id's in the station
are signal id's in the station state space.
ConformSignals: Signals * Signal_states +> bool
ConformSignals (signals,signalstates) ==
rng signals = dom signalstates;
\item Trains
are unique, i.e.\ a train is either driving on a fixed route,
or it is an autonomous train, not both.
Each train is connected, and it is placed correctly at the
tracks according to the points and the crossings, i.e.\ if a train occupies a track segment
next to a point branch, it cannot occupy the track segment next
to the other branch in the same point as well, and if it occupies a track
segment which is part of a crossing, it cannot occupy the other track segment in
the same crossing as well.
Is_wf_Trains: Tracks * Points * Crossings * Track_states +>
Is_wf_Trains (tracks,points,crossings,trackstates) ==
UniqueTrain (trackstates) and
let trains = Trains (trackstates,{|->}) in
Connected (trains,tracks) and
OkPointTrains (trains,points) and
OkCrossTrains (trains,crossings);
The function $UniqueTrain$ checks that the same train identifier does
not both denote a train driving on a fixed route and an autonomous
UniqueTrain : Track_states +> bool
UniqueTrain (trackstates) ==
forall trackid in set dom trackstates &
forall trainid in set dom trackstates (trackid) &
(trackstates (trackid)(trainid) = <fixedroute> =>
(forall trackid' in set dom trackstates &
(trainid in set dom trackstates (trackid') =>
trackstates (trackid')(trainid) = ))) and
(trackstates (trackid)(trainid) = <autonomous> =>
(forall trackid' in set dom trackstates &
(trainid in set dom trackstates (trackid') =>
trackstates (trackid')(trainid) = )));
The function $Trains$ returns a mapping from a
set of
train identifiers to sets of track segments occupied by the trains.
Trains: Track_states * (map Train_id to set of Track_id) +>
(map Train_id to set of Track_id)
Trains (trackstates,sorted) ==
if trackstates = {|->}
then sorted
else let t in set dom trackstates in
if trackstates (t) = {|->}
then Trains ({t} <-: trackstates,sorted)
else Trains ({t} <-: trackstates,
Update (mk_(t,trackstates(t)),sorted));
The function $Update$ takes two arguments, one which is a pair of a
track segment and a track state,
and one which is a mapping
from train identifiers to the track segments which the train
occupy. $Update$ updates the second argument with the first argument.
Update: (Track_id * Track_state) *
(map Train_id to set of Track_id) +>
(map Train_id to set of Track_id)
Update (mk_(t,trackstate),sorted) ==
if trackstate = {|->}
then sorted
else let tid in set dom trackstate in
if tid in set dom sorted
then Update (mk_(t,{tid} <-: trackstate),
sorted ++
{ tid |-> {t} union sorted (tid)} )
else Update (mk_(t,{tid} <-: trackstate),
sorted munion { tid |-> {t} } );
A train is connected if the track segments which it occupies form a path
in the track topology.
Connected: (map Train_id to set of Track_id) * Tracks +> bool
Connected (trains,tracks) ==
forall trackset in set rng trains &
ExistsPath (trackset,tracks);
To check whether the track segments form a path, the track segments
are attempted ordered in a list according to the track topology.
ExistsPath: set of Track_id * Tracks +> bool
ExistsPath (trackset,tracks) ==
exists t in set trackset &
Path (trackset \ {t},[t],tracks,{});
When ordering the track segments according to the track topology, an
arbitrary track segment is selected as being the list of ordered track
segments until now. For each of the remaining track segments, it is
investigated whether that track segment may be added to the list,
i.e.\ whether it together with the list forms a path in the track
When no more track segments can be added to the list, it is
investigated whether all track segments occupied by the train have
been added to the list. If this is the case, the train forms a path in
the track topology, otherwise it does not.
Path: set of Track_id * seq of Track_id * Tracks *
set of Track_id +> bool
Path (trackset,connected,tracks,tried) ==
if trackset = {}
then tried = {}
else let t in set trackset in
if mk_(t,hd connected) in set tracks
then Path ((trackset \ {t}) union tried,
else if mk_(connected (len connected),t) in set
then Path ((trackset \ {t}) union
else Path ((trackset \ {t}),connected,tracks,
tried union {t});
A train is placed correctly at the tracks according to the points, if it for each
point only requires the point to be in one state.
OkPointTrains: (map Train_id to set of Track_id) * Points +>
OkPointTrains (trains,points) ==
forall trackset in set rng trains &
forall t1,t2 in set trackset &
(mk_(t1,t2) in set dom points and
t1 in set dom points (mk_(t1,t2))) =>
(forall t3 in set trackset &
mk_(t1,t3) in set dom points and
t1 in set dom points (mk_(t1,t3)) =>
points (mk_(t1,t2))(t1) = points (mk_(t1,t3))(t1) );
A train is placed correctly at crossings, if it for each crossing at most
occupies one of the track segments constituting the crossing.
OkCrossTrains: (map Track_id to set of Track_id) * Crossings +>
OkCrossTrains (trains,crossings) ==
forall trackidset in set rng trains &
forall t1,t2 in set trackidset &
mk_(t1,t2) not in set crossings;
A station state is well-formed if it satisfies all of the above
well-formedness constraints.
Is_wf_Station_state : Station_topo * Station_state +> bool
Is_wf_Station_state (stationtopo,stationstate) ==
ConformTracks (stationtopo.tracks,stationstate.trackstates) and
ConformPoints (stationtopo.points,stationstate.pointstates) and
ConformSignals (stationtopo.signals,stationstate.signalstates) and
Is_wf_Trains (stationtopo.tracks,stationtopo.points,
end station
In order to prepare for the simulation of the requirement
specification, we have executed the above VDM specification, and
thereby validated the invariants using the VDM tool-box.
This concludes the modelling of stations.
We are now ready to define the safety requirements which an interlocking
system should fulfill.
\section{Safety Requirements} \label{invar}
Interlocking systems should implement the safety requirements:
\item Trains
must not collide.
\item Trains must not derail.
module safe_req
from station
types Station_topo :: tracks : station`Tracks
points : station`Points
crossings : station`Crossings
signals : station`Signals renamed Station_topo;
Tracks = set of (station`Track_id * station`Track_id)
renamed Tracks;
Track_id = seq of char renamed Track_id;
Points = map (station`Track_id * station`Track_id) to
(map station`Track_id to station`Point_control)
renamed Points;
Point_control = <left> | <right> renamed Point_control;
Crossings = set of (station`Track_id * station`Track_id)
renamed Crossings;
Signals = map (station`Track_id * station`Track_id)
to station`Signal_id
renamed Signals;
Signal_id = seq of char
renamed Signal_id;
Station_state :: trackstates : station`Track_states
pointstates : station`Point_states
signalstates : station`Signal_states
renamed Station_state;
Track_states = map station`Track_id to station`Track_state
renamed Track_states;
Track_state = map station`Train_id to station`Train_type
renamed Track_state;
Train_id = seq of char
renamed Train_id;
Train_type = <fixedroute> | <autonomous>
renamed Train_type;
Point_states = map station`Track_id to station`Point_state
renamed Point_states;
Point_state = station`Point_control * station`Operation
renamed Point_state;
Operation = <manual> | <interlock>
renamed Operation;
Signal_states = map station`Signal_id to station`Signal_state
renamed Signal_states;
Signal_state = <stop> | <driveaspect> renamed Signal_state
Is_wf_Station_topo : station`Station_topo +> bool
renamed Is_wf_Station_topo;
Is_wf_Station_state : station`Station_topo *
station`Station_state +>
renamed Is_wf_Station_state
functions SafeReq : Station_topo * Station_state +> bool
Given a station topology and a station state, the station state is
safe if trains do not collide and do not derail.
SafeReq: Station_topo * Station_state +> bool
SafeReq (stationtopo,stationstate) ==
NoCollision (stationtopo,stationstate) and
NoDerail (stationtopo,stationstate)
pre Is_wf_Station_topo (stationtopo) and
Is_wf_Station_state (stationtopo,stationstate);
In our model, a train collision means that there is more than one
train on a track
segment\footnote{We do not consider joining and
splitting of trains. It may e.g.\ be assumed that joining and splitting
take place at track segment separations.}.
NoCollision: Station_topo * Station_state +> bool
NoCollision (stationtopo,stationstate) ==
forall tid in set dom stationstate.trackstates &
card dom (stationstate.trackstates(tid)) <= 1 and
OneTrainAtCross (stationtopo.crossings,stationstate.trackstates);
Remark: In reality there need not be a collision if there
is more than one train at the same track segment, but we have refrained from
specifying a more complex collision definition as the
the technology used by DSB today, only allows us to
observe whether there is a train at a
certain track segment, and not where the train is located inside the track
segment. Collision does not take place if there is always at most
one train
at each track segment.
It must
also be checked that for each crossing, there is at most one train in one of
the two track segments constituting the crossing.
OneTrainAtCross: Crossings * Track_states +> bool
OneTrainAtCross (crossings,trackstates) ==
forall mk_(tid1,tid2) in set crossings &
card dom (trackstates(tid1)) + card dom (trackstates(tid2)) <= 1;
A train may derail if a point does not have control in an appropriate
state. That is, if a train occupies a point and a track segment next
to one of the points branches, then the point must have control in
that branch, otherwise it may derail, see Figure~\ref{derail}, where
the thick line indicates the point control.
\caption{Derailing in points} \label{derail}
NoDerail: Station_topo * Station_state +> bool
NoDerail (stationtopo,stationstate) ==
let trains = Trains (stationstate.trackstates,{|->}) in
forall t in set dom trains &
forall t1,t2 in set trains (t) &
mk_(t1,t2) in set dom stationtopo.points =>
Ok_Point_states (mk_(t1,t2),stationtopo.points,
The functions $Trains$ and $Update$ are the same as used in the
function {\it Is\_wf\_Trains}. They are presented here without comments.
Trains: Track_states * (map Train_id to set of Track_id) +>
(map Train_id to set of Track_id)
Trains (trackstates,sorted) ==
if trackstates = {|->}
then sorted
else let t in set dom trackstates in
if trackstates (t) = {|->}
then Trains ({t} <-: trackstates,sorted)
else Trains ({t} <-: trackstates,
Update (mk_(t,trackstates(t)),sorted));
Update: (Track_id * Track_state) *
(map Train_id to set of Track_id) +>
(map Train_id to set of Track_id)
Update (mk_(t,trainids),sorted) ==
if trainids = {|->}
then sorted
else let tid in set dom trainids in
if tid in set dom sorted
then Update (mk_(t,{tid} <-: trainids),
sorted ++
{ tid |-> {t} union sorted (tid)} )
else Update (mk_(t,{tid} <-: trainids),
sorted ++ { tid |-> {t} });
The function {\it Ok\_Point\_states} checks whether the current point states
are appropriate in order to drive between the pair of track segments in
the first argument of the function, given that one of the two track
segments is a point.
Ok_Point_states: (Track_id * Track_id) * Points * Point_states +>
Ok_Point_states (mk_(t1,t2),points,pointstates) ==
if {t1,t2} = dom points (mk_(t1,t2))
then Point_state_ok (mk_(t1,t2),t1,points,pointstates) and
Point_state_ok (mk_(t1,t2),t2,points,pointstates)
else if {t1} = dom points (mk_(t1,t2))
then Point_state_ok (mk_(t1,t2),t1,points,pointstates)
else Point_state_ok (mk_(t1,t2),t2,points,pointstates)
pre mk_(t1,t2) in set dom points;
The function {\it Point\_state\_ok} checks whether a point $t$ has
proper control in order
for a train to drive from the first to the second track segment in
$tpair$, given that only a point and one of its neighbours are
Point_state_ok: (Track_id * Track_id) * Track_id * Points *
Point_states +> bool
Point_state_ok (tpair,t,points,pointstates) ==
let mk_(pcnt,-) = pointstates (t) in
(points (tpair)) (t) = pcnt
pre t in set dom pointstates and tpair in set dom points and
t in set dom points(tpair)
end safe_req
To validate the safety requirements we have executed the
specification for a number of stations, using the VDM tool-box.
The safety requirements are invariants which the interlocking system should
maintain. The no collision requirement may
be implemented in several ways. One
implementation is to allow at most one train at the station at
a time. With the amount of train traffic today, this is however not a
desirable solution. That this solution is not acceptable, is actually
a requirement to the system, namely that
it should be able to handle more than one train at the station at a time. This
requirement was validated by interviews.
\section{Implementation} \label{intpre}
We now define the safe station states, allowing
several trains at the station at the time.
An interlocking system may control train movement in two ways. The
direction of train movement is controlled by points, and the speed
of trains is controlled by the signalling. We therefore define the safe station
states in terms of point and signal states.
Given the station state in
Figure~\ref{trainpaths}, where track segment 3 is a point which has
control in the right branch and which is operated by the interlocking system,
track segment
8 is a crossing, all signals signal stop, and
there are two trains at the station, one at the track segments 10 and
11, and one at track segment 4. We consider this state to be safe, as
the two trains are not able to proceed to a common track segment, and as point
3 cannot cause any of the trains to derail. If instead point 3 had had control
in left, the state would
not be safe, as the two trains both could proceed to track segment 8,
and thereby collide.
In Figure~\ref{flankprot2}, all signals signal stop,
the track segments 3, 8, and 13 are points which are
operated by the interlocking system, and track segment 4 is a point,
released for manual operation. That point 4 is released for manual operation
means that the train driver may switch it to any
state, without control of the interlocking system, i.e.\ we
cannot assume anything about the state for point 4. Assuming that the
points controlled by the interlocking system do not change state, the
station state in Figure~\ref{flankprot2} is safe, as the two trains are
not able to proceed to a common track segment, and as all the points
controlled by the interlocking system are in states such that the
trains will not derail.
To define the safe states, we introduce the concept of an area. An area is a
set of track segments to which a train may move, assuming fixed signal states,
fixed point states for the points operated by the interlocking system and
fixed point operation for the manually operated points, and assuming that
trains obey the signalling. Given a station state we may thus deduce an area
for each train at the station. The station state is safe, if no
two areas have common track segments, and if no trains are able to derail.
In Figure~\ref{trainpaths}, the area for the train at track
4 consists of the track segments,
4, and
5, and the area for the train at the track segments 10 and 11 consists of the
track segments 8, 9, 10, and 11. Note that signal $B$
cannot be used to define the area, as the train driver is not able to read the
\caption{Train areas\label{trainpaths}}
In Figure~\ref{flankprot2}, the area for the train at track
segment 10 consists of the track segments 7, 8, 9, and 10. The train
located at the track segments 2 and 3 may move to track segment 4. As
track segment 4 is a point which is released for manual operation, the
train driver may switch the point to any state, and therefore
we cannot tell whether the train is going to move along the left of
the right
branch of the point. We therefore search the area in both directions. Thus the
area for the train at the track segments 2 and 3 consist of the track segments
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13 and 14.
\caption{Shunting areas.} \label{flankprot2}
We now define an implementation of the safety requirements, using the
area concept.
module impl
from station
types Station_topo :: tracks : station`Tracks
points : station`Points
crossings : station`Crossings
signals : station`Signals renamed Station_topo;
Tracks = set of (station`Track_id * station`Track_id)
renamed Tracks;
Track_id = seq of char renamed Track_id;
Points = map (station`Track_id * station`Track_id) to
(map station`Track_id to station`Point_control)
renamed Points;
Point_control = <left> | <right>
renamed Point_control;
Crossings = set of (station`Track_id * station`Track_id)
renamed Crossings;
Signals = map (station`Track_id * station`Track_id)
to station`Signal_id
renamed Signals;
Signal_id = seq of char
renamed Signal_id;
Station_state :: trackstates : station`Track_states
pointstates : station`Point_states
signalstates: station`Signal_states
renamed Station_state;
Track_states = map station`Track_id to station`Track_state
renamed Track_states;
Track_state = map station`Train_id to station`Train_type
renamed Track_state;
Train_id = seq of char
renamed Train_id;
Train_type = <fixedroute> | <autonomous>
renamed Train_type;
Point_states = map station`Track_id to station`Point_state
renamed Point_states;
Point_state = station`Point_control * station`Operation
renamed Point_state;
Operation = <manual> | <interlock>
renamed Operation;
Signal_states = map station`Signal_id to station`Signal_state
renamed Signal_states;
Signal_state = <stop> | <driveaspect>
renamed Signal_state
Is_wf_Station_topo : station`Station_topo +> bool
renamed Is_wf_Station_topo;
Is_wf_Station_state : station`Station_topo *
station`Station_state +>
renamed Is_wf_Station_state
functions Impl : Station_topo * Station_state +> bool
Areas = map Train_id to Area;
Area = set of Track_id
An area is a mapping from train identifiers to sets of track segments, for each
train denoting the
set of track segments to which the train may move.
A station state is safe, if trains are not able to collide and
not able to derail.
Impl: Station_topo * Station_state +> bool
Impl (stationtopo,stationstate) ==
let areas = FindAreas (stationtopo,stationstate) in
NoCollision (areas,stationtopo.crossings) and
NoDerail (areas,stationtopo,stationstate)
pre Is_wf_Station_topo (stationtopo) and
Is_wf_Station_state (stationtopo,stationstate);
A collision is possible if two areas have common track segments, or if they
contain two track segments which together constitute a crossing.
NoCollision: Areas * Crossings +> bool
NoCollision (areas,crossings) ==
forall train1, train2 in set dom areas &
train1 <> train2 =>
(areas (train1) inter areas (train2) = {} and
forall t1 in set areas (train1) &
(forall t2 in set areas (train2) &
mk_(t1,t2) not in set crossings));
A train may derail if either the train occupies a track segment which
is a point and this point is in a state which does not match with the trains
position, or if the state of one of the points in the area does not
match with the position and the type of the train.
NoDerail: Areas * Station_topo * Station_state +> bool
NoDerail (areas,stationtopo,stationstate) ==
NoDerailUnderTrains (stationtopo,stationstate) and
NoDerailPossible (areas,stationtopo,stationstate);
The function $NoDerailUnderTrains$ is the same as the function
$NoDerail$ from the module $Safe-req$.
NoDerailUnderTrains: Station_topo * Station_state +> bool
NoDerailUnderTrains (stationtopo,stationstate) ==
let trains = Trains (stationstate.trackstates,{|->}) in
forall t in set dom trains &
forall t1,t2 in set trains (t) &
mk_(t1,t2) in set dom stationtopo.points =>
Ok_Point_states (mk_(t1,t2),stationtopo.points,
A train may derail if just one of the points controlled by the
interlocking system in the area
does not have control in
the branch which corresponds to the route, the train may drive through the point.
It is not the responsibility of the interlocking system, if a train derails at
a point, which is released for manual operation.
However, for trains driving on a fixed route, all points
must be controlled by the interlocking system. Points may only be released for
manual operation for autonomous trains.
NoDerailPossible : Areas * Station_topo * Station_state +> bool
NoDerailPossible (areas,stationtopo,stationstate) ==
forall area in set rng areas &
let traintype = TrainType (area,stationstate) in
if traintype = <fixedroute>
then NoDerailFixed (area,stationtopo,stationstate)
else NoDerailAutonomous (area,stationtopo,stationstate);
The functions $Trains$ and $Update$ are the same functions as $Trains$
and $Update$ from the module $safe-req$.
Trains: Track_states * (map Train_id to set of Track_id) +>
(map Train_id to set of Track_id)
Trains (trackstates,sorted) ==
if trackstates = {|->}
then sorted
else let t in set dom trackstates in
if trackstates (t) = {|->}
then Trains ({t} <-: trackstates,sorted)
else Trains ({t} <-: trackstates,
Update (mk_(t,trackstates(t)),sorted));
Update: (Track_id * Track_state) *
(map Train_id to set of Track_id) +>
(map Train_id to set of Track_id)
Update (mk_(t,trainids),sorted) ==
if trainids = {|->}
then sorted
else let tid in set dom trainids in
if tid in set dom sorted
then Update (mk_(t,{tid} <-: trainids),
sorted ++
{ tid |-> {t} union sorted (tid)} )
else Update (mk_(t,{tid} <-: trainids),
sorted ++ { tid |-> {t} });
In order to determine whether it is allowed to have points released
for manual operation in the area, we deduce the type of the train in
the area.
TrainType : Area * Station_state +> Train_type
TrainType (area,stationstate) ==
let t in set area be st stationstate.trackstates (t) <> {|->} in
let tt in set dom stationstate.trackstates (t) in
stationstate.trackstates (t) (tt)
pre forall t in set area & t in set dom stationstate.trackstates ;
To assure that a train driving on a fixed route does not
derail, all points in the area must be in states such that they cannot
cause the train to derail, and they must be controlled by the
interlocking system.
NoDerailFixed : Area * Station_topo * Station_state +> bool
NoDerailFixed (area,stationtopo,stationstate) ==
forall t1,t2 in set area &
mk_(t1,t2) in set dom stationtopo.points =>
Ok_Point_states (mk_(t1,t2),stationtopo.points,
stationstate.pointstates) and
InterlockPoints (mk_(t1,t2),stationtopo.points,
The functions {\it Ok\_Point\_states} and $Point\_state\_ok$ were also defined in
the safety requirements. They are stated here without comments.
Ok_Point_states: (Track_id * Track_id) * Points * Point_states +>
Ok_Point_states (mk_(t1,t2),points,pointstates) ==
if {t1,t2} = dom points (mk_(t1,t2))
then Point_state_ok (mk_(t1,t2),t1,points,pointstates) and
Point_state_ok (mk_(t1,t2),t2,points,pointstates)
else if {t1} = dom points (mk_(t1,t2))
then Point_state_ok (mk_(t1,t2),t1,points,pointstates)
else Point_state_ok (mk_(t1,t2),t2,points,pointstates)
pre mk_(t1,t2) in set dom points;
Point_state_ok: (Track_id * Track_id) * Track_id * Points *
Point_states +> bool
Point_state_ok (tpair,t,points,pointstates) ==
let mk_(pcnt,-) = pointstates (t) in
(points (tpair)) (t) = pcnt
pre t in set dom pointstates and tpair in set dom points and
t in set dom points(tpair);
Given a pair of track segments,
{\it InterlockPoints} checks whether the
points, which are required to have control in certain branches in order to move
between the two track segments, are controlled by the interlocking
InterlockPoints: (Track_id * Track_id) * Points * Point_states +>
InterlockPoints (mk_(t1,t2),points,pointstates) ==
if IsPoint (t1,points) and IsPoint (t2,points)
then IsInterlockPoint (t1,points,pointstates) and
IsInterlockPoint (t2,points,pointstates)
else if IsPoint (t1,points)
then IsInterlockPoint (t1,points,pointstates)
else IsInterlockPoint (t2,points,pointstates)
pre IsPoint (t1,points) or IsPoint (t2,points);
The function $IsPoint$ checks whether a track segment is a point.
IsPoint: Track_id * Points +> bool
IsPoint (t,points) ==
exists mk_(t1,t2) in set dom points &
t in set dom points (mk_(t1,t2));
The function $IsInterlockPoint$ checks whether a track segment is a
point, which is controlled by the interlocking system.
IsInterlockPoint: Track_id * Points * Point_states +> bool
IsInterlockPoint (t,points,pointstates) ==
if IsPoint (t,points)
then let mk_(-,operation) = pointstates (t) in
operation = <interlock>
else false;
To prevent an autonomous train from derailing, all the points operated by the
interlocking system must be in states such that they cannot cause the
train to derail. The points which are manually operated
may have control in any branch.
NoDerailAutonomous: Area * Station_topo * Station_state +> bool
NoDerailAutonomous (area,stationtopo,stationstate) ==
forall t1,t2 in set area &
mk_(t1,t2) in set dom stationtopo.points =>
OkAutonomPoint_states (mk_(t1,t2),stationtopo.points,
OkAutonomPoint_states: (Track_id * Track_id) * Points *
Point_states +> bool
OkAutonomPoint_states (mk_(t1,t2),points,pointstates) ==
if IsInterlockPoint (t1,points,pointstates) and
IsInterlockPoint (t2,points,pointstates)
then Point_state_ok (mk_(t1,t2),t1,points,pointstates) and
Point_state_ok (mk_(t1,t2),t2,points,pointstates)
else if IsInterlockPoint (t1,points,pointstates)
then Point_state_ok (mk_(t1,t2),t1,points,pointstates)
else if IsInterlockPoint (t2,points,pointstates)
then Point_state_ok (mk_(t1,t2),t2,points,pointstates)
else true;
Areas are deduced by for each train finding the nodes in the
graph, to which the train may move. We begin the search at the train and for
each edge we investigate whether it is possible to extend the area
with the node with which the edge is connected.
It is {\it not} possible to extend the area if the edge is labelled by a
stop signal, or
if the node from which we search is a point and the edge is labelled by a point
state different from the one that the point is in\footnote{We do not check
the node which we are moving to. If that node is a point which does
not have control in the proper branch, the train may derail. The node
included in the area, and it is checked by the predicate $Derail$, that
is in a proper state. }.
FindAreas : Station_topo * Station_state +> Areas
FindAreas (stationtopo,stationstate) ==
let occupied = Occupied (stationstate.trackstates,{|->}) in
DeduceAreas (occupied,stationtopo,stationstate);
The function $Occupied$, for each train, finds the track segments
occupied by the train.
Occupied: Track_states * (map Train_id to set of Track_id) +>
map Train_id to set of Track_id
Occupied (trackstates,occupied) ==
if forall s in set rng trackstates & s = {|->}
then occupied
else let trains in set rng trackstates be st trains <> {|->} in
let train in set dom trains in
Occupied (RemoveTrain (train,trackstates),
occupied munion
{train |-> {tid
| tid in set dom trackstates
& train in set
dom trackstates (tid)} } )
pre forall trackstate in set rng trackstates &
dom trackstate inter dom occupied = {};
When the track segments occupied by a train have been deduced, the train is
removed from the track segment states by the function $RemoveTrain$.
RemoveTrain : Train_id * Track_states +> Track_states
RemoveTrain (train,trackstates) ==
if trackstates = {|->}
then {|->}
else let tid in set dom trackstates in
if train in set dom trackstates (tid)
then RemoveTrain (train,trackstates ++
{tid |-> ({train} <-:
trackstates (tid))})
else {tid |-> trackstates (tid)} munion
RemoveTrain (train,{tid} <-: trackstates);
The function $DeduceAreas$ deduces an area for each train at the station.
DeduceAreas: (map Train_id to set of Track_id) *
Station_topo * Station_state +> Areas
DeduceAreas (occupied,stationtopo,stationstate) ==
if occupied = {|->}
then {|->}
else let train in set dom occupied in
let area = FindArea (occupied (train),{},
stationtopo,stationstate) in
{train |-> area} munion
DeduceAreas ({train} <-: occupied,
Each train is contained in exactly one area even though there is a stop signal
`in the middle' of the train.
The function {\it FindArea} deduces the area surrounding a train.
The first argument of $FindArea$ contains the
track segments which have been included in the area, and for
which we have to continue the search.
The second argument contains the track segments
which are included in the area and for which all the edges have
been investigated.
The third and the fourth argument is the station topology and the station
FindArea : set of Track_id * Area * Station_topo * Station_state +>
FindArea (tracks,area,stationtopo,stationstate) ==
if tracks = {}
then area
else let t in set tracks in
let neighbours = Neighbours (t,area,stationtopo,
stationstate) in
FindArea ((tracks\ {t}) union neighbours,
area union {t},
Given a track segment, $t$, i.e.\ a node in the graph,
{\it Neighbours} first finds the nodes connected to $t$ by one edge, and
next it investigates which of these nodes it is possible for the train
to proceed to, assuming that the train is in node $t$.
Neighbours : Track_id * set of Track_id * Station_topo *
Station_state +>
set of Track_id
Neighbours (t,area,stationtopo,stationstate) ==
let neighcand = NeighbourCandidates (t,area,stationtopo.tracks) in
{t' | t' in set neighcand
& OkEdge (mk_(t,t'),stationtopo,stationstate)};
The function $NeighbourCandidates$ finds all track segments which are
related to a track segment, $t$,
in the {\ttfamily Tracks} relation and which have not already been included
in the area.
NeighbourCandidates: Track_id * set of Track_id * Tracks +>
set of Track_id
NeighbourCandidates (t,area,tracks) ==
{t'| mk_(t1,t') in set tracks & t = t1 and t' not in set area };
An edge allows a track segment to be included in an area, if
the point states on the edge do not prevent it,
and if the edge is not labelled by a stop
OkEdge: (Track_id * Track_id) * Station_topo * Station_state +> bool
OkEdge (tpair,stationtopo,stationstate) ==
OkPoints (tpair,stationtopo.points,stationstate.pointstates) and
not (StopSignal (tpair,stationtopo.signals,
Given two nodes, representing two track segments connected by an edge labelled
with a point control. This point control can only prevent a train movement
from the first node to the second node if the first node is a point
which is controlled by the interlocking system, and if it is
connected to the second node through one of its branches,
{\it and} if it has control in a branch different from the label
on the edge. In Figure~\ref{pointedges}, assume that track segment
1 is a point controlled by the interlocking system. Further assume
that 1 has control in its right branch, and that it
is included in the area, then track segment 2 is also included in
the area, but track segment 3 is not. Note that if the situation is like in
Figure~\ref{derailedge}, where 1 is in the area, then 2 is also
included in the area even though it does not have control in the left
branch. The reason for this is that it
is possible for a train at track segment 1 to drive to track segment
2, even though it may derail in trying. The predicate {\it Derail}
checks whether there is a possibility of derailing in the area.
\caption{Point in area} \label{pointedges}
\caption{Point in area} \label{derailedge}
OkPoints: (Track_id * Track_id) * Points * Point_states +> bool
OkPoints (mk_(t,t'),points,pointstates) ==
IsInterlockPoint (t,points,pointstates) and
Branch (mk_(t,t'),points) =>
Point_state_ok (mk_(t,t'),t,points,pointstates);
The function {\it StopSignal} returns true if the edge from the first
node to the second node in tpair is labelled by a stop signal.
it returns false.
StopSignal: (Track_id * Track_id) * Signals * Signal_states +> bool
StopSignal (tpair,signals,signalstates) ==
if tpair in set dom signals
then let sigid = signals (tpair) in
signalstates (sigid) = <stop>
else false;
The function {\it Branch} checks whether the first track segment in
a pair of track segments is a point which is connected to the second
track segment through one of its branches.
Branch : (Track_id * Track_id) * Points +> bool
Branch (mk_(t1,t2),points) ==
mk_(t1,t2) in set dom points and
t1 in set dom points (mk_(t1,t2))
end impl
With this interpretation, we can now
implement the safety requirements by assigning each train an area
corresponding to the route, which it should drive through the station.
The task of the interlocking system is, in each area, to switch the
points to states such that the train does not derail, and to make
the areas such that they have no common track segments.
This concludes the modelling of an implementation of the safety
requirements. We want to stress that this is just one of the possible
implementations, which satisfies the safety requirements. There are
several others. As a specification generally has several
implementations, it is important to validate that the chosen
implementation is acceptable. Like the safety
requirements, this implementation has been validated by executing it using the
VDM tool-box.
We are aware that we have not
considered splitting and joining of trains. Today, at stations
where splitting and joining is controlled by the interlocking system,
it is often done at track segment separations with
signals. Another approach would be to allow train collision for trains
moving with a sufficiently low speed. This calls however for an
extension of the model.
\subsection{Areas and Train Routes}
To implement the safety requirements, that trains must not collide and not
derail, DSB uses the concept of a train route. A train route is a
connected set of track
segments, which is reserved for a particular train. A train route consists of a
plied part and a safety distance, see Figure~\ref{trainroute}. The plied part
extends always
from one signal to another, as this is the most usual way to signal stop and
drive to the train driver.
The safety distance is a connected set of track segments
situated right after the end of the plied part of the train route. The
number of track segments in the safety distance depends on the allowed
--> --------------------
--> maximum size reached
--> --------------------
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