(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(** Abstract representations of values in a vo *)
(** NB: This needs updating when the types in declarations.ml and
their dependencies are changed. *)
(** We reify here the types of values present in a vo.
in order to validate its structure. Maybe this reification
could become automatically generated someday ?
See values.mli for the meaning of each constructor.
type value =
| Any
| Fail of string
| Tuple of string * value array
| Sum of string * int * value array array
| Array of value
| List of value
| Opt of value
| Int
| String
| Annot of string * value
| Dyn
| Proxy of value ref
| Uint63
let fix (f : value -> value) : value =
let self = ref Any in
let ans = f (Proxy self) in
let () = self := ans in
(** Some pseudo-constructors *)
let v_tuple name v = Tuple(name,v)
let v_sum name cc vv = Sum(name,cc,vv)
let v_enum name n = Sum(name,n,[||])
(** Ocaml standard library *)
let v_pair v1 v2 = v_tuple "*" [|v1; v2|]
let v_bool = v_enum "bool" 2
let v_unit = v_enum "unit" 1
let v_ref v = v_tuple "ref" [|v|]
let v_set v =
let rec s = Sum ("Set.t",1,
[|[|s; Annot("elem",v); s; Annot("bal",Int)|]|])
in s
let v_map vk vd =
let rec m = Sum ("Map.t",1,
[|[|m; Annot("key",vk); Annot("data",vd); m; Annot("bal",Int)|]|])
in m
let v_hset v = v_map Int (v_set v)
let v_hmap vk vd = v_map Int (v_map vk vd)
let v_pred v = v_pair v_bool (v_set v)
(* lib/future *)
let v_computation f =
Annot ("Future.computation",
(v_sum "Future.comput" 0
[| [| Fail "Future.ongoing" |]; [| f |] |]))
(** kernel/names *)
let v_id = String
let v_dp = Annot ("dirpath", List v_id)
let v_name = v_sum "name" 1 [|[|v_id|]|]
let v_uid = v_tuple "uniq_ident" [|Int;String;v_dp|]
let rec v_mp = Sum("module_path",0,
let v_kn = v_tuple "kernel_name" [|v_mp;v_id;Int|]
let v_cst = v_sum "cst|mind" 0 [|[|v_kn|];[|v_kn;v_kn|]|]
let v_ind = v_tuple "inductive" [|v_cst;Int|]
let v_cons = v_tuple "constructor" [|v_ind;Int|]
(** kernel/univ *)
let v_level_global = v_tuple "Level.Global.t" [|v_dp;Int|]
let v_raw_level = v_sum "raw_level" 3 (* SProp, Prop, Set *)
[|(*Level*)[|v_level_global|]; (*Var*)[|Int|]|]
let v_level = v_tuple "level" [|Int;v_raw_level|]
let v_expr = v_tuple "levelexpr" [|v_level;Int|]
let v_univ = List v_expr
let v_cstrs =
(v_tuple "univ_constraint"
[|v_level;v_enum "order_request" 3;v_level|]))
let v_variance = v_enum "variance" 3
let v_instance = Annot ("instance", Array v_level)
let v_abs_context = v_tuple "abstract_universe_context" [|Array v_name; v_cstrs|]
let v_context_set = v_tuple "universe_context_set" [|v_hset v_level;v_cstrs|]
(** kernel/term *)
let v_sort = v_sum "sort" 3 (*SProp, Prop, Set*) [|[|v_univ(*Type*)|]|]
let v_sortfam = v_enum "sorts_family" 4
let v_relevance = v_sum "relevance" 2 [||]
let v_binder_annot x = v_tuple "binder_annot" [|x;v_relevance|]
let v_puniverses v = v_tuple "punivs" [|v;v_instance|]
let v_boollist = List v_bool
let v_caseinfo =
let v_cstyle = v_enum "case_style" 5 in
let v_cprint = v_tuple "case_printing" [|v_boollist;Array v_boollist;v_cstyle|] in
v_tuple "case_info" [|v_ind;Int;Array Int;Array Int;v_relevance;v_cprint|]
let v_cast = v_enum "cast_kind" 4
let v_proj_repr = v_tuple "projection_repr" [|v_ind;Int;Int;v_id|]
let v_proj = v_tuple "projection" [|v_proj_repr; v_bool|]
let rec v_constr =
Sum ("constr",0,[|
[|Int|]; (* Rel *)
[|Fail "Var"|]; (* Var *)
[|Fail "Meta"|]; (* Meta *)
[|Fail "Evar"|]; (* Evar *)
[|v_sort|]; (* Sort *)
[|v_constr;v_cast;v_constr|]; (* Cast *)
[|v_binder_annot v_name;v_constr;v_constr|]; (* Prod *)
[|v_binder_annot v_name;v_constr;v_constr|]; (* Lambda *)
[|v_binder_annot v_name;v_constr;v_constr;v_constr|]; (* LetIn *)
[|v_constr;Array v_constr|]; (* App *)
[|v_puniverses v_cst|]; (* Const *)
[|v_puniverses v_ind|]; (* Ind *)
[|v_puniverses v_cons|]; (* Construct *)
[|v_caseinfo;v_constr;v_constr;Array v_constr|]; (* Case *)
[|v_fix|]; (* Fix *)
[|v_cofix|]; (* CoFix *)
[|v_proj;v_constr|]; (* Proj *)
[|Uint63|] (* Int *)
and v_prec = Tuple ("prec_declaration",
[|Array (v_binder_annot v_name); Array v_constr; Array v_constr|])
and v_fix = Tuple ("pfixpoint", [|Tuple ("fix2",[|Array Int;Int|]);v_prec|])
and v_cofix = Tuple ("pcofixpoint",[|Int;v_prec|])
let v_rdecl = v_sum "rel_declaration" 0
[| [|v_binder_annot v_name; v_constr|]; (* LocalAssum *)
[|v_binder_annot v_name; v_constr; v_constr|] |] (* LocalDef *)
let v_rctxt = List v_rdecl
let v_section_ctxt = v_enum "emptylist" 1
(** kernel/mod_subst *)
let v_univ_abstracted v = v_tuple "univ_abstracted" [|v;v_abs_context|]
let v_delta_hint =
v_sum "delta_hint" 0 [|[|Int; Opt (v_univ_abstracted v_constr)|];[|v_kn|]|]
let v_resolver =
v_tuple "delta_resolver"
[|v_map v_mp v_mp;
v_hmap v_kn v_delta_hint|]
let v_mp_resolver = v_tuple "" [|v_mp;v_resolver|]
let v_subst =
Annot ("substitution", v_map v_mp v_mp_resolver)
(** kernel/lazyconstr *)
let v_substituted v_a =
v_tuple "substituted" [|v_a; List v_subst|]
let v_cstr_subst = v_substituted v_constr
(** NB: Second constructor [Direct] isn't supposed to appear in a .vo *)
let v_lazy_constr =
v_sum "lazy_constr" 0 [|[|List v_subst;v_dp;Int|]|]
(** kernel/declarations *)
let v_impredicative_set = v_enum "impr-set" 2
let v_engagement = v_impredicative_set
let v_conv_level =
v_sum "conv_level" 2 [|[|Int|]|]
let v_oracle =
v_tuple "oracle" [|
v_map v_id v_conv_level;
v_hmap v_cst v_conv_level;
v_pred v_id;
v_pred v_cst;
let v_pol_arity =
v_tuple "polymorphic_arity" [|List(Opt v_level);v_univ|]
let v_primitive =
v_enum "primitive" 25
let v_cst_def =
v_sum "constant_def" 0
[|[|Opt Int|]; [|v_cstr_subst|]; [|v_lazy_constr|]; [|v_primitive|]|]
let v_typing_flags =
v_tuple "typing_flags" [|v_bool; v_bool; v_oracle; v_bool; v_bool; v_bool; v_bool; v_bool|]
let v_univs = v_sum "universes" 0 [|[|v_context_set|]; [|v_abs_context|]|]
let v_cb = v_tuple "constant_body"
Opt v_context_set;
let v_recarg = v_sum "recarg" 1 (* Norec *)
[|[|v_ind|] (* Mrec *);[|v_ind|] (* Imbr *)|]
let rec v_wfp = Sum ("wf_paths",0,
[|[|Int;Int|]; (* Rtree.Param *)
[|v_recarg;Array v_wfp|]; (* Rtree.Node *)
[|Int;Array v_wfp|] (* Rtree.Rec *)
let v_mono_ind_arity =
v_tuple "monomorphic_inductive_arity" [|v_constr;v_sort|]
let v_ind_arity = v_sum "inductive_arity" 0
let v_one_ind = v_tuple "one_inductive_body"
Array v_id;
Array v_constr;
List v_sortfam;
Array (v_pair v_rctxt v_constr);
Array Int;
Array Int;
let v_finite = v_enum "recursivity_kind" 3
let v_record_info =
v_sum "record_info" 2
[| [| Array (v_tuple "record" [| v_id; Array v_id; Array v_relevance; Array v_constr |]) |] |]
let v_ind_pack = v_tuple "mutual_inductive_body"
[|Array v_one_ind;
v_univs; (* universes *)
Opt (Array v_variance);
Opt v_bool;
let v_prim_ind = v_enum "prim_ind" 4
let v_prim_type = v_enum "prim_type" 1
let v_retro_action =
v_sum "retro_action" 0 [|
[|v_prim_ind; v_ind|];
[|v_prim_type; v_cst|];
let v_retroknowledge =
v_sum "module_retroknowledge" 1 [|[|List v_retro_action|]|]
let rec v_mae =
Sum ("module_alg_expr",0,
[|[|v_mp|]; (* SEBident *)
[|v_mae;v_mp|]; (* SEBapply *)
[|v_mae; Any|] (* SEBwith *)
let rec v_sfb =
Sum ("struct_field_body",0,
[|[|v_cb|]; (* SFBconst *)
[|v_ind_pack|]; (* SFBmind *)
[|v_module|]; (* SFBmodule *)
[|v_modtype|] (* SFBmodtype *)
and v_struc = List (Tuple ("label*sfb",[|v_id;v_sfb|]))
and v_sign =
Sum ("module_sign",0,
[|[|v_struc|]; (* NoFunctor *)
[|v_uid;v_modtype;v_sign|]|]) (* MoreFunctor *)
and v_mexpr =
Sum ("module_expr",0,
[|[|v_mae|]; (* NoFunctor *)
[|v_uid;v_modtype;v_mexpr|]|]) (* MoreFunctor *)
and v_impl =
Sum ("module_impl",2, (* Abstract, FullStruct *)
[|[|v_mexpr|]; (* Algebraic *)
[|v_sign|]|]) (* Struct *)
and v_noimpl = v_unit
and v_module =
Tuple ("module_body",
[|v_mp;v_impl;v_sign;Opt v_mexpr;v_context_set;v_resolver;v_retroknowledge|])
and v_modtype =
Tuple ("module_type_body",
[|v_mp;v_noimpl;v_sign;Opt v_mexpr;v_context_set;v_resolver;v_unit|])
(** kernel/safe_typing *)
let v_vodigest = Sum ("module_impl",0, [| [|String|]; [|String;String|] |])
let v_deps = Array (v_tuple "dep" [|v_dp;v_vodigest|])
let v_compiled_lib =
v_tuple "compiled" [|v_dp;v_module;v_deps;v_engagement;Any|]
(** Library objects *)
let v_obj = Dyn
let v_libobj = Tuple ("libobj", [|v_id;v_obj|])
let v_libobjs = List v_libobj
let v_libraryobjs = Tuple ("library_objects",[|v_libobjs;v_libobjs|])
(** STM objects *)
let v_frozen = Tuple ("frozen", [|List (v_pair Int Dyn); Opt Dyn|])
let v_states = v_pair Any v_frozen
let v_state = Tuple ("state", [|v_states; Any; v_bool|])
let v_vcs =
let vcs self =
Tuple ("vcs",
[|Any; Any;
Tuple ("dag",
[|Any; Any; v_map Any (Tuple ("state_info",
[|Any; Any; Opt v_state; v_pair (Opt self) Any|]))
fix vcs
let v_uuid = Any
let v_request id doc =
Tuple ("request", [|Any; Any; doc; Any; id; String|])
let v_tasks = List (v_pair (v_request v_uuid v_vcs) v_bool)
let v_counters = Any
let v_stm_seg = v_pair v_tasks v_counters
(** Toplevel structures in a vo (see Cic.mli) *)
let v_libsum =
Tuple ("summary", [|v_dp;Array v_dp;v_deps|])
let v_lib =
Tuple ("library",[|v_compiled_lib;v_libraryobjs|])
let v_opaques = Array (v_computation v_constr)
let v_univopaques =
Opt (Tuple ("univopaques",[|Array (v_computation v_context_set);v_context_set;v_bool|]))
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