(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
let all_bindings = ref []
(* example unicode bindings table:
[ ("\\pi", "π", None);
("\\lambdas", "λs", Some 4);
("\\lambda", "λ", Some 3);
("\\lake", "0", Some 2);
("\\lemma", "Lemma foo : x. Proof. Qed", Some 1); ] *)
(** Auxiliary function used by [load_files].
Takes as argument a valid path. *)
let process_file filename =
if not (Sys.file_exists filename) then begin
Ideutils.warning (Printf.sprintf "Warning: unicode bindings file '%s' was not found." filename)
end else begin
let ch = open_in filename in
begin try while true do
let line = input_line ch in
begin try
let chline = Scanf.Scanning.from_string line in
let (key,value) =
Scanf.bscanf chline "%s %s" (fun x y -> (x,y)) in
let prio =
try Scanf.bscanf chline " %d" (fun x -> Some x)
with Scanf.Scan_failure _ | Failure _ | End_of_file -> None
all_bindings := (key,value,prio)::!all_bindings;
(* Note: storing bindings in reverse order, flipping is done later *)
Scanf.Scanning.close_in chline;
with End_of_file -> () end;
done with End_of_file -> () end;
close_in ch
let load_files filenames =
let selected_filenames = ref [] in
let add f =
selected_filenames := f::!selected_filenames in
let warn_default_not_found () =
Ideutils.warning (Printf.sprintf
"Warning: the file 'ide/default.bindings' was not found in %s."
(Envars.coqlib())) in
let warn_local_not_found () =
Ideutils.warning (Printf.sprintf
"Warning: the local configuration file 'coqide.bindings' was not found.") in
if filenames = [] then begin
(* If no argument is provided using [-unicode-bindings],
then use the default file and the local file, if it exists *)
begin match Preferences.get_unicode_bindings_default_file() with
| Some f -> add f
| None -> warn_default_not_found()
begin match Preferences.get_unicode_bindings_local_file() with
| Some f -> add f
| None -> ()
end else begin
(* If [-unicode-bindings] is used with a list of file, consider
these files in order, with a special treatment for the tokens
"default" and "local", which are replaced by the appropriate path. *)
let add_arg f =
match f with
| "default" ->
begin match Preferences.get_unicode_bindings_default_file() with
| Some f -> add f
| None -> warn_default_not_found()
| "local" ->
begin match Preferences.get_unicode_bindings_local_file() with
| Some f -> add f
| None -> warn_local_not_found()
| _ -> add f
List.iter add_arg filenames
(* Files must be processed in order, to build the list of bindings
by iteratively consing entry to its head, the list being reversed
at the very end *)
let real_filenames = List.rev !selected_filenames in
List.iter process_file real_filenames;
all_bindings := List.rev !all_bindings
(* For debugging the list of unicode files loaded:
List.iter (fun f -> Printf.eprintf "%s\n" f) real_filenames; *)
(** Auxiliary function to test whether [s] is a prefix of [str];
Note that there might be overlap with wg_Completion::is_substring *)
let string_is_prefix s str =
let n = String.length s in
let m = String.length str in
if m < n
then false
else (s = String.sub str 0 n)
let lookup prefix =
let max_priority = 100000000 in
let cur_word = ref None in
let cur_prio = ref (max_priority+1) in
let test_binding (key, word, prio_opt) =
let prio =
match prio_opt with
| None -> max_priority
| Some p -> p
if string_is_prefix prefix key && prio < !cur_prio then begin
cur_word := Some word;
cur_prio := prio;
end in
List.iter test_binding !all_bindings;
(* For debugging the list of unicode bindings loaded:
let print_unicode_bindings () =
List.iter (fun (x,y,p) ->
Printf.eprintf "%s %s %d\n" x y (match p with None -> -1 | Some n -> n))
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