(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Preferences
exception Abort
type insert_action = {
ins_val : string;
ins_off : int;
ins_len : int;
ins_mrg : bool;
type delete_action = {
del_val : string; (** Contents *)
del_off : int; (** Absolute offset of the modification *)
del_len : int; (** Length *)
del_mrg : bool; (** Is the modification mergeable? *)
type action =
| Insert of insert_action
| Delete of delete_action
| Action of action list
| EndGrp (** pending begin_user_action *)
let merge_insert ins = function
| Insert ins' :: rem ->
if ins.ins_mrg && ins'.ins_mrg &&
(ins'.ins_off + ins'.ins_len = ins.ins_off) then
let nins = {
ins_val = ins'.ins_val ^ ins.ins_val;
ins_off = ins'.ins_off;
ins_len = ins'.ins_len + ins.ins_len;
ins_mrg = true;
} in
Insert nins :: rem
Insert ins :: Insert ins' :: rem
| l ->
Insert ins :: l
let merge_delete del = function
| Delete del' :: rem ->
if del.del_mrg && del'.del_mrg &&
(del.del_off + del.del_len = del'.del_off) then
let ndel = {
del_val = del.del_val ^ del'.del_val;
del_off = del.del_off;
del_len = del.del_len + del'.del_len;
del_mrg = true;
} in
Delete ndel :: rem
Delete del :: Delete del' :: rem
| l ->
Delete del :: l
let rec negate_action act = match act with
| Insert act ->
let act = {
del_len = act.ins_len;
del_off = act.ins_off;
del_val = act.ins_val;
del_mrg = act.ins_mrg;
} in
Delete act
| Delete act ->
let act = {
ins_len = act.del_len;
ins_off = act.del_off;
ins_val = act.del_val;
ins_mrg = act.del_mrg;
} in
Insert act
| Action acts ->
Action (List.rev_map negate_action acts)
| EndGrp -> assert false
type source_view = [ Gtk.text_view | `sourceview ] Gtk.obj
class undo_manager (buffer : GText.buffer) =
val mutable lock_undo = true
val mutable history = []
val mutable redo = []
method with_lock_undo : 'a. ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit =
fun f x ->
if lock_undo then
let () = lock_undo <- false in
try (f x; lock_undo <- true)
with e -> (lock_undo <- true; raise e)
else ()
method private dump_debug () =
let rec iter = function
| Insert act ->
Printf.eprintf "Insert of '%s' at %d (length %d, mergeable %b)\n%!"
act.ins_val act.ins_off act.ins_len act.ins_mrg
| Delete act ->
Printf.eprintf "Delete '%s' from %d (length %d, mergeable %b)\n%!"
act.del_val act.del_off act.del_len act.del_mrg
| Action l ->
Printf.eprintf "Action\n%!";
List.iter iter l;
Printf.eprintf "//Action\n%!";
| EndGrp ->
Printf.eprintf "End Group\n%!"
if false (* !debug *) then begin
Printf.eprintf "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n%!";
Printf.eprintf "==========Undo Stack top=============\n%!";
List.iter iter history;
Printf.eprintf "Stack size %d\n" (List.length history);
Printf.eprintf "==========Undo Stack Bottom==========\n%!";
Printf.eprintf "==========Redo Stack start===========\n%!";
List.iter iter redo;
Printf.eprintf "Stack size %d\n" (List.length redo);
Printf.eprintf "==========Redo Stack End=============\n%!";
Printf.eprintf "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n%!";
method clear_undo () =
history <- [];
redo <- []
(** Warning: processing actually undo the action *)
method private process_insert_action ins =
let start = buffer#get_iter (`OFFSET ins.ins_off) in
let stop = start#forward_chars ins.ins_len in
buffer#delete_interactive ~start ~stop ()
method private process_delete_action del =
let iter = buffer#get_iter (`OFFSET del.del_off) in
buffer#insert_interactive ~iter del.del_val
(** We don't care about atomicity. Return:
1. `OK when there was no error, `FAIL otherwise
2. `NOOP if no write occurred, `WRITE otherwise
method private process_action = function
| Insert ins ->
if self#process_insert_action ins then (`OK, `WRITE) else (`FAIL, `NOOP)
| Delete del ->
if self#process_delete_action del then (`OK, `WRITE) else (`FAIL, `NOOP)
| Action lst ->
let fold accu action = match accu with
| (`FAIL, _) -> accu (* we stop now! *)
| (`OK, status) ->
let (res, nstatus) = self#process_action action in
let merge op1 op2 = match op1, op2 with
| `NOOP, `NOOP -> `NOOP (* only a noop when both are *)
| _ -> `WRITE
(res, merge status nstatus)
List.fold_left fold (`OK, `NOOP) lst
| EndGrp -> assert false
method perform_undo () = match history with
| [] -> ()
| action :: rem ->
let ans = self#process_action action in
begin match ans with
| (`OK, _) ->
history <- rem;
redo <- (negate_action action) :: redo
| (`FAIL, `NOOP) -> () (* we do nothing *)
| (`FAIL, `WRITE) -> self#clear_undo () (* we don't know how we failed, so start off *)
method perform_redo () = match redo with
| [] -> ()
| action :: rem ->
let ans = self#process_action action in
begin match ans with
| (`OK, _) ->
redo <- rem;
history <- (negate_action action) :: history;
| (`FAIL, `NOOP) -> () (* we do nothing *)
| (`FAIL, `WRITE) -> self#clear_undo () (* we don't know how we failed *)
method undo () =
Minilib.log "UNDO";
self#with_lock_undo begin fun () ->
buffer#begin_user_action ();
self#perform_undo ();
buffer#end_user_action ()
end ()
method redo () =
Minilib.log "REDO";
self#with_lock_undo begin fun () ->
buffer#begin_user_action ();
self#perform_redo ();
buffer#end_user_action ()
end ()
method process_begin_user_action () =
(* Push a new level of event on history stack *)
history <- EndGrp :: history
method begin_user_action () =
self#with_lock_undo self#process_begin_user_action ()
method process_end_user_action () =
(* Search for the pending action *)
let rec split accu = function
| [] -> raise Not_found (* no pending begin action! *)
| EndGrp :: rem ->
let grp = List.rev accu in
let rec flatten = function
| [] -> rem
| [Insert ins] -> merge_insert ins rem
| [Delete del] -> merge_delete del rem
| [Action l] -> flatten l
| _ -> Action grp :: rem
flatten grp
| action :: rem ->
split (action :: accu) rem
try (history <- split [] history; self#dump_debug ())
with Not_found ->
Minilib.log "Error: Badly parenthezised user action";
self#clear_undo ()
method end_user_action () =
self#with_lock_undo self#process_end_user_action ()
method private process_handle_insert iter s =
(* Save the insert action *)
let len = Glib.Utf8.length s in
let mergeable =
(* heuristic: split at newline and atomic pastes *)
len = 1 && (s <> "\n")
let ins = {
ins_val = s;
ins_off = iter#offset;
ins_len = len;
ins_mrg = mergeable;
} in
let () = history <- Insert ins :: history in
method private handle_insert iter s =
self#with_lock_undo (self#process_handle_insert iter) s
method private process_handle_delete start stop =
(* Save the delete action *)
let text = buffer#get_text ~start ~stop () in
let len = Glib.Utf8.length text in
let mergeable = len = 1 && (text <> "\n") in
let del = {
del_val = text;
del_off = start#offset;
del_len = stop#offset - start#offset;
del_mrg = mergeable;
} in
let action = Delete del in
history <- action :: history;
redo <- [];
method private handle_delete ~start ~stop =
self#with_lock_undo (self#process_handle_delete start) stop
let _ = buffer#connect#after#begin_user_action ~callback:self#begin_user_action in
let _ = buffer#connect#after#end_user_action ~callback:self#end_user_action in
let _ = buffer#connect#insert_text ~callback:self#handle_insert in
let _ = buffer#connect#delete_range ~callback:self#handle_delete in
class script_view (tv : source_view) (ct : Coq.coqtop) =
let view = new GSourceView3.source_view (Gobject.unsafe_cast tv) in
let completion = new Wg_Completion.complete_model ct view#buffer in
let popup = new Wg_Completion.complete_popup completion (view :> GText.view) in
object (self)
inherit GSourceView3.source_view (Gobject.unsafe_cast tv)
val undo_manager = new undo_manager view#buffer
method auto_complete = completion#active
method set_auto_complete flag =
completion#set_active flag
method recenter_insert =
~use_align:false ~yalign:0.75 ~within_margin:0.25 `INSERT
(* HACK: missing gtksourceview features *)
method! right_margin_position =
let prop = {
Gobject.name = "right-margin-position";
conv = Gobject.Data.int;
} in
Gobject.get prop obj
method! set_right_margin_position pos =
let prop = {
Gobject.name = "right-margin-position";
conv = Gobject.Data.int;
} in
Gobject.set prop obj pos
method! show_right_margin =
let prop = {
Gobject.name = "show-right-margin";
conv = Gobject.Data.boolean;
} in
Gobject.get prop obj
method! set_show_right_margin show =
let prop = {
Gobject.name = "show-right-margin";
conv = Gobject.Data.boolean;
} in
Gobject.set prop obj show
method comment () =
let rec get_line_start iter =
if iter#starts_line then iter
else get_line_start iter#backward_char
let (start, stop) =
if self#buffer#has_selection then
let insert = self#buffer#get_iter `INSERT in
(get_line_start insert, insert#forward_to_line_end)
let stop_mark = self#buffer#create_mark ~left_gravity:false stop in
let () = self#buffer#begin_user_action () in
let was_inserted = self#buffer#insert_interactive ~iter:start "(* " in
let stop = self#buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`MARK stop_mark) in
let () = if was_inserted then ignore (self#buffer#insert_interactive ~iter:stop " *)") in
let () = self#buffer#end_user_action () in
self#buffer#delete_mark (`MARK stop_mark)
method uncomment () =
let rec get_left_iter depth (iter : GText.iter) =
let prev_close = iter#backward_search "*)" in
let prev_open = iter#backward_search "(*" in
let prev_object = match prev_close, prev_open with
| None, None | Some _, None -> `NONE
| None, Some (po, _) -> `OPEN po
| Some (co, _), Some (po, _) -> if co#compare po < 0 then `OPEN po else `CLOSE co
match prev_object with
| `NONE -> None
| `OPEN po ->
if depth <= 0 then Some po
else get_left_iter (pred depth) po
| `CLOSE co ->
get_left_iter (succ depth) co
let rec get_right_iter depth (iter : GText.iter) =
let next_close = iter#forward_search "*)" in
let next_open = iter#forward_search "(*" in
let next_object = match next_close, next_open with
| None, None | None, Some _ -> `NONE
| Some (_, co), None -> `CLOSE co
| Some (_, co), Some (_, po) ->
if co#compare po > 0 then `OPEN po else `CLOSE co
match next_object with
| `NONE -> None
| `OPEN po ->
get_right_iter (succ depth) po
| `CLOSE co ->
if depth <= 0 then Some co
else get_right_iter (pred depth) co
let insert = self#buffer#get_iter `INSERT in
let left_elt = get_left_iter 0 insert in
let right_elt = get_right_iter 0 insert in
match left_elt, right_elt with
| Some liter, Some riter ->
let stop_mark = self#buffer#create_mark ~left_gravity:false riter in
(* We remove one trailing/leading space if it exists *)
let lcontent = self#buffer#get_text ~start:liter ~stop:(liter#forward_chars 3) () in
let rcontent = self#buffer#get_text ~start:(riter#backward_chars 3) ~stop:riter () in
let llen = if lcontent = "(* " then 3 else 2 in
let rlen = if rcontent = " *)" then 3 else 2 in
(* Atomic operation for the user *)
let () = self#buffer#begin_user_action () in
let was_deleted = self#buffer#delete_interactive ~start:liter ~stop:(liter#forward_chars llen) () in
let riter = self#buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`MARK stop_mark) in
if was_deleted then ignore (self#buffer#delete_interactive ~start:(riter#backward_chars rlen) ~stop:riter ());
let () = self#buffer#end_user_action () in
self#buffer#delete_mark (`MARK stop_mark)
| _ -> ()
method apply_unicode_binding () =
let rec get_line_start iter =
if iter#starts_line then iter
else get_line_start iter#backward_char
(* Main action *)
let buffer = self#buffer in
let insert = buffer#get_iter `INSERT in
let insert_mark = buffer#create_mark ~left_gravity:false insert in
let () = buffer#begin_user_action () in
let word_to_insert =
let line_start = get_line_start insert in
let prev_backslash_search = insert#backward_search ~limit:line_start "\\" in
let backslash =
match prev_backslash_search with
| None -> raise Abort
| Some (backslash_start,backslash_stop) -> backslash_start
let prefix = backslash#get_text ~stop:insert in
let word =
match Unicode_bindings.lookup prefix with
| None -> raise Abort
| Some word -> word
let was_deleted = buffer#delete_interactive ~start:backslash ~stop:insert () in
if not was_deleted then raise Abort;
with Abort -> " "
(* Insert a space if no binding applies. This is to make sure that the user
gets some visual feedback that the keystroke was taken into account.
And also avoid slowing down users who press "Shift" for capitalizing the
first letter of a sentence just before typing the "Space" that comes in
front of that first letter. *)
let insert2 = buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`MARK insert_mark) in
let _was_inserted = buffer#insert_interactive ~iter:insert2 word_to_insert in
let () = self#buffer#end_user_action () in
self#buffer#delete_mark (`MARK insert_mark)
method complete_popup = popup
method undo = undo_manager#undo
method redo = undo_manager#redo
method clear_undo = undo_manager#clear_undo
method private paste () =
let cb = GData.clipboard Gdk.Atom.clipboard in
match cb#text with
| None -> ()
| Some text ->
let () = self#buffer#begin_user_action () in
let _ = self#buffer#delete_selection () in
let _ = self#buffer#insert_interactive text in
self#buffer#end_user_action ()
let () = Gtk_parsing.fix_double_click self in
let supersed cb _ =
let _ = cb () in
(* HACK: Redirect the undo/redo signals of the underlying GtkSourceView *)
let _ = self#connect#undo ~callback:(supersed self#undo) in
let _ = self#connect#redo ~callback:(supersed self#redo) in
(* HACK: Redirect the paste signal *)
let _ = self#connect#paste_clipboard ~callback:(supersed self#paste) in
(* HACK: Redirect the move_line signal of the underlying GtkSourceView *)
let move_line_marshal = GtkSignal.marshal2
Gobject.Data.boolean Gobject.Data.int "move_line_marshal"
let move_line_signal = {
GtkSignal.name = "move-lines";
classe = Obj.magic 0;
marshaller = move_line_marshal; }
let callback b i =
let rec start_line iter =
if iter#starts_line then iter
else start_line iter#backward_char
let iter = start_line (self#buffer#get_iter `INSERT) in
(* do we forward the signal? *)
let proceed =
if not b && i = 1 then
iter#editable ~default:true &&
iter#forward_line#editable ~default:true
else if not b && i = -1 then
iter#editable ~default:true &&
iter#backward_line#editable ~default:true
else false
if not proceed then GtkSignal.stop_emit ()
let _ = GtkSignal.connect ~sgn:move_line_signal ~callback obj in
(* Plug on preferences *)
(* FIXME: handle this using CSS *)
(* let cb clr = self#misc#modify_bg [`NORMAL, `NAME clr] in *)
(* let _ = background_color#connect#changed ~callback:cb in *)
(* let _ = self#misc#connect#realize ~callback:(fun () -> cb background_color#get) in *)
let cb b = self#set_wrap_mode (if b then `WORD else `NONE) in
stick dynamic_word_wrap self cb;
stick show_line_number self self#set_show_line_numbers;
stick auto_indent self self#set_auto_indent;
stick highlight_current_line self self#set_highlight_current_line;
(* Hack to handle missing binding in lablgtk *)
let cb b =
let flag = if b then 0b1001011 (* SPACE, TAB, NBSP, TRAILING *) else 0 in
let conv = Gobject.({ name = "draw-spaces"; conv = Data.int }) in
Gobject.set conv self#as_widget flag
stick show_spaces self cb;
stick show_right_margin self self#set_show_right_margin;
stick spaces_instead_of_tabs self self#set_insert_spaces_instead_of_tabs;
stick tab_length self self#set_tab_width;
stick auto_complete self self#set_auto_complete;
let cb ft = self#misc#modify_font (GPango.font_description_from_string ft) in
stick text_font self cb;
let script_view ct ?(source_buffer:GSourceView3.source_buffer option) ?draw_spaces =
GtkSourceView3.SourceView.make_params [] ~cont:(
GtkText.View.make_params ~cont:(
GContainer.pack_container ~create:
(fun pl ->
let w = match source_buffer with
| None -> GtkSourceView3.SourceView.new_ ()
| Some buf -> GtkSourceView3.SourceView.new_with_buffer
(Gobject.try_cast buf#as_buffer "GtkSourceBuffer")
let w = Gobject.unsafe_cast w in
Gobject.set_params (Gobject.try_cast w "GtkSourceView") pl;
Gaux.may ~f:(GtkSourceView3.SourceView.set_draw_spaces w) draw_spaces;
((new script_view w ct) : script_view))))
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.21 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.