(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(* Created by Jean-Christophe Filliâtre out of V6.3 file constants.ml
as part of the rebuilding of Coq around a purely functional
abstract type-checker, Nov 1999 *)
(* This module implements kernel-level discharching of local
declarations over global constants and inductive types *)
open Util
open Names
open Term
open Constr
open Declarations
open Univ
open Context
module NamedDecl = Context.Named.Declaration
module RelDecl = Context.Rel.Declaration
(*s Cooking the constants. *)
type my_global_reference =
| ConstRef of Constant.t
| IndRef of inductive
| ConstructRef of constructor
module RefHash =
type t = my_global_reference
let equal gr1 gr2 = match gr1, gr2 with
| ConstRef c1, ConstRef c2 -> Constant.SyntacticOrd.equal c1 c2
| IndRef i1, IndRef i2 -> eq_syntactic_ind i1 i2
| ConstructRef c1, ConstructRef c2 -> eq_syntactic_constructor c1 c2
| _ -> false
open Hashset.Combine
let hash = function
| ConstRef c -> combinesmall 1 (Constant.SyntacticOrd.hash c)
| IndRef i -> combinesmall 2 (ind_syntactic_hash i)
| ConstructRef c -> combinesmall 3 (constructor_syntactic_hash c)
module RefTable = Hashtbl.Make(RefHash)
let instantiate_my_gr gr u =
match gr with
| ConstRef c -> mkConstU (c, u)
| IndRef i -> mkIndU (i, u)
| ConstructRef c -> mkConstructU (c, u)
let share cache r (cstl,knl) =
try RefTable.find cache r
with Not_found ->
let (u,l) =
match r with
| IndRef (kn,_i) ->
Mindmap.find kn knl
| ConstructRef ((kn,_i),_j) ->
Mindmap.find kn knl
| ConstRef cst ->
Cmap.find cst cstl in
let c = (u, Array.map mkVar l) in
RefTable.add cache r c;
let share_univs cache r u l =
let (u', args) = share cache r l in
mkApp (instantiate_my_gr r (Instance.append u' u), args)
let update_case_info cache ci modlist =
let (_u,l) = share cache (IndRef ci.ci_ind) modlist in
{ ci with ci_npar = ci.ci_npar + Array.length l }
with Not_found ->
let is_empty_modlist (cm, mm) =
Cmap.is_empty cm && Mindmap.is_empty mm
let expmod_constr cache modlist c =
let share_univs = share_univs cache in
let update_case_info = update_case_info cache in
let rec substrec c =
match kind c with
| Case (ci,p,t,br) ->
Constr.map substrec (mkCase (update_case_info ci modlist,p,t,br))
| Ind (ind,u) ->
share_univs (IndRef ind) u modlist
| Not_found -> Constr.map substrec c)
| Construct (cstr,u) ->
share_univs (ConstructRef cstr) u modlist
| Not_found -> Constr.map substrec c)
| Const (cst,u) ->
share_univs (ConstRef cst) u modlist
| Not_found -> Constr.map substrec c)
| Proj (p, c') ->
let map cst npars =
let _, newpars = Mindmap.find cst (snd modlist) in
(cst, npars + Array.length newpars)
let p' = try Projection.map_npars map p with Not_found -> p in
let c'' = substrec c' in
if p == p' && c' == c'' then c else mkProj (p', c'')
| _ -> Constr.map substrec c
if is_empty_modlist modlist then c
else substrec c
(** Transforms a named context into a rel context. Also returns the list of
variables [id1 ... idn] that need to be replaced by [Rel 1 ... Rel n] to
abstract a term that lived in that context. *)
let abstract_context hyps =
let fold decl (ctx, subst) =
let id, decl = match decl with
| NamedDecl.LocalDef (id, b, t) ->
let b = Vars.subst_vars subst b in
let t = Vars.subst_vars subst t in
id, RelDecl.LocalDef (map_annot Name.mk_name id, b, t)
| NamedDecl.LocalAssum (id, t) ->
let t = Vars.subst_vars subst t in
id, RelDecl.LocalAssum (map_annot Name.mk_name id, t)
(decl :: ctx, id.binder_name :: subst)
Context.Named.fold_outside fold hyps ~init:([], [])
let abstract_constant_type t (hyps, subst) =
let t = Vars.subst_vars subst t in
List.fold_left (fun c d -> mkProd_wo_LetIn d c) t hyps
let abstract_constant_body c (hyps, subst) =
let c = Vars.subst_vars subst c in
it_mkLambda_or_LetIn c hyps
type recipe = { from : constant_body; info : Opaqueproof.cooking_info }
type inline = bool
type result = {
cook_body : constr Mod_subst.substituted constant_def;
cook_type : types;
cook_universes : universes;
cook_private_univs : Univ.ContextSet.t option;
cook_relevance : Sorts.relevance;
cook_inline : inline;
cook_context : Constr.named_context option;
let expmod_constr_subst cache modlist subst c =
let subst = Univ.make_instance_subst subst in
let c = expmod_constr cache modlist c in
Vars.subst_univs_level_constr subst c
let lift_univs cb subst auctx0 =
match cb.const_universes with
| Monomorphic ctx ->
assert (AUContext.is_empty auctx0);
subst, (Monomorphic ctx)
| Polymorphic auctx ->
(** Given a named instance [subst := u₀ ... uₙ₋₁] together with an abstract
context [auctx0 := 0 ... n - 1 |= C{0, ..., n - 1}] of the same length,
and another abstract context relative to the former context
[auctx := 0 ... m - 1 |= C'{u₀, ..., uₙ₋₁, 0, ..., m - 1}],
construct the lifted abstract universe context
[0 ... n - 1 n ... n + m - 1 |=
C{0, ... n - 1} ∪
C'{0, ..., n - 1, n, ..., n + m - 1} ]
together with the instance
[u₀ ... uₙ₋₁ Var(0) ... Var (m - 1)].
if (Univ.Instance.is_empty subst) then
(** Still need to take the union for the constraints between globals *)
subst, (Polymorphic (AUContext.union auctx0 auctx))
let ainst = Univ.make_abstract_instance auctx in
let subst = Instance.append subst ainst in
let substf = Univ.make_instance_subst subst in
let auctx' = Univ.subst_univs_level_abstract_universe_context substf auctx in
subst, (Polymorphic (AUContext.union auctx0 auctx'))
let cook_constr { Opaqueproof.modlist ; abstract } c =
let cache = RefTable.create 13 in
let abstract, usubst, abs_ctx = abstract in
(* For now the STM only handles deferred computation of monomorphic
constants. The API will need to be adapted when it's not the case
anymore. *)
let () = assert (AUContext.is_empty abs_ctx) in
let expmod = expmod_constr_subst cache modlist usubst in
let hyps = Context.Named.map expmod abstract in
let hyps = abstract_context hyps in
abstract_constant_body (expmod c) hyps
let cook_constant { from = cb; info } =
let { Opaqueproof.modlist; abstract } = info in
let cache = RefTable.create 13 in
let abstract, usubst, abs_ctx = abstract in
let usubst, univs = lift_univs cb usubst abs_ctx in
let expmod = expmod_constr_subst cache modlist usubst in
let hyps0 = Context.Named.map expmod abstract in
let hyps = abstract_context hyps0 in
let map c = abstract_constant_body (expmod c) hyps in
let body = match cb.const_body with
| Undef _ as x -> x
| Def cs -> Def (Mod_subst.from_val (map (Mod_subst.force_constr cs)))
| OpaqueDef o ->
OpaqueDef (Opaqueproof.discharge_direct_opaque ~cook_constr:map info o)
| Primitive _ -> CErrors.anomaly (Pp.str "Primitives cannot be cooked")
let const_hyps =
Context.Named.fold_outside (fun decl hyps ->
List.filter (fun decl' -> not (Id.equal (NamedDecl.get_id decl) (NamedDecl.get_id decl')))
hyps0 ~init:cb.const_hyps in
let typ = abstract_constant_type (expmod cb.const_type) hyps in
let private_univs = Option.map (on_snd (Univ.subst_univs_level_constraints
(Univ.make_instance_subst usubst)))
cook_body = body;
cook_type = typ;
cook_universes = univs;
cook_private_univs = private_univs;
cook_relevance = cb.const_relevance;
cook_inline = cb.const_inline_code;
cook_context = Some const_hyps;
(* let cook_constant_key = CProfile.declare_profile "cook_constant" *)
(* let cook_constant = CProfile.profile2 cook_constant_key cook_constant *)
let expmod_constr modlist c = expmod_constr (RefTable.create 13) modlist c
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