(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(* Created by Bruno Barras for Benjamin Grégoire as part of the
bytecode-based reduction machine, Oct 2004 *)
(* Bug fix #1419 by Jean-Marc Notin, Mar 2007 *)
(* This file manages the table of global symbols for the bytecode machine *)
open Util
open Names
open Vmvalues
open Cemitcodes
open Cbytecodes
open Declarations
open Environ
open Cbytegen
module NamedDecl = Context.Named.Declaration
module RelDecl = Context.Rel.Declaration
external eval_tcode : tcode -> atom array -> vm_global -> values array -> values = "coq_eval_tcode"
type global_data = { mutable glob_len : int; mutable glob_val : values array }
(* Linkage du code *)
(* Table des globaux *)
(* [global_data] contient les valeurs des constantes globales
(axiomes,definitions), les annotations des switch et les structured
constant *)
let global_data = {
glob_len = 0;
glob_val = Array.make 4096 crazy_val;
let get_global_data () = Vmvalues.vm_global global_data.glob_val
let realloc_global_data n =
let n = min (2 * n + 0x100) Sys.max_array_length in
let ans = Array.make n crazy_val in
let src = global_data.glob_val in
let () = Array.blit src 0 ans 0 (Array.length src) in
global_data.glob_val <- ans
let check_global_data n =
if n >= Array.length global_data.glob_val then realloc_global_data n
let set_global v =
let n = global_data.glob_len in
check_global_data n;
global_data.glob_val.(n) <- v;
global_data.glob_len <- global_data.glob_len + 1;
(* table pour les structured_constant et les annotations des switchs *)
module SConstTable = Hashtbl.Make (struct
type t = structured_constant
let equal = eq_structured_constant
let hash = hash_structured_constant
module AnnotTable = Hashtbl.Make (struct
type t = annot_switch
let equal = eq_annot_switch
let hash = hash_annot_switch
module ProjNameTable = Hashtbl.Make (Projection.Repr)
let str_cst_tbl : int SConstTable.t = SConstTable.create 31
let annot_tbl : int AnnotTable.t = AnnotTable.create 31
(* (annot_switch * int) Hashtbl.t *)
let proj_name_tbl : int ProjNameTable.t = ProjNameTable.create 31
(*** Mise a jour des valeurs des variables et des constantes *)
exception NotEvaluated
let key rk =
match !rk with
| None -> raise NotEvaluated
| Some k ->
try CEphemeron.get k
with CEphemeron.InvalidKey -> raise NotEvaluated
(* traduction des patch *)
(* slot_for_*, calcul la valeur de l'objet, la place
dans la table global, rend sa position dans la table *)
let slot_for_str_cst key =
try SConstTable.find str_cst_tbl key
with Not_found ->
let n = set_global (val_of_str_const key) in
SConstTable.add str_cst_tbl key n;
let slot_for_annot key =
try AnnotTable.find annot_tbl key
with Not_found ->
let n = set_global (val_of_annot_switch key) in
AnnotTable.add annot_tbl key n;
let slot_for_proj_name key =
try ProjNameTable.find proj_name_tbl key
with Not_found ->
let n = set_global (val_of_proj_name key) in
ProjNameTable.add proj_name_tbl key n;
let rec slot_for_getglobal env kn =
let (cb,(_,rk)) = lookup_constant_key kn env in
try key rk
with NotEvaluated ->
(* Pp.msgnl(str"not yet evaluated");*)
let pos =
match cb.const_body_code with
| None -> set_global (val_of_constant kn)
| Some code ->
match Cemitcodes.force code with
| BCdefined(code,pl,fv) ->
let v = eval_to_patch env (code,pl,fv) in
set_global v
| BCalias kn' -> slot_for_getglobal env kn'
| BCconstant -> set_global (val_of_constant kn)
(*Pp.msgnl(str"value stored at: "++int pos);*)
rk := Some (CEphemeron.create pos);
and slot_for_fv env fv =
let fill_fv_cache cache id v_of_id env_of_id b =
let v,d =
match b with
| None -> v_of_id id, Id.Set.empty
| Some c ->
val_of_constr (env_of_id id env) c,
Environ.global_vars_set env c in
build_lazy_val cache (v, d); v in
let val_of_rel i = val_of_rel (nb_rel env - i) in
let idfun _ x = x in
match fv with
| FVnamed id ->
let nv = lookup_named_val id env in
begin match force_lazy_val nv with
| None ->
env |> lookup_named id |> NamedDecl.get_value |> fill_fv_cache nv id val_of_named idfun
| Some (v, _) -> v
| FVrel i ->
let rv = lookup_rel_val i env in
begin match force_lazy_val rv with
| None ->
env |> lookup_rel i |> RelDecl.get_value |> fill_fv_cache rv i val_of_rel env_of_rel
| Some (v, _) -> v
| FVevar evk -> val_of_evar evk
| FVuniv_var _idu ->
assert false
and eval_to_patch env (buff,pl,fv) =
let slots = function
| Reloc_annot a -> slot_for_annot a
| Reloc_const sc -> slot_for_str_cst sc
| Reloc_getglobal kn -> slot_for_getglobal env kn
| Reloc_proj_name p -> slot_for_proj_name p
let tc = patch buff pl slots in
let vm_env = Array.map (slot_for_fv env) fv in
eval_tcode tc (get_atom_rel ()) (vm_global global_data.glob_val) vm_env
and val_of_constr env c =
match compile ~fail_on_error:true env c with
| Some v -> eval_to_patch env (to_memory v)
| None -> assert false
let set_transparent_const _kn = () (* !?! *)
let set_opaque_const _kn = () (* !?! *)
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