(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Names
open Constr
open Environ
open Declarations
open Entries
open Mod_subst
(** {6 Various operations on modules and module types } *)
(** Functors *)
val is_functor : ('ty,'a) functorize -> bool
val destr_functor : ('ty,'a) functorize -> MBId.t * 'ty * ('ty,'a) functorize
val destr_nofunctor : ('ty,'a) functorize -> 'a
(** Conversions between [module_body] and [module_type_body] *)
val module_type_of_module : module_body -> module_type_body
val module_body_of_type : ModPath.t -> module_type_body -> module_body
val check_modpath_equiv : env -> ModPath.t -> ModPath.t -> unit
val implem_smartmap :
(module_signature -> module_signature) ->
(module_expression -> module_expression) ->
(module_implementation -> module_implementation)
(** {6 Substitutions } *)
val subst_signature : substitution -> module_signature -> module_signature
val subst_structure : substitution -> structure_body -> structure_body
(** {6 Adding to an environment } *)
val add_structure :
ModPath.t -> structure_body -> delta_resolver -> env -> env
(** adds a module and its components, but not the constraints *)
val add_module : module_body -> env -> env
(** same as add_module, but for a module whose native code has been linked by
the native compiler. The linking information is updated. *)
val add_linked_module : module_body -> link_info -> env -> env
(** same, for a module type *)
val add_module_type : ModPath.t -> module_type_body -> env -> env
val add_retroknowledge : module_implementation module_retroknowledge -> env -> env
(** {6 Strengthening } *)
val strengthen : module_type_body -> ModPath.t -> module_type_body
val inline_delta_resolver :
env -> inline -> ModPath.t -> MBId.t -> module_type_body ->
delta_resolver -> delta_resolver
val strengthen_and_subst_mb : module_body -> ModPath.t -> bool -> module_body
val subst_modtype_and_resolver : module_type_body -> ModPath.t ->
(** {6 Cleaning a module expression from bounded parts }
For instance:
functor(X:T)->struct module M:=X end)
functor(X:T)->struct module M:=<content of T> end)
val clean_bounded_mod_expr : module_signature -> module_signature
(** {6 Stm machinery } *)
val join_structure :
Future.UUIDSet.t -> Opaqueproof.opaquetab -> structure_body -> unit
(** {6 Errors } *)
type signature_mismatch_error =
| InductiveFieldExpected of mutual_inductive_body
| DefinitionFieldExpected
| ModuleFieldExpected
| ModuleTypeFieldExpected
| NotConvertibleInductiveField of Id.t
| NotConvertibleConstructorField of Id.t
| NotConvertibleBodyField
| NotConvertibleTypeField of env * types * types
| CumulativeStatusExpected of bool
| PolymorphicStatusExpected of bool
| NotSameConstructorNamesField
| NotSameInductiveNameInBlockField
| FiniteInductiveFieldExpected of bool
| InductiveNumbersFieldExpected of int
| InductiveParamsNumberField of int
| RecordFieldExpected of bool
| RecordProjectionsExpected of Name.t list
| NotEqualInductiveAliases
| IncompatibleUniverses of Univ.univ_inconsistency
| IncompatiblePolymorphism of env * types * types
| IncompatibleConstraints of { got : Univ.AUContext.t; expect : Univ.AUContext.t }
| IncompatibleVariance
type module_typing_error =
| SignatureMismatch of
Label.t * structure_field_body * signature_mismatch_error
| LabelAlreadyDeclared of Label.t
| ApplicationToNotPath of module_struct_entry
| NotAFunctor
| IsAFunctor
| IncompatibleModuleTypes of module_type_body * module_type_body
| NotEqualModulePaths of ModPath.t * ModPath.t
| NoSuchLabel of Label.t
| IncompatibleLabels of Label.t * Label.t
| NotAModule of string
| NotAModuleType of string
| NotAConstant of Label.t
| IncorrectWithConstraint of Label.t
| GenerativeModuleExpected of Label.t
| LabelMissing of Label.t * string
| IncludeRestrictedFunctor of ModPath.t
exception ModuleTypingError of module_typing_error
val error_existing_label : Label.t -> 'a
val error_incompatible_modtypes :
module_type_body -> module_type_body -> 'a
val error_signature_mismatch :
Label.t -> structure_field_body -> signature_mismatch_error -> 'a
val error_incompatible_labels : Label.t -> Label.t -> 'a
val error_no_such_label : Label.t -> 'a
val error_not_a_module : string -> 'a
val error_not_a_constant : Label.t -> 'a
val error_incorrect_with_constraint : Label.t -> 'a
val error_generative_module_expected : Label.t -> 'a
val error_no_such_label_sub : Label.t->string->'a
val error_include_restricted_functor : ModPath.t -> 'a
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