(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open CErrors
open Util
open Pp
open Names
open Libnames
open Globnames
let make_dir l = DirPath.make (List.rev_map Id.of_string l)
(* Coq reference API *)
let coq = Libnames.coq_string (* "Coq" *)
let init_dir = [ coq; "Init"]
let jmeq_module_name = [coq;"Logic";"JMeq"]
let jmeq_library_path = make_dir jmeq_module_name
let jmeq_module = MPfile jmeq_library_path
let find_reference locstr dir s =
let dp = make_dir dir in
let sp = Libnames.make_path dp (Id.of_string s) in
Nametab.global_of_path sp
let coq_reference locstr dir s = find_reference locstr (coq::dir) s
let table : GlobRef.t CString.Map.t ref =
let name = "coqlib_registered" in
Summary.ref ~name CString.Map.empty
let get_lib_refs () =
CString.Map.bindings !table
let has_ref s = CString.Map.mem s !table
let check_ind_ref s ind =
match CString.Map.find s !table with
| IndRef r -> eq_ind r ind
| _ -> false
| exception Not_found -> false
let lib_ref s =
try CString.Map.find s !table
with Not_found ->
user_err Pp.(str "not found in table: " ++ str s)
let add_ref s c =
table := CString.Map.add s c !table
let cache_ref (_,(s,c)) =
add_ref s c
let (inCoqlibRef : string * GlobRef.t -> Libobject.obj) =
let open Libobject in
declare_object { (default_object "COQLIBREF") with
cache_function = cache_ref;
load_function = (fun _ x -> cache_ref x);
classify_function = (fun o -> Substitute o);
subst_function = ident_subst_function;
discharge_function = fun (_, sc) -> Some sc }
(** Replaces a binding ! *)
let register_ref s c =
Lib.add_anonymous_leaf @@ inCoqlibRef (s,c)
(* Generic functions to find Coq objects *)
let has_suffix_in_dirs dirs ref =
let dir = dirpath (Nametab.path_of_global ref) in
List.exists (fun d -> is_dirpath_prefix_of d dir) dirs
let gen_reference_in_modules locstr dirs s =
let dirs = List.map make_dir dirs in
let qualid = qualid_of_string s in
let all = Nametab.locate_all qualid in
let all = List.sort_uniquize GlobRef.Ordered_env.compare all in
let these = List.filter (has_suffix_in_dirs dirs) all in
match these with
| [x] -> x
| [] ->
anomaly ~label:locstr (str "cannot find " ++ str s ++
str " in module" ++ str (if List.length dirs > 1 then "s " else " ") ++
prlist_with_sep pr_comma DirPath.print dirs ++ str ".")
| l ->
anomaly ~label:locstr
(str "ambiguous name " ++ str s ++ str " can represent " ++
prlist_with_sep pr_comma
(fun x -> Libnames.pr_path (Nametab.path_of_global x)) l ++
str " in module" ++ str (if List.length dirs > 1 then "s " else " ") ++
prlist_with_sep pr_comma DirPath.print dirs ++ str ".")
(* For tactics/commands requiring vernacular libraries *)
let check_required_library d =
let dir = make_dir d in
if Library.library_is_loaded dir then ()
let in_current_dir = match Lib.current_mp () with
| MPfile dp -> DirPath.equal dir dp
| _ -> false
if not in_current_dir then
user_err ~hdr:"Coqlib.check_required_library"
(str "Library " ++ DirPath.print dir ++ str " has to be required first.")
(* Specific Coq objects *)
let arith_dir = [coq;"Arith"]
let arith_modules = [arith_dir]
let numbers_dir = [coq;"Numbers"]
let parith_dir = [coq;"PArith"]
let narith_dir = [coq;"NArith"]
let zarith_dir = [coq;"ZArith"]
let zarith_base_modules = [numbers_dir;parith_dir;narith_dir;zarith_dir]
let init_modules = [
let logic_module_name = init_dir@["Logic"]
let logic_module = MPfile (make_dir logic_module_name)
let logic_type_module_name = init_dir@["Logic_Type"]
let logic_type_module = make_dir logic_type_module_name
let datatypes_module_name = init_dir@["Datatypes"]
let datatypes_module = MPfile (make_dir datatypes_module_name)
(** Identity *)
let id = Constant.make2 datatypes_module @@ Label.make "idProp"
let type_of_id = Constant.make2 datatypes_module @@ Label.make "IDProp"
(** Natural numbers *)
let nat_kn = MutInd.make2 datatypes_module @@ Label.make "nat"
let nat_path = Libnames.make_path (make_dir datatypes_module_name) (Id.of_string "nat")
let glob_nat = IndRef (nat_kn,0)
let path_of_O = ((nat_kn,0),1)
let path_of_S = ((nat_kn,0),2)
let glob_O = ConstructRef path_of_O
let glob_S = ConstructRef path_of_S
(** Booleans *)
let bool_kn = MutInd.make2 datatypes_module @@ Label.make "bool"
let glob_bool = IndRef (bool_kn,0)
let path_of_true = ((bool_kn,0),1)
let path_of_false = ((bool_kn,0),2)
let glob_true = ConstructRef path_of_true
let glob_false = ConstructRef path_of_false
(** Equality *)
let eq_kn = MutInd.make2 logic_module @@ Label.make "eq"
let glob_eq = IndRef (eq_kn,0)
let identity_kn = MutInd.make2 datatypes_module @@ Label.make "identity"
let glob_identity = IndRef (identity_kn,0)
let jmeq_kn = MutInd.make2 jmeq_module @@ Label.make "JMeq"
let glob_jmeq = IndRef (jmeq_kn,0)
(* Sigma data *)
type coq_sigma_data = {
proj1 : GlobRef.t;
proj2 : GlobRef.t;
elim : GlobRef.t;
intro : GlobRef.t;
typ : GlobRef.t }
let build_sigma_gen str =
{ typ = lib_ref ("core." ^ str ^ ".type");
elim = lib_ref ("core." ^ str ^ ".rect");
intro = lib_ref ("core." ^ str ^ ".intro");
proj1 = lib_ref ("core." ^ str ^ ".proj1");
proj2 = lib_ref ("core." ^ str ^ ".proj2");
let build_prod () = build_sigma_gen "prod"
let build_sigma () = build_sigma_gen "sig"
let build_sigma_type () = build_sigma_gen "sigT"
(* Booleans *)
type coq_bool_data = {
andb : GlobRef.t;
andb_prop : GlobRef.t;
andb_true_intro : GlobRef.t}
let build_bool_type () =
{ andb = lib_ref "core.bool.andb";
andb_prop = lib_ref "core.bool.andb_prop";
andb_true_intro = lib_ref "core.bool.andb_true_intro"; }
(* Equalities *)
type coq_eq_data = {
eq : GlobRef.t;
ind : GlobRef.t;
refl : GlobRef.t;
sym : GlobRef.t;
trans: GlobRef.t;
congr: GlobRef.t }
(* Leibniz equality on Type *)
let build_eqdata_gen str = {
eq = lib_ref ("core." ^ str ^ ".type");
ind = lib_ref ("core." ^ str ^ ".ind");
refl = lib_ref ("core." ^ str ^ ".refl");
sym = lib_ref ("core." ^ str ^ ".sym");
trans = lib_ref ("core." ^ str ^ ".trans");
congr = lib_ref ("core." ^ str ^ ".congr");
let build_coq_eq_data () = build_eqdata_gen "eq"
let build_coq_jmeq_data () = build_eqdata_gen "JMeq"
let build_coq_identity_data () = build_eqdata_gen "identity"
(* Inversion data... *)
(* Data needed for discriminate and injection *)
type coq_inversion_data = {
inv_eq : GlobRef.t; (* : forall params, t -> Prop *)
inv_ind : GlobRef.t; (* : forall params P y, eq params y -> P y *)
inv_congr: GlobRef.t (* : forall params B (f:t->B) y, eq params y -> f c=f y *)
let build_coq_inversion_gen l str =
List.iter check_required_library l; {
inv_eq = lib_ref ("core." ^ str ^ ".type");
inv_ind = lib_ref ("core." ^ str ^ ".ind");
inv_congr = lib_ref ("core." ^ str ^ ".congr_canonical");
let build_coq_inversion_eq_data () =
build_coq_inversion_gen [logic_module_name] "eq"
let build_coq_inversion_eq_true_data () =
build_coq_inversion_gen [logic_module_name] "True"
let build_coq_inversion_identity_data () =
build_coq_inversion_gen [logic_module_name] "identity"
(* This needs a special case *)
let build_coq_inversion_jmeq_data () = {
inv_eq = lib_ref "core.JMeq.hom";
inv_ind = lib_ref "core.JMeq.ind";
inv_congr = lib_ref "core.JMeq.congr_canonical";
(* Specif *)
let build_coq_sumbool () = lib_ref "core.sumbool.type"
let build_coq_eq () = lib_ref "core.eq.type"
let build_coq_eq_refl () = lib_ref "core.eq.refl"
let build_coq_eq_sym () = lib_ref "core.eq.sym"
let build_coq_f_equal2 () = lib_ref "core.eq.congr2"
(* Runtime part *)
let build_coq_True () = lib_ref "core.True.type"
let build_coq_I () = lib_ref "core.True.I"
let build_coq_identity () = lib_ref "core.identity.type"
let build_coq_eq_true () = lib_ref "core.eq_true.type"
let build_coq_jmeq () = lib_ref "core.JMeq.type"
let build_coq_prod () = lib_ref "core.prod.type"
let build_coq_pair () = lib_ref "core.prod.intro"
let build_coq_False () = lib_ref "core.False.type"
let build_coq_not () = lib_ref "core.not.type"
let build_coq_and () = lib_ref "core.and.type"
let build_coq_conj () = lib_ref "core.and.conj"
let build_coq_or () = lib_ref "core.or.type"
let build_coq_ex () = lib_ref "core.ex.type"
let build_coq_sig () = lib_ref "core.sig.type"
let build_coq_existT () = lib_ref "core.sigT.existT"
let build_coq_iff () = lib_ref "core.iff.type"
let build_coq_iff_left_proj () = lib_ref "core.iff.proj1"
let build_coq_iff_right_proj () = lib_ref "core.iff.proj2"
(* The following is less readable but does not depend on parsing *)
let coq_eq_ref = Lazy.from_fun build_coq_eq
let coq_identity_ref = Lazy.from_fun build_coq_identity
let coq_jmeq_ref = Lazy.from_fun build_coq_jmeq
let coq_eq_true_ref = Lazy.from_fun build_coq_eq_true
let coq_existS_ref = Lazy.from_fun build_coq_existT
let coq_existT_ref = Lazy.from_fun build_coq_existT
let coq_exist_ref = Lazy.from_fun build_coq_ex
let coq_not_ref = Lazy.from_fun build_coq_not
let coq_False_ref = Lazy.from_fun build_coq_False
let coq_sumbool_ref = Lazy.from_fun build_coq_sumbool
let coq_sig_ref = Lazy.from_fun build_coq_sig
let coq_or_ref = Lazy.from_fun build_coq_or
let coq_iff_ref = Lazy.from_fun build_coq_iff
(** Deprecated functions that search by library name. *)
let build_sigma_set () = anomaly (Pp.str "Use build_sigma_type.")
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