(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(** Entry keys for constr notations *)
type 'a entry = 'a Gramlib.Grammar.GMake(CLexer.Lexer).Entry.e
type side = Left | Right
type production_position =
| BorderProd of side * Gramlib.Gramext.g_assoc option
| InternalProd
type production_level =
| NextLevel
| NumLevel of int
(** User-level types used to tell how to parse or interpret of the non-terminal *)
type 'a constr_entry_key_gen =
| ETIdent
| ETGlobal
| ETBigint
| ETBinder of bool (* open list of binders if true, closed list of binders otherwise *)
| ETConstr of Constrexpr.notation_entry * Notation_term.constr_as_binder_kind option * 'a
| ETPattern of bool * int option (* true = strict pattern, i.e. not a single variable *)
(** Entries level (left-hand side of grammar rules) *)
type constr_entry_key =
(production_level * production_position) constr_entry_key_gen
(** Entries used in productions, vernac side (e.g. "x bigint" or "x ident") *)
type simple_constr_prod_entry_key =
production_level option constr_entry_key_gen
(** Entries used in productions (in right-hand-side of grammar rules), to parse non-terminals *)
type binder_entry_kind = ETBinderOpen | ETBinderClosed of string Tok.p list
type binder_target = ForBinder | ForTerm
type constr_prod_entry_key =
| ETProdName (* Parsed as a name (ident or _) *)
| ETProdReference (* Parsed as a global reference *)
| ETProdBigint (* Parsed as an (unbounded) integer *)
| ETProdConstr of Constrexpr.notation_entry * (production_level * production_position) (* Parsed as constr or pattern, or a subentry of those *)
| ETProdPattern of int (* Parsed as pattern as a binder (as subpart of a constr) *)
| ETProdConstrList of (production_level * production_position) * string Tok.p list (* Parsed as non-empty list of constr *)
| ETProdBinderList of binder_entry_kind (* Parsed as non-empty list of local binders *)
(** {5 AST for user-provided entries} *)
type 'a user_symbol =
| Ulist1 of 'a user_symbol
| Ulist1sep of 'a user_symbol * string
| Ulist0 of 'a user_symbol
| Ulist0sep of 'a user_symbol * string
| Uopt of 'a user_symbol
| Uentry of 'a
| Uentryl of 'a * int
type ('a,'b,'c) ty_user_symbol =
| TUlist1 : ('a,'b,'c) ty_user_symbol -> ('a list,'b list,'c list) ty_user_symbol
| TUlist1sep : ('a,'b,'c) ty_user_symbol * string -> ('a list,'b list,'c list) ty_user_symbol
| TUlist0 : ('a,'b,'c) ty_user_symbol -> ('a list,'b list,'c list) ty_user_symbol
| TUlist0sep : ('a,'b,'c) ty_user_symbol * string -> ('a list,'b list,'c list) ty_user_symbol
| TUopt : ('a,'b,'c) ty_user_symbol -> ('a option, 'b option, 'c option) ty_user_symbol
| TUentry : ('a, 'b, 'c) Genarg.ArgT.tag -> ('a,'b,'c) ty_user_symbol
| TUentryl : ('a, 'b, 'c) Genarg.ArgT.tag * int -> ('a,'b,'c) ty_user_symbol
(** {5 Type-safe grammar extension} *)
type norec = NoRec (* just two *)
type mayrec = MayRec (* incompatible types *)
type ('self, 'trec, 'a) symbol =
| Atoken : 'c Tok.p -> ('self, norec, 'c) symbol
| Alist1 : ('self, 'trec, 'a) symbol -> ('self, 'trec, 'a list) symbol
| Alist1sep : ('self, 'trec, 'a) symbol * ('self, norec, _) symbol
-> ('self, 'trec, 'a list) symbol
| Alist0 : ('self, 'trec, 'a) symbol -> ('self, 'trec, 'a list) symbol
| Alist0sep : ('self, 'trec, 'a) symbol * ('self, norec, _) symbol
-> ('self, 'trec, 'a list) symbol
| Aopt : ('self, 'trec, 'a) symbol -> ('self, 'trec, 'a option) symbol
| Aself : ('self, mayrec, 'self) symbol
| Anext : ('self, mayrec, 'self) symbol
| Aentry : 'a entry -> ('self, norec, 'a) symbol
| Aentryl : 'a entry * string -> ('self, norec, 'a) symbol
| Arules : 'a rules list -> ('self, norec, 'a) symbol
and ('self, 'trec, _, 'r) rule =
| Stop : ('self, norec, 'r, 'r) rule
| Next : ('self, _, 'a, 'r) rule * ('self, _, 'b) symbol -> ('self, mayrec, 'b -> 'a, 'r) rule
| NextNoRec : ('self, norec, 'a, 'r) rule * ('self, norec, 'b) symbol -> ('self, norec, 'b -> 'a, 'r) rule
and 'a rules =
| Rules : (_, norec, 'act, Loc.t -> 'a) rule * 'act -> 'a rules
type 'a production_rule =
| Rule : ('a, _, 'act, Loc.t -> 'a) rule * 'act -> 'a production_rule
type 'a single_extend_statement =
string option *
(* Level *)
Gramlib.Gramext.g_assoc option *
(* Associativity *)
'a production_rule list
(* Symbol list with the interpretation function *)
type 'a extend_statement =
Gramlib.Gramext.position option *
'a single_extend_statement list
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nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.