(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open EConstr
open Evd
open Environ
type alias
val of_alias : alias -> EConstr.t
type unify_flags = {
modulo_betaiota : bool;
(* Enable beta-iota reductions during unification *)
open_ts : TransparentState.t;
(* Enable delta reduction according to open_ts for open terms *)
closed_ts : TransparentState.t;
(* Enable delta reduction according to closed_ts for closed terms (when calling conversion) *)
subterm_ts : TransparentState.t;
(* Enable delta reduction according to subterm_ts for selection of subterms during higher-order
unifications. *)
frozen_evars : Evar.Set.t;
(* Frozen evars are treated like rigid variables during unification: they can not be instantiated. *)
allow_K_at_toplevel : bool;
(* During higher-order unifications, allow to produce K-redexes: i.e. to produce
an abstraction for an unused argument *)
with_cs : bool
(* Enable canonical structure resolution during unification *)
type unification_result =
| Success of evar_map
| UnifFailure of evar_map * Pretype_errors.unification_error
val is_success : unification_result -> bool
(** Replace the vars and rels that are aliases to other vars and rels by
their representative that is most ancient in the context *)
val expand_vars_in_term : env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr
(** One might want to use different conversion strategies for types and terms:
e.g. preventing delta reductions when doing term unifications but allowing
arbitrary delta conversion when checking the types of evar instances. *)
type unification_kind =
| TypeUnification
| TermUnification
(** A unification function parameterized by:
- unification flags
- the kind of unification
- environment
- sigma
- conversion problem
- the two terms to unify. *)
type unifier = unify_flags -> unification_kind ->
env -> evar_map -> conv_pb -> constr -> constr -> unification_result
(** A conversion function: parameterized by the kind of unification,
environment, sigma, conversion problem and the two terms to convert.
Conversion is not allowed to instantiate evars contrary to unification. *)
type conversion_check = unify_flags -> unification_kind ->
env -> evar_map -> conv_pb -> constr -> constr -> bool
(** [instantiate_evar unify flags env sigma ev c] defines the evar [ev] with [c],
checking that the type of [c] is unifiable with [ev]'s declared type first.
- [ev] does not occur in [c].
- [c] does not contain any Meta(_)
val instantiate_evar : unifier -> unify_flags -> evar_map ->
Evar.t -> constr -> evar_map
(** [evar_define choose env ev c] try to instantiate [ev] with [c] (typed in [env]),
possibly solving related unification problems, possibly leaving open
some problems that cannot be solved in a unique way (except if choose is
true); fails if the instance is not valid for the given [ev] *)
val evar_define : unifier -> unify_flags -> ?choose:bool -> ?imitate_defs:bool ->
env -> evar_map -> bool option -> existential -> constr -> evar_map
val refresh_universes :
?status:Evd.rigid ->
?onlyalg:bool (* Only algebraic universes *) ->
?refreshset:bool ->
(* Also refresh Prop and Set universes, so that the returned type can be any supertype
of the original type *)
bool option (* direction: true for levels lower than the existing levels *) ->
env -> evar_map -> types -> evar_map * types
val solve_refl : ?can_drop:bool -> conversion_check -> unify_flags -> env -> evar_map ->
bool option -> Evar.t -> constr array -> constr array -> evar_map
val solve_evar_evar : ?force:bool ->
(env -> evar_map -> bool option -> existential -> constr -> evar_map) ->
unifier -> unify_flags ->
env -> evar_map -> bool option -> existential -> existential -> evar_map
val solve_simple_eqn : unifier -> unify_flags -> ?choose:bool -> ?imitate_defs:bool -> env -> evar_map ->
bool option * existential * constr -> unification_result
val reconsider_unif_constraints : unifier -> unify_flags -> evar_map -> unification_result
val is_unification_pattern_evar : env -> evar_map -> existential -> constr list ->
constr -> alias list option
val is_unification_pattern : env * int -> evar_map -> constr -> constr list ->
constr -> alias list option
val solve_pattern_eqn : env -> evar_map -> alias list -> constr -> constr
val noccur_evar : env -> evar_map -> Evar.t -> constr -> bool
exception IllTypedInstance of env * types * types
(* May raise IllTypedInstance if types are not convertible *)
val check_evar_instance : unifier -> unify_flags ->
evar_map -> Evar.t -> constr -> evar_map
val remove_instance_local_defs :
evar_map -> Evar.t -> 'a array -> 'a list
val get_type_of_refresh :
?polyprop:bool -> ?lax:bool -> env -> evar_map -> constr -> evar_map * types
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