(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open CErrors
open Util
open Names
open Globnames
open Nameops
open Constr
open Context
open Glob_term
open Pp
open Mod_subst
open Decl_kinds
open Pattern
open Environ
let case_info_pattern_eq i1 i2 =
i1.cip_style == i2.cip_style &&
Option.equal eq_ind i1.cip_ind i2.cip_ind &&
Option.equal (List.equal (==)) i1.cip_ind_tags i2.cip_ind_tags &&
i1.cip_extensible == i2.cip_extensible
let rec constr_pattern_eq p1 p2 = match p1, p2 with
| PRef r1, PRef r2 -> GlobRef.equal r1 r2
| PVar v1, PVar v2 -> Id.equal v1 v2
| PEvar (ev1, ctx1), PEvar (ev2, ctx2) ->
Evar.equal ev1 ev2 && Array.equal constr_pattern_eq ctx1 ctx2
| PRel i1, PRel i2 ->
Int.equal i1 i2
| PApp (t1, arg1), PApp (t2, arg2) ->
constr_pattern_eq t1 t2 && Array.equal constr_pattern_eq arg1 arg2
| PSoApp (id1, arg1), PSoApp (id2, arg2) ->
Id.equal id1 id2 && List.equal constr_pattern_eq arg1 arg2
| PLambda (v1, t1, b1), PLambda (v2, t2, b2) ->
Name.equal v1 v2 && constr_pattern_eq t1 t2 && constr_pattern_eq b1 b2
| PProd (v1, t1, b1), PProd (v2, t2, b2) ->
Name.equal v1 v2 && constr_pattern_eq t1 t2 && constr_pattern_eq b1 b2
| PLetIn (v1, b1, t1, c1), PLetIn (v2, b2, t2, c2) ->
Name.equal v1 v2 && constr_pattern_eq b1 b2 &&
Option.equal constr_pattern_eq t1 t2 && constr_pattern_eq c1 c2
| PSort s1, PSort s2 -> Sorts.family_equal s1 s2
| PMeta m1, PMeta m2 -> Option.equal Id.equal m1 m2
| PIf (t1, l1, r1), PIf (t2, l2, r2) ->
constr_pattern_eq t1 t2 && constr_pattern_eq l1 l2 && constr_pattern_eq r1 r2
| PCase (info1, p1, r1, l1), PCase (info2, p2, r2, l2) ->
case_info_pattern_eq info1 info2 &&
constr_pattern_eq p1 p2 &&
constr_pattern_eq r1 r2 &&
List.equal pattern_eq l1 l2
| PFix ((ln1,i1),f1), PFix ((ln2,i2),f2) ->
Array.equal Int.equal ln1 ln2 && Int.equal i1 i2 && rec_declaration_eq f1 f2
| PCoFix (i1,f1), PCoFix (i2,f2) ->
Int.equal i1 i2 && rec_declaration_eq f1 f2
| PProj (p1, t1), PProj (p2, t2) ->
Projection.equal p1 p2 && constr_pattern_eq t1 t2
| PInt i1, PInt i2 ->
Uint63.equal i1 i2
| (PRef _ | PVar _ | PEvar _ | PRel _ | PApp _ | PSoApp _
| PLambda _ | PProd _ | PLetIn _ | PSort _ | PMeta _
| PIf _ | PCase _ | PFix _ | PCoFix _ | PProj _ | PInt _), _ -> false
(** FIXME: fixpoint and cofixpoint should be relativized to pattern *)
and pattern_eq (i1, j1, p1) (i2, j2, p2) =
Int.equal i1 i2 && List.equal (==) j1 j2 && constr_pattern_eq p1 p2
and rec_declaration_eq (n1, c1, r1) (n2, c2, r2) =
Array.equal Name.equal n1 n2 &&
Array.equal constr_pattern_eq c1 c2 &&
Array.equal constr_pattern_eq r1 r2
let rec occur_meta_pattern = function
| PApp (f,args) ->
(occur_meta_pattern f) || (Array.exists occur_meta_pattern args)
| PProj (_,arg) -> occur_meta_pattern arg
| PLambda (na,t,c) -> (occur_meta_pattern t) || (occur_meta_pattern c)
| PProd (na,t,c) -> (occur_meta_pattern t) || (occur_meta_pattern c)
| PLetIn (na,b,t,c) ->
Option.fold_left (fun b t -> b || occur_meta_pattern t) (occur_meta_pattern b) t || (occur_meta_pattern c)
| PIf (c,c1,c2) ->
(occur_meta_pattern c) ||
(occur_meta_pattern c1) || (occur_meta_pattern c2)
| PCase(_,p,c,br) ->
(occur_meta_pattern p) ||
(occur_meta_pattern c) ||
(List.exists (fun (_,_,p) -> occur_meta_pattern p) br)
| PMeta _ | PSoApp _ -> true
| PEvar _ | PVar _ | PRef _ | PRel _ | PSort _ | PFix _ | PCoFix _
| PInt _ -> false
let rec occurn_pattern n = function
| PRel p -> Int.equal n p
| PApp (f,args) ->
(occurn_pattern n f) || (Array.exists (occurn_pattern n) args)
| PProj (_,arg) -> occurn_pattern n arg
| PLambda (na,t,c) -> (occurn_pattern n t) || (occurn_pattern (n+1) c)
| PProd (na,t,c) -> (occurn_pattern n t) || (occurn_pattern (n+1) c)
| PLetIn (na,b,t,c) ->
Option.fold_left (fun b t -> b || occurn_pattern n t) (occurn_pattern n b) t ||
(occurn_pattern (n+1) c)
| PIf (c,c1,c2) ->
(occurn_pattern n c) ||
(occurn_pattern n c1) || (occurn_pattern n c2)
| PCase(_,p,c,br) ->
(occurn_pattern n p) ||
(occurn_pattern n c) ||
(List.exists (fun (_,_,p) -> occurn_pattern n p) br)
| PMeta _ | PSoApp _ -> true
| PEvar (_,args) -> Array.exists (occurn_pattern n) args
| PVar _ | PRef _ | PSort _ | PInt _ -> false
| PFix (_,(_,tl,bl)) ->
Array.exists (occurn_pattern n) tl || Array.exists (occurn_pattern (n+Array.length tl)) bl
| PCoFix (_,(_,tl,bl)) ->
Array.exists (occurn_pattern n) tl || Array.exists (occurn_pattern (n+Array.length tl)) bl
let noccurn_pattern n c = not (occurn_pattern n c)
exception BoundPattern;;
let rec head_pattern_bound t =
match t with
| PProd (_,_,b) -> head_pattern_bound b
| PLetIn (_,_,_,b) -> head_pattern_bound b
| PApp (c,args) -> head_pattern_bound c
| PIf (c,_,_) -> head_pattern_bound c
| PCase (_,p,c,br) -> head_pattern_bound c
| PRef r -> r
| PVar id -> VarRef id
| PEvar _ | PRel _ | PMeta _ | PSoApp _ | PSort _ | PFix _ | PProj _
-> raise BoundPattern
(* Perhaps they were arguments, but we don't beta-reduce *)
| PLambda _ -> raise BoundPattern
| PCoFix _ | PInt _ -> anomaly ~label:"head_pattern_bound" (Pp.str "not a type.")
let head_of_constr_reference sigma c = match EConstr.kind sigma c with
| Const (sp,_) -> ConstRef sp
| Construct (sp,_) -> ConstructRef sp
| Ind (sp,_) -> IndRef sp
| Var id -> VarRef id
| _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "Not a rigid reference.")
let pattern_of_constr env sigma t =
let rec pattern_of_constr env t =
let open Context.Rel.Declaration in
match kind t with
| Rel n -> PRel n
| Meta n -> PMeta (Some (Id.of_string ("META" ^ string_of_int n)))
| Var id -> PVar id
| Sort s -> PSort (Sorts.family s)
| Cast (c,_,_) -> pattern_of_constr env c
| LetIn (na,c,t,b) -> PLetIn (na.binder_name,
pattern_of_constr env c,Some (pattern_of_constr env t),
pattern_of_constr (push_rel (LocalDef (na,c,t)) env) b)
| Prod (na,c,b) -> PProd (na.binder_name,
pattern_of_constr env c,
pattern_of_constr (push_rel (LocalAssum (na, c)) env) b)
| Lambda (na,c,b) -> PLambda (na.binder_name,
pattern_of_constr env c,
pattern_of_constr (push_rel (LocalAssum (na, c)) env) b)
| App (f,a) ->
match kind f with
| Evar (evk,args) ->
(match snd (Evd.evar_source evk sigma) with
Evar_kinds.MatchingVar (Evar_kinds.SecondOrderPatVar id) -> Some id
| _ -> None)
| _ -> None
| Some n -> PSoApp (n,Array.to_list (Array.map (pattern_of_constr env) a))
| None -> PApp (pattern_of_constr env f,Array.map (pattern_of_constr env) a))
| Const (sp,u) -> PRef (ConstRef (Constant.make1 (Constant.canonical sp)))
| Ind (sp,u) -> PRef (canonical_gr (IndRef sp))
| Construct (sp,u) -> PRef (canonical_gr (ConstructRef sp))
| Proj (p, c) ->
pattern_of_constr env (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr (Retyping.expand_projection env sigma p (EConstr.of_constr c) []))
| Evar (evk,ctxt as ev) ->
(match snd (Evd.evar_source evk sigma) with
| Evar_kinds.MatchingVar (Evar_kinds.FirstOrderPatVar id) ->
PMeta (Some id)
| Evar_kinds.GoalEvar | Evar_kinds.VarInstance _ ->
(* These are the two evar kinds used for existing goals *)
(* see Proofview.mark_in_evm *)
if Evd.is_defined sigma evk then pattern_of_constr env (Evd.existential_value0 sigma ev)
else PEvar (evk,Array.map (pattern_of_constr env) ctxt)
| Evar_kinds.MatchingVar (Evar_kinds.SecondOrderPatVar ido) -> assert false
| _ ->
PMeta None)
| Case (ci,p,a,br) ->
let cip =
{ cip_style = ci.ci_pp_info.style;
cip_ind = Some ci.ci_ind;
cip_ind_tags = Some ci.ci_pp_info.ind_tags;
cip_extensible = false }
let branch_of_constr i c =
(i, ci.ci_pp_info.cstr_tags.(i), pattern_of_constr env c)
PCase (cip, pattern_of_constr env p, pattern_of_constr env a,
Array.to_list (Array.mapi branch_of_constr br))
| Fix (lni,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
let push env na2 c2 = push_rel (LocalAssum (na2,c2)) env in
let env' = Array.fold_left2 push env lna tl in
PFix (lni,(Array.map binder_name lna,Array.map (pattern_of_constr env) tl,
Array.map (pattern_of_constr env') bl))
| CoFix (ln,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
let push env na2 c2 = push_rel (LocalAssum (na2,c2)) env in
let env' = Array.fold_left2 push env lna tl in
PCoFix (ln,(Array.map binder_name lna,Array.map (pattern_of_constr env) tl,
Array.map (pattern_of_constr env') bl))
| Int i -> PInt i in
pattern_of_constr env t
(* To process patterns, we need a translation without typing at all. *)
let map_pattern_with_binders g f l = function
| PApp (p,pl) -> PApp (f l p, Array.map (f l) pl)
| PSoApp (n,pl) -> PSoApp (n, List.map (f l) pl)
| PLambda (n,a,b) -> PLambda (n,f l a,f (g n l) b)
| PProd (n,a,b) -> PProd (n,f l a,f (g n l) b)
| PLetIn (n,a,t,b) -> PLetIn (n,f l a,Option.map (f l) t,f (g n l) b)
| PIf (c,b1,b2) -> PIf (f l c,f l b1,f l b2)
| PCase (ci,po,p,pl) ->
PCase (ci,f l po,f l p, List.map (fun (i,n,c) -> (i,n,f l c)) pl)
| PProj (p,pc) -> PProj (p, f l pc)
| PFix (lni,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
let l' = Array.fold_left (fun l na -> g na l) l lna in
PFix (lni,(lna,Array.map (f l) tl,Array.map (f l') bl))
| PCoFix (ln,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
let l' = Array.fold_left (fun l na -> g na l) l lna in
PCoFix (ln,(lna,Array.map (f l) tl,Array.map (f l') bl))
(* Non recursive *)
| (PVar _ | PEvar _ | PRel _ | PRef _ | PSort _ | PMeta _ | PInt _ as x) -> x
let error_instantiate_pattern id l =
let is = match l with
| [_] -> "is"
| _ -> "are"
user_err (str "Cannot substitute the term bound to " ++ Id.print id
++ strbrk " in pattern because the term refers to " ++ pr_enum Id.print l
++ strbrk " which " ++ str is ++ strbrk " not bound in the pattern.")
let instantiate_pattern env sigma lvar c =
let open EConstr in
let open Vars in
let rec aux vars = function
| PVar id as x ->
let ctx,c = Id.Map.find id lvar in
let inst =
(fun id -> mkRel (List.index Name.equal (Name id) vars))
let c = substl inst c in
(* FIXME: Stupid workaround to pattern_of_constr being evar sensitive *)
let c = Evarutil.nf_evar sigma c in
pattern_of_constr env sigma (EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr c)
with Not_found (* List.index failed *) ->
let vars =
List.map_filter (function Name id -> Some id | _ -> None) vars in
error_instantiate_pattern id (List.subtract Id.equal ctx vars)
with Not_found (* Map.find failed *) ->
| c ->
map_pattern_with_binders (fun id vars -> id::vars) aux vars c in
aux [] c
let rec liftn_pattern k n = function
| PRel i as x -> if i >= n then PRel (i+k) else x
| c -> map_pattern_with_binders (fun _ -> succ) (liftn_pattern k) n c
let lift_pattern k = liftn_pattern k 1
let rec subst_pattern subst pat =
match pat with
| PRef ref ->
let ref',t = subst_global subst ref in
if ref' == ref then pat else (match t with
| None -> PRef ref'
| Some t ->
let env = Global.env () in
let evd = Evd.from_env env in
pattern_of_constr env evd t.Univ.univ_abstracted_value)
| PVar _
| PEvar _
| PRel _
| PInt _ -> pat
| PProj (p,c) ->
let p' = Projection.map (subst_mind subst) p in
let c' = subst_pattern subst c in
if p' == p && c' == c then pat else
| PApp (f,args) ->
let f' = subst_pattern subst f in
let args' = Array.Smart.map (subst_pattern subst) args in
if f' == f && args' == args then pat else
PApp (f',args')
| PSoApp (i,args) ->
let args' = List.Smart.map (subst_pattern subst) args in
if args' == args then pat else
PSoApp (i,args')
| PLambda (name,c1,c2) ->
let c1' = subst_pattern subst c1 in
let c2' = subst_pattern subst c2 in
if c1' == c1 && c2' == c2 then pat else
PLambda (name,c1',c2')
| PProd (name,c1,c2) ->
let c1' = subst_pattern subst c1 in
let c2' = subst_pattern subst c2 in
if c1' == c1 && c2' == c2 then pat else
PProd (name,c1',c2')
| PLetIn (name,c1,t,c2) ->
let c1' = subst_pattern subst c1 in
let t' = Option.Smart.map (subst_pattern subst) t in
let c2' = subst_pattern subst c2 in
if c1' == c1 && t' == t && c2' == c2 then pat else
PLetIn (name,c1',t',c2')
| PSort _
| PMeta _ -> pat
| PIf (c,c1,c2) ->
let c' = subst_pattern subst c in
let c1' = subst_pattern subst c1 in
let c2' = subst_pattern subst c2 in
if c' == c && c1' == c1 && c2' == c2 then pat else
PIf (c',c1',c2')
| PCase (cip,typ,c,branches) ->
let ind = cip.cip_ind in
let ind' = Option.Smart.map (subst_ind subst) ind in
let cip' = if ind' == ind then cip else { cip with cip_ind = ind' } in
let typ' = subst_pattern subst typ in
let c' = subst_pattern subst c in
let subst_branch ((i,n,c) as br) =
let c' = subst_pattern subst c in
if c' == c then br else (i,n,c')
let branches' = List.Smart.map subst_branch branches in
if cip' == cip && typ' == typ && c' == c && branches' == branches
then pat
else PCase(cip', typ', c', branches')
| PFix (lni,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
let tl' = Array.Smart.map (subst_pattern subst) tl in
let bl' = Array.Smart.map (subst_pattern subst) bl in
if bl' == bl && tl' == tl then pat
else PFix (lni,(lna,tl',bl'))
| PCoFix (ln,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
let tl' = Array.Smart.map (subst_pattern subst) tl in
let bl' = Array.Smart.map (subst_pattern subst) bl in
if bl' == bl && tl' == tl then pat
else PCoFix (ln,(lna,tl',bl'))
let mkPLetIn na b t c = PLetIn(na,b,t,c)
let mkPProd na t u = PProd(na,t,u)
let mkPLambda na t b = PLambda(na,t,b)
let mkPLambdaUntyped na b = PLambda(na,PMeta None,b)
let rev_it_mkPLambdaUntyped = List.fold_right mkPLambdaUntyped
let mkPProd_or_LetIn (na,_,bo,t) c =
match bo with
| None -> mkPProd na t c
| Some b -> mkPLetIn na b (Some t) c
let mkPLambda_or_LetIn (na,_,bo,t) c =
match bo with
| None -> mkPLambda na t c
| Some b -> mkPLetIn na b (Some t) c
let it_mkPProd_or_LetIn = List.fold_left (fun c d -> mkPProd_or_LetIn d c)
let it_mkPLambda_or_LetIn = List.fold_left (fun c d -> mkPLambda_or_LetIn d c)
let err ?loc pp = user_err ?loc ~hdr:"pattern_of_glob_constr" pp
let warn_cast_in_pattern =
CWarnings.create ~name:"cast-in-pattern" ~category:"automation"
(fun () -> Pp.strbrk "Casts are ignored in patterns")
let rec pat_of_raw metas vars = DAst.with_loc_val (fun ?loc -> function
| GVar id ->
(try PRel (List.index Name.equal (Name id) vars)
with Not_found -> PVar id)
| GPatVar (Evar_kinds.FirstOrderPatVar n) ->
metas := n::!metas; PMeta (Some n)
| GRef (gr,_) ->
PRef (canonical_gr gr)
(* Hack to avoid rewriting a complete interpretation of patterns *)
| GApp (c, cl) ->
begin match DAst.get c with
| GPatVar (Evar_kinds.SecondOrderPatVar n) ->
metas := n::!metas; PSoApp (n, List.map (pat_of_raw metas vars) cl)
| _ ->
PApp (pat_of_raw metas vars c,
Array.of_list (List.map (pat_of_raw metas vars) cl))
| GLambda (na,bk,c1,c2) ->
Name.iter (fun n -> metas := n::!metas) na;
PLambda (na, pat_of_raw metas vars c1,
pat_of_raw metas (na::vars) c2)
| GProd (na,bk,c1,c2) ->
Name.iter (fun n -> metas := n::!metas) na;
PProd (na, pat_of_raw metas vars c1,
pat_of_raw metas (na::vars) c2)
| GLetIn (na,c1,t,c2) ->
Name.iter (fun n -> metas := n::!metas) na;
PLetIn (na, pat_of_raw metas vars c1,
Option.map (pat_of_raw metas vars) t,
pat_of_raw metas (na::vars) c2)
| GSort gs -> PSort (Glob_ops.glob_sort_family gs)
| GHole _ ->
PMeta None
| GCast (c,_) ->
warn_cast_in_pattern ();
pat_of_raw metas vars c
| GIf (c,(_,None),b1,b2) ->
PIf (pat_of_raw metas vars c,
pat_of_raw metas vars b1,pat_of_raw metas vars b2)
| GLetTuple (nal,(_,None),b,c) ->
let mkGLambda na c = DAst.make ?loc @@
GLambda (na,Explicit, DAst.make @@ GHole (Evar_kinds.InternalHole, Namegen.IntroAnonymous, None),c) in
let c = List.fold_right mkGLambda nal c in
let cip =
{ cip_style = LetStyle;
cip_ind = None;
cip_ind_tags = None;
cip_extensible = false }
let tags = List.map (fun _ -> false) nal (* Approximation which can be without let-ins... *) in
PCase (cip, PMeta None, pat_of_raw metas vars b,
[0,tags,pat_of_raw metas vars c])
| GCases (sty,p,[c,(na,indnames)],brs) ->
let get_ind p = match DAst.get p with
| PatCstr((ind,_),_,_) -> Some ind
| _ -> None
let get_ind = function
| {CAst.v=(_,[p],_)}::_ -> get_ind p
| _ -> None
let ind_tags,ind = match indnames with
| Some {CAst.v=(ind,nal)} -> Some (List.length nal), Some ind
| None -> None, get_ind brs
let ext,brs = pats_of_glob_branches loc metas vars ind brs
let pred = match p,indnames with
| Some p, Some {CAst.v=(_,nal)} ->
let nvars = na :: List.rev nal @ vars in
rev_it_mkPLambdaUntyped nal (mkPLambdaUntyped na (pat_of_raw metas nvars p))
| None, _ -> PMeta None
| Some p, None ->
match DAst.get p with
| GHole _ -> PMeta None
| _ ->
user_err ?loc (strbrk "Clause \"in\" expected in patterns over \"match\" expressions with an explicit \"return\" clause.")
let info =
{ cip_style = sty;
cip_ind = ind;
cip_ind_tags = None;
cip_extensible = ext }
(* Nota : when we have a non-trivial predicate,
the inductive type is known. Same when we have at least
one non-trivial branch. These facts are used in [Constrextern]. *)
PCase (info, pred, pat_of_raw metas vars c, brs)
| GRec (GFix (ln,n), ids, decls, tl, cl) ->
let get_struct_arg = function
| Some n -> n
| None -> err ?loc (Pp.str "\"struct\" annotation is expected.")
(* TODO why can't the annotation be omitted? *)
let ln = Array.map get_struct_arg ln in
let ctxtl = Array.map2 (pat_of_glob_in_context metas vars) decls tl in
let tl = Array.map (fun (ctx,tl) -> it_mkPProd_or_LetIn tl ctx) ctxtl in
let vars = Array.fold_left (fun vars na -> Name na::vars) vars ids in
let ctxtl = Array.map2 (pat_of_glob_in_context metas vars) decls cl in
let cl = Array.map (fun (ctx,cl) -> it_mkPLambda_or_LetIn cl ctx) ctxtl in
let names = Array.map (fun id -> Name id) ids in
PFix ((ln,n), (names, tl, cl))
| GRec (GCoFix n, ids, decls, tl, cl) ->
let ctxtl = Array.map2 (pat_of_glob_in_context metas vars) decls tl in
let tl = Array.map (fun (ctx,tl) -> it_mkPProd_or_LetIn tl ctx) ctxtl in
let vars = Array.fold_left (fun vars na -> Name na::vars) vars ids in
let ctxtl = Array.map2 (pat_of_glob_in_context metas vars) decls cl in
let cl = Array.map (fun (ctx,cl) -> it_mkPLambda_or_LetIn cl ctx) ctxtl in
let names = Array.map (fun id -> Name id) ids in
PCoFix (n, (names, tl, cl))
| GInt i -> PInt i
| GPatVar _ | GIf _ | GLetTuple _ | GCases _ | GEvar _ ->
err ?loc (Pp.str "Non supported pattern."))
and pat_of_glob_in_context metas vars decls c =
let rec aux acc vars = function
| (na,bk,b,t) :: decls ->
let decl = (na,bk,Option.map (pat_of_raw metas vars) b,pat_of_raw metas vars t) in
aux (decl::acc) (na::vars) decls
| [] ->
acc, pat_of_raw metas vars c
in aux [] vars decls
and pats_of_glob_branches loc metas vars ind brs =
let get_arg p = match DAst.get p with
| PatVar na ->
Name.iter (fun n -> metas := n::!metas) na;
| PatCstr(_,_,_) -> err ?loc:p.CAst.loc (Pp.str "Non supported pattern.")
let rec get_pat indexes = function
| [] -> false, []
| {CAst.loc=loc';v=(_,[p], br)} :: brs ->
begin match DAst.get p, DAst.get br, brs with
| PatVar Anonymous, GHole _, [] ->
true, [] (* ends with _ => _ *)
| PatCstr((indsp,j),lv,_), _, _ ->
let () = match ind with
| Some sp when eq_ind sp indsp -> ()
| _ ->
err ?loc (Pp.str "All constructors must be in the same inductive type.")
if Int.Set.mem (j-1) indexes then
err ?loc
(str "No unique branch for " ++ int j ++ str"-th constructor.");
let lna = List.map get_arg lv in
let vars' = List.rev lna @ vars in
let pat = rev_it_mkPLambdaUntyped lna (pat_of_raw metas vars' br) in
let ext,pats = get_pat (Int.Set.add (j-1) indexes) brs in
let tags = List.map (fun _ -> false) lv (* approximation, w/o let-in *) in
ext, ((j-1, tags, pat) :: pats)
| _ ->
err ?loc:loc' (Pp.str "Non supported pattern.")
| {CAst.loc;v=(_,_,_)} :: _ -> err ?loc (Pp.str "Non supported pattern.")
get_pat Int.Set.empty brs
let pattern_of_glob_constr c =
let metas = ref [] in
let p = pat_of_raw metas [] c in
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.31 Sekunden
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