(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Names
open Constr
open EConstr
open Univ
open Evd
open Environ
(** Reduction Functions. *)
exception Elimconst
(** Machinery to customize the behavior of the reduction *)
module ReductionBehaviour : sig
type flag = [ `ReductionDontExposeCase | `ReductionNeverUnfold ]
(** [set is_local ref (recargs, nargs, flags)] *)
val set :
bool -> GlobRef.t -> (int list * int * flag list) -> unit
val get :
GlobRef.t -> (int list * int * flag list) option
val print : GlobRef.t -> Pp.t
(** {6 Support for reduction effects } *)
type effect_name = string
(* [declare_reduction_effect name f] declares [f] under key [name];
[name] must be a unique in "world". *)
val declare_reduction_effect : effect_name ->
(Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> Constr.constr -> unit) -> unit
(* [set_reduction_effect cst name] declares effect [name] to be called when [cst] is found *)
val set_reduction_effect : Constant.t -> effect_name -> unit
(* [effect_hook env sigma key term] apply effect associated to [key] on [term] *)
val reduction_effect_hook : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> Constant.t ->
Constr.constr Lazy.t -> unit
(** {6 Machinery about a stack of unfolded constant }
cst applied to params must convertible to term of the state applied to args
module Cst_stack : sig
type t
val empty : t
val add_param : constr -> t -> t
val add_args : constr array -> t -> t
val add_cst : constr -> t -> t
val best_cst : t -> (constr * constr list) option
val best_replace : Evd.evar_map -> constr -> t -> constr -> constr
val reference : Evd.evar_map -> t -> Constant.t option
val pr : env -> Evd.evar_map -> t -> Pp.t
module Stack : sig
type 'a app_node
val pr_app_node : ('a -> Pp.t) -> 'a app_node -> Pp.t
type cst_member =
| Cst_const of pconstant
| Cst_proj of Projection.t
type 'a member =
| App of 'a app_node
| Case of case_info * 'a * 'a array * Cst_stack.t
| Proj of Projection.t * Cst_stack.t
| Fix of ('a, 'a) pfixpoint * 'a t * Cst_stack.t
| Primitive of CPrimitives.t * (Constant.t * EInstance.t) * 'a t * CPrimitives.args_red * Cst_stack.t
| Cst of cst_member
* int (* current foccussed arg *)
* int list (* remaining args *)
* 'a t * Cst_stack.t
and 'a t = 'a member list
val pr : ('a -> Pp.t) -> 'a t -> Pp.t
val empty : 'a t
val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
val append_app : 'a array -> 'a t -> 'a t
val decomp : 'a t -> ('a * 'a t) option
val decomp_node_last : 'a app_node -> 'a t -> ('a * 'a t)
val compare_shape : 'a t -> 'a t -> bool
exception IncompatibleFold2
(** [fold2 f x sk1 sk2] folds [f] on any pair of term in [(sk1,sk2)].
@return the result and the lifts to apply on the terms
@raise IncompatibleFold2 when [sk1] and [sk2] have incompatible shapes *)
val fold2 : ('a -> constr -> constr -> 'a) -> 'a ->
constr t -> constr t -> 'a
val map : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a t -> 'a t
val append_app_list : 'a list -> 'a t -> 'a t
(** if [strip_app s] = [(a,b)], then [s = a @ b] and [b] does not
start by App *)
val strip_app : 'a t -> 'a t * 'a t
(** @return (the nth first elements, the (n+1)th element, the remaining stack) *)
val strip_n_app : int -> 'a t -> ('a t * 'a * 'a t) option
val not_purely_applicative : 'a t -> bool
val list_of_app_stack : constr t -> constr list option
val assign : 'a t -> int -> 'a -> 'a t
val args_size : 'a t -> int
val tail : int -> 'a t -> 'a t
val nth : 'a t -> int -> 'a
val best_state : evar_map -> constr * constr t -> Cst_stack.t -> constr * constr t
val zip : ?refold:bool -> evar_map -> constr * constr t -> constr
type state = constr * constr Stack.t
type contextual_reduction_function = env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr
type reduction_function = contextual_reduction_function
type local_reduction_function = evar_map -> constr -> constr
type e_reduction_function = env -> evar_map -> constr -> evar_map * constr
type contextual_stack_reduction_function =
env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr * constr list
type stack_reduction_function = contextual_stack_reduction_function
type local_stack_reduction_function =
evar_map -> constr -> constr * constr list
type contextual_state_reduction_function =
env -> evar_map -> state -> state
type state_reduction_function = contextual_state_reduction_function
type local_state_reduction_function = evar_map -> state -> state
val pr_state : env -> evar_map -> state -> Pp.t
(** {6 Reduction Function Operators } *)
val strong_with_flags :
(CClosure.RedFlags.reds -> reduction_function) ->
(CClosure.RedFlags.reds -> reduction_function)
val strong : reduction_function -> reduction_function
val local_strong : local_reduction_function -> local_reduction_function
val strong_prodspine : local_reduction_function -> local_reduction_function
val stack_reduction_of_reduction :
'a reduction_function -> 'a state_reduction_function
val stacklam : (state -> 'a) -> constr list -> evar_map -> constr -> constr Stack.t -> 'a
val whd_state_gen : ?csts:Cst_stack.t -> refold:bool -> tactic_mode:bool ->
CClosure.RedFlags.reds -> Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> state -> state * Cst_stack.t
val iterate_whd_gen : bool -> CClosure.RedFlags.reds ->
Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> constr -> constr
(** {6 Generic Optimized Reduction Function using Closures } *)
val clos_norm_flags : CClosure.RedFlags.reds -> reduction_function
val clos_whd_flags : CClosure.RedFlags.reds -> reduction_function
(** Same as [(strong whd_beta[delta][iota])], but much faster on big terms *)
val nf_beta : reduction_function
val nf_betaiota : reduction_function
val nf_betaiotazeta : reduction_function
val nf_zeta : reduction_function
val nf_all : reduction_function
val nf_evar : evar_map -> constr -> constr
(** Lazy strategy, weak head reduction *)
val whd_evar : evar_map -> constr -> constr
val whd_nored : local_reduction_function
val whd_beta : local_reduction_function
val whd_betaiota : local_reduction_function
val whd_betaiotazeta : local_reduction_function
val whd_all : contextual_reduction_function
val whd_allnolet : contextual_reduction_function
val whd_betalet : local_reduction_function
(** Removes cast and put into applicative form *)
val whd_nored_stack : local_stack_reduction_function
val whd_beta_stack : local_stack_reduction_function
val whd_betaiota_stack : local_stack_reduction_function
val whd_betaiotazeta_stack : local_stack_reduction_function
val whd_all_stack : contextual_stack_reduction_function
val whd_allnolet_stack : contextual_stack_reduction_function
val whd_betalet_stack : local_stack_reduction_function
val whd_nored_state : local_state_reduction_function
val whd_beta_state : local_state_reduction_function
val whd_betaiota_state : local_state_reduction_function
val whd_betaiotazeta_state : local_state_reduction_function
val whd_all_state : contextual_state_reduction_function
val whd_allnolet_state : contextual_state_reduction_function
val whd_betalet_state : local_state_reduction_function
(** {6 Head normal forms } *)
val whd_delta_stack : stack_reduction_function
val whd_delta_state : state_reduction_function
val whd_delta : reduction_function
val whd_betadeltazeta_stack : stack_reduction_function
val whd_betadeltazeta_state : state_reduction_function
val whd_betadeltazeta : reduction_function
val whd_zeta_stack : local_stack_reduction_function
val whd_zeta_state : local_state_reduction_function
val whd_zeta : local_reduction_function
val shrink_eta : constr -> constr
(** Various reduction functions *)
val safe_evar_value : evar_map -> Constr.existential -> Constr.constr option
val beta_applist : evar_map -> constr * constr list -> constr
val hnf_prod_app : env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr -> constr
val hnf_prod_appvect : env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr array -> constr
val hnf_prod_applist : env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr list -> constr
val hnf_lam_app : env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr -> constr
val hnf_lam_appvect : env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr array -> constr
val hnf_lam_applist : env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr list -> constr
val splay_prod : env -> evar_map -> constr -> (Name.t Context.binder_annot * constr) list * constr
val splay_lam : env -> evar_map -> constr -> (Name.t Context.binder_annot * constr) list * constr
val splay_arity : env -> evar_map -> constr -> (Name.t Context.binder_annot * constr) list * ESorts.t
val sort_of_arity : env -> evar_map -> constr -> ESorts.t
val splay_prod_n : env -> evar_map -> int -> constr -> rel_context * constr
val splay_lam_n : env -> evar_map -> int -> constr -> rel_context * constr
val splay_prod_assum :
env -> evar_map -> constr -> rel_context * constr
type 'a miota_args = {
mP : constr; (** the result type *)
mconstr : constr; (** the constructor *)
mci : case_info; (** special info to re-build pattern *)
mcargs : 'a list; (** the constructor's arguments *)
mlf : 'a array } (** the branch code vector *)
val reducible_mind_case : evar_map -> constr -> bool
val reduce_mind_case : evar_map -> constr miota_args -> constr
val find_conclusion : env -> evar_map -> constr -> (constr, constr, ESorts.t, EInstance.t) kind_of_term
val is_arity : env -> evar_map -> constr -> bool
val is_sort : env -> evar_map -> types -> bool
val contract_fix : ?env:Environ.env -> evar_map -> ?reference:Constant.t -> fixpoint -> constr
val fix_recarg : ('a, 'a) pfixpoint -> 'b Stack.t -> (int * 'b) option
(** {6 Querying the kernel conversion oracle: opaque/transparent constants } *)
val is_transparent : Environ.env -> Constant.t tableKey -> bool
(** {6 Conversion Functions (uses closures, lazy strategy) } *)
type conversion_test = Constraint.t -> Constraint.t
val pb_is_equal : conv_pb -> bool
val pb_equal : conv_pb -> conv_pb
val is_conv : ?reds:TransparentState.t -> env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr -> bool
val is_conv_leq : ?reds:TransparentState.t -> env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr -> bool
val is_fconv : ?reds:TransparentState.t -> conv_pb -> env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr -> bool
(** [check_conv] Checks universe constraints only.
pb defaults to CUMUL and ts to a full transparent state.
val check_conv : ?pb:conv_pb -> ?ts:TransparentState.t -> env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr -> bool
(** [infer_conv] Adds necessary universe constraints to the evar map.
pb defaults to CUMUL and ts to a full transparent state.
@raise UniverseInconsistency iff catch_incon is set to false,
otherwise returns false in that case.
val infer_conv : ?catch_incon:bool -> ?pb:conv_pb -> ?ts:TransparentState.t ->
env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr -> evar_map option
(** Conversion with inference of universe constraints *)
val set_vm_infer_conv : (?pb:conv_pb -> env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr ->
evar_map option) -> unit
val vm_infer_conv : ?pb:conv_pb -> env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr ->
evar_map option
(** [infer_conv_gen] behaves like [infer_conv] but is parametrized by a
conversion function. Used to pretype vm and native casts. *)
val infer_conv_gen : (conv_pb -> l2r:bool -> evar_map -> TransparentState.t ->
(Constr.constr, evar_map) Reduction.generic_conversion_function) ->
?catch_incon:bool -> ?pb:conv_pb -> ?ts:TransparentState.t -> env ->
evar_map -> constr -> constr -> evar_map option
(** {6 Special-Purpose Reduction Functions } *)
val whd_meta : local_reduction_function
val plain_instance : evar_map -> constr Metamap.t -> constr -> constr
val instance : evar_map -> constr Metamap.t -> constr -> constr
val betazetaevar_applist : evar_map -> int -> constr -> constr list -> constr
(** {6 Heuristic for Conversion with Evar } *)
val whd_betaiota_deltazeta_for_iota_state :
TransparentState.t -> Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> Cst_stack.t -> state ->
state * Cst_stack.t
(** {6 Meta-related reduction functions } *)
val meta_instance : evar_map -> constr freelisted -> constr
val nf_meta : evar_map -> constr -> constr
val meta_reducible_instance : evar_map -> constr freelisted -> constr
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