(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Names
open Environ
open Evd
open EConstr
open Reductionops
open Pattern
open Locus
open Univ
open Ltac_pretype
type reduction_tactic_error =
InvalidAbstraction of env * evar_map * constr * (env * Type_errors.type_error)
exception ReductionTacticError of reduction_tactic_error
(** {6 Reduction functions associated to tactics. } *)
(** Evaluable global reference *)
val is_evaluable : Environ.env -> evaluable_global_reference -> bool
val error_not_evaluable : GlobRef.t -> 'a
val evaluable_of_global_reference :
Environ.env -> GlobRef.t -> evaluable_global_reference
val global_of_evaluable_reference :
evaluable_global_reference -> GlobRef.t
exception Redelimination
(** Red (raise user error if nothing reducible) *)
val red_product : reduction_function
(** Red (raise Redelimination if nothing reducible) *)
val try_red_product : reduction_function
(** Simpl *)
val simpl : reduction_function
(** Simpl only at the head *)
val whd_simpl : reduction_function
(** Hnf: like whd_simpl but force delta-reduction of constants that do
not immediately hide a non reducible fix or cofix *)
val hnf_constr : reduction_function
(** Unfold *)
val unfoldn :
(occurrences * evaluable_global_reference) list -> reduction_function
(** Fold *)
val fold_commands : constr list -> reduction_function
(** Pattern *)
val pattern_occs : (occurrences * constr) list -> e_reduction_function
(** Rem: Lazy strategies are defined in Reduction *)
(** Call by value strategy (uses Closures) *)
val cbv_norm_flags : CClosure.RedFlags.reds -> reduction_function
val cbv_beta : reduction_function
val cbv_betaiota : reduction_function
val cbv_betadeltaiota : reduction_function
val compute : reduction_function (** = [cbv_betadeltaiota] *)
(** [reduce_to_atomic_ind env sigma t] puts [t] in the form [t'=(I args)]
with [I] an inductive definition;
returns [I] and [t'] or fails with a user error *)
val reduce_to_atomic_ind : env -> evar_map -> types -> (inductive * EInstance.t) * types
(** [reduce_to_quantified_ind env sigma t] puts [t] in the form
[t'=(x1:A1)..(xn:An)(I args)] with [I] an inductive definition;
returns [I] and [t'] or fails with a user error *)
val reduce_to_quantified_ind : env -> evar_map -> types -> (inductive * EInstance.t) * types
(** [reduce_to_quantified_ref env sigma ref t] try to put [t] in the form
[t'=(x1:A1)..(xn:An)(ref args)] and fails with user error if not possible *)
val reduce_to_quantified_ref :
env -> evar_map -> GlobRef.t -> types -> types
val reduce_to_atomic_ref :
env -> evar_map -> GlobRef.t -> types -> types
val find_hnf_rectype :
env -> evar_map -> types -> (inductive * EInstance.t) * constr list
val contextually : bool -> occurrences * constr_pattern ->
(patvar_map -> reduction_function) -> reduction_function
val e_contextually : bool -> occurrences * constr_pattern ->
(patvar_map -> e_reduction_function) -> e_reduction_function
(** Returns the same inductive if it is allowed for pattern-matching
raises an error otherwise. **)
val check_privacy : env -> inductive puniverses -> inductive puniverses
(** Returns the same inductive if it is not a primitive record
raises an error otherwise. **)
val check_not_primitive_record : env -> inductive puniverses -> inductive puniverses
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