## # The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team ##
## v # INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 ##
## <O___,, # (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) ##
## \VV/ ###############################################################
## // # This file is distributed under the terms of the ##
## # GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 ##
## # (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) ##
# There is one %.v.log target per %.v test file. The target will be
# filled with the output, timings and status of the test. There is
# also one target per directory containing %.v files, that runs all
# the tests in it. As convenience, there is also the "bugs" target
# that runs all bug-related tests.
# The "summary" target outputs a summary of all tests that were run
# (but doesn't run them)
# The "run" target runs all tests that have not been run yet. To force
# all tests to be run, use the "clean" target.
# Includes
-include ../config/Makefile
include ../Makefile.common
# Variables
# Default value when called from a freshly compiled Coq, but can be
# easily overridden
BIN := $(shell cd ..; pwd)/bin/
ifeq ($(COQLIB),)
COQLIB := $(shell ocaml ocaml_pwd.ml ..)
export COQLIB
coqc := $(BIN)coqc -q -R prerequisite TestSuite $(COQFLAGS)
coqchk := $(BIN)coqchk -R prerequisite TestSuite
coqdoc := $(BIN)coqdoc
coqtop := $(BIN)coqtop -q -test-mode -R prerequisite TestSuite
coqtopbyte := $(BIN)coqtop.byte -q
coqc_interactive := $(coqc) -test-mode -async-proofs-cache force
coqdep := $(BIN)coqdep
SHOW := $(if $(VERBOSE),@true,@echo)
HIDE := $(if $(VERBOSE),,@)
REDIR := $(if $(VERBOSE),,> /dev/null 2>&1)
# read out an emacs config and look for coq-prog-args; if such exists, return it
get_coq_prog_args_helper = sed -n s'/^.*coq-prog-args:[[:space:]]*(\([^)]*\)).*/\1/p' $(1)
get_coq_prog_args = $(strip $(shell $(call get_coq_prog_args_helper,$(1))))
#" # double up on the quotes, in a comment, to appease the emacs syntax highlighter
# wrap the arguments in parens, but only if they exist
get_coq_prog_args_in_parens = $(subst $(SINGLE_QUOTE),,$(if $(call get_coq_prog_args,$(1)), ($(call get_coq_prog_args,$(1)))))
get_set_impredicativity= $(filter "-impredicative-set",$(call get_coq_prog_args,$(1)))
ifneq (,$(wildcard /proc/cpuinfo))
sedbogo := -e "s/bogomips.*: \([0-9]*\).*/\1/p" # i386, ppc
sedbogo += -e "s/Cpu0Bogo.*: \([0-9]*\).*/\1/p" # sparc
sedbogo += -e "s/BogoMIPS.*: \([0-9]*\).*/\1/p" # alpha
bogomips := $(shell sed -n $(sedbogo) /proc/cpuinfo | head -1)
ifeq (,$(bogomips))
$(warning cannot run complexity tests (no bogomips found))
# keep these synced with test-suite/save-logs.sh
log_success = "==========> SUCCESS <=========="
log_segfault = "==========> FAILURE <=========="
log_anomaly = "==========> FAILURE <=========="
log_failure = "==========> FAILURE <=========="
log_intro = "==========> TESTING $(1) <=========="
FAIL = >&2 echo 'FAILED $@'
# Testing subsystems
# These targets can be skipped by doing `make TARGET= test-suite`
COMPLEXITY := $(if $(bogomips),complexity)
BUGS := bugs/opened bugs/closed
INTERACTIVE := interactive
UNIT_TESTS := unit-tests
VSUBSYSTEMS := prerequisite success failure $(BUGS) output \
output-modulo-time $(INTERACTIVE) micromega $(COMPLEXITY) modules stm \
coqdoc ssr arithmetic
# All subsystems
SUBSYSTEMS := $(VSUBSYSTEMS) misc bugs ide vio coqchk coqwc coq-makefile tools $(UNIT_TESTS)
PREREQUISITELOG = prerequisite/admit.v.log \
prerequisite/make_local.v.log prerequisite/make_notation.v.log \
prerequisite/bind_univs.v.log prerequisite/module_bug8416.v.log \
# Phony targets
.PHONY: all run clean $(SUBSYSTEMS)
all: run
$(MAKE) report
# do nothing
.PHONY: noop
noop: ;
bugs: $(BUGS)
rm -f trace .nia.cache .lia.cache output/MExtraction.out
$(SHOW) 'RM <**/*.stamp> <**/*.vo> <**/*.vio> <**/*.log> <**/*.glob>'
$(HIDE)find . \( \
-name '*.stamp' -o -name '*.vo' -o -name '*.vio' -o -name '*.log' -o -name '*.glob' \
\) -exec rm -f {} +
$(SHOW) 'RM <**/*.cmx> <**/*.cmi> <**/*.o> <**/*.test>'
$(HIDE)find unit-tests \( \
-name '*.cmx' -o -name '*.cmi' -o -name '*.o' -o -name '*.test' \
\) -exec rm -f {} +
distclean: clean
$(SHOW) 'RM <**/*.aux>'
$(HIDE)find . -name '*.aux' -exec rm -f {} +
# Per-subsystem targets
define vdeps
$(1): $(patsubst %.v,%.v.log,$(wildcard $(1)/*.v))
$(foreach S,$(VSUBSYSTEMS),$(eval $(call vdeps,$(S))))
# Summary
summary_dir = echo $(1); find $(2) -name '*.log' -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 tail -n1 | sort
.PHONY: summary summary.log
@{ \
$(call summary_dir, "Preparing tests", prerequisite); \
$(call summary_dir, "Success tests", success); \
$(call summary_dir, "Failure tests", failure); \
$(call summary_dir, "Bugs tests", bugs); \
$(call summary_dir, "Output tests", output); \
$(call summary_dir, "Output (modulo time changes) tests", output-modulo-time); \
$(call summary_dir, "Interactive tests", interactive); \
$(call summary_dir, "Micromega tests", micromega); \
$(call summary_dir, "Miscellaneous tests", misc); \
$(call summary_dir, "Complexity tests", complexity); \
$(call summary_dir, "Module tests", modules); \
$(call summary_dir, "STM tests", stm); \
$(call summary_dir, "SSR tests", ssr); \
$(call summary_dir, "IDE tests", ide); \
$(call summary_dir, "VI tests", vio); \
$(call summary_dir, "Coqchk tests", coqchk); \
$(call summary_dir, "Coqwc tests", coqwc); \
$(call summary_dir, "Coq makefile", coq-makefile); \
$(call summary_dir, "Coqdoc tests", coqdoc); \
$(call summary_dir, "tools/ tests", tools); \
$(call summary_dir, "Unit tests", unit-tests); \
$(call summary_dir, "Machine arithmetic tests", arithmetic); \
nb_success=`find . -name '*.log' -exec tail -n2 '{}' \; | grep -e $(log_success) | wc -l`; \
nb_failure=`find . -name '*.log' -exec tail -n2 '{}' \; | grep -e $(log_failure) | wc -l`; \
nb_tests=`expr $$nb_success + $$nb_failure`; \
percentage=`expr 100 \* $$nb_success / $$nb_tests`; \
echo; \
echo "$$nb_success tests passed over $$nb_tests, i.e. $$percentage %"; \
$(HIDE)$(MAKE) --quiet summary > "$@"
report: summary.log
$(HIDE)bash report.sh
# Regression (and progression) tests
# Process verifications concerning submitted bugs. A message is
# printed for all opened bugs (still active or seems to be closed).
# For closed bugs that behave as expected, no message is printed
# All files are assumed to have <# of the bug>.v as a name
# Opened bugs that should not fail
$(addsuffix .log,$(wildcard bugs/opened/*.v)): %.v.log: %.v
@echo "TEST $< $(call get_coq_prog_args_in_parens,"$<")"
$(HIDE){ \
echo $(call log_intro,$<); \
$(coqc) "$<" $(call get_coq_prog_args,"$<") 2>&1; R=$$?; times; \
if [ $$R = 0 ]; then \
echo $(log_success); \
echo " $<...still active"; \
elif [ $$R = 129 ]; then \
echo $(log_anomaly); \
echo " $<...still active"; \
elif [ $$R = 139 ]; then \
echo $(log_segfault); \
echo " $<...still active"; \
else \
echo $(log_failure); \
echo " $<...Error! (bug seems to be closed, please check)"; \
$(FAIL); \
fi; \
} > "$@"
# Closed bugs that should succeed
$(addsuffix .log,$(wildcard bugs/closed/*.v)): %.v.log: %.v
@echo "TEST $< $(call get_coq_prog_args_in_parens,"$<")"
$(HIDE){ \
echo $(call log_intro,$<); \
$(coqc) "$<" $(call get_coq_prog_args,"$<") 2>&1; R=$$?; times; \
if [ $$R = 0 ]; then \
echo $(log_success); \
echo " $<...Ok"; \
else \
echo $(log_failure); \
echo " $<...Error! (bug seems to be opened, please check)"; \
$(FAIL); \
fi; \
} > "$@"
# Unit tests
# An alternative is ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) using make's own variable.
ifeq ($(ARCH),win32)
export FINDLIB_SEP=";"
export FINDLIB_SEP=":"
# COQLIBINSTALL is quoted in config/make thus we must unquote it,
# otherwise the directory name will include the quotes, see
# see for example https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10424645/how-to-convert-a-quoted-string-to-a-normal-one-in-makefile
ifeq ($(LOCAL),true)
# ML files from unit-test framework, not containing tests
UNIT_SRCFILES:=$(shell find ./unit-tests/src -name *.ml)
UNIT_ALLMLFILES:=$(shell find ./unit-tests -name *.ml)
UNIT_LOGFILES:=$(patsubst %.ml,%.ml.log,$(UNIT_MLFILES))
ifneq ($(BEST),opt)
unit-tests/src/utest.cmx: unit-tests/src/utest.ml unit-tests/src/utest.cmi
$(HIDE)$(OCAMLOPT) -c -I unit-tests/src -package oUnit $<
unit-tests/src/utest.cmo: unit-tests/src/utest.ml unit-tests/src/utest.cmi
$(HIDE)$(OCAMLC) -c -I unit-tests/src -package oUnit $<
unit-tests/src/utest.cmi: unit-tests/src/utest.mli
$(HIDE)$(OCAMLC) -package oUnit -c $<
unit-tests: $(UNIT_LOGFILES)
# Build executable, run it to generate log file
unit-tests/%.ml.log: unit-tests/%.ml unit-tests/src/$(UNIT_LINK)
$(SHOW) 'TEST $<'
$(HIDE)$(OCAMLBEST) -linkall -linkpkg -package coq.toplevel,oUnit \
-I unit-tests/src $(UNIT_LINK) $< -o $<.test;
# Other generic tests
$(addsuffix .log,$(wildcard prerequisite/*.v)): %.v.log: %.v
@echo "TEST $< $(call get_coq_prog_args_in_parens,"$<")"
$(HIDE){ \
echo $(call log_intro,$<); \
$(coqc) "$<" $(call get_coq_prog_args,"$<") 2>&1; R=$$?; times; \
if [ $$R != 0 ]; then \
echo $(log_failure); \
echo " $<...could not be prepared" ; \
$(FAIL); \
else \
echo $(log_success); \
echo " $<...correctly prepared" ; \
fi; \
} > "$@"
ssr: $(wildcard ssr/*.v:%.v=%.v.log)
$(addsuffix .log,$(wildcard ssr/*.v success/*.v micromega/*.v modules/*.v arithmetic/*.v)): %.v.log: %.v $(PREREQUISITELOG)
@echo "TEST $< $(call get_coq_prog_args_in_parens,"$<")"
$(HIDE){ \
opts="$(if $(findstring modules/,$<),-R modules Mods)"; \
echo $(call log_intro,$<); \
$(coqc) "$<" $(call get_coq_prog_args,"$<") $$opts 2>&1; R=$$?; times; \
if [ $$R = 0 ]; then \
echo $(log_success); \
echo " $<...Ok"; \
else \
echo $(log_failure); \
echo " $<...Error! (should be accepted)"; \
$(FAIL); \
fi; \
} > "$@"
@echo "CHECK $<"
$(HIDE){ \
opts="$(if $(findstring modules/,$<),-R modules Mods -norec Mods.$(shell basename $< .v),-I $(shell dirname $<) -norec $(shell basename $< .v))"; \
$(coqchk) -silent $(call get_set_impredicativity,$<) $$opts 2>&1; R=$$?; \
if [ $$R != 0 ]; then \
echo $(log_failure); \
echo " $<...could not be checked (Error!)" ; \
$(FAIL); \
fi; \
} > "$(shell dirname $<)/$(shell basename $< .v).chk.log"
stm: $(wildcard stm/*.v:%.v=%.v.log)
$(addsuffix .log,$(wildcard stm/*.v)): %.v.log: %.v
@echo "TEST $< $(call get_coq_prog_args_in_parens,"$<")"
$(HIDE){ \
echo $(call log_intro,$<); \
$(coqc) "$<" $(call get_coq_prog_args,"$<") -async-proofs on \
$$opts 2>&1; R=$$?; times; \
if [ $$R = 0 ]; then \
echo $(log_success); \
echo " $<...Ok"; \
else \
echo $(log_failure); \
echo " $<...Error! (should be accepted)"; \
$(FAIL); \
fi; \
} > "$@"
@echo "CHECK $<"
$(HIDE){ \
$(coqchk) -silent -I $(shell dirname $<) -norec $(shell basename $< .v) 2>&1; R=$$?; \
if [ $$R != 0 ]; then \
echo $(log_failure); \
echo " $<...could not be checked (Error!)" ; \
$(FAIL); \
fi; \
} > "$(shell dirname $<)/$(shell basename $< .v).chk.log"
$(addsuffix .log,$(wildcard failure/*.v)): %.v.log: %.v $(PREREQUISITELOG)
@echo "TEST $< $(call get_coq_prog_args_in_parens,"$<")"
$(HIDE){ \
echo $(call log_intro,$<); \
$(coqc) "$<" $(call get_coq_prog_args,"$<") 2>&1; R=$$?; times; \
if [ $$R = 0 ]; then \
echo $(log_success); \
echo " $<...Ok"; \
else \
echo $(log_failure); \
echo " $<...Error! (should be rejected)"; \
$(FAIL); \
fi; \
} > "$@"
@echo "CHECK $<"
$(HIDE){ \
$(coqchk) -silent -I $(shell dirname $<) -norec $(shell basename $< .v) 2>&1; R=$$?; \
if [ $$R != 0 ]; then \
echo $(log_failure); \
echo " $<...could not be checked (Error!)" ; \
$(FAIL); \
fi; \
} > "$(shell dirname $<)/$(shell basename $< .v).chk.log"
$(addsuffix .log,$(wildcard output/*.v)): %.v.log: %.v %.out $(PREREQUISITELOG)
@echo "TEST $< $(call get_coq_prog_args_in_parens,"$<")"
$(HIDE){ \
echo $(call log_intro,$<); \
output=$*.out.real; \
$(coqc_interactive) "$<" $(call get_coq_prog_args,"$<") 2>&1 \
| grep -v "Welcome to Coq" \
| grep -v "\[Loading ML file" \
| grep -v "Skipping rcfile loading" \
| grep -v "^<W>" \
| sed 's/File "[^"]*"/File "stdin"/' \
> $$output; \
diff -u --strip-trailing-cr $*.out $$output 2>&1; R=$$?; times; \
if [ $$R = 0 ]; then \
echo $(log_success); \
echo " $<...Ok"; \
rm $$output; \
else \
echo $(log_failure); \
echo " $<...Error! (unexpected output)"; \
$(FAIL); \
fi; \
} > "$@"
.PHONY: approve-output
approve-output: output
$(HIDE)for f in output/*.out.real; do \
mv "$$f" "$${f%.real}"; \
echo "Updated $${f%.real}!"; \
# the expected output for the MExtraction test is
# /plugins/micromega/micromega.ml except with additional newline
output/MExtraction.out: ../plugins/micromega/micromega.ml
$(SHOW) GEN $@
$(HIDE) cp $< $@
$(HIDE) echo >> $@
$(addsuffix .log,$(wildcard output-modulo-time/*.v)): %.v.log: %.v %.out
@echo "TEST $< $(call get_coq_prog_args_in_parens,"$<")"
$(HIDE){ \
echo $(call log_intro,$<); \
tmpoutput=`mktemp /tmp/coqcheck.XXXXXX`; \
tmpexpected=`mktemp /tmp/coqcheck.XXXXXX`; \
$(coqc_interactive) "$<" $(call get_coq_prog_args,"$<") 2>&1 \
| grep -v "Welcome to Coq" \
| grep -v "\[Loading ML file" \
| grep -v "Skipping rcfile loading" \
| grep -v "^<W>" \
| sed -e 's/\s*[-+0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\s*//g' \
-e 's/\s*0\.\s*//g' \
-e 's/\s*[-+]nan\s*//g' \
-e 's/\s*[-+]inf\s*//g' \
-e 's/^[^a-zA-Z]*//' \
| sort \
> $$tmpoutput; \
sed -e 's/\s*[-+0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\s*//g' \
-e 's/\s*0\.\s*//g' \
-e 's/\s*[-+]nan\s*//g' \
-e 's/\s*[-+]inf\s*//g' \
-e 's/^[^a-zA-Z]*//' \
$*.out | sort > $$tmpexpected; \
diff --strip-trailing-cr -b -u $$tmpexpected $$tmpoutput 2>&1; R=$$?; times; \
if [ $$R = 0 ]; then \
echo $(log_success); \
echo " $<...Ok"; \
else \
echo $(log_failure); \
echo " $<...Error! (unexpected output)"; \
$(FAIL); \
fi; \
rm $$tmpoutput; \
rm $$tmpexpected; \
} > "$@"
$(addsuffix .log,$(wildcard interactive/*.v)): %.v.log: %.v $(PREREQUISITELOG)
@echo "TEST $< $(call get_coq_prog_args_in_parens,"$<")"
$(HIDE){ \
echo $(call log_intro,$<); \
$(coqtop) $(call get_coq_prog_args,"$<") < "$<" 2>&1; R=$$?; times; \
if [ $$R = 0 ]; then \
echo $(log_success); \
echo " $<...Ok"; \
else \
echo $(log_failure); \
echo " $<...Error! (should be accepted)"; \
$(FAIL); \
fi; \
} > "$@"
# Complexity test. Expects a line "(* Expected time < XXX.YYs *)" in
# the .v file with exactly two digits after the dot. The reference for
# time is a 6120 bogomips cpu.
ifneq (,$(bogomips))
$(addsuffix .log,$(wildcard complexity/*.v)): %.v.log: %.v $(PREREQUISITELOG)
@echo "TEST $< $(call get_coq_prog_args_in_parens,"$<")"
$(HIDE){ \
echo $(call log_intro,$<); \
true "extract effective user time"; \
res=`$(coqc_interactive) "$<" $(call get_coq_prog_args,"$<") 2>&1 | sed -n -e "s/Finished transaction in .*(\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\)u.*)/\1/p" | head -1`; \
R=$$?; times; \
if [ $$R != 0 ]; then \
echo $(log_failure); \
echo " $<...Error! (should be accepted)" ; \
elif [ "$$res" = "" ]; then \
echo $(log_failure); \
echo " $<...Error! (couldn't find a time measure)"; \
else \
true "express effective time in centiseconds"; \
res=`echo "$$res"00 | sed -n -e "s/\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9][0-9]\).*/\1\2/p"`; \
true "find expected time * 100"; \
exp=`sed -n -e "s/(\*.*Expected time < \([0-9]\).\([0-9][0-9]\)s.*\*)/\1\2/p" "$<"`; \
ok=`expr \( $$res \* $(bogomips) \) "<" \( $$exp \* 6120 \)`; \
if [ "$$ok" = 1 ]; then \
echo $(log_success); \
echo " $<...Ok"; \
else \
echo $(log_failure); \
echo " $<...Error! (should run faster)"; \
$(FAIL); \
fi; \
fi; \
} > "$@"
# Ideal-features tests
$(addsuffix .log,$(wildcard ideal-features/*.v)): %.v.log: %.v $(PREREQUISITELOG)
@echo "TEST $< $(call get_coq_prog_args_in_parens,"$<")"
$(HIDE){ \
echo $(call log_intro,$<); \
$(coqc) "$<" $(call get_coq_prog_args,"$<") 2>&1; R=$$?; times; \
if [ $$R != 0 ]; then \
echo $(log_success); \
echo " $<...still wished"; \
else \
echo $(log_failure); \
echo " $<...Good news! (wish seems to be granted, please check)"; \
$(FAIL); \
fi; \
} > "$@"
# Additional dependencies for module tests
$(addsuffix .log,$(wildcard modules/*.v)): %.v.log: modules/Nat.vo modules/plik.vo
modules/%.vo: modules/%.v
$(HIDE)$(coqc) -R modules Mods $<
# Miscellaneous tests
misc: $(patsubst %.sh,%.log,$(wildcard misc/*.sh))
misc/universes.log: misc/universes/all_stdlib.v
cd .. && $(MAKE) test-suite/$@
$(patsubst %.sh,%.log,$(wildcard misc/*.sh)): %.log: %.sh $(PREREQUISITELOG)
@echo "TEST $<"
$(HIDE){ \
echo $(call log_intro,$<); \
export BIN="$(BIN)"; \
export coqc="$(coqc)"; \
export coqtop="$(coqc)"; \
export coqdep="$(coqdep)"; \
export coqtopbyte="$(coqtopbyte)"; \
"$<" 2>&1; R=$$?; times; \
if [ $$R = 0 ]; then \
echo $(log_success); \
echo " $<...Ok"; \
else \
echo $(log_failure); \
echo " $<...Error!"; \
$(FAIL); \
fi; \
} > "$@"
# IDE : some tests of backtracking for coqtop -ideslave
ide : $(patsubst %.fake,%.fake.log,$(wildcard ide/*.fake))
%.fake.log : %.fake
@echo "TEST $<"
$(HIDE){ \
echo $(call log_intro,$<); \
$(BIN)fake_ide "$<" "-q -async-proofs on -async-proofs-tactic-error-resilience off -async-proofs-command-error-resilience off $(call get_coq_prog_args,"$<")" 2>&1; \
if [ $$? = 0 ]; then \
echo $(log_success); \
echo " $<...Ok"; \
else \
echo $(log_failure); \
echo " $<...Error!"; \
$(FAIL); \
fi; \
} > "$@"
# vio compilation
vio: $(patsubst %.v,%.vio.log,$(wildcard vio/*.v))
@echo "TEST $<"
$(HIDE){ \
$(coqc) -quick -R vio vio $* 2>&1 && \
$(coqc) -R vio vio -vio2vo $*.vio 2>&1 && \
$(coqchk) -R vio vio -norec $(subst /,.,$*) 2>&1; \
if [ $$? = 0 ]; then \
echo $(log_success); \
echo " $<...Ok"; \
else \
echo $(log_failure); \
echo " $<...Error!"; \
$(FAIL); \
fi; \
} > "$@"
# coqchk
coqchk: $(patsubst %.v,%.chk.log,$(wildcard coqchk/*.v))
@echo "TEST $<"
$(HIDE){ \
$(coqc) -R coqchk coqchk $* 2>&1 && \
$(coqchk) -R coqchk coqchk -norec $(subst /,.,$*) 2>&1; \
if [ $$? = 0 ]; then \
echo $(log_success); \
echo " $<...Ok"; \
else \
echo $(log_failure); \
echo " $<...Error!"; \
$(FAIL); \
fi; \
} > "$@"
# coqwc : test output
coqwc : $(patsubst %.v,%.v.log,$(wildcard coqwc/*.v))
coqwc/%.v.log : coqwc/%.v
$(HIDE){ \
echo $(call log_intro,$<); \
tmpoutput=`mktemp /tmp/coqwc.XXXXXX`; \
$(BIN)coqwc $< 2>&1 > $$tmpoutput; \
diff -u --strip-trailing-cr coqwc/$*.out $$tmpoutput 2>&1; R=$$?; times; \
if [ $$R = 0 ]; then \
echo $(log_success); \
echo " $<...Ok"; \
else \
echo $(log_failure); \
echo " $<...Error! (unexpected output)"; \
$(FAIL); \
fi; \
rm $$tmpoutput; \
} > "$@"
# coq_makefile
coq-makefile: $(patsubst %/run.sh,%.log,$(wildcard coq-makefile/*/run.sh))
coq-makefile/%.log : coq-makefile/%/run.sh
@echo "TEST coq-makefile/$*"
export COQBIN=$(BIN);\
cd coq-makefile/$* && \
bash run.sh 2>&1; \
if [ $$? = 0 ]; then \
echo $(log_success); \
echo " $<...Ok"; \
else \
echo $(log_failure); \
echo " $<...Error!"; \
$(FAIL); \
fi; \
) > "$@"
# coqdoc
coqdoc: $(patsubst %.sh,%.log,$(wildcard coqdoc/*.sh))
$(addsuffix .log,$(wildcard coqdoc/*.v)): %.v.log: %.v %.html.out %.tex.out $(PREREQUISITELOG)
@echo "TEST $< $(call get_coq_prog_args_in_parens,"$<")"
$(HIDE){ \
echo $(call log_intro,$<); \
$(coqc) -R coqdoc Coqdoc $* 2>&1; \
cd coqdoc; \
f=`basename $*`; \
$(coqdoc) -utf8 -R . Coqdoc -coqlib http://coq.inria.fr/stdlib --html $$f.v; \
$(coqdoc) -utf8 -R . Coqdoc -coqlib http://coq.inria.fr/stdlib --latex $$f.v; \
diff -u --strip-trailing-cr $$f.html.out Coqdoc.$$f.html 2>&1; R=$$?; times; \
grep -v "^%%" Coqdoc.$$f.tex | diff -u --strip-trailing-cr $$f.tex.out - 2>&1; S=$$?; times; \
if [ $$R = 0 -a $$S = 0 ]; then \
echo $(log_success); \
echo " $<...Ok"; \
else \
echo $(log_failure); \
echo " $<...Error! (unexpected output)"; \
$(FAIL); \
fi; \
} > "$@"
# tools/
tools: $(patsubst %/run.sh,%.log,$(wildcard tools/*/run.sh))
tools/%.log : tools/%/run.sh
@echo "TEST tools/$*"
export COQBIN=$(BIN);\
cd tools/$* && \
bash run.sh 2>&1; \
if [ $$? = 0 ]; then \
echo $(log_success); \
echo " $<...Ok"; \
else \
echo $(log_failure); \
echo " $<...Error!"; \
$(FAIL); \
fi; \
) > "$@"
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.7 Sekunden
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nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.