(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open CoqworkmgrApi
let debug = ref false
type party = {
sock : Unix.file_descr;
cout : out_channel;
mutable tokens : int;
priority : priority;
let answer party msg =
output_string party.cout (print_response msg); flush party.cout
let mk_socket_channel () =
let open Unix in
let s = socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 in
bind s (ADDR_INET (inet_addr_loopback,0));
listen s 1;
match getsockname s with
| ADDR_INET(host, port) ->
s, string_of_inet_addr host ^":"^ string_of_int port
| _ -> assert false
module Queue : sig
type t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val push : int * party -> t -> unit
val pop : t -> int * party
val create : unit -> t
end = struct
type t = (int * party) list ref
let create () = ref []
let is_empty q = !q = []
let rec split acc = function
| [] -> List.rev acc, []
| (_, { priority = Low }) :: _ as l -> List.rev acc, l
| x :: xs -> split (x :: acc) xs
let push (_,{ priority } as item) q =
if priority = Low then q := !q @ [item]
let high, low = split [] !q in
q := high @ (item :: low)
let pop q = match !q with x :: xs -> q := xs; x | _ -> assert false
let read_fd fd s ~off ~len =
let rec loop () =
try Unix.read fd s off len
with Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EAGAIN,_,_) -> loop ()
loop ()
let really_read_fd fd s off len =
let i = ref 0 in
while !i < len do
let off = off + !i in
let len = len - !i in
let r = read_fd fd s ~off ~len in
if r = 0 then raise End_of_file;
i := !i + r
let raw_input_line fd =
let b = Buffer.create 80 in
let s = Bytes.make 1 '\000' in
let endl = Bytes.of_string "\n" in
let endr = Bytes.of_string "\r" in
while Bytes.compare s endl <> 0 do
really_read_fd fd s 0 1;
if Bytes.compare s endl <> 0 && Bytes.compare s endr <> 0
then Buffer.add_bytes b s;
Buffer.contents b
with Unix.Unix_error _ -> raise End_of_file
let accept s =
let cs, _ = Unix.accept s in
let cout = Unix.out_channel_of_descr cs in
set_binary_mode_out cout true;
match parse_request (raw_input_line cs) with
| Hello p -> { sock=cs; cout; tokens=0; priority=p }
| _ -> (try Unix.close cs with _ -> ()); raise End_of_file
let parse s = ()
let parties = ref []
let max_tokens = ref 2
let cur_tokens = ref 0
let queue = Queue.create ()
let rec allocate n party =
let extra = min n (!max_tokens - !cur_tokens) in
cur_tokens := !cur_tokens + extra;
party.tokens <- party.tokens + extra;
answer party (Tokens extra)
and de_allocate n party =
let back = min party.tokens n in
party.tokens <- party.tokens - back;
cur_tokens := min (!cur_tokens - back) !max_tokens;
eventually_dequeue ()
and eventually_dequeue () =
if Queue.is_empty queue || !cur_tokens >= !max_tokens then ()
let req, party = Queue.pop queue in
if List.exists (fun { sock } -> sock = party.sock) !parties
then allocate req party
else eventually_dequeue ()
let chat s =
let party =
try List.find (fun { sock } -> sock = s) !parties
with Not_found -> Printf.eprintf "Internal error"; exit 1 in
match parse_request (raw_input_line party.sock) with
| Get n ->
if !cur_tokens < !max_tokens then allocate n party
else Queue.push (n,party) queue
| TryGet n ->
if !cur_tokens < !max_tokens then allocate n party
else answer party Noluck
| GiveBack n -> de_allocate n party
| Ping ->
answer party (Pong (!cur_tokens,!max_tokens,Unix.getpid ()));
raise End_of_file
| Hello _ -> raise End_of_file
with Failure _ | ParseError | Sys_error _ | End_of_file ->
(try Unix.close party.sock with _ -> ());
parties := List.filter (fun { sock } -> sock <> s) !parties;
de_allocate party.tokens party;
eventually_dequeue ()
let check_alive s =
match CoqworkmgrApi.connect s with
| Some s ->
let cout = Unix.out_channel_of_descr s in
set_binary_mode_out cout true;
output_string cout (print_request (Hello Low)); flush cout;
output_string cout (print_request Ping); flush cout;
begin match Unix.select [s] [] [] 1.0 with
| [s],_,_ ->
let cin = Unix.in_channel_of_descr s in
set_binary_mode_in cin true;
begin match parse_response (input_line cin) with
| Pong (n,m,pid) -> n, m, pid
| _ -> raise Not_found
| _ -> raise Not_found
| _ -> raise Not_found
let main () =
let args = [
"-j",Arg.Set_int max_tokens, "max number of concurrent jobs";
"-d",Arg.Set debug, "do not detach (debug)"] in
let usage =
"Prints on stdout an env variable assignment to be picked up by coq\n"^
"instances in order to limit the maximum number of concurrent workers.\n"^
"The default value is 2.\n"^
"Usage:" in
Arg.parse args (fun extra ->
Arg.usage args ("Unexpected argument "^extra^".\n"^usage))
let sock = Sys.getenv "COQWORKMGR_SOCK" in
if !debug then Printf.eprintf "Contacting %s\n%!" sock;
let cur, max, pid = check_alive sock in
Printf.printf "COQWORKMGR_SOCK=%s\n%!" sock;
"coqworkmgr already up and running (pid=%d, socket=%s, j=%d/%d)\n%!"
pid sock cur max;
exit 0
with Not_found | Failure _ | Invalid_argument _ | Unix.Unix_error _ ->
if !debug then Printf.eprintf "No running instance. Starting a new one\n%!";
let master, str = mk_socket_channel () in
if not !debug then begin
let pid = Unix.fork () in
if pid <> 0 then begin
Printf.printf "COQWORKMGR_SOCK=%s\n%!" str;
exit 0
end else begin
ignore(Unix.setsid ());
Unix.close Unix.stdin;
Unix.close Unix.stdout;
end else begin
Printf.printf "COQWORKMGR_SOCK=%s\n%!" str;
Sys.catch_break true;
while true do
if !debug then
Printf.eprintf "Status: #parties=%d tokens=%d/%d \n%!"
(List.length !parties) !cur_tokens !max_tokens;
let socks = master :: List.map (fun { sock } -> sock) !parties in
let r, _, _ = Unix.select socks [] [] (-1.0) in
List.iter (fun s ->
if s = master then begin
try parties := accept master :: !parties
with _ -> ()
end else chat s)
exit 0
with Sys.Break ->
if !parties <> [] then begin
Printf.eprintf "Some coq processes still need me\n%!";
exit 1;
end else
exit 0
let () = main ()
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