Spracherkennung für: .15/examples/README vermutete Sprache: Haskell {Haskell[205] Ada[444] Abap[675]} [Methode: Schwerpunktbildung, einfache Gewichte, sechs Dimensionen]
This directory contains several examples of using OpenGL from Fortran 90.
Most of these were hand translated to Fortran 90 from the C examples in the
Glut distribution using the originally proposed binding in f90gl version 1.0,
and then translated to the new binding with f90gl/util/trans10.
The F directory contains a translation of the examples to the subset
languages F and ELF90.
To compile the examples, determine the appropriate makefile as described in
the installation instructions (file f90gl-x.x.x/INSTALL), and edit it to set
the correct paths, etc., for your system.
Then if your system code is xxxx,
Unix (and PGI on Windows):
make -f mfxxxx # compiles all examples
make -f mfxxxx progname # compiles the example with name "progname"
mfxxxx # compiles all examples
mfxxxx progname # compiles the example with name "progname"
For NASoftware on Linux, make sure you have <path to f90gl>/f90gl/lib in your
LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.
The remainder of this file contains a description of the examples, plus an
indication of what systems they are known to fail on.
blender -- two rotating objects, one red, one green, which fade in and out,
plus some text
** x86/Linux/*/MetroLink: rotating objects don't show up
** Sun/Solaris/SunSoft/OpenGL: rotating objects don't show up
checker -- draws two black/white checker boards, one straight on and one
at an angle, using texture mapping
eps -- save an OpenGL window to an encapsilated postscript file. The module
rendereps in this example is a translation to Fortran of a C program by
Mark Kilgard, plus a sorting routine from netlib. The main program
illustrates how to use this module using the fscene program. The right
mouse button brings up a menu from which you can save the image to
epsout.eps. The directory in which epsout.eps is written is system
dependent; likely places are the current directory or your home directory.
fbitfont -- some text
fscene -- three 3D objects in red. The right mouse button brings up a menu.
Redraw is really slow in outline mode on some machines.
glutdino -- a green dinosaur. Rotate with the mouse while holding the left
mouse button. Right mouse button brings up a menu.
** x86/WinNT/PGI/Microsoft: program crashes
** x86/WinNT/Absoft/Microsoft: program crashes
** x86/WinNT/Laheyf95/Microsoft: program crashes
** x86/WinNT/Intel/Microsoft: program crashes
** x86/Linux/PGI/MetroLink: segmentation fault
** x86/Linux/Gnu/Mesa: segmentation fault
logo -- the f90gl logo. Rotate with the mouse while holding the left mouse
button. Right mouse button brings up a menu. Middle mouse button selects
a new value on the color bars (rgb sliders).
** Linux Red Hat 5.1/Absoft (probably any system with libm 6 and Absoft 5.0):
There is a conflict between the new libm and Absoft's math library in the
atan2 function. The logo is drawn incorrectly. It works fine with libm 5
or Absoft 6.0.
** x86/Linux/Gnu/Mesa: segmentation fault
modview -- this one's my own. It contains a module for using the mouse and
arrow keys to rotate, zoom, pan and scale. Initially the left button rotates
(hold button down while moving mouse), middle button zoom, arrow keys pan,
and right button brings up a menu.
molehill -- a four color bumpy surface
** Sun/Solaris/EPC/Mesa: segmentation fault
** x86/Linux/Gnu/Mesa: colors are all white
olympic -- the olympic rings come flying into position. Restart the animation
with the space bar; terminate with escape. On SGI, accepts command line
plotfunc -- plots a function of two variables as contours, a surface mesh,
or a solid surface. Uses the modview module. Right button brings up
a menu. You may need to click on the window to draw the initial display.
polyoff -- demonstrates the use of polygon offset. Left and middle mouse
buttons rotate the sphere; right mouse button terminates.
scube -- a rotating cube in front of a background, and it's shadow.
Right mouse button brings up a menu. There are also keyboard keys for the
same functions as on the menu (look for keyboard in the source code).
** Sun/SunOS 4/NAG/Mesa: Arithmetic exception: Floating divide by zero
** x86/WinNT/*/Microsoft: motion doesn't start up again
** x86/WinNT/DVF/Microsoft: crashes after drawing, but works with "-debug"
** x86/Linux/Gnu/Mesa: segmentation fault
sphere -- a red sphere
stars -- a trip through outer space
trivial -- white square on black background
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