module logo_mod
use opengl_gl
use opengl_glu
use opengl_glut
implicit none
type coord
real(glfloat) :: x,y
end type coord
type(coord) :: angle = coord(0.,0.) ! in degrees
type(coord) :: begin
logical :: moving
logical :: newModel = .true.
logical :: show_colorbars = .false.
real(glfloat) :: lightZeroPosition(4) = (/10.0, 4.0, 10.0, 1.0/), &
lightZeroColor(4) = (/1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0/), &
lightOnePosition(4) = (/-1.0, -2.0, 1.0, 0.0/), &
lightOneColor(4) = (/0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0/), &
logoColor(4) = (/1.0, 0.72, 0.0, 1.0/)
logical :: lightZeroSwitch = .true., lightOneSwitch = .false.
integer(glint), parameter :: thelist = 20
real (glfloat), parameter :: PI = 3.1415926
integer(glint) :: window_width, window_height
subroutine make_letter(centers,radii)
type (coord), intent(in) :: centers(:)
real (glfloat), intent(in) :: radii(:)
integer, parameter :: npoints_around_circle = 10
integer :: npoints
real (glfloat) :: x1,x2,x3,x4,y1,y2,y3,y4,z1,z2,z3,z4,alpha
type (coord) :: center1, center2
real (glfloat) :: orient(size(radii)), radius1, radius2, orient1, orient2
integer :: point, i
npoints = size(radii)
do point=1,npoints
center1 = centers(max(1,point-1))
center2 = centers(min(npoints,point+1))
if (center1%x==center2%x .and. center1%y==center2%y) then
orient(point) = 0.
orient(point) = atan2(center2%y-center1%y,center1%x-center2%x)
end do
call glbegin(gl_quads)
do point=1,npoints-1
center1 = centers(point)
center2 = centers(point+1)
radius1 = radii(point)
radius2 = radii(point+1)
orient1 = orient(point)
orient2 = orient(point+1)
x3 = radius2*sin(orient2)+center2%x
y3 = radius2*cos(orient2)+center2%y
z3 = 0._glfloat
x4 = radius1*sin(orient1)+center1%x
y4 = radius1*cos(orient1)+center1%y
z4 = 0._glfloat
do i=1,npoints_around_circle
alpha = 2._glfloat * PI * i / real(npoints_around_circle,glfloat)
x1 = x4; y1 = y4; z1 = z4
x2 = x3; y2 = y3; z2 = z3
x3 = radius2*sin(orient2)*cos(alpha)+center2%x
y3 = radius2*cos(orient2)*cos(alpha)+center2%y
z3 = radius2*sin(alpha)
x4 = radius1*sin(orient1)*cos(alpha)+center1%x
y4 = radius1*cos(orient1)*cos(alpha)+center1%y
z4 = radius1*sin(alpha)
call glnormal3f(x1-center1%x,y1-center1%y,z1)
call glvertex3f(x1,y1,z1)
call glnormal3f(x2-center2%x,y2-center2%y,z2)
call glvertex3f(x2,y2,z2)
call glnormal3f(x3-center2%x,y3-center2%y,z3)
call glvertex3f(x3,y3,z3)
call glnormal3f(x4-center1%x,y4-center1%y,z4)
call glvertex3f(x4,y4,z4)
end do
end do
call glend()
end subroutine make_letter
subroutine recalcModelView()
call glPopMatrix()
call glPushMatrix()
call gltranslatef(2.5_glfloat,0._glfloat,0._glfloat)
call glRotatef(angle%x, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
call glRotatef(angle%y, cos(pi*angle%x/180.), -sin(pi*angle%x/180.),0.0)
call gltranslatef(-2.5_glfloat,0._glfloat,0._glfloat)
newModel = .false.
end subroutine recalcModelView
end module logo_mod
! ------
subroutine number(n,x,y)
! ------
use opengl_gl
use opengl_glu
use opengl_glut
integer, intent(in) :: n
real(gldouble), intent(in) :: x,y
character(len=4) chn
integer i
write(chn,'(i4)') n
call glmatrixmode(gl_modelview)
call glpushmatrix
call gltranslated(x,y,0._gldouble)
do i=1,4
call glutbitmapcharacter(glut_bitmap_8_by_13,ichar(chn(i:i)))
end do
call glpopmatrix
end subroutine number
subroutine redraw()
use logo_mod
if (newModel) then
call recalcModelView()
call glcalllist(thelist)
call glutSwapBuffers()
end subroutine redraw
subroutine mouse(button, state, x, y)
use logo_mod
implicit none
integer(glcint), intent(inout) :: button, state, x, y
real value,xfract,yfract
if (button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON .and. state == GLUT_DOWN) then
moving = .true.
begin = coord(x,y)
if (button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON .and. state == GLUT_UP) then
moving = .false.
if (button == GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON .and. state == GLUT_DOWN) then
xfract = real(x)/real(window_width)
yfract = real(y)/real(window_height)
value = (xfract-.1)*2.
if (value >= 0. .and. value <= 1.) then
if (yfract > .05 .and. yfract < .10) then
logocolor(1) = value
elseif (yfract > .15 .and. yfract < .20) then
logocolor(2) = value
elseif (yfract > .25 .and. yfract < .30) then
logocolor(3) = value
! print *,logocolor
call draw_logo
call glutpostredisplay
end subroutine mouse
subroutine motion(x, y)
use logo_mod
integer(glcint), intent(inout) :: x, y
if (moving) then
angle%x = angle%x + (x - begin%x)
angle%y = angle%y + (y - begin%y)
begin = coord(x,y)
newModel = .true.
call glutPostRedisplay()
end subroutine motion
subroutine reshape(w,h)
use logo_mod
integer(glcint), intent(inout) :: w,h
window_width = w
window_height = h
call glviewport(0,0,w,h)
end subroutine reshape
subroutine controlLights(value)
use logo_mod
integer(glcint), intent(inout) :: value
select case (value)
case (1)
lightZeroSwitch = .not. lightZeroSwitch
if (lightZeroSwitch) then
call glEnable(GL_LIGHT0)
call glDisable(GL_LIGHT0)
case (2)
lightOneSwitch = .not. lightOneSwitch
if (lightOneSwitch) then
call glEnable(GL_LIGHT1)
call glDisable(GL_LIGHT1)
case (3)
show_colorbars = .not. show_colorbars
case (4)
call animate
end select
call draw_logo
call glutPostRedisplay()
end subroutine controlLights
subroutine animate
use logo_mod
implicit none
real(glfloat) transx,transy,transz,angx,angy
integer nstep,i
nstep = 19
do i=0,nstep
transx = -6.*(nstep-i)/float(nstep) + 2.5
transy = -4.*(nstep-i)/float(nstep)
transz = -160.*(nstep-i)/float(nstep)
angx = -10. -80.*(nstep-i)/float(nstep)
angy = -50. + 320.*(nstep-i)/float(nstep)
call glPopMatrix()
call glPushMatrix()
call gltranslatef(transx,transy,transz)
call glRotatef(angx, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
call glRotatef(angy, cos(pi*angx/180.), -sin(pi*angx/180.),0.0)
call gltranslatef(-transx,0.,0.)
call glcalllist(thelist)
call glutSwapBuffers()
end do
end subroutine animate
program main
use logo_mod
implicit none
subroutine redraw()
end subroutine redraw
subroutine mouse(button, state, x, y)
use logo_mod
integer(glcint), intent(inout) :: button, state, x, y
end subroutine mouse
subroutine motion(x, y)
use logo_mod
integer(glcint), intent(inout) :: x, y
end subroutine motion
subroutine controlLights(value)
use logo_mod
integer(glcint), intent(inout) :: value
end subroutine controlLights
subroutine reshape(w,h)
use logo_mod
integer(glcint), intent(inout) :: w,h
end subroutine reshape
end interface
integer i
call glutInit()
call glutInitDisplayMode(ior(ior(GLUT_RGB,GLUT_DOUBLE),GLUT_DEPTH))
i = glutCreateWindow("f90gl logo")
call glutreshapewindow(320,320)
window_width = 320; window_height = 320
call glutDisplayFunc(redraw)
call glutMouseFunc(mouse)
call glutMotionFunc(motion)
call glutreshapefunc(reshape)
i = glutCreateMenu(controlLights)
call glutAddMenuEntry("Toggle right light", 1)
call glutAddMenuEntry("Toggle left light", 2)
call glutAddMenuEntry("Toggle color bars", 3)
call glutAddMenuEntry("Animate",4)
call glutAttachMenu(GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON)
call glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE)
call glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST)
call glEnable(GL_LIGHTING)
call glenable(gl_normalize)
call glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION)
call gluPerspective(10.0_gldouble, & ! field of view in degree
1.0_gldouble, & ! aspect ratio
1.0_gldouble, & ! Z near
400.0_gldouble) ! Z far
call glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW)
call gluLookAt( &
2.0_gldouble, 0.0_gldouble, 40.0_gldouble, & ! eye is at (0,0,30)
2.0_gldouble, 0.0_gldouble, 0.0_gldouble, & ! center is at (0,0,0)
0.0_gldouble, 1.0_gldouble, 0._gldouble) ! up is in postivie Y direction
call glPushMatrix() ! dummy push so we can pop on model recalc
call draw_logo
! This call does nothing; it is just to test GLUTNULLFUNC with arguments
call glutDialsFunc(GLUTNULLFUNC)
call glutMainLoop()
end program main
subroutine draw_logo
use logo_mod
type (coord),allocatable :: centers(:)
real (glfloat),allocatable :: radii(:)
real (glfloat) :: x, alpha
integer int_color
x = 247./255.
! x = 0.
call glclearcolor(x,x,x,1.0)
call gldeletelists(thelist,1_glsizei)
call glnewlist(thelist,gl_compile)
! color bars
if (show_colorbars) then
call gldisable(gl_lighting)
call glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW)
call glpushmatrix()
call glloadidentity()
call glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION)
call glpushmatrix()
call glloadidentity()
call glortho(0._gldouble,1._gldouble,0._gldouble,1._gldouble,-1._gldouble,1._gldouble)
call glcolor3f(1._glfloat,0._glfloat,0._glfloat)
call glrectf(.1_glfloat,.9_glfloat,.1_glfloat+.5_glfloat*logocolor(1),.95_glfloat)
call glcolor3f(0._glfloat,1._glfloat,0._glfloat)
call glrectf(.1_glfloat,.8_glfloat,.1_glfloat+.5_glfloat*logocolor(2),.85_glfloat)
call glcolor3f(0._glfloat,0._glfloat,1._glfloat)
call glrectf(.1_glfloat,.7_glfloat,.1_glfloat+.5_glfloat*logocolor(3),.75_glfloat)
call glcolor3f(1._glfloat,1._glfloat,1._glfloat)
call glrectf(.1_glfloat,.9_glfloat,.6_glfloat,.95_glfloat)
call glrectf(.1_glfloat,.8_glfloat,.6_glfloat,.85_glfloat)
call glrectf(.1_glfloat,.7_glfloat,.6_glfloat,.75_glfloat)
! int_color = int(logocolor(1)*256)
! call number(int_color,.7_gldouble,.9_gldouble)
! int_color = int(logocolor(2)*256)
! call number(int_color,.7_gldouble,.8_gldouble)
! int_color = int(logocolor(3)*256)
! call number(int_color,.7_gldouble,.7_gldouble)
call glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION)
call glpopmatrix()
call glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW)
call glpopmatrix()
call gllightmodelfv(gl_light_model_ambient, (/.25,.25,.25,1./))
call glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, lightZeroPosition)
call glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, lightZeroColor)
call glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPECULAR, lightZeroColor)
call glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, lightOnePosition)
call glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, lightOneColor)
if (lightZeroSwitch) then
call glEnable(GL_LIGHT0)
call glDisable(GL_LIGHT0)
if (lightOneSwitch) then
call glEnable(GL_LIGHT1)
call glDisable(GL_LIGHT1)
call glenable(gl_lighting)
call glpolygonmode(gl_front_and_back, gl_fill)
! curve of f
call glpushmatrix()
call glrotatef(25._glfloat,0._glfloat,0._glfloat,1._glfloat)
do i=1,41
x = (i-21)/20._glfloat
centers(i)%x = x
centers(i)%y = -x*(x-1.3)*(x+1.3)
if (x<=-.5) then
radii(i) = .2*x+.2
elseif (x>=.5) then
radii(i) = .2-.2*x
radii(i) = .1_glfloat
end do
call glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, logoColor)
call glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, logoColor)
call glMaterialf(gl_front_and_back, gl_shininess, 128._glfloat)
call make_letter(centers,radii)
call glpopmatrix()
! crossbar of f
centers(1) = coord(-.4,0.)
centers(2) = coord(-.4,0.)
centers(3) = coord(.4,0.)
centers(4) = coord(.4,0.)
radii(1) = 0.
radii(2) = .1
radii(3) = .1
radii(4) = 0.
call make_letter(centers,radii)
! left part of 9
call glpushmatrix()
call gltranslatef(1.0_glfloat,0._glfloat,0._glfloat)
call glrotatef(10._glfloat,0._glfloat,0._glfloat,-1._glfloat)
do i=1,28
alpha = (i-6)*pi/20. + pi/2. + pi/10.
centers(i)%x = .4*cos(alpha)
centers(i)%y = .4*sin(alpha) + .4
radii(i) = .1
if (i>20) then
radii(i) = (28-i)/80.
end do
call make_letter(centers,radii)
call glpopmatrix()
! right part of 9
call glpushmatrix()
call gltranslatef(1.0_glfloat,0._glfloat,0._glfloat)
call glrotatef(10._glfloat,0._glfloat,0._glfloat,-1._glfloat)
do i=1,25
alpha = (i-1)*pi/20. - pi/2. - 4.*pi/20.
centers(i)%x = .5*cos(alpha)
centers(i)%y = .8*sin(alpha)
radii(i) = .1
if (i<5) then
radii(i) = i/50.
end do
call make_letter(centers,radii)
call glpopmatrix()
! 0
call glpushmatrix()
call gltranslatef(2.4_glfloat,0._glfloat,0._glfloat)
do i=1,42
alpha = (i-1)*pi/20.
centers(i)%x = .6*cos(alpha)
centers(i)%y = .8*sin(alpha)
radii(i) = .1
end do
call make_letter(centers,radii)
call glpopmatrix()
! g
! right part of g
call glpushmatrix()
call gltranslatef(3.6_glfloat,-.5_glfloat,0._glfloat)
! call glrotatef(10._glfloat,0._glfloat,0._glfloat,-1._glfloat)
do i=1,15
alpha = (i-1)*pi/20. - pi/2. - 4.*pi/20.
centers(i)%x = .5*cos(alpha) - .1
centers(i)%y =1.2*sin(alpha)
radii(i) = .1
if (i<5) then
radii(i) = i/50.
end do
! left part of g
! call glrotatef(20._glfloat,0._glfloat,0._glfloat,-1._glfloat)
do i=1+15,55+15
alpha = 3.*(i-1-15)*pi/80.
centers(i)%x = .4*cos(alpha)
centers(i)%y = .4*sin(alpha)
radii(i) = .1
end do
centers(56+15) = centers(55+15)
radii(56+15) = 0.
call make_letter(centers,radii)
call glpopmatrix()
! l
call glpushmatrix()
call gltranslatef(4.6_glfloat,0._glfloat,0._glfloat)
call glrotatef(25._glfloat,0._glfloat,0._glfloat,1._glfloat)
do i=1,41
x = (i-21)/20._glfloat
centers(i)%x = x
centers(i)%y = -x*(x-1.4)*(x+1.4)
if (x<=-.5) then
radii(i) = .2*x+.2
elseif (x>=.5) then
radii(i) = .2-.2*x
radii(i) = .1_glfloat
end do
call make_letter(centers,radii)
call glpopmatrix()
call glendlist()
end subroutine draw_logo
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.21 Sekunden
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