Untersuchungsergebnis.15/mfpxbo Download desText {Text[85] Latech[113] Haskell[233]}zum Wurzelverzeichnis wechseln
# This makefile has been tested on
# computer: Power Macintosh G4
# OS: MacOS X 10.2.3
# compiler: Absoft Pro Fortran 90 8.0 for MacOS X 10.2.3
# C: gcc
# OpenGL: OpenGL 1.2.x, Glut 3.7, f90gl 1.2.7
#------------- User configuration parameters ---------------
# modify these for your system
# any relative paths should be relative to a subdirectory of the directory
# containing this makefile
# procedure name mangling approach used by your fortran compiler
# LOWERCASE - convert to lower case
# UNDERSCORE - convert to lower case and append underscore
# UPPERCASE - convert to upper case
# the include directory(ies) for OpenGL (GL is a subdirectory of it) and GLUT
# the include directory for X11
X11INC =
# the library directory(ies) for OpenGL and GLUT
# the OpenGL, GLU and GLUT libraries
# the library directory for X11
# the X11 libraries
X11LIB = -framework GLUT -framework OpenGL -framework Cocoa
# extra characters to put into the library names, in case there is
# more than one OpenGL installed. For example if LIBNAME is Mesa
# then the libraries will be libMesaf90GL.a etc.
# commands for making a library
MAKELIB = ar rcv
RANLIB = ranlib
# fortran 90 compiler and compiler flags
#F90 = /Applications/Absoft/bin/f90
F90 = $(ABSOFT)/bin/f90
F90FLAGS = -p ../include/GL
# C compiler and compiler flags
CC = cc
CFLAGS = -DFNAME=$(FNAME) -DMACOSX -DGLUT_XLIB_IMPLEMENTATION=14 -I/System/Library/Frameworks/Glut.framework/Headers
# The suffix for module files generated by the compiler. If none are
# generated, then use 'junk' or something (do not leave it blank).
MOD = mod
# The compiler flag to get at the module file for opengl_kinds in ../include/GL
USEMOD = -p ../include/GL
#----------- end of user configuration parameters ------------
# The preprocessor
F90PPR = ../util/sppr
# The include file for f90ppr directives
F90PPR_INC = ../fppincs/fppnada
# collect the macros to be passed to subservant makefiles
"F90PPR=$(F90PPR)" "F90PPR_INC=$(F90PPR_INC)" \
cd util; make -f mfmost sppr $(PASSMACROS)
cd util; make -f mfmost mkfppinc $(PASSMACROS)
cd gl; make -f mfmost install $(PASSMACROS) "LIBNAME=$(LIBNAME)"
cd glu; make -f mfmost install $(PASSMACROS) "LIBNAME=$(LIBNAME)"
cd glut; make -f mfmost install $(PASSMACROS) "LIBNAME="
cd gl; make -f mfmost clean
cd glu; make -f mfmost clean
cd glut; make -f mfmost clean
cd examples; make -f mf8lbm clean
cd util; make -f mfmost clean
cd gl; make -f mfmost clean
cd glu; make -f mfmost clean
cd glut; make -f mfmost clean
cd examples; make -f mf8lbm clean
cd util; make -f mfmost clean
rm -rf lib/lib*
rm -f include/GL/*.mod
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