(* Title: HOL/Library/Code_Test.thy
Author: Andreas Lochbihler, ETH Zürich
Test infrastructure for the code generator.
theory Code_Test
imports Main
keywords "test_code" :: diag
subsection \<open>YXML encoding for \<^typ>\<open>Code_Evaluation.term\<close>\<close>
datatype (plugins del: code size "quickcheck") yxml_of_term = YXML
lemma yot_anything: "x = (y :: yxml_of_term)"
by(cases x y rule: yxml_of_term.exhaust[case_product yxml_of_term.exhaust])(simp)
definition yot_empty :: yxml_of_term where [code del]: "yot_empty = YXML"
definition yot_literal :: "String.literal \ yxml_of_term"
where [code del]: "yot_literal _ = YXML"
definition yot_append :: "yxml_of_term \ yxml_of_term \ yxml_of_term"
where [code del]: "yot_append _ _ = YXML"
definition yot_concat :: "yxml_of_term list \ yxml_of_term"
where [code del]: "yot_concat _ = YXML"
text \<open>Serialise \<^typ>\<open>yxml_of_term\<close> to native string of target language\<close>
code_printing type_constructor yxml_of_term
\<rightharpoonup> (SML) "string"
and (OCaml) "string"
and (Haskell) "String"
and (Scala) "String"
| constant yot_empty
\<rightharpoonup> (SML) "\"\""
and (OCaml) "\"\""
and (Haskell) "\"\""
and (Scala) "\"\""
| constant yot_literal
\<rightharpoonup> (SML) "_"
and (OCaml) "_"
and (Haskell) "_"
and (Scala) "_"
| constant yot_append
\<rightharpoonup> (SML) "String.concat [(_), (_)]"
and (OCaml) "String.concat \"\" [(_); (_)]"
and (Haskell) infixr 5 "++"
and (Scala) infixl 5 "+"
| constant yot_concat
\<rightharpoonup> (SML) "String.concat"
and (OCaml) "String.concat \"\""
and (Haskell) "Prelude.concat"
and (Scala) "_.mkString(\"\")"
text \<open>
Stripped-down implementations of Isabelle's XML tree with YXML encoding as
defined in \<^file>\<open>~~/src/Pure/PIDE/xml.ML\<close>, \<^file>\<open>~~/src/Pure/PIDE/yxml.ML\<close>
sufficient to encode \<^typ>\<open>Code_Evaluation.term\<close> as in
datatype (plugins del: code size "quickcheck") xml_tree = XML_Tree
lemma xml_tree_anything: "x = (y :: xml_tree)"
by(cases x y rule: xml_tree.exhaust[case_product xml_tree.exhaust])(simp)
context begin
local_setup \<open>Local_Theory.map_background_naming (Name_Space.mandatory_path "xml")\<close>
type_synonym attributes = "(String.literal \ String.literal) list"
type_synonym body = "xml_tree list"
definition Elem :: "String.literal \ attributes \ xml_tree list \ xml_tree"
where [code del]: "Elem _ _ _ = XML_Tree"
definition Text :: "String.literal \ xml_tree"
where [code del]: "Text _ = XML_Tree"
definition node :: "xml_tree list \ xml_tree"
where "node ts = Elem (STR '':'') [] ts"
definition tagged :: "String.literal \ String.literal option \ xml_tree list \ xml_tree"
where "tagged tag x ts = Elem tag (case x of None \ [] | Some x' \ [(STR ''0'', x')]) ts"
definition list where "list f xs = map (node \ f) xs"
definition X :: yxml_of_term where "X = yot_literal (STR 0x05)"
definition Y :: yxml_of_term where "Y = yot_literal (STR 0x06)"
definition XY :: yxml_of_term where "XY = yot_append X Y"
definition XYX :: yxml_of_term where "XYX = yot_append XY X"
code_datatype xml.Elem xml.Text
definition yxml_string_of_xml_tree :: "xml_tree \ yxml_of_term \ yxml_of_term"
where [code del]: "yxml_string_of_xml_tree _ _ = YXML"
lemma yxml_string_of_xml_tree_code [code]:
"yxml_string_of_xml_tree (xml.Elem name atts ts) rest =
yot_append xml.XY (
yot_append (yot_literal name) (
foldr (\<lambda>(a, x) rest.
yot_append xml.Y (
yot_append (yot_literal a) (
yot_append (yot_literal (STR ''='')) (
yot_append (yot_literal x) rest)))) atts (
foldr yxml_string_of_xml_tree ts (
yot_append xml.XYX rest))))"
"yxml_string_of_xml_tree (xml.Text s) rest = yot_append (yot_literal s) rest"
by(rule yot_anything)+
definition yxml_string_of_body :: "xml.body \ yxml_of_term"
where "yxml_string_of_body ts = foldr yxml_string_of_xml_tree ts yot_empty"
text \<open>
Encoding \<^typ>\<open>Code_Evaluation.term\<close> into XML trees as defined in
definition xml_of_typ :: "Typerep.typerep \ xml.body"
where [code del]: "xml_of_typ _ = [XML_Tree]"
definition xml_of_term :: "Code_Evaluation.term \ xml.body"
where [code del]: "xml_of_term _ = [XML_Tree]"
lemma xml_of_typ_code [code]:
"xml_of_typ (typerep.Typerep t args) = [xml.tagged (STR ''0'') (Some t) (xml.list xml_of_typ args)]"
by(simp add: xml_of_typ_def xml_tree_anything)
lemma xml_of_term_code [code]:
"xml_of_term (Code_Evaluation.Const x ty) = [xml.tagged (STR ''0'') (Some x) (xml_of_typ ty)]"
"xml_of_term (Code_Evaluation.App t1 t2) = [xml.tagged (STR ''5'') None [xml.node (xml_of_term t1), xml.node (xml_of_term t2)]]"
"xml_of_term (Code_Evaluation.Abs x ty t) = [xml.tagged (STR ''4'') (Some x) [xml.node (xml_of_typ ty), xml.node (xml_of_term t)]]"
\<comment> \<open>FIXME: \<^const>\<open>Code_Evaluation.Free\<close> is used only in \<^theory>\<open>HOL.Quickcheck_Narrowing\<close> to represent
uninstantiated parameters in constructors. Here, we always translate them to \<^ML>\<open>Free\<close> variables.\<close>
"xml_of_term (Code_Evaluation.Free x ty) = [xml.tagged (STR ''1'') (Some x) (xml_of_typ ty)]"
by(simp_all add: xml_of_term_def xml_tree_anything)
definition yxml_string_of_term :: "Code_Evaluation.term \ yxml_of_term"
where "yxml_string_of_term = yxml_string_of_body \ xml_of_term"
subsection \<open>Test engine and drivers\<close>
ML_file \<open>code_test.ML\<close>
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.16 Sekunden
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