(* Title: HOL/Number_Theory/Eratosthenes.thy
Author: Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
section \<open>The sieve of Eratosthenes\<close>
theory Eratosthenes
imports Main "HOL-Computational_Algebra.Primes"
subsection \<open>Preliminary: strict divisibility\<close>
context dvd
abbreviation dvd_strict :: "'a \ 'a \ bool" (infixl "dvd'_strict" 50)
"b dvd_strict a \ b dvd a \ \ a dvd b"
subsection \<open>Main corpus\<close>
text \<open>The sieve is modelled as a list of booleans, where \<^const>\<open>False\<close> means \emph{marked out}.\<close>
type_synonym marks = "bool list"
definition numbers_of_marks :: "nat \ marks \ nat set"
"numbers_of_marks n bs = fst ` {x \ set (enumerate n bs). snd x}"
lemma numbers_of_marks_simps [simp, code]:
"numbers_of_marks n [] = {}"
"numbers_of_marks n (True # bs) = insert n (numbers_of_marks (Suc n) bs)"
"numbers_of_marks n (False # bs) = numbers_of_marks (Suc n) bs"
by (auto simp add: numbers_of_marks_def intro!: image_eqI)
lemma numbers_of_marks_Suc:
"numbers_of_marks (Suc n) bs = Suc ` numbers_of_marks n bs"
by (auto simp add: numbers_of_marks_def enumerate_Suc_eq image_iff Bex_def)
lemma numbers_of_marks_replicate_False [simp]:
"numbers_of_marks n (replicate m False) = {}"
by (auto simp add: numbers_of_marks_def enumerate_replicate_eq)
lemma numbers_of_marks_replicate_True [simp]:
"numbers_of_marks n (replicate m True) = {n..
by (auto simp add: numbers_of_marks_def enumerate_replicate_eq image_def)
lemma in_numbers_of_marks_eq:
"m \ numbers_of_marks n bs \ m \ {n.. bs ! (m - n)"
by (simp add: numbers_of_marks_def in_set_enumerate_eq image_iff add.commute)
lemma sorted_list_of_set_numbers_of_marks:
"sorted_list_of_set (numbers_of_marks n bs) = map fst (filter snd (enumerate n bs))"
by (auto simp add: numbers_of_marks_def distinct_map
intro!: sorted_filter distinct_filter inj_onI sorted_distinct_set_unique)
text \<open>Marking out multiples in a sieve\<close>
definition mark_out :: "nat \ marks \ marks"
"mark_out n bs = map (\(q, b). b \ \ Suc n dvd Suc (Suc q)) (enumerate n bs)"
lemma mark_out_Nil [simp]: "mark_out n [] = []"
by (simp add: mark_out_def)
lemma length_mark_out [simp]: "length (mark_out n bs) = length bs"
by (simp add: mark_out_def)
lemma numbers_of_marks_mark_out:
"numbers_of_marks n (mark_out m bs) = {q \ numbers_of_marks n bs. \ Suc m dvd Suc q - n}"
by (auto simp add: numbers_of_marks_def mark_out_def in_set_enumerate_eq image_iff
nth_enumerate_eq less_eq_dvd_minus)
text \<open>Auxiliary operation for efficient implementation\<close>
definition mark_out_aux :: "nat \ nat \ marks \ marks"
"mark_out_aux n m bs =
map (\<lambda>(q, b). b \<and> (q < m + n \<or> \<not> Suc n dvd Suc (Suc q) + (n - m mod Suc n))) (enumerate n bs)"
lemma mark_out_code [code]: "mark_out n bs = mark_out_aux n n bs"
proof -
have aux: False
if A: "Suc n dvd Suc (Suc a)"
and B: "a < n + n"
and C: "n \ a"
for a
proof (cases "n = 0")
case True
with A B C show ?thesis by simp
case False
define m where "m = Suc n"
then have "m > 0" by simp
from False have "n > 0" by simp
from A obtain q where q: "Suc (Suc a) = Suc n * q" by (rule dvdE)
have "q > 0"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "\ q > 0"
with q show False by simp
with \<open>n > 0\<close> have "Suc n * q \<ge> 2" by (auto simp add: gr0_conv_Suc)
with q have a: "a = Suc n * q - 2" by simp
with B have "q + n * q < n + n + 2" by auto
then have "m * q < m * 2" by (simp add: m_def)
with \<open>m > 0\<close> have "q < 2" by simp
with \<open>q > 0\<close> have "q = 1" by simp
with a have "a = n - 1" by simp
with \<open>n > 0\<close> C show False by simp
show ?thesis
by (auto simp add: mark_out_def mark_out_aux_def in_set_enumerate_eq intro: aux)
lemma mark_out_aux_simps [simp, code]:
"mark_out_aux n m [] = []"
"mark_out_aux n 0 (b # bs) = False # mark_out_aux n n bs"
"mark_out_aux n (Suc m) (b # bs) = b # mark_out_aux n m bs"
proof goal_cases
case 1
show ?case
by (simp add: mark_out_aux_def)
case 2
show ?case
by (auto simp add: mark_out_code [symmetric] mark_out_aux_def mark_out_def
enumerate_Suc_eq in_set_enumerate_eq less_eq_dvd_minus)
case 3
{ define v where "v = Suc m"
define w where "w = Suc n"
fix q
assume "m + n \ q"
then obtain r where q: "q = m + n + r" by (auto simp add: le_iff_add)
{ fix u
from w_def have "u mod w < w" by simp
then have "u + (w - u mod w) = w + (u - u mod w)"
by simp
then have "u + (w - u mod w) = w + u div w * w"
by (simp add: minus_mod_eq_div_mult)
then have "w dvd v + w + r + (w - v mod w) \ w dvd m + w + r + (w - m mod w)"
by (simp add: add.assoc add.left_commute [of m] add.left_commute [of v]
dvd_add_left_iff dvd_add_right_iff)
moreover from q have "Suc q = m + w + r" by (simp add: w_def)
moreover from q have "Suc (Suc q) = v + w + r" by (simp add: v_def w_def)
ultimately have "w dvd Suc (Suc (q + (w - v mod w))) \ w dvd Suc (q + (w - m mod w))"
by (simp only: add_Suc [symmetric])
then have "Suc n dvd Suc (Suc (Suc (q + n) - Suc m mod Suc n)) \
Suc n dvd Suc (Suc (q + n - m mod Suc n))"
by (simp add: v_def w_def Suc_diff_le trans_le_add2)
then show ?case
by (auto simp add: mark_out_aux_def
enumerate_Suc_eq in_set_enumerate_eq not_less)
text \<open>Main entry point to sieve\<close>
fun sieve :: "nat \ marks \ marks"
"sieve n [] = []"
| "sieve n (False # bs) = False # sieve (Suc n) bs"
| "sieve n (True # bs) = True # sieve (Suc n) (mark_out n bs)"
text \<open>
There are the following possible optimisations here:
\item \<^const>\<open>sieve\<close> can abort as soon as \<^term>\<open>n\<close> is too big to let
\<^const>\<open>mark_out\<close> have any effect.
\item Search for further primes can be given up as soon as the search
position exceeds the square root of the maximum candidate.
This is left as an constructive exercise to the reader.
lemma numbers_of_marks_sieve:
"numbers_of_marks (Suc n) (sieve n bs) =
{q \<in> numbers_of_marks (Suc n) bs. \<forall>m \<in> numbers_of_marks (Suc n) bs. \<not> m dvd_strict q}"
proof (induct n bs rule: sieve.induct)
case 1
show ?case by simp
case 2
then show ?case by simp
case (3 n bs)
have aux: "n \ Suc ` M \ n > 0 \ n - 1 \ M" (is "?lhs \ ?rhs") for M n
show ?rhs if ?lhs using that by auto
show ?lhs if ?rhs
proof -
from that have "n > 0" and "n - 1 \ M" by auto
then have "Suc (n - 1) \ Suc ` M" by blast
with \<open>n > 0\<close> show "n \<in> Suc ` M" by simp
have aux1: False if "Suc (Suc n) \ m" and "m dvd Suc n" for m :: nat
proof -
from \<open>m dvd Suc n\<close> obtain q where "Suc n = m * q" ..
with \<open>Suc (Suc n) \<le> m\<close> have "Suc (m * q) \<le> m" by simp
then have "m * q < m" by arith
then have "q = 0" by simp
with \<open>Suc n = m * q\<close> show ?thesis by simp
have aux2: "m dvd q"
if 1: "\q>0. 1 < q \ Suc n < q \ q \ Suc (n + length bs) \
bs ! (q - Suc (Suc n)) \<longrightarrow> \<not> Suc n dvd q \<longrightarrow> q dvd m \<longrightarrow> m dvd q"
and 2: "\ Suc n dvd m" "q dvd m"
and 3: "Suc n < q" "q \ Suc (n + length bs)" "bs ! (q - Suc (Suc n))"
for m q :: nat
proof -
from 1 have *: "\q. Suc n < q \ q \ Suc (n + length bs) \
bs ! (q - Suc (Suc n)) \<Longrightarrow> \<not> Suc n dvd q \<Longrightarrow> q dvd m \<Longrightarrow> m dvd q"
by auto
from 2 have "\ Suc n dvd q" by (auto elim: dvdE)
moreover note 3
moreover note \<open>q dvd m\<close>
ultimately show ?thesis by (auto intro: *)
from 3 show ?case
apply (simp_all add: numbers_of_marks_mark_out numbers_of_marks_Suc Compr_image_eq
inj_image_eq_iff in_numbers_of_marks_eq Ball_def imp_conjL aux)
apply safe
apply (simp_all add: less_diff_conv2 le_diff_conv2 dvd_minus_self not_less)
apply (clarsimp dest!: aux1)
apply (simp add: Suc_le_eq less_Suc_eq_le)
apply (rule aux2)
apply (clarsimp dest!: aux1)+
text \<open>Relation of the sieve algorithm to actual primes\<close>
definition primes_upto :: "nat \ nat list"
"primes_upto n = sorted_list_of_set {m. m \ n \ prime m}"
lemma set_primes_upto: "set (primes_upto n) = {m. m \ n \ prime m}"
by (simp add: primes_upto_def)
lemma sorted_primes_upto [iff]: "sorted (primes_upto n)"
by (simp add: primes_upto_def)
lemma distinct_primes_upto [iff]: "distinct (primes_upto n)"
by (simp add: primes_upto_def)
lemma set_primes_upto_sieve:
"set (primes_upto n) = numbers_of_marks 2 (sieve 1 (replicate (n - 1) True))"
proof -
consider "n = 0 \ n = 1" | "n > 1" by arith
then show ?thesis
proof cases
case 1
then show ?thesis
by (auto simp add: numbers_of_marks_sieve numeral_2_eq_2 set_primes_upto
dest: prime_gt_Suc_0_nat)
case 2
fix m q
assume "Suc (Suc 0) \ q"
and "q < Suc n"
and "m dvd q"
then have "m < Suc n" by (auto dest: dvd_imp_le)
assume *: "\m\{Suc (Suc 0).. q dvd m"
and "m dvd q" and "m \ 1"
have "m = q"
proof (cases "m = 0")
case True with \<open>m dvd q\<close> show ?thesis by simp
case False with \<open>m \<noteq> 1\<close> have "Suc (Suc 0) \<le> m" by arith
with \<open>m < Suc n\<close> * \<open>m dvd q\<close> have "q dvd m" by simp
with \<open>m dvd q\<close> show ?thesis by (simp add: dvd_antisym)
then have aux: "\m q. Suc (Suc 0) \ q \
q < Suc n \<Longrightarrow>
m dvd q \<Longrightarrow>
\<forall>m\<in>{Suc (Suc 0)..<Suc n}. m dvd q \<longrightarrow> q dvd m \<Longrightarrow>
m dvd q \<Longrightarrow> m \<noteq> q \<Longrightarrow> m = 1" by auto
from 2 show ?thesis
apply (auto simp add: numbers_of_marks_sieve numeral_2_eq_2 set_primes_upto
dest: prime_gt_Suc_0_nat)
apply (metis One_nat_def Suc_le_eq less_not_refl prime_nat_iff)
apply (metis One_nat_def Suc_le_eq aux prime_nat_iff)
lemma primes_upto_sieve [code]:
"primes_upto n = map fst (filter snd (enumerate 2 (sieve 1 (replicate (n - 1) True))))"
proof -
have "primes_upto n = sorted_list_of_set (numbers_of_marks 2 (sieve 1 (replicate (n - 1) True)))"
apply (rule sorted_distinct_set_unique)
apply (simp_all only: set_primes_upto_sieve numbers_of_marks_def)
apply auto
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: sorted_list_of_set_numbers_of_marks)
lemma prime_in_primes_upto: "prime n \ n \ set (primes_upto n)"
by (simp add: set_primes_upto)
subsection \<open>Application: smallest prime beyond a certain number\<close>
definition smallest_prime_beyond :: "nat \ nat"
"smallest_prime_beyond n = (LEAST p. prime p \ p \ n)"
lemma prime_smallest_prime_beyond [iff]: "prime (smallest_prime_beyond n)" (is ?P)
and smallest_prime_beyond_le [iff]: "smallest_prime_beyond n \ n" (is ?Q)
proof -
let ?least = "LEAST p. prime p \ p \ n"
from primes_infinite obtain q where "prime q \ q \ n"
by (metis finite_nat_set_iff_bounded_le mem_Collect_eq nat_le_linear)
then have "prime ?least \ ?least \ n"
by (rule LeastI)
then show ?P and ?Q
by (simp_all add: smallest_prime_beyond_def)
lemma smallest_prime_beyond_smallest: "prime p \ p \ n \ smallest_prime_beyond n \ p"
by (simp only: smallest_prime_beyond_def) (auto intro: Least_le)
lemma smallest_prime_beyond_eq:
"prime p \ p \ n \ (\q. prime q \ q \ n \ q \ p) \ smallest_prime_beyond n = p"
by (simp only: smallest_prime_beyond_def) (auto intro: Least_equality)
definition smallest_prime_between :: "nat \ nat \ nat option"
"smallest_prime_between m n =
(if (\<exists>p. prime p \<and> m \<le> p \<and> p \<le> n) then Some (smallest_prime_beyond m) else None)"
lemma smallest_prime_between_None:
"smallest_prime_between m n = None \ (\q. m \ q \ q \ n \ \ prime q)"
by (auto simp add: smallest_prime_between_def)
lemma smallest_prime_betwen_Some:
"smallest_prime_between m n = Some p \ smallest_prime_beyond m = p \ p \ n"
by (auto simp add: smallest_prime_between_def dest: smallest_prime_beyond_smallest [of _ m])
lemma [code]: "smallest_prime_between m n = List.find (\p. p \ m) (primes_upto n)"
proof -
have "List.find (\p. p \ m) (primes_upto n) = Some (smallest_prime_beyond m)"
if assms: "m \ p" "prime p" "p \ n" for p
proof -
define A where "A = {p. p \ n \ prime p \ m \ p}"
from assms have "smallest_prime_beyond m \ p"
by (auto intro: smallest_prime_beyond_smallest)
from this \<open>p \<le> n\<close> have *: "smallest_prime_beyond m \<le> n"
by (rule order_trans)
from assms have ex: "\p\n. prime p \ m \ p"
by auto
then have "finite A"
by (auto simp add: A_def)
with * have "Min A = smallest_prime_beyond m"
by (auto simp add: A_def intro: Min_eqI smallest_prime_beyond_smallest)
with ex sorted_primes_upto show ?thesis
by (auto simp add: set_primes_upto sorted_find_Min A_def)
then show ?thesis
by (auto simp add: smallest_prime_between_def find_None_iff set_primes_upto
intro!: sym [of _ None])
definition smallest_prime_beyond_aux :: "nat \ nat \ nat"
"smallest_prime_beyond_aux k n = smallest_prime_beyond n"
lemma [code]:
"smallest_prime_beyond_aux k n =
(case smallest_prime_between n (k * n) of
Some p \<Rightarrow> p
| None \<Rightarrow> smallest_prime_beyond_aux (Suc k) n)"
by (simp add: smallest_prime_beyond_aux_def smallest_prime_betwen_Some split: option.split)
lemma [code]: "smallest_prime_beyond n = smallest_prime_beyond_aux 2 n"
by (simp add: smallest_prime_beyond_aux_def)
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