(* Title: HOL/SPARK/Examples/RIPEMD-160/Hash.thy
Author: Fabian Immler, TU Muenchen
Verification of the RIPEMD-160 hash function
theory Hash
imports RMD_Specification
spark_open \<open>rmd/hash\<close>
abbreviation from_chain :: "chain \ RMD.chain" where
"from_chain c \ (
word_of_int (h0 c),
word_of_int (h1 c),
word_of_int (h2 c),
word_of_int (h3 c),
word_of_int (h4 c))"
abbreviation to_chain :: "RMD.chain \ chain" where
"to_chain c \
(let (h0, h1, h2, h3, h4) = c in
(|h0 = uint h0,
h1 = uint h1,
h2 = uint h2,
h3 = uint h3,
h4 = uint h4|))"
abbreviation round' :: "chain \ block \ chain" where
"round' c b == to_chain (round (\n. word_of_int (b (int n))) (from_chain c))"
abbreviation rounds' :: "chain \ int \ message \ chain" where
"rounds' h i X ==
to_chain (rounds
(\<lambda>n. \<lambda>m. word_of_int (X (int n) (int m)))
(from_chain h)
(nat i))"
abbreviation rmd_hash :: "message \ int \ chain" where
"rmd_hash X i == to_chain (rmd
(\<lambda>n. \<lambda>m. word_of_int (X (int n) (int m)))
(nat i))"
round_spec = round'
rounds = rounds'
rmd_hash = rmd_hash
spark_vc function_hash_12
using H1 H6
by (simp add:
rounds_def rmd_body_def round_def
h_0_def h0_0_def h1_0_def h2_0_def h3_0_def h4_0_def)
lemma rounds_step:
assumes "0 <= i"
shows "rounds X b (Suc i) = round (X i) (rounds X b i)"
by (simp add: rounds_def rmd_body_def)
lemma from_to_id: "from_chain (to_chain C) = C"
proof (cases C)
fix a b c d e f::word32
assume "C = (a, b, c, d, e)"
thus ?thesis by (cases a) (simp add: take_bit_nat_eq_self)
lemma steps_to_steps':
"round X (foldl a b c) = round X (from_chain (to_chain (foldl a b c)))"
unfolding from_to_id ..
lemma rounds'_step:
assumes "0 <= i"
shows "rounds' c (i + 1) x = round' (rounds' c i x) (x i)"
proof -
have makesuc: "nat (i + 1) = Suc (nat i)" using assms by simp
show ?thesis using assms
by (simp add: makesuc rounds_def rmd_body_def steps_to_steps')
spark_vc function_hash_13
proof -
have loop_suc: "loop__1__i + 2 = (loop__1__i + 1) + 1" by simp
have "0 <= loop__1__i + 1" using \<open>0 <= loop__1__i\<close> by simp
show ?thesis
unfolding loop_suc
unfolding rounds'_step[OF \0 <= loop__1__i + 1\]
unfolding H1[symmetric]
unfolding H18 ..
spark_vc function_hash_17
unfolding rmd_def H1 rounds_def ..
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.16 Sekunden
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