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Untersuchungsergebnis.sml Download desHaskell {Haskell[122] Abap[269] [0]}zum Wurzelverzeichnis wechseln (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi *) (* Stream: a structure implementing a lazy stream. The signature STREAM is found in base.sig *) structure Stream :> STREAM = struct datatype 'a str = EVAL of 'a * 'a str ref | UNEVAL of (unit->'a) type 'a stream = 'a str ref fun get(ref(EVAL t)) = t | get(s as ref(UNEVAL f)) = let val t = (f(), ref(UNEVAL f)) in s := EVAL t; t end fun streamify f = ref(UNEVAL f) fun cons(a,s) = ref(EVAL(a,s)) end; [ Konzepte0.129Was zu einem Entwurf gehört ] |