(* Title: HOL/Tools/Quickcheck/find_unused_assms.ML
Author: Lukas Bulwahn, TU Muenchen
Finding unused assumptions in lemmas (using Quickcheck).
val check_unused_assms: Proof.context -> string * thm -> string * int list list option
val find_unused_assms: Proof.context -> string -> (string * int list list option) list
val print_unused_assms: Proof.context -> string option -> unit
structure Find_Unused_Assms : FIND_UNUSED_ASSMS =
fun thms_of thy thy_name =
Global_Theory.all_thms_of thy false
|> filter (fn (_, th) => Thm.theory_name th = thy_name)
fun do_while P f s list =
if P s then
let val s' = f s
in do_while P f s' (cons s' list) end
else list
fun drop_indexes is xs =
fold_index (fn (i, x) => if member (op =) is i then I else cons x) xs []
fun find_max_subsets [] = []
| find_max_subsets (ss :: sss) = ss ::
(find_max_subsets (map (filter_out (fn s => exists (fn s' => subset (op =) (s, s')) ss)) sss))
(* main functionality *)
fun check_unused_assms ctxt =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
val ctxt' = ctxt
|> Config.put Quickcheck.abort_potential true
|> Config.put Quickcheck.quiet true
fun check_single conjecture =
(case try (Quickcheck.test_terms ctxt' (true, true) []) [(conjecture, [])] of
SOME (SOME _) => false
| SOME NONE => true
| NONE => false)
fun build X Ss =
(fn S => fold
(fn x =>
if member (op =) S x then I
else insert (eq_set (op =)) (insert (op =) x S)) X) Ss []
fun check (name, th) =
(case Logic.strip_horn (Thm.prop_of (Thm.unvarify_global thy th)) of
([], _) => (name, NONE)
| (ts, t) =>
fun mk_conjecture is = Logic.list_implies (drop_indexes is ts, t)
val singles = filter (check_single o mk_conjecture o single) (0 upto (length ts - 1))
val multiples =
do_while (not o null)
(fn I => filter (check_single o mk_conjecture) (build singles I))
(map single singles) [(map single singles)]
val maximals = flat (find_max_subsets multiples)
in (name, SOME maximals) end)
in check end
fun find_unused_assms ctxt thy_name =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
val all_thms =
thms_of thy thy_name
|> filter (fn (name, _) => length (Long_Name.explode name) = 2) (* FIXME !? *)
|> sort_by #1
val check = check_unused_assms ctxt
in rev (Par_List.map check all_thms) end
(* printing results *)
fun pretty_indexes is =
(flat (separate [Pretty.str " and", Pretty.brk 1]
(map (fn i => [Pretty.str (string_of_int (i + 1))]) (sort int_ord is))))
fun pretty_thm (name, set_of_indexes) =
Pretty.block (Pretty.str name :: Pretty.str ":" :: Pretty.brk 1 ::
Pretty.str "unnecessary assumption " ::
separate (Pretty.str " or ") (map pretty_indexes set_of_indexes))
fun print_unused_assms ctxt opt_thy_name =
val thy_name = the_default (Context.theory_name (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)) opt_thy_name
val results = find_unused_assms ctxt thy_name
val total = length results
val with_assumptions = length (filter (is_some o snd) results)
val with_superfluous_assumptions =
results |> map_filter
(fn (_, NONE) => NONE | (_, SOME []) => NONE | (name, SOME r) => SOME (name, r))
val msg =
"Found " ^ string_of_int (length with_superfluous_assumptions) ^
" theorems with (potentially) superfluous assumptions"
val end_msg =
"Checked " ^ string_of_int with_assumptions ^ " theorems with assumptions (" ^
string_of_int total ^ " total) in the theory " ^ quote thy_name
[Pretty.str (msg ^ ":"), Pretty.str ""] @
map pretty_thm with_superfluous_assumptions @
[Pretty.str "", Pretty.str end_msg]
end |> Pretty.writeln_chunks
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command \<^command_keyword>\<open>find_unused_assms\<close>
"find theorems with (potentially) superfluous assumptions"
(Scan.option Parse.name >> (fn name =>
Toplevel.keep (fn state => print_unused_assms (Toplevel.context_of state) name)))
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.3 Sekunden
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