(* Title: HOL/Tools/SMT/Verit_Proof.ML
Author: Mathias Fleury, ENS Rennes
Author: Sascha Boehme, TU Muenchen
VeriT proofs: parsing and abstract syntax tree.
signature VERIT_PROOF =
datatype veriT_step = VeriT_Step of {
id: string,
rule: string,
prems: string list,
proof_ctxt: term list,
concl: term,
fixes: string list}
datatype veriT_replay_node = VeriT_Replay_Node of {
id: string,
rule: string,
args: term list,
prems: string list,
proof_ctxt: term list,
concl: term,
bounds: (string * typ) list,
declarations: (string * term) list,
insts: term Symtab.table,
subproof: (string * typ) list * term list * term list * veriT_replay_node list}
(*proof parser*)
val parse: typ Symtab.table -> term Symtab.table -> string list ->
Proof.context -> veriT_step list * Proof.context
val parse_replay: typ Symtab.table -> term Symtab.table -> string list ->
Proof.context -> veriT_replay_node list * Proof.context
val step_prefix : string
val input_rule: string
val keep_app_symbols: string -> bool
val keep_raw_lifting: string -> bool
val normalized_input_rule: string
val la_generic_rule : string
val rewrite_rule : string
val simp_arith_rule : string
val veriT_deep_skolemize_rule : string
val veriT_def : string
val subproof_rule : string
val local_input_rule : string
val not_not_rule : string
val contract_rule : string
val ite_intro_rule : string
val eq_congruent_rule : string
val eq_congruent_pred_rule : string
val skolemization_steps : string list
val theory_resolution2_rule: string
val equiv_pos2_rule: string
val th_resolution_rule: string
val is_skolemization: string -> bool
val is_skolemization_step: veriT_replay_node -> bool
val number_of_steps: veriT_replay_node list -> int
(*Strategy related*)
val veriT_strategy : string Config.T
val veriT_current_strategy : Context.generic -> string list
val all_veriT_stgies: Context.generic -> string list;
val select_veriT_stgy: string -> Context.generic -> Context.generic;
val valid_veriT_stgy: string -> Context.generic -> bool;
val verit_add_stgy: string * string list -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val verit_rm_stgy: string -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
(*Global tactic*)
val verit_tac: Proof.context -> thm list -> int -> tactic
val verit_tac_stgy: string -> Proof.context -> thm list -> int -> tactic
structure Verit_Proof: VERIT_PROOF =
open SMTLIB_Proof
val veriT_strategy_default_name = "default"; (*FUDGE*)
val veriT_strategy_del_insts_name = "del_insts"; (*FUDGE*)
val veriT_strategy_rm_insts_name = "ccfv_SIG"; (*FUDGE*)
val veriT_strategy_ccfv_insts_name = "ccfv_threshold"; (*FUDGE*)
val veriT_strategy_best_name = "best"; (*FUDGE*)
val veriT_strategy_best = ["--index-sorts", "--index-fresh-sorts", "--triggers-new",
val veriT_strategy_del_insts = ["--index-sorts", "--index-fresh-sorts", "--ccfv-breadth",
"--inst-deletion", "--index-SAT-triggers", "--inst-deletion-loops", "--inst-deletion-track-vars",
"--inst-deletion", "--index-SAT-triggers"];
val veriT_strategy_rm_insts = ["--index-SIG", "--triggers-new", "--triggers-sel-rm-specific"];
val veriT_strategy_ccfv_insts = ["--index-sorts", "--index-fresh-sorts", "--triggers-new",
"--triggers-sel-rm-specific", "--triggers-restrict-combine", "--inst-deletion",
"--index-SAT-triggers", "--inst-deletion-loops", "--inst-deletion-track-vars", "--inst-deletion",
"--index-SAT-triggers", "--inst-sorts-threshold=100000", "--ematch-exp=10000000",
"--ccfv-index=100000", "--ccfv-index-full=1000"]
val veriT_strategy_default = [];
type verit_strategy = {default_strategy: string, strategies: (string * string list) list}
fun mk_verit_strategy default_strategy strategies : verit_strategy = {default_strategy=default_strategy,strategies=strategies}
val empty_data = mk_verit_strategy veriT_strategy_best_name
[(veriT_strategy_default_name, veriT_strategy_default),
(veriT_strategy_del_insts_name, veriT_strategy_del_insts),
(veriT_strategy_rm_insts_name, veriT_strategy_rm_insts),
(veriT_strategy_ccfv_insts_name, veriT_strategy_ccfv_insts),
(veriT_strategy_best_name, veriT_strategy_best)]
fun merge_data ({strategies=strategies1,...}:verit_strategy,
{default_strategy,strategies=strategies2}:verit_strategy) : verit_strategy =
mk_verit_strategy default_strategy (AList.merge (op =) (op =) (strategies1, strategies2))
structure Data = Generic_Data
type T = verit_strategy
val empty = empty_data
val extend = I
val merge = merge_data
fun veriT_current_strategy ctxt =
val {default_strategy,strategies} = (Data.get ctxt)
AList.lookup (op=) strategies default_strategy
|> the
val veriT_strategy = Attrib.setup_config_string \<^binding>\<open>smt_verit_strategy\<close> (K veriT_strategy_best_name);
fun valid_veriT_stgy stgy context =
val {strategies,...} = Data.get context
AList.defined (op =) strategies stgy
fun select_veriT_stgy stgy context =
val {strategies,...} = Data.get context
val upd = Data.map (K (mk_verit_strategy stgy strategies))
if not (AList.defined (op =) strategies stgy) then
error ("Trying to select unknown veriT strategy: " ^ quote stgy)
else upd context
fun verit_add_stgy stgy context =
val {default_strategy,strategies} = Data.get context
(K (mk_verit_strategy default_strategy (AList.update (op =) stgy strategies)))
fun verit_rm_stgy stgy context =
val {default_strategy,strategies} = Data.get context
(K (mk_verit_strategy default_strategy (AList.delete (op =) stgy strategies)))
fun all_veriT_stgies context =
val {strategies,...} = Data.get context
map fst strategies
fun verit_tac ctxt = SMT_Solver.smt_tac (Context.proof_map (SMT_Config.select_solver "verit") ctxt)
fun verit_tac_stgy stgy ctxt = verit_tac (Context.proof_of (select_veriT_stgy stgy (Context.Proof ctxt)))
datatype raw_veriT_node = Raw_VeriT_Node of {
id: string,
rule: string,
args: SMTLIB.tree,
prems: string list,
concl: SMTLIB.tree,
declarations: (string * SMTLIB.tree) list,
subproof: raw_veriT_node list}
fun mk_raw_node id rule args prems declarations concl subproof =
Raw_VeriT_Node {id = id, rule = rule, args = args, prems = prems, declarations = declarations,
concl = concl, subproof = subproof}
datatype veriT_node = VeriT_Node of {
id: string,
rule: string,
prems: string list,
proof_ctxt: term list,
concl: term}
fun mk_node id rule prems proof_ctxt concl =
VeriT_Node {id = id, rule = rule, prems = prems, proof_ctxt = proof_ctxt, concl = concl}
datatype veriT_replay_node = VeriT_Replay_Node of {
id: string,
rule: string,
args: term list,
prems: string list,
proof_ctxt: term list,
concl: term,
bounds: (string * typ) list,
insts: term Symtab.table,
declarations: (string * term) list,
subproof: (string * typ) list * term list * term list * veriT_replay_node list}
fun mk_replay_node id rule args prems proof_ctxt concl bounds insts declarations subproof =
VeriT_Replay_Node {id = id, rule = rule, args = args, prems = prems, proof_ctxt = proof_ctxt,
concl = concl, bounds = bounds, insts = insts, declarations = declarations,
subproof = subproof}
datatype veriT_step = VeriT_Step of {
id: string,
rule: string,
prems: string list,
proof_ctxt: term list,
concl: term,
fixes: string list}
fun mk_step id rule prems proof_ctxt concl fixes =
VeriT_Step {id = id, rule = rule, prems = prems, proof_ctxt = proof_ctxt, concl = concl,
fixes = fixes}
val step_prefix = ".c"
val input_rule = "input"
val la_generic_rule = "la_generic"
val normalized_input_rule = "__normalized_input" (*arbitrary*)
val rewrite_rule = "__rewrite" (*arbitrary*)
val subproof_rule = "subproof"
val local_input_rule = "__local_input" (*arbitrary*)
val simp_arith_rule = "simp_arith"
val veriT_def = "__skolem_definition" (*arbitrary*)
val not_not_rule = "not_not"
val contract_rule = "contraction"
val eq_congruent_pred_rule = "eq_congruent_pred"
val eq_congruent_rule = "eq_congruent"
val ite_intro_rule = "ite_intro"
val default_skolem_rule = "sko_forall" (*arbitrary, but must be one of the skolems*)
val theory_resolution2_rule = "__theory_resolution2" (*arbitrary*)
val equiv_pos2_rule = "equiv_pos2"
val th_resolution_rule = "th_resolution"
val skolemization_steps = ["sko_forall", "sko_ex"]
val is_skolemization = member (op =) skolemization_steps
val keep_app_symbols = member (op =) [eq_congruent_pred_rule, eq_congruent_rule, ite_intro_rule]
val keep_raw_lifting = member (op =) [eq_congruent_pred_rule, eq_congruent_rule, ite_intro_rule]
val is_SH_trivial = member (op =) [not_not_rule, contract_rule]
fun is_skolemization_step (VeriT_Replay_Node {id, ...}) = is_skolemization id
(* Even the veriT developers do not know if the following rule can still appear in proofs: *)
val veriT_deep_skolemize_rule = "deep_skolemize"
fun number_of_steps [] = 0
| number_of_steps ((VeriT_Replay_Node {subproof = (_, _, _, subproof), ...}) :: pf) =
1 + number_of_steps subproof + number_of_steps pf
(* proof parser *)
fun node_of p cx =
([], cx)
||>> `(with_fresh_names (term_of p))
|>> snd
fun find_type_in_formula (Abs (v, T, u)) var_name =
if String.isPrefix var_name v then SOME T else find_type_in_formula u var_name
| find_type_in_formula (u $ v) var_name =
(case find_type_in_formula u var_name of
NONE => find_type_in_formula v var_name
| some_T => some_T)
| find_type_in_formula (Free(v, T)) var_name =
if String.isPrefix var_name v then SOME T else NONE
| find_type_in_formula _ _ = NONE
fun synctactic_var_subst old_name new_name (u $ v) =
(synctactic_var_subst old_name new_name u $ synctactic_var_subst old_name new_name v)
| synctactic_var_subst old_name new_name (Abs (v, T, u)) =
Abs (if String.isPrefix old_name v then new_name else v, T,
synctactic_var_subst old_name new_name u)
| synctactic_var_subst old_name new_name (Free (v, T)) =
if String.isPrefix old_name v then Free (new_name, T) else Free (v, T)
| synctactic_var_subst _ _ t = t
fun synctatic_rew_in_lhs_subst old_name new_name (Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, T) $ t1 $ t2) =
Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, T) $ synctactic_var_subst old_name new_name t1 $ t2
| synctatic_rew_in_lhs_subst old_name new_name (Const(\<^const_name>\<open>Trueprop\<close>, T) $ t1) =
Const(\<^const_name>\<open>Trueprop\<close>, T) $ (synctatic_rew_in_lhs_subst old_name new_name t1)
| synctatic_rew_in_lhs_subst _ _ t = t
fun add_bound_variables_to_ctxt concl =
fold (update_binding o
(fn s => (s, Term (Free (s, the_default dummyT (find_type_in_formula concl s))))))
fun remove_Sym (SMTLIB.Sym y) = y
| remove_Sym y = (@{print} y; raise (Fail "failed to match"))
fun extract_symbols bds =
|> map (fn SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Sym "=", SMTLIB.Sym x, SMTLIB.Sym y] => [[x, y]]
| SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Key "=", SMTLIB.Sym x, SMTLIB.Sym y] => [[x, y]]
| SMTLIB.S syms => map (single o remove_Sym) syms
| SMTLIB.Sym x => [[x]]
| t => raise (Fail ("match error " ^ @{make_string} t)))
|> flat
(* onepoint can bind a variable to another variable or to a constant *)
fun extract_qnt_symbols cx bds =
|> map (fn SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Sym "=", SMTLIB.Sym x, SMTLIB.Sym y] =>
(case node_of (SMTLIB.Sym y) cx of
((_, []), _) => [[x]]
| _ => [[x, y]])
| SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Key "=", SMTLIB.Sym x, SMTLIB.Sym y] =>
(case node_of (SMTLIB.Sym y) cx of
((_, []), _) => [[x]]
| _ => [[x, y]])
| SMTLIB.S (SMTLIB.Sym "=" :: SMTLIB.Sym x :: _) => [[x]]
| SMTLIB.S (SMTLIB.Key "=" :: SMTLIB.Sym x :: _) => [[x]]
| SMTLIB.S syms => map (single o remove_Sym) syms
| SMTLIB.Sym x => [[x]]
| t => raise (Fail ("match error " ^ @{make_string} t)))
|> flat
fun extract_symbols_map bds =
|> map (fn SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Sym "=", SMTLIB.Sym x, _] => [[x]]
| SMTLIB.S syms => map (single o remove_Sym) syms)
|> flat
fun declared_csts _ "__skolem_definition" (SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Sym x, typ, _]) = [(x, typ)]
| declared_csts _ _ _ = []
fun skolems_introduced_by_rule (SMTLIB.S bds) =
fold (fn (SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Sym "=", SMTLIB.Sym _, SMTLIB.Sym y]) => curry (op ::) y) bds []
(*FIXME there is probably a way to use the information given by onepoint*)
fun bound_vars_by_rule _ "bind" (SMTLIB.S bds) = extract_symbols bds
| bound_vars_by_rule cx "onepoint" (SMTLIB.S bds) = extract_qnt_symbols cx bds
| bound_vars_by_rule _ "sko_forall" (SMTLIB.S bds) = extract_symbols_map bds
| bound_vars_by_rule _ "sko_ex" (SMTLIB.S bds) = extract_symbols_map bds
| bound_vars_by_rule _ "__skolem_definition" (SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Sym x, _, _]) = [[x]]
| bound_vars_by_rule _ _ _ = []
(* VeriT adds "?" before some variables. *)
fun remove_all_qm (SMTLIB.Sym v :: l) =
SMTLIB.Sym (perhaps (try (unprefix "?")) v) :: remove_all_qm l
| remove_all_qm (SMTLIB.S l :: l') = SMTLIB.S (remove_all_qm l) :: remove_all_qm l'
| remove_all_qm (SMTLIB.Key v :: l) = SMTLIB.Key v :: remove_all_qm l
| remove_all_qm (v :: l) = v :: remove_all_qm l
| remove_all_qm [] = []
fun remove_all_qm2 (SMTLIB.Sym v) = SMTLIB.Sym (perhaps (try (unprefix "?")) v)
| remove_all_qm2 (SMTLIB.S l) = SMTLIB.S (remove_all_qm l)
| remove_all_qm2 (SMTLIB.Key v) = SMTLIB.Key v
| remove_all_qm2 v = v
datatype step_kind = ASSUME | ANCHOR | NO_STEP | NORMAL_STEP | SKOLEM
fun parse_raw_proof_steps (limit : string option) (ls : SMTLIB.tree list) (cx : name_bindings) :
(raw_veriT_node list * SMTLIB.tree list * name_bindings) =
fun rotate_pair (a, (b, c)) = ((a, b), c)
fun step_kind [] = (NO_STEP, SMTLIB.S [], [])
| step_kind ((p as SMTLIB.S (SMTLIB.Sym "anchor" :: _)) :: l) = (ANCHOR, p, l)
| step_kind ((p as SMTLIB.S (SMTLIB.Sym "assume" :: _)) :: l) = (ASSUME, p, l)
| step_kind ((p as SMTLIB.S (SMTLIB.Sym "step" :: _)) :: l) = (NORMAL_STEP, p, l)
| step_kind ((p as SMTLIB.S (SMTLIB.Sym "define-fun" :: _)) :: l) = (SKOLEM, p, l)
fun parse_skolem (SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Sym "define-fun", SMTLIB.Sym id, _, typ,
SMTLIB.S (SMTLIB.Sym "!" :: t :: [SMTLIB.Key _, SMTLIB.Sym name])]) cx =
(*replace the name binding by the constant instead of the full term in order to reduce
the size of the generated terms and therefore the reconstruction time*)
let val (l, cx) = (fst oo SMTLIB_Proof.extract_and_update_name_bindings) t cx
|> apsnd (SMTLIB_Proof.update_name_binding (name, SMTLIB.Sym id))
(mk_raw_node (id ^ veriT_def) veriT_def (SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Sym id, typ, l]) [] []
(SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Sym "=", SMTLIB.Sym id, l]) [], cx)
| parse_skolem (SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Sym "define-fun", SMTLIB.Sym id, _, typ, SMTLIB.S l]) cx =
let val (l, cx) = (fst oo SMTLIB_Proof.extract_and_update_name_bindings) (SMTLIB.S l ) cx
(mk_raw_node (id ^ veriT_def) veriT_def (SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Sym id, typ, l]) [] []
(SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Sym "=", SMTLIB.Sym id, l]) [], cx)
| parse_skolem t _ = raise Fail ("unrecognized VeriT proof " ^ \<^make_string> t)
fun get_id_cx (SMTLIB.S ((SMTLIB.Sym _) :: (SMTLIB.Sym id) :: l), cx) = (id, (l, cx))
| get_id_cx t = raise Fail ("unrecognized VeriT proof " ^ \<^make_string> t)
fun get_id (SMTLIB.S ((SMTLIB.Sym _) :: (SMTLIB.Sym id) :: l)) = (id, l)
| get_id t = raise Fail ("unrecognized VeriT proof " ^ \<^make_string> t)
fun parse_source (SMTLIB.Key "premises" :: SMTLIB.S source ::l, cx) =
(SOME (map (fn (SMTLIB.Sym id) => id) source), (l, cx))
| parse_source (l, cx) = (NONE, (l, cx))
fun parse_rule (SMTLIB.Key "rule" :: SMTLIB.Sym r :: l, cx) = (r, (l, cx))
| parse_rule t = raise Fail ("unrecognized VeriT proof " ^ \<^make_string> t)
fun parse_anchor_step (SMTLIB.S (SMTLIB.Sym "anchor" :: SMTLIB.Key "step" :: SMTLIB.Sym r :: l), cx) = (r, (l, cx))
| parse_anchor_step t = raise Fail ("unrecognized VeriT proof " ^ \<^make_string> t)
fun parse_args (SMTLIB.Key "args" :: args :: l, cx) =
let val ((args, cx), _) = SMTLIB_Proof.extract_and_update_name_bindings args cx
in (args, (l, cx)) end
| parse_args (l, cx) = (SMTLIB.S [], (l, cx))
fun parse_and_clausify_conclusion (SMTLIB.S (SMTLIB.Sym "cl" :: []) :: l, cx) =
(SMTLIB.Sym "false", (l, cx))
| parse_and_clausify_conclusion (SMTLIB.S (SMTLIB.Sym "cl" :: concl) :: l, cx) =
let val (concl, cx) = fold_map (fst oo SMTLIB_Proof.extract_and_update_name_bindings) concl cx
in (SMTLIB.S (SMTLIB.Sym "or" :: concl), (l, cx)) end
| parse_and_clausify_conclusion t = raise Fail ("unrecognized VeriT proof " ^ \<^make_string> t)
val parse_normal_step =
##> parse_and_clausify_conclusion
#> rotate_pair
##> parse_rule
#> rotate_pair
##> parse_source
#> rotate_pair
##> parse_args
#> rotate_pair
fun to_raw_node subproof ((((id, concl), rule), prems), args) =
mk_raw_node id rule args (the_default [] prems) [] concl subproof
fun at_discharge NONE _ = false
| at_discharge (SOME id) p = p |> get_id |> fst |> (fn id2 => id = id2)
case step_kind ls of
(NO_STEP, _, _) => ([],[], cx)
| (NORMAL_STEP, p, l) =>
if at_discharge limit p then ([], ls, cx) else
val (s, (_, cx)) = (p, cx)
|> parse_normal_step
||> (fn i => i)
|>> (to_raw_node [])
val (rp, rl, cx) = parse_raw_proof_steps limit l cx
in (s :: rp, rl, cx) end
| (ASSUME, p, l) =>
val (id, t :: []) = p
|> get_id
val ((t, cx), _) = SMTLIB_Proof.extract_and_update_name_bindings t cx
val s = mk_raw_node id input_rule (SMTLIB.S []) [] [] t []
val (rp, rl, cx) = parse_raw_proof_steps limit l cx
in (s :: rp, rl, cx) end
| (ANCHOR, p, l) =>
val (anchor_id, (anchor_args, (_, cx))) = (p, cx) |> (parse_anchor_step ##> parse_args)
val (subproof, discharge_step :: remaining_proof, cx) = parse_raw_proof_steps (SOME anchor_id) l cx
val (curss, (_, cx)) = parse_normal_step (discharge_step, cx)
val s = to_raw_node subproof (fst curss, anchor_args)
val (rp, rl, cx) = parse_raw_proof_steps limit remaining_proof cx
in (s :: rp, rl, cx) end
| (SKOLEM, p, l) =>
val (s, cx) = parse_skolem p cx
val (rp, rl, cx) = parse_raw_proof_steps limit l cx
in (s :: rp, rl, cx) end
fun proof_ctxt_of_rule "bind" t = t
| proof_ctxt_of_rule "sko_forall" t = t
| proof_ctxt_of_rule "sko_ex" t = t
| proof_ctxt_of_rule "let" t = t
| proof_ctxt_of_rule "onepoint" t = t
| proof_ctxt_of_rule _ _ = []
fun args_of_rule "bind" t = t
| args_of_rule "la_generic" t = t
| args_of_rule "lia_generic" t = t
| args_of_rule _ _ = []
fun insts_of_forall_inst "forall_inst" t = map (fn SMTLIB.S [_, SMTLIB.Sym x, a] => (x, a)) t
| insts_of_forall_inst _ _ = []
fun id_of_last_step prems =
if null prems then []
let val VeriT_Replay_Node {id, ...} = List.last prems in [id] end
fun extract_assumptions_from_subproof subproof =
let fun extract_assumptions_from_subproof (VeriT_Replay_Node {rule, concl, ...}) assms =
if rule = local_input_rule then concl :: assms else assms
fold extract_assumptions_from_subproof subproof []
fun normalized_rule_name id rule =
(case (rule = input_rule, can (unprefix SMTLIB_Interface.assert_prefix) id) of
(true, true) => normalized_input_rule
| (true, _) => local_input_rule
| _ => rule)
fun is_assm_repetition id rule =
rule = input_rule andalso can (unprefix SMTLIB_Interface.assert_prefix) id
fun extract_skolem ([SMTLIB.Sym var, typ, choice]) = (var, typ, choice)
| extract_skolem t = raise Fail ("fail to parse type" ^ @{make_string} t)
(* The preprocessing takes care of:
1. unfolding the shared terms
2. extract the declarations of skolems to make sure that there are not unfolded
fun preprocess compress step =
fun expand_assms cs =
map (fn t => case AList.lookup (op =) cs t of NONE => t | SOME a => a)
fun expand_lonely_arguments (args as SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Sym "=", _, _]) = [args]
| expand_lonely_arguments (SMTLIB.S S) = map (fn x => SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Sym "=", x, x]) S
| expand_lonely_arguments (x as SMTLIB.Sym _) = [SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Sym "=", x, x]]
| expand_lonely_arguments t = [t]
fun preprocess (Raw_VeriT_Node {id, rule, args, prems, concl, subproof, ...}) (cx, remap_assms) =
val stripped_args = args
|> (fn SMTLIB.S args => args)
|> map
(fn SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Key "=", x, y] => SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Sym "=", x, y]
| x => x)
|> (rule = "bind" orelse rule = "onepoint") ? flat o (map expand_lonely_arguments)
|> `(if rule = veriT_def then single o extract_skolem else K [])
val (subproof, (cx, _)) = fold_map preprocess subproof (cx, remap_assms) |> apfst flat
val (skolem_names, stripped_args) = stripped_args
val remap_assms = (if rule = "or" then (id, hd prems) :: remap_assms else remap_assms)
(* declare variables in the context *)
val declarations =
if rule = veriT_def
then skolem_names |> map (fn (name, _, choice) => (name, choice))
else []
if compress andalso rule = "or"
then ([], (cx, remap_assms))
else ([Raw_VeriT_Node {id = id, rule = rule, args = stripped_args,
prems = expand_assms remap_assms prems, declarations = declarations, concl = concl, subproof = subproof}],
(cx, remap_assms))
in preprocess step end
fun filter_split _ [] = ([], [])
| filter_split f (a :: xs) =
(if f a then apfst (curry op :: a) else apsnd (curry op :: a)) (filter_split f xs)
fun collect_skolem_defs (Raw_VeriT_Node {rule, subproof = subproof, args, ...}) =
(if is_skolemization rule then map (fn id => id ^ veriT_def) (skolems_introduced_by_rule args) else []) @
flat (map collect_skolem_defs subproof)
(*The postprocessing does:
1. translate the terms to Isabelle syntax, taking care of free variables
2. remove the ambiguity in the proof terms:
x \<leadsto> y |- x = x
means y = x. To remove ambiguity, we use the fact that y is a free variable and replace the term
xy \<leadsto> y |- xy = x.
This is now does not have an ambiguity and we can safely move the "xy \<leadsto> y" to the proof
fun postprocess_proof compress ctxt step cx =
fun postprocess (Raw_VeriT_Node {id, rule, args, prems, declarations, concl, subproof}) (cx, rew) =
val _ = (SMT_Config.verit_msg ctxt) (fn () => @{print} ("id =", id, "concl =", concl))
val globally_bound_vars = declared_csts cx rule args
val cx = fold (update_binding o (fn (s, typ) => (s, Term (Free (s, type_of cx typ)))))
globally_bound_vars cx
(*find rebound variables specific to the LHS of the equivalence symbol*)
val bound_vars = bound_vars_by_rule cx rule args
val rhs_vars = fold (fn [t', t] => t <> t' ? (curry (op ::) t) | _ => fn x => x) bound_vars []
fun not_already_bound cx t = SMTLIB_Proof.lookup_binding cx t = None andalso
not (member (op =) rhs_vars t)
val (shadowing_vars, rebound_lhs_vars) = bound_vars
|> filter_split (fn [t, _] => not_already_bound cx t | _ => true)
|>> map (single o hd)
|>> (fn vars => vars @ map (fn [_, t] => [t] | _ => []) bound_vars)
|>> flat
val subproof_rew = fold (fn [t, t'] => curry (op ::) (t, t ^ t'))
rebound_lhs_vars rew
val subproof_rewriter = fold (fn (t, t') => synctatic_rew_in_lhs_subst t t')
val ((concl, bounds), cx') = node_of concl cx
val extra_lhs_vars = map (fn [a,b] => (a, a^b)) rebound_lhs_vars
(* postprocess conclusion *)
val concl = SMTLIB_Isar.unskolemize_names ctxt (subproof_rewriter concl)
val _ = (SMT_Config.verit_msg ctxt) (fn () => \<^print> ("id =", id, "concl =", concl))
val _ = (SMT_Config.verit_msg ctxt) (fn () => \<^print> ("id =", id, "cx' =", cx',
"bound_vars =", bound_vars))
val bound_tvars =
map (fn s => (s, the (find_type_in_formula concl s)))
(shadowing_vars @ map snd extra_lhs_vars)
val subproof_cx =
add_bound_variables_to_ctxt concl (shadowing_vars @ map snd extra_lhs_vars) cx
fun could_unify (Bound i, Bound j) = i = j
| could_unify (Var v, Var v') = v = v'
| could_unify (Free v, Free v') = v = v'
| could_unify (Const (v, ty), Const (v', ty')) = v = v' andalso ty = ty'
| could_unify (Abs (_, ty, bdy), Abs (_, ty', bdy')) = ty = ty' andalso could_unify (bdy, bdy')
| could_unify (u $ v, u' $ v') = could_unify (u, u') andalso could_unify (v, v')
| could_unify _ = false
fun is_alpha_renaming t =
|> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop
|> HOLogic.dest_eq
|> could_unify
handle TERM _ => false
val alpha_conversion = rule = "bind" andalso is_alpha_renaming concl
val can_remove_subproof =
compress andalso (is_skolemization rule orelse alpha_conversion)
val (fixed_subproof : veriT_replay_node list, _) =
fold_map postprocess (if can_remove_subproof then [] else subproof)
(subproof_cx, subproof_rew)
val unsk_and_rewrite = SMTLIB_Isar.unskolemize_names ctxt o subproof_rewriter
(* postprocess assms *)
val stripped_args = args |> (fn SMTLIB.S S => S)
val sanitized_args = proof_ctxt_of_rule rule stripped_args
val arg_cx =
|> add_bound_variables_to_ctxt concl (shadowing_vars @ map fst extra_lhs_vars)
val (termified_args, _) = fold_map node_of sanitized_args arg_cx |> apfst (map fst)
val normalized_args = map unsk_and_rewrite termified_args
val subproof_assms = proof_ctxt_of_rule rule normalized_args
(* postprocess arguments *)
val rule_args = args_of_rule rule stripped_args
val (termified_args, _) = fold_map term_of rule_args subproof_cx
val normalized_args = map unsk_and_rewrite termified_args
val rule_args = map subproof_rewriter normalized_args
val raw_insts = insts_of_forall_inst rule stripped_args
fun termify_term (x, t) cx = let val (t, cx) = term_of t cx in ((x, t), cx) end
val (termified_args, _) = fold_map termify_term raw_insts subproof_cx
val insts = Symtab.empty
|> fold (fn (x, t) => fn insts => Symtab.update_new (x, t) insts) termified_args
|> Symtab.map (K unsk_and_rewrite)
(* declarations *)
val (declarations, _) = fold_map termify_term declarations cx
|> apfst (map (apsnd unsk_and_rewrite))
(* fix step *)
val bound_t = bounds
|> map (fn s => (s, the (find_type_in_formula concl s)))
val skolem_defs = (if is_skolemization rule
then map (fn id => id ^ veriT_def) (skolems_introduced_by_rule args) else [])
val skolems_of_subproof = (if is_skolemization rule
then flat (map collect_skolem_defs subproof) else [])
val fixed_prems =
prems @ (if is_assm_repetition id rule then [id] else []) @
skolem_defs @ skolems_of_subproof @ (id_of_last_step fixed_subproof)
(* fix subproof *)
val normalized_rule = normalized_rule_name id rule
|> (if compress andalso alpha_conversion then K "refl" else I)
val extra_assms2 =
(if rule = subproof_rule then extract_assumptions_from_subproof fixed_subproof else [])
val step = mk_replay_node id normalized_rule rule_args fixed_prems subproof_assms concl
bound_t insts declarations (bound_tvars, subproof_assms, extra_assms2, fixed_subproof)
(step, (cx', rew))
postprocess step (cx, [])
|> (fn (step, (cx, _)) => (step, cx))
fun combine_proof_steps ((step1 : veriT_replay_node) :: step2 :: steps) =
val (VeriT_Replay_Node {id = id1, rule = rule1, args = args1, prems = prems1,
proof_ctxt = proof_ctxt1, concl = concl1, bounds = bounds1, insts = insts1,
declarations = declarations1,
subproof = (bound_sub1, assms_sub1, assms_extra1, subproof1)}) = step1
val (VeriT_Replay_Node {id = id2, rule = rule2, args = args2, prems = prems2,
proof_ctxt = proof_ctxt2, concl = concl2, bounds = bounds2, insts = insts2,
declarations = declarations2,
subproof = (bound_sub2, assms_sub2, assms_extra2, subproof2)}) = step2
val goals1 =
(case concl1 of
_ $ (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.disj\<close>, _) $ _ $
(Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.disj\<close>, _) $ (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.Not\<close>, _) $a) $ b)) => [a,b]
| _ => [])
val goal2 = (case concl2 of _ $ a => a)
if rule1 = equiv_pos2_rule andalso rule2 = th_resolution_rule andalso member (op =) prems2 id1
andalso member (op =) goals1 goal2
mk_replay_node id2 theory_resolution2_rule args2 (filter_out (curry (op =) id1) prems2)
proof_ctxt2 concl2 bounds2 insts2 declarations2
(bound_sub2, assms_sub2, assms_extra2, combine_proof_steps subproof2) ::
combine_proof_steps steps
mk_replay_node id1 rule1 args1 prems1
proof_ctxt1 concl1 bounds1 insts1 declarations1
(bound_sub1, assms_sub1, assms_extra1, combine_proof_steps subproof1) ::
combine_proof_steps (step2 :: steps)
| combine_proof_steps steps = steps
val linearize_proof =
fun map_node_concl f (VeriT_Node {id, rule, prems, proof_ctxt, concl}) =
mk_node id rule prems proof_ctxt (f concl)
fun linearize (VeriT_Replay_Node {id = id, rule = rule, args = _, prems = prems,
proof_ctxt = proof_ctxt, concl = concl, bounds = bounds, insts = _, declarations = _,
subproof = (bounds', assms, inputs, subproof)}) =
val bounds = distinct (op =) bounds
val bounds' = distinct (op =) bounds'
fun mk_prop_of_term concl =
concl |> fastype_of concl = \<^typ>\<open>bool\<close> ? curry (op $) \<^term>\<open>Trueprop\<close>
fun remove_assumption_id assumption_id prems =
filter_out (curry (op =) assumption_id) prems
fun add_assumption assumption concl =
\<^const>\<open>Pure.imp\<close> $ mk_prop_of_term assumption $ mk_prop_of_term concl
fun inline_assumption assumption assumption_id
(VeriT_Node {id, rule, prems, proof_ctxt, concl}) =
mk_node id rule (remove_assumption_id assumption_id prems) proof_ctxt
(add_assumption assumption concl)
fun find_input_steps_and_inline [] = []
| find_input_steps_and_inline
(VeriT_Node {id = id', rule, prems, concl, ...} :: steps) =
if rule = input_rule then
find_input_steps_and_inline (map (inline_assumption concl id') steps)
mk_node (id') rule prems [] concl :: find_input_steps_and_inline steps
fun free_bounds bounds (concl) =
fold (fn (var, typ) => fn t => Logic.all (Free (var, typ)) t) bounds concl
val subproof = subproof
|> flat o map linearize
|> map (map_node_concl (fold add_assumption (assms @ inputs)))
|> map (map_node_concl (free_bounds (bounds @ bounds')))
|> find_input_steps_and_inline
val concl = free_bounds bounds concl
subproof @ [mk_node id rule prems proof_ctxt concl]
in linearize end
fun rule_of (VeriT_Replay_Node {rule,...}) = rule
fun subproof_of (VeriT_Replay_Node {subproof = (_, _, _, subproof),...}) = subproof
(* Massage Skolems for Sledgehammer.
We have to make sure that there is an "arrow" in the graph for skolemization steps.
A. The normal easy case
This function detects the steps of the form
P \<longleftrightarrow> Q :skolemization
Q :resolution with P
and replace them by
Q :skolemization
Throwing away the step "P \<longleftrightarrow> Q" completely. This throws away a lot of information, but it does not
matter too much for Sledgehammer.
B. Skolems in subproofs
Supporting this is more or less hopeless as long as the Isar reconstruction of Sledgehammer
does not support more features like definitions. veriT is able to generate proofs with skolemization
happening in subproofs inside the formula.
(assume "A \<or> P"
P \<longleftrightarrow> Q :skolemization in the subproof
hence A \<or> P \<longrightarrow> A \<or> Q :lemma
R :something with some rule
and replace them by
R :skolemization with some rule
Without any subproof
fun remove_skolem_definitions_proof steps =
fun replace_equivalent_by_imp (judgement $ ((Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, typ) $ arg1) $ arg2)) =
judgement $ ((Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.implies\<close>, typ) $ arg1) $ arg2)
| replace_equivalent_by_imp a = a (*This case is probably wrong*)
fun remove_skolem_definitions (VeriT_Replay_Node {id = id, rule = rule, args = args,
prems = prems,
proof_ctxt = proof_ctxt, concl = concl, bounds = bounds, insts = insts,
declarations = declarations,
subproof = (vars, assms', extra_assms', subproof)}) (prems_to_remove, skolems) =
val prems = prems
|> filter_out (member (op =) prems_to_remove)
val trivial_step = is_SH_trivial rule
fun has_skolem_substep st NONE = if is_skolemization (rule_of st) then SOME (rule_of st)
else fold has_skolem_substep (subproof_of st) NONE
| has_skolem_substep _ a = a
val promote_to_skolem = exists (fn t => member (op =) skolems t) prems
val promote_from_assms = fold has_skolem_substep subproof NONE <> NONE
val promote_step = promote_to_skolem orelse promote_from_assms
val skolem_step_to_skip = is_skolemization rule orelse
(promote_from_assms andalso length prems > 1)
val is_skolem = is_skolemization rule orelse promote_step
val prems = prems
|> filter_out (fn t => member (op =) skolems t)
|> is_skolem ? filter_out (String.isPrefix id)
val rule = (if promote_step then default_skolem_rule else rule)
val subproof = subproof
|> (is_skolem ? K []) (*subproofs of skolemization steps are useless for SH*)
|> map (fst o (fn st => remove_skolem_definitions st (prems_to_remove, skolems)))
(*no new definitions in subproofs*)
|> flat
val concl = concl
|> is_skolem ? replace_equivalent_by_imp
val step = (if skolem_step_to_skip orelse rule = veriT_def orelse trivial_step then []
else mk_replay_node id rule args prems proof_ctxt concl bounds insts declarations
(vars, assms', extra_assms', subproof)
|> single)
val defs = (if rule = veriT_def orelse trivial_step then id :: prems_to_remove
else prems_to_remove)
val skolems = (if skolem_step_to_skip then id :: skolems else skolems)
(step, (defs, skolems))
fold_map remove_skolem_definitions steps ([], [])
|> fst
|> flat
fun import_proof_and_post_process typs funs lines ctxt =
val compress = SMT_Config.compress_verit_proofs ctxt
val smtlib_lines_without_qm =
|> map single
|> map SMTLIB.parse
|> map remove_all_qm2
val (raw_steps, _, _) =
parse_raw_proof_steps NONE smtlib_lines_without_qm SMTLIB_Proof.empty_name_binding
fun process step (cx, cx') =
let fun postprocess step (cx, cx') =
let val (step, cx) = postprocess_proof compress ctxt step cx
in (step, (cx, cx')) end
in uncurry (fold_map postprocess) (preprocess compress step (cx, cx')) end
val step =
(empty_context ctxt typs funs, [])
|> fold_map process raw_steps
|> (fn (steps, (cx, _)) => (flat steps, cx))
|> compress? apfst combine_proof_steps
in step end
fun parse typs funs lines ctxt =
val (u, env) = import_proof_and_post_process typs funs lines ctxt
val t = u
|> remove_skolem_definitions_proof
|> flat o (map linearize_proof)
fun node_to_step (VeriT_Node {id, rule, prems, concl, ...}) =
mk_step id rule prems [] concl []
(map node_to_step t, ctxt_of env)
fun parse_replay typs funs lines ctxt =
val (u, env) = import_proof_and_post_process typs funs lines ctxt
val _ = (SMT_Config.verit_msg ctxt) (fn () => \<^print> u)
(u, ctxt_of env)
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