(* Title: HOL/Tools/SMT/z3_proof.ML
Author: Sascha Boehme, TU Muenchen
Z3 proofs: parsing and abstract syntax tree.
signature Z3_PROOF =
(*proof rules*)
datatype z3_rule =
True_Axiom | Asserted | Goal | Modus_Ponens | Reflexivity | Symmetry | Transitivity |
Transitivity_Star | Monotonicity | Quant_Intro | Distributivity | And_Elim | Not_Or_Elim |
Rewrite | Rewrite_Star | Pull_Quant | Pull_Quant_Star | Push_Quant | Elim_Unused_Vars |
Dest_Eq_Res | Quant_Inst | Hypothesis | Lemma | Unit_Resolution | Iff_True | Iff_False |
Commutativity | Def_Axiom | Intro_Def | Apply_Def | Iff_Oeq | Nnf_Pos | Nnf_Neg | Nnf_Star |
Cnf_Star | Skolemize | Modus_Ponens_Oeq | Th_Lemma of string
val is_assumption: z3_rule -> bool
val string_of_rule: z3_rule -> string
datatype z3_step = Z3_Step of {
id: int,
rule: z3_rule,
prems: int list,
concl: term,
fixes: string list,
is_fix_step: bool}
(*proof parser*)
val parse: typ Symtab.table -> term Symtab.table -> string list ->
Proof.context -> z3_step list * Proof.context
structure Z3_Proof: Z3_PROOF =
open SMTLIB_Proof
(* proof rules *)
datatype z3_rule =
True_Axiom | Asserted | Goal | Modus_Ponens | Reflexivity | Symmetry | Transitivity |
Transitivity_Star | Monotonicity | Quant_Intro | Distributivity | And_Elim | Not_Or_Elim |
Rewrite | Rewrite_Star | Pull_Quant | Pull_Quant_Star | Push_Quant | Elim_Unused_Vars |
Dest_Eq_Res | Quant_Inst | Hypothesis | Lemma | Unit_Resolution | Iff_True | Iff_False |
Commutativity | Def_Axiom | Intro_Def | Apply_Def | Iff_Oeq | Nnf_Pos | Nnf_Neg | Nnf_Star |
Cnf_Star | Skolemize | Modus_Ponens_Oeq | Th_Lemma of string
(* some proof rules include further information that is currently dropped by the parser *)
val rule_names = Symtab.make [
("true-axiom", True_Axiom),
("asserted", Asserted),
("goal", Goal),
("mp", Modus_Ponens),
("refl", Reflexivity),
("symm", Symmetry),
("trans", Transitivity),
("trans*", Transitivity_Star),
("monotonicity", Monotonicity),
("quant-intro", Quant_Intro),
("distributivity", Distributivity),
("and-elim", And_Elim),
("not-or-elim", Not_Or_Elim),
("rewrite", Rewrite),
("rewrite*", Rewrite_Star),
("pull-quant", Pull_Quant),
("pull-quant*", Pull_Quant_Star),
("push-quant", Push_Quant),
("elim-unused", Elim_Unused_Vars),
("der", Dest_Eq_Res),
("quant-inst", Quant_Inst),
("hypothesis", Hypothesis),
("lemma", Lemma),
("unit-resolution", Unit_Resolution),
("iff-true", Iff_True),
("iff-false", Iff_False),
("commutativity", Commutativity),
("def-axiom", Def_Axiom),
("intro-def", Intro_Def),
("apply-def", Apply_Def),
("iff~", Iff_Oeq),
("nnf-pos", Nnf_Pos),
("nnf-neg", Nnf_Neg),
("nnf*", Nnf_Star),
("cnf*", Cnf_Star),
("sk", Skolemize),
("mp~", Modus_Ponens_Oeq)]
fun is_assumption Asserted = true
| is_assumption Goal = true
| is_assumption Hypothesis = true
| is_assumption Intro_Def = true
| is_assumption Skolemize = true
| is_assumption _ = false
fun rule_of_string name =
(case Symtab.lookup rule_names name of
SOME rule => rule
| NONE => error ("unknown Z3 proof rule " ^ quote name))
fun string_of_rule (Th_Lemma kind) = "th-lemma" ^ (if kind = "" then "" else " " ^ kind)
| string_of_rule r =
let fun eq_rule (s, r') = if r = r' then SOME s else NONE
in the (Symtab.get_first eq_rule rule_names) end
(* proofs *)
datatype z3_node = Z3_Node of {
id: int,
rule: z3_rule,
prems: z3_node list,
concl: term,
bounds: string list}
fun mk_node id rule prems concl bounds =
Z3_Node {id = id, rule = rule, prems = prems, concl = concl, bounds = bounds}
fun string_of_node ctxt =
fun str depth (Z3_Node {id, rule, prems, concl, bounds}) =
replicate_string depth " " ^
enclose "{" "}" (commas
[string_of_int id,
string_of_rule rule,
enclose "[" "]" (space_implode " " bounds),
Syntax.string_of_term ctxt concl] ^
cat_lines (map (prefix "\n" o str (depth + 1)) prems))
in str 0 end
datatype z3_step = Z3_Step of {
id: int,
rule: z3_rule,
prems: int list,
concl: term,
fixes: string list,
is_fix_step: bool}
fun mk_step id rule prems concl fixes is_fix_step =
Z3_Step {id = id, rule = rule, prems = prems, concl = concl, fixes = fixes,
is_fix_step = is_fix_step}
(* proof parser *)
fun rule_of (SMTLIB.Sym name) = rule_of_string name
| rule_of (SMTLIB.S (SMTLIB.Sym "_" :: SMTLIB.Sym name :: args)) =
(case (name, args) of
("th-lemma", SMTLIB.Sym kind :: _) => Th_Lemma kind
| _ => rule_of_string name)
| rule_of r = raise SMTLIB_PARSE ("bad Z3 proof rule format", r)
fun node_of p cx =
(case p of
SMTLIB.Sym name =>
(case lookup_binding cx name of
Proof node => (node, cx)
| Tree p' =>
|> node_of p'
|-> (fn node => pair node o update_binding (name, Proof node))
| _ => raise SMTLIB_PARSE ("bad Z3 proof format", p))
| SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Sym "let", SMTLIB.S bindings, p] =>
with_bindings (map dest_binding bindings) (node_of p) cx
| SMTLIB.S (name :: parts) =>
val (ps, p) = split_last parts
val r = rule_of name
|> fold_map node_of ps
||>> `(with_fresh_names (term_of p))
||>> next_id
|>> (fn ((prems, (t, ns)), id) => mk_node id r prems t ns)
| _ => raise SMTLIB_PARSE ("bad Z3 proof format", p))
fun dest_name (SMTLIB.Sym name) = name
| dest_name t = raise SMTLIB_PARSE ("bad name", t)
fun dest_seq (SMTLIB.S ts) = ts
| dest_seq t = raise SMTLIB_PARSE ("bad Z3 proof format", t)
fun parse' (SMTLIB.S (SMTLIB.Sym "set-logic" :: _) :: ts) cx = parse' ts cx
| parse' (SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Sym "declare-fun", n, tys, ty] :: ts) cx =
val name = dest_name n
val Ts = map (type_of cx) (dest_seq tys)
val T = type_of cx ty
in parse' ts (declare_fun name (Ts ---> T) cx) end
| parse' (SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Sym "proof", p] :: _) cx = node_of p cx
| parse' ts _ = raise SMTLIB_PARSE ("bad Z3 proof declarations", SMTLIB.S ts)
fun parse_proof typs funs lines ctxt =
val ts = dest_seq (SMTLIB.parse lines)
val (node, cx) = parse' ts (empty_context ctxt typs funs)
in (node, ctxt_of cx) end
handle SMTLIB.PARSE (l, msg) => error ("parsing error at line " ^ string_of_int l ^ ": " ^ msg)
| SMTLIB_PARSE (msg, t) => error (msg ^ ": " ^ SMTLIB.str_of t)
(* handling of bound variables *)
fun subst_of tyenv =
let fun add (ix, (S, T)) = cons (TVar (ix, S), T)
in Vartab.fold add tyenv [] end
fun substTs_same subst =
let val applyT = Same.function (AList.lookup (op =) subst)
in Term_Subst.map_atypsT_same applyT end
fun subst_types ctxt env bounds t =
val match = Sign.typ_match (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)
fun objT_of bound =
(case Symtab.lookup env bound of
SOME objT => objT
| NONE => raise Fail ("Replaying the proof trace produced by Z3 failed: " ^
"the bound " ^ quote bound ^ " is undeclared; this indicates a bug in Z3"))
val t' = singleton (Variable.polymorphic ctxt) t
val patTs = map snd (Term.strip_qnt_vars \<^const_name>\<open>Pure.all\<close> t')
val objTs = map objT_of bounds
val subst = subst_of (fold match (patTs ~~ objTs) Vartab.empty)
in Same.commit (Term_Subst.map_types_same (substTs_same subst)) t' end
fun eq_quant (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.All\<close>, _) (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.All\<close>, _) = true
| eq_quant (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.Ex\<close>, _) (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.Ex\<close>, _) = true
| eq_quant _ _ = false
fun opp_quant (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.All\<close>, _) (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.Ex\<close>, _) = true
| opp_quant (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.Ex\<close>, _) (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.All\<close>, _) = true
| opp_quant _ _ = false
fun with_quant pred i (Const q1 $ Abs (_, T1, t1), Const q2 $ Abs (_, T2, t2)) =
if pred q1 q2 andalso T1 = T2 then
let val t = Var (("", i), T1)
in SOME (apply2 Term.subst_bound ((t, t1), (t, t2))) end
else NONE
| with_quant _ _ _ = NONE
fun dest_quant_pair i (\<^term>\<open>HOL.Not\<close> $ t1, t2) =
Option.map (apfst HOLogic.mk_not) (with_quant opp_quant i (t1, t2))
| dest_quant_pair i (t1, t2) = with_quant eq_quant i (t1, t2)
fun dest_quant i t =
(case dest_quant_pair i (HOLogic.dest_eq (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop t)) of
SOME (t1, t2) => HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (t1, t2))
| NONE => raise TERM ("lift_quant", [t]))
fun match_types ctxt pat obj =
(Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty)
|> Pattern.first_order_match (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) (pat, obj)
fun strip_match ctxt pat i obj =
(case try (match_types ctxt pat) obj of
SOME (tyenv, _) => subst_of tyenv
| NONE => strip_match ctxt pat (i + 1) (dest_quant i obj))
fun dest_all i (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Pure.all\<close>, _) $ (a as Abs (_, T, _))) =
dest_all (i + 1) (Term.betapply (a, Var (("", i), T)))
| dest_all i t = (i, t)
fun dest_alls t = dest_all (Term.maxidx_of_term t + 1) t
fun match_rule ctxt env (Z3_Node {bounds = bs', concl = t', ...}) bs t =
val t'' = singleton (Variable.polymorphic ctxt) t'
val (i, obj) = dest_alls (subst_types ctxt env bs t)
(case try (strip_match ctxt (snd (dest_alls t'')) i) obj of
| SOME subst =>
val applyT = Same.commit (substTs_same subst)
val patTs = map snd (Term.strip_qnt_vars \<^const_name>\<open>Pure.all\<close> t'')
in SOME (Symtab.make (bs' ~~ map applyT patTs)) end)
(* linearizing proofs and resolving types of bound variables *)
fun has_step (tab, _) = Inttab.defined tab
fun add_step id rule bounds concl is_fix_step ids (tab, sts) =
let val step = mk_step id rule ids concl bounds is_fix_step
in (id, (Inttab.update (id, ()) tab, step :: sts)) end
fun is_fix_rule rule prems =
member (op =) [Quant_Intro, Nnf_Pos, Nnf_Neg] rule andalso length prems = 1
fun lin_proof ctxt env (Z3_Node {id, rule, prems, concl, bounds}) steps =
if has_step steps id then (id, steps)
val t = subst_types ctxt env bounds concl
val add = add_step id rule bounds t
fun rec_apply e b = fold_map (lin_proof ctxt e) prems #-> add b
if is_fix_rule rule prems then
(case match_rule ctxt env (hd prems) bounds t of
NONE => rec_apply env false steps
| SOME env' => rec_apply env' true steps)
else rec_apply env false steps
fun linearize ctxt node =
rev (snd (snd (lin_proof ctxt Symtab.empty node (Inttab.empty, []))))
(* overall proof parser *)
fun parse typs funs lines ctxt =
let val (node, ctxt') = parse_proof typs funs lines ctxt
in (linearize ctxt' node, ctxt') end
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