(* Title: Pure/Thy/export_theory.ML
Author: Makarius
Export foundational theory content and locale/class structure.
signature EXPORT_THEORY =
val setup_presentation: (Thy_Info.presentation_context -> theory -> unit) -> unit
val export_body: theory -> string -> XML.body -> unit
structure Export_Theory: EXPORT_THEORY =
(* approximative syntax *)
val get_syntax = Syntax.get_approx o Proof_Context.syn_of;
fun get_syntax_type ctxt = get_syntax ctxt o Lexicon.mark_type;
fun get_syntax_const ctxt = get_syntax ctxt o Lexicon.mark_const;
fun get_syntax_fixed ctxt = get_syntax ctxt o Lexicon.mark_fixed;
fun get_syntax_param ctxt loc x =
let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt in
if Class.is_class thy loc then
(case AList.lookup (op =) (Class.these_params thy [loc]) x of
| SOME (_, (c, _)) => get_syntax_const ctxt c)
else get_syntax_fixed ctxt x
val encode_syntax =
[fn NONE => ([], []),
fn SOME (Syntax.Prefix delim) => ([delim], []),
fn SOME (Syntax.Infix {assoc, delim, pri}) =>
val ass =
(case assoc of
Printer.No_Assoc => 0
| Printer.Left_Assoc => 1
| Printer.Right_Assoc => 2);
open XML.Encode Term_XML.Encode;
in ([], triple int string int (ass, delim, pri)) end];
(* free variables: not declared in the context *)
val is_free = not oo Name.is_declared;
fun add_frees used =
fold_aterms (fn Free (x, T) => is_free used x ? insert (op =) (x, T) | _ => I);
fun add_tfrees used =
(fold_types o fold_atyps) (fn TFree (a, S) => is_free used a ? insert (op =) (a, S) | _ => I);
(* locales *)
fun locale_content thy loc =
val ctxt = Locale.init loc thy;
val args =
Locale.params_of thy loc
|> map (fn ((x, T), _) => ((x, T), get_syntax_param ctxt loc x));
val axioms =
val (asm, defs) = Locale.specification_of thy loc;
val cprops = map (Thm.cterm_of ctxt) (the_list asm @ defs);
val (intro1, intro2) = Locale.intros_of thy loc;
val intros_tac = Method.try_intros_tac ctxt (the_list intro1 @ the_list intro2) [];
val res =
Goal.init (Conjunction.mk_conjunction_balanced cprops)
|> (ALLGOALS Goal.conjunction_tac THEN intros_tac)
|> try Seq.hd;
(case res of
SOME goal => Thm.prems_of goal
| NONE => raise Fail ("Cannot unfold locale " ^ quote loc))
val typargs = rev (fold Term.add_tfrees (map (Free o #1) args @ axioms) []);
in {typargs = typargs, args = args, axioms = axioms} end;
fun get_locales thy =
Locale.get_locales thy |> map_filter (fn loc =>
if Experiment.is_experiment thy loc then NONE else SOME (loc, ()));
fun get_dependencies prev_thys thy =
Locale.dest_dependencies prev_thys thy |> map_filter (fn dep =>
if Experiment.is_experiment thy (#source dep) orelse
Experiment.is_experiment thy (#target dep) then NONE
val (type_params, params) = Locale.parameters_of thy (#source dep);
val typargs = fold (Term.add_tfreesT o #2 o #1) params type_params;
val substT =
typargs |> map_filter (fn v =>
val T = TFree v;
val T' = Morphism.typ (#morphism dep) T;
in if T = T' then NONE else SOME (v, T') end);
val subst =
params |> map_filter (fn (v, _) =>
val t = Free v;
val t' = Morphism.term (#morphism dep) t;
in if t aconv t' then NONE else SOME (v, t') end);
in SOME (dep, (substT, subst)) end);
(* general setup *)
fun setup_presentation f =
Theory.setup (Thy_Info.add_presentation (fn context => fn thy =>
if Options.bool (#options context) "export_theory" then f context thy else ()));
fun export_body thy name body =
if XML.is_empty_body body then ()
else Export.export thy (Path.binding0 (Path.make ["theory", name])) body;
(* presentation *)
val _ = setup_presentation (fn context => fn thy =>
val parents = Theory.parents_of thy;
val rep_tsig = Type.rep_tsig (Sign.tsig_of thy);
val thy_ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy;
val pos_properties = Thy_Info.adjust_pos_properties context;
(* spec rules *)
fun spec_rule_content {pos, name, rough_classification, terms, rules} =
val spec =
terms @ map Thm.plain_prop_of rules
|> Term_Subst.zero_var_indexes_list
|> map Logic.unvarify_global;
{props = pos_properties pos,
name = name,
rough_classification = rough_classification,
typargs = rev (fold Term.add_tfrees spec []),
args = rev (fold Term.add_frees spec []),
terms = map (fn t => (t, Term.type_of t)) (take (length terms) spec),
rules = drop (length terms) spec}
(* entities *)
fun make_entity_markup name xname pos serial =
let val props = pos_properties pos @ Markup.serial_properties serial;
in (Markup.entityN, (Markup.nameN, name) :: (Markup.xnameN, xname) :: props) end;
fun entity_markup space name =
val xname = Name_Space.extern_shortest thy_ctxt space name;
val {serial, pos, ...} = Name_Space.the_entry space name;
in make_entity_markup name xname pos serial end;
fun export_entities export_name export get_space decls =
val parent_spaces = map get_space parents;
val space = get_space thy;
(decls, []) |-> fold (fn (name, decl) =>
if exists (fn space => Name_Space.declared space name) parent_spaces then I
(case export name decl of
| SOME body =>
cons (#serial (Name_Space.the_entry space name),
XML.Elem (entity_markup space name, body))))
|> sort (int_ord o apply2 #1) |> map #2
|> export_body thy export_name
(* types *)
val encode_type =
let open XML.Encode Term_XML.Encode
in triple encode_syntax (list string) (option typ) end;
fun export_type c (Type.LogicalType n) =
SOME (encode_type (get_syntax_type thy_ctxt c, Name.invent Name.context Name.aT n, NONE))
| export_type c (Type.Abbreviation (args, U, false)) =
SOME (encode_type (get_syntax_type thy_ctxt c, args, SOME U))
| export_type _ _ = NONE;
val _ =
export_entities "types" export_type Sign.type_space
(Name_Space.dest_table (#types rep_tsig));
(* consts *)
val consts = Sign.consts_of thy;
val encode_term = Term_XML.Encode.term consts;
val encode_const =
let open XML.Encode Term_XML.Encode
in pair encode_syntax (pair (list string) (pair typ (pair (option encode_term) bool))) end;
fun export_const c (T, abbrev) =
val syntax = get_syntax_const thy_ctxt c;
val U = Logic.unvarifyT_global T;
val U0 = Type.strip_sorts U;
val abbrev' = abbrev
|> Option.map (Proofterm.standard_vars_term Name.context #> map_types Type.strip_sorts);
val args = map (#1 o dest_TFree) (Consts.typargs consts (c, U0));
val propositional = Object_Logic.is_propositional thy_ctxt (Term.body_type U0);
in encode_const (syntax, (args, (U0, (abbrev', propositional)))) end;
val _ =
export_entities "consts" (SOME oo export_const) Sign.const_space
(#constants (Consts.dest consts));
(* axioms *)
fun standard_prop used extra_shyps raw_prop raw_proof =
val (prop, proof) = Proofterm.standard_vars used (raw_prop, raw_proof);
val args = rev (add_frees used prop []);
val typargs = rev (add_tfrees used prop []);
val used_typargs = fold (Name.declare o #1) typargs used;
val sorts = Name.invent used_typargs Name.aT (length extra_shyps) ~~ extra_shyps;
in ((sorts @ typargs, args, prop), proof) end;
fun standard_prop_of thm =
standard_prop Name.context (Thm.extra_shyps thm) (Thm.full_prop_of thm);
val encode_prop =
let open XML.Encode Term_XML.Encode
in triple (list (pair string sort)) (list (pair string typ)) encode_term end;
fun encode_axiom used prop =
encode_prop (#1 (standard_prop used [] prop NONE));
val _ =
export_entities "axioms" (K (SOME o encode_axiom Name.context))
Theory.axiom_space (Theory.all_axioms_of thy);
(* theorems and proof terms *)
val clean_thm = Thm.check_hyps (Context.Theory thy) #> Thm.strip_shyps;
val prep_thm = clean_thm #> Thm.unconstrainT #> Thm.strip_shyps;
val lookup_thm_id = Global_Theory.lookup_thm_id thy;
fun expand_name thm_id (header: Proofterm.thm_header) =
if #serial header = #serial thm_id then ""
(case lookup_thm_id (Proofterm.thm_header_id header) of
NONE => ""
| SOME thm_name => Thm_Name.print thm_name);
fun entity_markup_thm (serial, (name, i)) =
val space = Facts.space_of (Global_Theory.facts_of thy);
val xname = Name_Space.extern_shortest thy_ctxt space name;
val {pos, ...} = Name_Space.the_entry space name;
in make_entity_markup (Thm_Name.print (name, i)) (Thm_Name.print (xname, i)) pos serial end;
fun encode_thm thm_id raw_thm =
val deps = map (Thm_Name.print o #2) (Thm_Deps.thm_deps thy [raw_thm]);
val thm = prep_thm raw_thm;
val proof0 =
if Proofterm.export_standard_enabled () then
{full = true, expand_name = SOME o expand_name thm_id} thm
else if Proofterm.export_enabled () then Thm.reconstruct_proof_of thm
else MinProof;
val (prop, SOME proof) = standard_prop_of thm (SOME proof0);
val _ = Thm.expose_proofs thy [thm];
(prop, deps, proof) |>
open XML.Encode Term_XML.Encode;
val encode_proof = Proofterm.encode_standard_proof consts;
in triple encode_prop (list string) encode_proof end
fun export_thm (thm_id, thm_name) =
val markup = entity_markup_thm (#serial thm_id, thm_name);
val thm = Global_Theory.get_thm_name thy (thm_name, Position.none);
in XML.Elem (markup, encode_thm thm_id thm) end;
val _ = export_body thy "thms" (map export_thm (Global_Theory.dest_thm_names thy));
(* type classes *)
val encode_class =
let open XML.Encode Term_XML.Encode
in pair (list (pair string typ)) (list (encode_axiom Name.context)) end;
fun export_class name =
(case try (Axclass.get_info thy) name of
NONE => ([], [])
| SOME {params, axioms, ...} => (params, map (Thm.plain_prop_of o clean_thm) axioms))
|> encode_class |> SOME;
val _ =
export_entities "classes" (fn name => fn () => export_class name)
Sign.class_space (map (rpair ()) (Graph.keys (Sorts.classes_of (#2 (#classes rep_tsig)))));
(* sort algebra *)
val prop = encode_axiom Name.context o Logic.varify_global;
val encode_classrel =
let open XML.Encode
in list (pair prop (pair string string)) end;
val encode_arities =
let open XML.Encode Term_XML.Encode
in list (pair prop (triple string (list sort) string)) end;
val export_classrel =
maps (fn (c, cs) => map (pair c) cs) #> map (`Logic.mk_classrel) #> encode_classrel;
val export_arities = map (`Logic.mk_arity) #> encode_arities;
val {classrel, arities} =
Sorts.dest_algebra (map (#2 o #classes o Type.rep_tsig o Sign.tsig_of) parents)
(#2 (#classes rep_tsig));
val _ = if null classrel then () else export_body thy "classrel" (export_classrel classrel);
val _ = if null arities then () else export_body thy "arities" (export_arities arities);
(* locales *)
fun encode_locale used =
let open XML.Encode Term_XML.Encode in
triple (list (pair string sort)) (list (pair (pair string typ) encode_syntax))
(list (encode_axiom used))
fun export_locale loc =
val {typargs, args, axioms} = locale_content thy loc;
val used = fold Name.declare (map #1 typargs @ map (#1 o #1) args) Name.context;
in encode_locale used (typargs, args, axioms) end
handle ERROR msg =>
cat_error msg ("The error(s) above occurred in locale " ^
quote (Locale.markup_name thy_ctxt loc));
val _ =
export_entities "locales" (fn loc => fn () => SOME (export_locale loc))
Locale.locale_space (get_locales thy);
(* locale dependencies *)
fun encode_locale_dependency (dep: Locale.locale_dependency, subst) =
(#source dep, (#target dep, (#prefix dep, subst))) |>
open XML.Encode Term_XML.Encode;
val encode_subst =
pair (list (pair (pair string sort) typ)) (list (pair (pair string typ) (term consts)));
in pair string (pair string (pair (list (pair string bool)) encode_subst)) end;
val _ =
get_dependencies parents thy
|> map_index (fn (i, dep) =>
val xname = string_of_int (i + 1);
val name = Long_Name.implode [Context.theory_name thy, xname];
val markup = make_entity_markup name xname (#pos (#1 dep)) (#serial (#1 dep));
val body = encode_locale_dependency dep;
in XML.Elem (markup, body) end)
|> export_body thy "locale_dependencies";
(* constdefs *)
val constdefs =
Defs.dest_constdefs (map Theory.defs_of (Theory.parents_of thy)) (Theory.defs_of thy)
|> sort_by #1;
val encode_constdefs =
let open XML.Encode
in list (pair string string) end;
val _ =
if null constdefs then () else export_body thy "constdefs" (encode_constdefs constdefs);
(* spec rules *)
val encode_specs =
let open XML.Encode Term_XML.Encode in
list (fn {props, name, rough_classification, typargs, args, terms, rules} =>
pair properties (pair string (pair Spec_Rules.encode_rough_classification
(pair (list (pair string sort)) (pair (list (pair string typ))
(pair (list (pair encode_term typ)) (list encode_term))))))
(props, (name, (rough_classification, (typargs, (args, (terms, rules)))))))
val _ =
(case Spec_Rules.dest_theory thy of
[] => ()
| spec_rules => export_body thy "spec_rules" (encode_specs (map spec_rule_content spec_rules)));
(* parents *)
val _ =
Export.export thy \<^path_binding>\<open>theory/parents\<close>
(XML.Encode.string (cat_lines (map Context.theory_long_name parents)));
in () end);
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.22 Sekunden
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Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.