(* Title: Pure/defs.ML
Author: Makarius
Global well-formedness checks for overloaded definitions (mixed constants and
types). Recall that constant definitions may be explained syntactically within
Pure, but type definitions require particular set-theoretic semantics.
signature DEFS =
datatype item_kind = Const | Type
type item = item_kind * string
type entry = item * typ list
val item_kind_ord: item_kind ord
val plain_args: typ list -> bool
type context = Proof.context * (Name_Space.T * Name_Space.T)
val global_context: theory -> context
val space: context -> item_kind -> Name_Space.T
val pretty_item: context -> item -> Pretty.T
val pretty_args: Proof.context -> typ list -> Pretty.T list
val pretty_entry: context -> entry -> Pretty.T
type T
type spec =
{def: string option,
description: string,
pos: Position.T,
lhs: typ list,
rhs: entry list}
val all_specifications_of: T -> (item * spec list) list
val specifications_of: T -> item -> spec list
val dest: T ->
{restricts: (entry * string) list,
reducts: (entry * entry list) list}
val dest_constdefs: T list -> T -> (string * string) list
val empty: T
val merge: context -> T * T -> T
val define: context -> bool -> string option -> string -> entry -> entry list -> T -> T
val get_deps: T -> item -> (typ list * entry list) list
structure Defs: DEFS =
(* specification items *)
datatype item_kind = Const | Type;
type item = item_kind * string;
type entry = item * typ list;
fun item_kind_ord (Const, Type) = LESS
| item_kind_ord (Type, Const) = GREATER
| item_kind_ord _ = EQUAL;
structure Itemtab = Table(type key = item val ord = prod_ord item_kind_ord fast_string_ord);
(* pretty printing *)
type context = Proof.context * (Name_Space.T * Name_Space.T);
fun global_context thy =
(Syntax.init_pretty_global thy, (Sign.const_space thy, Sign.type_space thy));
fun space ((_, spaces): context) kind =
if kind = Const then #1 spaces else #2 spaces;
fun pretty_item (context as (ctxt, _)) (kind, name) =
let val prt_name = Name_Space.pretty ctxt (space context kind) name in
if kind = Const then prt_name
else Pretty.block [Pretty.keyword1 "type", Pretty.brk 1, prt_name]
fun pretty_args ctxt args =
if null args then []
else [Pretty.list "(" ")" (map (Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt o Logic.unvarifyT_global) args)];
fun pretty_entry context (c, args) =
Pretty.block (pretty_item context c :: pretty_args (#1 context) args);
(* type arguments *)
fun plain_args args =
forall Term.is_TVar args andalso not (has_duplicates (op =) args);
fun disjoint_args (Ts, Us) =
not (Type.could_unifys (Ts, Us)) orelse
((Type.raw_unifys (Ts, map (Logic.incr_tvar (maxidx_of_typs Ts + 1)) Us) Vartab.empty; false)
handle Type.TUNIFY => true);
fun match_args (Ts, Us) =
if Type.could_matches (Ts, Us) then
Option.map Envir.subst_type
(SOME (Type.raw_matches (Ts, Us) Vartab.empty) handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => NONE)
else NONE;
(* datatype defs *)
type spec =
{def: string option,
description: string,
pos: Position.T,
lhs: typ list,
rhs: entry list};
type def =
{specs: spec Inttab.table, (*source specifications*)
restricts: (typ list * string) list, (*global restrictions imposed by incomplete patterns*)
reducts: (typ list * entry list) list}; (*specifications as reduction system*)
fun make_def (specs, restricts, reducts) =
{specs = specs, restricts = restricts, reducts = reducts}: def;
fun map_def c f =
Itemtab.default (c, make_def (Inttab.empty, [], [])) #>
Itemtab.map_entry c (fn {specs, restricts, reducts}: def =>
make_def (f (specs, restricts, reducts)));
datatype T = Defs of def Itemtab.table;
fun lookup_list which defs c =
(case Itemtab.lookup defs c of
SOME (def: def) => which def
| NONE => []);
fun all_specifications_of (Defs defs) =
(map o apsnd) (map snd o Inttab.dest o #specs) (Itemtab.dest defs);
fun specifications_of (Defs defs) = lookup_list (map snd o Inttab.dest o #specs) defs;
val restricts_of = lookup_list #restricts;
val reducts_of = lookup_list #reducts;
fun dest (Defs defs) =
val restricts = Itemtab.fold (fn (c, {restricts, ...}) =>
fold (fn (args, description) => cons ((c, args), description)) restricts) defs [];
val reducts = Itemtab.fold (fn (c, {reducts, ...}) =>
fold (fn (args, deps) => cons ((c, args), deps)) reducts) defs [];
in {restricts = restricts, reducts = reducts} end;
fun dest_constdefs prevs (Defs defs) =
fun prev_spec c i = prevs |> exists (fn Defs prev_defs =>
(case Itemtab.lookup prev_defs c of
NONE => false
| SOME {specs, ...} => Inttab.defined specs i));
(defs, []) |-> Itemtab.fold (fn (c, {specs, ...}) =>
specs |> Inttab.fold (fn (i, spec) =>
if #1 c = Const andalso is_some (#def spec) andalso not (prev_spec c i)
then cons (#2 c, the (#def spec)) else I))
val empty = Defs Itemtab.empty;
(* specifications *)
fun disjoint_specs context c (i, {description = a, pos = pos_a, lhs = Ts, ...}: spec) =
Inttab.forall (fn (j, {description = b, pos = pos_b, lhs = Us, ...}: spec) =>
i = j orelse disjoint_args (Ts, Us) orelse
error ("Clash of specifications for " ^
Pretty.unformatted_string_of (pretty_item context c) ^ ":\n" ^
" " ^ quote a ^ Position.here pos_a ^ "\n" ^
" " ^ quote b ^ Position.here pos_b));
fun join_specs context c ({specs = specs1, restricts, reducts}, {specs = specs2, ...}: def) =
val specs' =
Inttab.fold (fn spec2 => (disjoint_specs context c spec2 specs1; Inttab.update spec2))
specs2 specs1;
in make_def (specs', restricts, reducts) end;
fun update_specs context c spec = map_def c (fn (specs, restricts, reducts) =>
(disjoint_specs context c spec specs; (Inttab.update spec specs, restricts, reducts)));
(* normalized dependencies: reduction with well-formedness check *)
val prt = Pretty.string_of oo pretty_entry;
fun err context (c, Ts) (d, Us) s1 s2 =
error (s1 ^ " dependency of " ^ prt context (c, Ts) ^ " -> " ^ prt context (d, Us) ^ s2);
fun acyclic context (c, Ts) (d, Us) =
c <> d orelse
is_none (match_args (Ts, Us)) orelse
err context (c, Ts) (d, Us) "Circular" "";
fun reduction context defs const deps =
fun reduct Us (Ts, rhs) =
(case match_args (Ts, Us) of
| SOME subst => SOME (map (apsnd (map subst)) rhs));
fun reducts (d, Us) = get_first (reduct Us) (reducts_of defs d);
val reds = map (`reducts) deps;
val deps' =
if forall (is_none o #1) reds then NONE
else SOME (fold_rev
(fn (NONE, dp) => insert (op =) dp | (SOME dps, _) => fold (insert (op =)) dps) reds []);
val _ = forall (acyclic context const) (the_default deps deps');
in deps' end;
fun restriction context defs (c, Ts) (d, Us) =
plain_args Us orelse
(case find_first (fn (Rs, _) => not (disjoint_args (Rs, Us))) (restricts_of defs d) of
SOME (Rs, description) =>
err context (c, Ts) (d, Us) "Malformed"
("\n(restriction " ^ prt context (d, Rs) ^ " from " ^ quote description ^ ")")
| NONE => true);
fun normalize context =
fun check_def defs (c, {reducts, ...}: def) =
reducts |> forall (fn (Ts, deps) => forall (restriction context defs (c, Ts)) deps);
fun check_defs defs = Itemtab.forall (check_def defs) defs;
fun norm_update (c, {reducts, ...}: def) (changed, defs) =
val reducts' = reducts |> map (fn (Ts, deps) =>
(Ts, perhaps (reduction context defs (c, Ts)) deps));
if reducts = reducts' then (changed, defs)
else (true, defs |> map_def c (fn (specs, restricts, _) => (specs, restricts, reducts')))
fun norm_loop defs =
(case Itemtab.fold norm_update defs (false, defs) of
(true, defs') => norm_loop defs'
| (false, _) => defs);
in norm_loop #> tap check_defs end;
fun dependencies context (c, args) restr deps =
map_def c (fn (specs, restricts, reducts) =>
val restricts' = Library.merge (op =) (restricts, restr);
val reducts' = insert (op =) (args, deps) reducts;
in (specs, restricts', reducts') end)
#> normalize context;
(* merge *)
fun merge context (Defs defs1, Defs defs2) =
fun add_deps (c, args) restr deps defs =
if AList.defined (op =) (reducts_of defs c) args then defs
else dependencies context (c, args) restr deps defs;
fun add_def (c, {restricts, reducts, ...}: def) =
fold (fn (args, deps) => add_deps (c, args) restricts deps) reducts;
Defs (Itemtab.join (join_specs context) (defs1, defs2)
|> normalize context |> Itemtab.fold add_def defs2)
(* define *)
fun define context unchecked def description (c, args) deps (Defs defs) =
val pos = Position.thread_data ();
val restr =
if plain_args args orelse
(case args of [Term.Type (_, rec_args)] => plain_args rec_args | _ => false)
then [] else [(args, description)];
val spec =
(serial (), {def = def, description = description, pos = pos, lhs = args, rhs = deps});
val defs' = defs |> update_specs context c spec;
in Defs (defs' |> (if unchecked then I else dependencies context (c, args) restr deps)) end;
fun get_deps (Defs defs) c = reducts_of defs c;
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