Columbo aufrufen.bsh zum Wurzelverzeichnis wechselnPVS {PVS[88] CS[112] C[116]}Datei anzeigen
* Convert the portion of the current word to lower case, starting at the
* caret and moving to the end of the word. Emulates the Emacs "downcase-word"
* function.
source (MiscUtilities.constructPath(dirname(scriptPath), "EmacsUtil.bsh"));
void emacsDowncaseWord()
caret = eatNonAlphanums();
textArea.goToNextWord (false);
endOfWord = textArea.getCaretPosition();
textArea.setCaretPosition (caret);
selection = new Selection.Range (caret, endOfWord);
textArea.setSelection (selection);
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