Untersuchungsergebnis.bsh Download desShell {Shell[65] PVS[79] CS[82]}zum Wurzelverzeichnis wechseln
* Emulates the Emacs "set-fill-column" command, except that it prompts
* for the new fill column instead of using an Emacs-style "prefix argument."
source (MiscUtilities.constructPath(dirname(scriptPath), "EmacsUtil.bsh"));
void emacsSetWrap()
// Convert the buffer name into a property name.
propName = makeBufferPropertyName ("emacs.fillColumn.");
// Get a value from the user.
String err = "";
int defaultWrap = getCardinalProperty (propName, getDefaultWrap());
for (;;)
String s = Macros.input (editPane,
err +
"Enter new fill column or 0 to " +
"reset to default",
String.valueOf (defaultWrap));
if (s == null)
// Try to parse it.
int i = Integer.parseInt (s);
if ((i == 0) || (i == defaultWrap))
jEdit.unsetProperty (propName);
if (i > 0)
jEdit.setIntegerProperty (propName, i);
err = "Bad fill column value. ";
catch (NumberFormatException ex)
err = "Bad fill column value. ";
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