# Copyright (c) 2011, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
# published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
# accompanied this code).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
# questions.
ifeq (,$(_MAKEBASE_GMK))
$(error You must include MakeBase.gmk prior to including Utils.gmk)
# Common utility functions
### Debug functions
# Prints the name and value of a variable
PrintVar = \
$(info $(strip $1) >$($(strip $1))<)
# This macro translates $ into \$ to protect the $ from expansion in the shell.
# To make this macro resilient against already escaped strings, first remove
# any present escapes before escaping so that no double escapes are added.
EscapeDollar = $(subst $$,\$$,$(subst \$$,$$,$(strip $1)))
# This macro works just like EscapeDollar above, but for #.
EscapeHash = $(subst \#,\\\#,$(subst \\\#,\#,$(strip $1)))
# This macro translates $ into $$ to protect the string from make itself.
DoubleDollar = $(subst $$,$$$$,$(strip $1))
# Creates a sequence of increasing numbers (inclusive).
# Param 1 - starting number
# Param 2 - ending number
sequence = \
$(wordlist $1, $2, $(strip \
$(eval SEQUENCE_COUNT :=) \
$(call _sequence-do,$(strip $2))))
_sequence-do = \
$(if $(word $1, $(SEQUENCE_COUNT)),, \
$(eval SEQUENCE_COUNT += .) \
$(words $(SEQUENCE_COUNT)) \
$(call _sequence-do,$1))
# Strip both arguments. Append the first argument to the second argument. If the
# first argument is empty, return the empty string.
IfAppend = \
$(if $(strip $1),$(strip $1)$(strip $2),)
# Replace question marks with space in string. This macro needs to be called on
# files from FindFiles in case any of them contains space in their file name,
# since FindFiles replaces space with ?.
# Param 1 - String to replace in
DecodeSpace = \
$(subst ?,$(SPACE),$(strip $1))
EncodeSpace = \
$(subst $(SPACE),?,$(strip $1))
# Assign a variable only if it is empty
# Param 1 - Variable to assign
# Param 2 - Value to assign
SetIfEmpty = \
$(if $($(strip $1)),,$(eval $(strip $1) := $2))
# Take two paths and return the path of the last common directory.
# Ex: /foo/bar/baz, /foo/bar/banan -> /foo/bar
# foo/bar/baz, /foo/bar -> <empty>
# The x prefix is used to preserve the presence of the initial slash
# On Windows paths are treated as case-insensitive
# $1 - Path to compare
# $2 - Other path to compare
FindCommonPathPrefix = \
$(call DecodeSpace,$(patsubst x%,%,$(subst $(SPACE),/,$(strip \
$(call FindCommonPathPrefixHelper1, \
$(subst /,$(SPACE),x$(call EncodeSpace,$(strip $1))), \
$(subst /,$(SPACE),x$(call EncodeSpace,$(strip $2)))) \
FindCommonPathPrefixHelper1 = \
$(if $(filter $(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), windows), \
$(call FindCommonPathPrefixHelper2,$(call uppercase,$1),$(call uppercase,$2),$1), \
$(call FindCommonPathPrefixHelper2,$1,$2,$1))
FindCommonPathPrefixHelper2 = \
$(if $(call equals, $(firstword $1), $(firstword $2)), \
$(if $(call equals, $(firstword $1),),, \
$(firstword $3) \
$(call FindCommonPathPrefixHelper2, \
$(wordlist 2, $(words $1), $1), \
$(wordlist 2, $(words $2), $2), \
$(wordlist 2, $(words $3), $3) \
) \
) \
# Computes the relative path from a directory to a file
# $1 - File to compute the relative path to
# $2 - Directory to compute the relative path from
RelativePath = \
$(call DecodeSpace,$(strip $(call RelativePathHelper,$(call EncodeSpace \
,$(strip $1)),$(call EncodeSpace \
,$(strip $2)),$(call EncodeSpace \
,$(call FindCommonPathPrefix,$1,$2)))))
RelativePathHelper = \
$(eval $3_prefix_length := $(words $(subst /,$(SPACE),$3))) \
$(eval $1_words := $(subst /,$(SPACE),$1)) \
$(eval $2_words := $(subst /,$(SPACE),$2)) \
$(if $(call equals,$($3_prefix_length),0),, \
$(eval $1_words := $(wordlist 2,$(words $($1_words)),$(wordlist \
$($3_prefix_length),$(words $($1_words)),$($1_words)))) \
$(eval $2_words := $(wordlist 2,$(words $($2_words)),$(wordlist \
$($3_prefix_length),$(words $($2_words)),$($2_words)))) \
) \
$(eval $1_suffix := $(subst $(SPACE),/,$($1_words))) \
$(eval $2_dotdots := $(subst $(SPACE),/,$(foreach d,$($2_words),..))) \
$(if $($1_suffix), \
$(if $($2_dotdots), $($2_dotdots)/$($1_suffix), $($1_suffix)), \
$(if $($2_dotdots), $($2_dotdots), .))
# Filter out duplicate sub strings while preserving order. Keeps the first occurrence.
uniq = \
$(strip $(if $1,$(firstword $1) $(call uniq,$(filter-out $(firstword $1),$1))))
# Returns all whitespace-separated words in $2 where at least one of the
# whitespace-separated words in $1 is a substring.
containing = \
$(strip \
$(foreach v,$(strip $2),\
$(call uniq,$(foreach p,$(strip $1),$(if $(findstring $p,$v),$v)))))
# Returns all whitespace-separated words in $2 where none of the
# whitespace-separated words in $1 is a substring.
not-containing = \
$(strip $(filter-out $(call containing,$1,$2),$2))
# Return a list of all string elements that are duplicated in $1.
dups = \
$(strip $(foreach v, $(sort $1), $(if $(filter-out 1, \
$(words $(filter $v, $1))), $v)))
# String equals
equals = \
$(if $(strip $1)$(strip $2),$(strip \
$(and $(findstring $(strip $1),$(strip $2)),\
$(findstring $(strip $2),$(strip $1)))), \
true \
# Remove a whole list of prefixes
# $1 - List of prefixes
# $2 - List of elements to process
remove-prefixes = \
$(strip $(if $1,$(patsubst $(firstword $1)%,%,\
$(call remove-prefixes,$(filter-out $(firstword $1),$1),$2)),$2))
# Convert the string given to upper case, without any $(shell)
# Inspired by http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-make/2013-09/msg00009.html
uppercase_table := a,A b,B c,C d,D e,E f,F g,G h,H i,I j,J k,K l,L m,M n,N o,O \
p,P q,Q r,R s,S t,T u,U v,V w,W x,X y,Y z,Z
uppercase_internal = \
$(if $(strip $1), $$(subst $(firstword $1), $(call uppercase_internal, \
$(wordlist 2, $(words $1), $1), $2)), $2)
# Convert a string to upper case. Works only on a-z.
# $1 - The string to convert
uppercase = \
$(strip \
$(eval uppercase_result := $(call uppercase_internal, $(uppercase_table), $1)) \
$(uppercase_result) \
# Boolean operators.
# Return the word "true" if all the boolean words given as argument is "true",
# and returns "false" otherwise. Boolean words must be "true" or "false". It is
# an error to supply a non-boolean word. An empty string is considered "true".
And = \
$(strip $(if $(filter-out true false, $1), $(error Non-boolean values: $1)) \
$(if $(strip $(filter-out true, $1)), false, true))
# Return the word "false" if all the boolean words given as argument is "false",
# and returns "true" otherwise. Boolean words must be "true" or "false". It is
# an error to supply a non-boolean word. An empty string is considered "false".
Or = \
$(strip $(if $(filter-out true false, $1), $(error Non-boolean values: $1)) \
$(if $(strip $(filter-out false, $1)), true, false))
# Convert an UNIX epoch based timestamp (as an integer) to an ISO 8601 date
# string.
# Param 1 - timestamp
ifeq ($(IS_GNU_DATE), yes)
EpochToISO8601 = \
$(shell $(DATE) --utc --date="@$(strip $1)" \
+"$(ISO_8601_FORMAT_STRING)" 2> /dev/null)
EpochToISO8601 = \
$(shell $(DATE) -u -j -f "%s" "$(strip $1)" \
+"$(ISO_8601_FORMAT_STRING)" 2> /dev/null)
# Parse a multiple-keyword variable, like FOO="KEYWORD1=val1;KEYWORD2=val2;..."
# These will be converted into a series of variables like FOO_KEYWORD1=val1,
# FOO_KEYWORD2=val2, etc. Unknown keywords will cause an error.
# Parameter 1 is the name of the rule, and is also the name of the variable.
# Remaining parameters are named arguments. These include:
# SINGLE_KEYWORDS A list of valid keywords with single string values
# STRING_KEYWORDS A list of valid keywords, processed as string. This means
# that '%20' will be replaced by ' ' to allow for multi-word strings.
ParseKeywordVariable = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)
define ParseKeywordVariableBody
ifneq ($$($1), )
# To preserve spaces, substitute them with a hopefully unique pattern
# before splitting and then re-substitute spaces back.
$1_MANGLED := $$(subst $$(SPACE),||||,$$($1))
$$(foreach mangled_part, $$(subst ;, , $$($1_MANGLED)), \
$$(eval mangled_part_eval := $$(call DoubleDollar, $$(mangled_part))) \
$$(eval part := $$$$(subst ||||,$$$$(SPACE),$$$$(mangled_part_eval))) \
$$(eval $1_NO_MATCH := true) \
$$(if $$(filter help, $$(part)), \
$$(info Valid keywords for $1:) \
$$(info $$($1_SINGLE_KEYWORDS) $$($1_STRING_KEYWORDS).) \
$$(error Re-run without 'help' to continue)) \
$$(foreach keyword, $$($1_SINGLE_KEYWORDS), \
$$(eval keyword_eval := $$(call DoubleDollar, $$(keyword))) \
$$(if $$(filter $$(keyword)=%, $$(part)), \
$$(eval $(strip $1)_$$$$(keyword_eval) := $$$$(strip $$$$(patsubst $$$$(keyword_eval)=%, %, $$$$(part)))) \
$$(eval $1_NO_MATCH := ) \
) \
) \
$$(foreach keyword, $$($1_STRING_KEYWORDS), \
$$(eval keyword_eval := $$(call DoubleDollar, $$(keyword))) \
$$(if $$(filter $$(keyword)=%, $$(part)), \
$$(eval $(strip $1)_$$$$(keyword_eval) := $$$$(strip $$$$(subst %20, , $$$$(patsubst $$$$(keyword_eval)=%, %, $$$$(part))))) \
$$(eval $1_NO_MATCH := ) \
) \
) \
$$(if $$($1_NO_MATCH), \
$$(if $$(filter $$(part), $$($1_SINGLE_KEYWORDS) $$($1_STRING_KEYWORDS)), \
$$(info Keyword $$(part) for $1 needs to be assigned a value.) \
, \
$$(info $$(part) is not a valid keyword for $1.) \
$$(info Valid keywords: $$($1_SINGLE_KEYWORDS) $$($1_STRING_KEYWORDS).) \
) \
$$(error Cannot continue) \
) \
# ShellQuote
# Quotes a string with single quotes and replaces single quotes with '\'' so
# that the contents survives being given to the shell.
ShellQuote = \
$(SQUOTE)$(subst $(SQUOTE),$(SQUOTE)\$(SQUOTE)$(SQUOTE),$(strip $1))$(SQUOTE)
# Find lib dir for module
# Param 1 - module name
FindLibDirForModule = \
$(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/modules_libs/$(strip $1)
# Find executable dir for module
# Param 1 - module name
FindExecutableDirForModule = \
$(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/modules_cmds/$(strip $1)
# Return a string suitable for use after a -classpath or --module-path option. It
# will be correct and safe to use on all platforms. Arguments are given as space
# separate classpath entries. Safe for multiple nested calls.
# param 1 : A space separated list of classpath entries
# The surrounding strip is needed to keep additional whitespace out
PathList = \
"$(subst $(SPACE),:,$(strip $(subst $(DQUOTE),,$1)))"
# Check if a specified hotspot variant is being built, or at least one of a
# list of variants. Will return 'true' or 'false'.
# $1 - the variant to test for
check-jvm-variant = \
$(strip \
$(if $(filter-out $(VALID_JVM_VARIANTS), $1), \
$(error Internal error: Invalid variant tested: $1)) \
$(if $(filter $1, $(JVM_VARIANTS)), true, false))
# Check if our build or target conforms to certain restrictions. This set of
# functions all work in similar ways, testing the property that the name
# implies, so e.g. isTargetCpu test the CPU of the target system.
# $1 - A property, or a space separated list of properties to test for.
# Returns true if the actual property matches one of the properties in the list,
# and false otherwise.
# Examples: $(call isTargetOs, linux windows) will return true when executed
# on either linux or windows, and false otherwise.
# $(call isBuildCpuArch, x86) will return true iff the build CPU Arch is x86.
isTargetOs = \
$(strip $(if $(filter $(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), $1), true, false))
isTargetOsType = \
$(strip $(if $(filter $(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS_TYPE), $1), true, false))
isTargetCpu = \
$(strip $(if $(filter $(OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU), $1), true, false))
isTargetCpuArch = \
$(strip $(if $(filter $(OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU_ARCH), $1), true, false))
isTargetCpuBits = \
$(strip $(if $(filter $(OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU_BITS), $1), true, false))
isBuildOs = \
$(strip $(if $(filter $(OPENJDK_BUILD_OS), $1), true, false))
isBuildOsType = \
$(strip $(if $(filter $(OPENJDK_BUILD_OS_TYPE), $1), true, false))
isBuildOsEnv = \
$(strip $(if $(filter $(OPENJDK_BUILD_OS_ENV), $1), true, false))
isBuildCpu = \
$(strip $(if $(filter $(OPENJDK_BUILD_CPU), $1), true, false))
isBuildCpuArch = \
$(strip $(if $(filter $(OPENJDK_BUILD_CPU_ARCH), $1), true, false))
isCompiler = \
$(strip $(if $(filter $(TOOLCHAIN_TYPE), $1), true, false))
# Converts a space separated list to a comma separated list.
# Replacing double-comma with a single comma is to workaround the issue with
# some version of make on windows that doesn't substitute spaces with one comma
# properly.
CommaList = \
$(strip \
$(subst $(COMMA)$(COMMA),$(COMMA),$(subst $(SPACE),$(COMMA),$(strip $1))) \
# Converts a space separated list to a colon separated list.
# Replacing double-colon with a single colon is to workaround the issue with
# some version of make on windows that doesn't substitute spaces with one colon
# properly.
ColonList = \
$(strip \
$(subst ::,:,$(subst $(SPACE),:,$(strip $1))) \
# Given a list of files, filters out locale specific files for translations
# that should be excluded from this build.
# $1 - The list of files to filter
# $2 - The suffix of the files that should be considered (.java or .properties)
FilterExcludedTranslations = \
$(strip $(if $(EXCLUDE_TRANSLATIONS), \
$(filter-out \
$(foreach suffix, $2, \
$(addprefix %_, $(addsuffix $(suffix), $(EXCLUDE_TRANSLATIONS))) \
), \
$1 \
), \
$1 \
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