(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open CErrors
open Util
open Constr
open Tactics
open Num
open Utile
Operations on coefficients
let num_0 = Int 0
and num_1 = Int 1
and num_2 = Int 2
let numdom r =
let r' = Ratio.normalize_ratio (ratio_of_num r) in
num_of_big_int(Ratio.numerator_ratio r'),
num_of_big_int(Ratio.denominator_ratio r')
module BigInt = struct
open Big_int
type t = big_int
let of_int = big_int_of_int
let coef0 = of_int 0
let of_num = Num.big_int_of_num
let to_num = Num.num_of_big_int
let equal = eq_big_int
let lt = lt_big_int
let le = le_big_int
let abs = abs_big_int
let plus =add_big_int
let mult = mult_big_int
let sub = sub_big_int
let opp = minus_big_int
let div = div_big_int
let modulo = mod_big_int
let to_string = string_of_big_int
let hash x =
try (int_of_big_int x)
with Failure _ -> 1
let puis = power_big_int_positive_int
(* a et b positifs, résultat positif *)
let rec pgcd a b =
if equal b coef0
then a
else if lt a b then pgcd b a else pgcd b (modulo a b)
module Ent = struct
type t = Entiers.entiers
let of_int = Entiers.ent_of_int
let of_num x = Entiers.ent_of_string(Num.string_of_num x)
let to_num x = Num.num_of_string (Entiers.string_of_ent x)
let equal = Entiers.eq_ent
let lt = Entiers.lt_ent
let le = Entiers.le_ent
let abs = Entiers.abs_ent
let plus =Entiers.add_ent
let mult = Entiers.mult_ent
let sub = Entiers.moins_ent
let opp = Entiers.opp_ent
let div = Entiers.div_ent
let modulo = Entiers.mod_ent
let coef0 = Entiers.ent0
let coef1 = Entiers.ent1
let to_string = Entiers.string_of_ent
let to_int x = Entiers.int_of_ent x
let hash x =Entiers.hash_ent x
let signe = Entiers.signe_ent
let rec puis p n = match n with
0 -> coef1
|_ -> (mult p (puis p (n-1)))
(* a et b positifs, résultat positif *)
let rec pgcd a b =
if equal b coef0
then a
else if lt a b then pgcd b a else pgcd b (modulo a b)
(* signe du pgcd = signe(a)*signe(b) si non nuls. *)
let pgcd2 a b =
if equal a coef0 then b
else if equal b coef0 then a
else let c = pgcd (abs a) (abs b) in
if ((lt coef0 a)&&(lt b coef0))
||((lt coef0 b)&&(lt a coef0))
then opp c else c
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type vname = string
type term =
| Zero
| Const of Num.num
| Var of vname
| Opp of term
| Add of term * term
| Sub of term * term
| Mul of term * term
| Pow of term * int
let const n =
if eq_num n num_0 then Zero else Const n
let pow(p,i) = if Int.equal i 1 then p else Pow(p,i)
let add = function
(Zero,q) -> q
| (p,Zero) -> p
| (p,q) -> Add(p,q)
let mul = function
(Zero,_) -> Zero
| (_,Zero) -> Zero
| (p,Const n) when eq_num n num_1 -> p
| (Const n,q) when eq_num n num_1 -> q
| (p,q) -> Mul(p,q)
let gen_constant n = lazy (UnivGen.constr_of_monomorphic_global (Coqlib.lib_ref n))
let tpexpr = gen_constant "plugins.setoid_ring.pexpr"
let ttconst = gen_constant "plugins.setoid_ring.const"
let ttvar = gen_constant "plugins.setoid_ring.var"
let ttadd = gen_constant "plugins.setoid_ring.add"
let ttsub = gen_constant "plugins.setoid_ring.sub"
let ttmul = gen_constant "plugins.setoid_ring.mul"
let ttopp = gen_constant "plugins.setoid_ring.opp"
let ttpow = gen_constant "plugins.setoid_ring.pow"
let tlist = gen_constant "core.list.type"
let lnil = gen_constant "core.list.nil"
let lcons = gen_constant "core.list.cons"
let tz = gen_constant "num.Z.type"
let z0 = gen_constant "num.Z.Z0"
let zpos = gen_constant "num.Z.Zpos"
let zneg = gen_constant "num.Z.Zneg"
let pxI = gen_constant "num.pos.xI"
let pxO = gen_constant "num.pos.xO"
let pxH = gen_constant "num.pos.xH"
let nN0 = gen_constant "num.N.N0"
let nNpos = gen_constant "num.N.Npos"
let mkt_app name l = mkApp (Lazy.force name, Array.of_list l)
let tlp () = mkt_app tlist [mkt_app tpexpr [Lazy.force tz]]
let tllp () = mkt_app tlist [tlp()]
let rec mkt_pos n =
if n =/ num_1 then Lazy.force pxH
else if mod_num n num_2 =/ num_0 then
mkt_app pxO [mkt_pos (quo_num n num_2)]
mkt_app pxI [mkt_pos (quo_num n num_2)]
let mkt_n n =
if Num.eq_num n num_0
then Lazy.force nN0
else mkt_app nNpos [mkt_pos n]
let mkt_z z =
if z =/ num_0 then Lazy.force z0
else if z >/ num_0 then
mkt_app zpos [mkt_pos z]
mkt_app zneg [mkt_pos ((Int 0) -/ z)]
let rec mkt_term t = match t with
| Zero -> mkt_term (Const num_0)
| Const r -> let (n,d) = numdom r in
mkt_app ttconst [Lazy.force tz; mkt_z n]
| Var v -> mkt_app ttvar [Lazy.force tz; mkt_pos (num_of_string v)]
| Opp t1 -> mkt_app ttopp [Lazy.force tz; mkt_term t1]
| Add (t1,t2) -> mkt_app ttadd [Lazy.force tz; mkt_term t1; mkt_term t2]
| Sub (t1,t2) -> mkt_app ttsub [Lazy.force tz; mkt_term t1; mkt_term t2]
| Mul (t1,t2) -> mkt_app ttmul [Lazy.force tz; mkt_term t1; mkt_term t2]
| Pow (t1,n) -> if Int.equal n 0 then
mkt_app ttconst [Lazy.force tz; mkt_z num_1]
mkt_app ttpow [Lazy.force tz; mkt_term t1; mkt_n (num_of_int n)]
let rec parse_pos p =
match Constr.kind p with
| App (a,[|p2|]) ->
if Constr.equal a (Lazy.force pxO) then num_2 */ (parse_pos p2)
else num_1 +/ (num_2 */ (parse_pos p2))
| _ -> num_1
let parse_z z =
match Constr.kind z with
| App (a,[|p2|]) ->
if Constr.equal a (Lazy.force zpos) then parse_pos p2 else (num_0 -/ (parse_pos p2))
| _ -> num_0
let parse_n z =
match Constr.kind z with
| App (a,[|p2|]) ->
parse_pos p2
| _ -> num_0
let rec parse_term p =
match Constr.kind p with
| App (a,[|_;p2|]) ->
if Constr.equal a (Lazy.force ttvar) then Var (string_of_num (parse_pos p2))
else if Constr.equal a (Lazy.force ttconst) then Const (parse_z p2)
else if Constr.equal a (Lazy.force ttopp) then Opp (parse_term p2)
else Zero
| App (a,[|_;p2;p3|]) ->
if Constr.equal a (Lazy.force ttadd) then Add (parse_term p2, parse_term p3)
else if Constr.equal a (Lazy.force ttsub) then Sub (parse_term p2, parse_term p3)
else if Constr.equal a (Lazy.force ttmul) then Mul (parse_term p2, parse_term p3)
else if Constr.equal a (Lazy.force ttpow) then
Pow (parse_term p2, int_of_num (parse_n p3))
else Zero
| _ -> Zero
let rec parse_request lp =
match Constr.kind lp with
| App (_,[|_|]) -> []
| App (_,[|_;p;lp1|]) ->
(parse_term p)::(parse_request lp1)
|_-> assert false
let set_nvars_term nvars t =
let rec aux t nvars =
match t with
| Zero -> nvars
| Const r -> nvars
| Var v -> let n = int_of_string v in
max nvars n
| Opp t1 -> aux t1 nvars
| Add (t1,t2) -> aux t2 (aux t1 nvars)
| Sub (t1,t2) -> aux t2 (aux t1 nvars)
| Mul (t1,t2) -> aux t2 (aux t1 nvars)
| Pow (t1,n) -> aux t1 nvars
in aux t nvars
Coefficients: recursive polynomials
module Coef = BigInt
(*module Coef = Ent*)
module Poly = Polynom.Make(Coef)
module PIdeal = Ideal.Make(Poly)
open PIdeal
(* term to sparse polynomial
variables <=np are in the coefficients
let term_pol_sparse nvars np t=
let d = nvars in
let rec aux t =
(* info ("conversion de: "^(string_of_term t)^"\n");*)
let res =
match t with
| Zero -> zeroP
| Const r ->
if Num.eq_num r num_0
then zeroP
else polconst d (Poly.Pint (Coef.of_num r))
| Var v ->
let v = int_of_string v in
if v <= np
then polconst d (Poly.x v)
else gen d v
| Opp t1 -> oppP (aux t1)
| Add (t1,t2) -> plusP (aux t1) (aux t2)
| Sub (t1,t2) -> plusP (aux t1) (oppP (aux t2))
| Mul (t1,t2) -> multP (aux t1) (aux t2)
| Pow (t1,n) -> puisP (aux t1) n
(* info ("donne: "^(stringP res)^"\n");*)
let res= aux t in
(* sparse polynomial to term *)
let polrec_to_term p =
let rec aux p =
match p with
|Poly.Pint n -> const (Coef.to_num n)
|Poly.Prec (v,coefs) ->
let fold i c res = add (res, mul (aux c, pow (Var (string_of_int v), i))) in
Array.fold_right_i fold coefs Zero
in aux p
(* approximation of the Horner form used in the tactic ring *)
let pol_sparse_to_term n2 p =
(* info "pol_sparse_to_term ->\n";*)
let p = PIdeal.repr p in
let rec aux p =
match p with
[] -> const (num_of_string "0")
| (a,m)::p1 ->
let m = Ideal.Monomial.repr m in
let n = (Array.length m)-1 in
let (i0,e0) =
List.fold_left (fun (r,d) (a,m) ->
let m = Ideal.Monomial.repr m in
let i0= ref 0 in
for k=1 to n do
if m.(k)>0
then i0:=k
if Int.equal !i0 0
then (r,d)
else if !i0 > r
then (!i0, m.(!i0))
else if Int.equal !i0 r && m.(!i0)<d
then (!i0, m.(!i0))
else (r,d))
p in
if Int.equal i0 0
let mp = polrec_to_term a in
if List.is_empty p1 then mp else add (mp, aux p1)
let fold (p1, p2) (a, m) =
if (Ideal.Monomial.repr m).(i0) >= e0 then begin
let m0 = Array.copy (Ideal.Monomial.repr m) in
let () = m0.(i0) <- m0.(i0) - e0 in
let m0 = Ideal.Monomial.make m0 in
((a, m0) :: p1, p2)
end else
(p1, (a, m) :: p2)
let (p1, p2) = List.fold_left fold ([], []) p in
let vm =
if Int.equal e0 1
then Var (string_of_int (i0))
else pow (Var (string_of_int (i0)),e0) in
add (mul(vm, aux (List.rev p1)), aux (List.rev p2))
in (*info "-> pol_sparse_to_term\n";*)
aux p
lq = [cn+m+1 n+m ...cn+m+1 1]
lci=[[cn+1 n,...,cn1 1]
[cn+m n+m-1,...,cn+m 1]]
removes intermediate polynomials not useful to compute the last one.
let remove_zeros lci =
let m = List.length lci in
let u = Array.make m false in
let rec utiles k =
(* TODO: Find a more reasonable implementation of this traversal. *)
if k >= m || u.(k) then ()
let () = u.(k) <- true in
let lc = List.nth lci k in
let iter i c = if not (PIdeal.equal c zeroP) then utiles (i + k + 1) in
List.iteri iter lc
let () = utiles 0 in
let filter i l =
let f j l = if m <= i + j + 1 then true else u.(i + j + 1) in
if u.(i) then Some (List.filteri f l)
else None
let lr = CList.map_filter_i filter lci in
info (fun () -> Printf.sprintf "useless spolynomials: %i" (m-List.length lr));
info (fun () -> Printf.sprintf "useful spolynomials: %i " (List.length lr));
let theoremedeszeros metadata nvars lpol p =
let t1 = Unix.gettimeofday() in
let m = nvars in
let cert = in_ideal metadata m lpol p in
info (fun () -> Printf.sprintf "time: @[%10.3f@]s" (Unix.gettimeofday ()-.t1));
open Ideal
(* Remove zero polynomials and duplicates from the list of polynomials lp
Return (clp, lb)
where clp is the reduced list and lb is a list of booleans
that has the same size than lp and where true indicates an
element that has been removed
let clean_pol lp =
let t = Hashpol.create 12 in
let find p = try Hashpol.find t p
Not_found -> Hashpol.add t p true; false in
let rec aux lp =
match lp with
| [] -> [], []
| p :: lp1 ->
let clp, lb = aux lp1 in
if equal p zeroP || find p then clp, true::lb
(p :: clp, false::lb) in
aux lp
(* Expand the list of polynomials lp putting zeros where the list of
booleans lb indicates there is a missing element
the expansion is relative to the end of the list in reversed order
lp cannot have less elements than lb
let expand_pol lb lp =
let rec aux lb lp =
match lb with
| [] -> lp
| true :: lb1 -> zeroP :: aux lb1 lp
| false :: lb1 ->
match lp with
[] -> assert false
| p :: lp1 -> p :: aux lb1 lp1
in List.rev (aux lb (List.rev lp))
let theoremedeszeros_termes lp =
let nvars = List.fold_left set_nvars_term 0 lp in
match lp with
| Const (Int sugarparam)::Const (Int nparam)::lp ->
((match sugarparam with
|0 -> sinfo "computation without sugar";
|1 -> sinfo "computation with sugar";
|2 -> sinfo "ordre lexico computation without sugar";
|3 -> sinfo "ordre lexico computation with sugar";
|4 -> sinfo "computation without sugar, division by pairs";
|5 -> sinfo "computation with sugar, division by pairs";
|6 -> sinfo "ordre lexico computation without sugar, division by pairs";
|7 -> sinfo "ordre lexico computation with sugar, division by pairs";
| _ -> user_err Pp.(str "nsatz: bad parameter")
let lvar = List.init nvars (fun i -> Printf.sprintf "x%i" (i + 1)) in
let lvar = ["a";"b";"c";"d";"e";"f";"g";"h";"i";"j";"k";"l";"m";"n";"o";"p";"q";"r";"s";"t";"u";"v";"w";"x";"y";"z"] @ lvar in
(* pour macaulay *)
let metadata = { name_var = lvar } in
let lp = List.map (term_pol_sparse nvars nparam) lp in
match lp with
| [] -> assert false
| p::lp1 ->
let lpol = List.rev lp1 in
(* preprocessing :
we remove zero polynomials and duplicate that are not handled by in_ideal
lb is kept in order to fix the certificate in the post-processing
let lpol, lb = clean_pol lpol in
let cert = theoremedeszeros metadata nvars lpol p in
sinfo "cert ok";
let lc = cert.last_comb::List.rev cert.gb_comb in
match remove_zeros lc with
| [] -> assert false
| (lq::lci) ->
(* post-processing : we apply the correction for the last line *)
let lq = expand_pol lb lq in
(* lci commence par les nouveaux polynomes *)
let m = nvars in
let c = pol_sparse_to_term m (polconst m cert.coef) in
let r = Pow(Zero,cert.power) in
let lci = List.rev lci in
(* post-processing we apply the correction for the other lines *)
let lci = List.map (expand_pol lb) lci in
let lci = List.map (List.map (pol_sparse_to_term m)) lci in
let lq = List.map (pol_sparse_to_term m) lq in
info (fun () -> Printf.sprintf "number of parameters: %i" nparam);
sinfo "term computed";
|_ -> assert false
(* version avec hash-consing du certificat:
let nsatz lpol =
Hashtbl.clear Dansideal.hmon;
Hashtbl.clear Dansideal.coefpoldep;
Hashtbl.clear Dansideal.sugartbl;
Hashtbl.clear Polynomesrec.hcontentP;
init_constants ();
let lp= parse_request lpol in
let (_lp0,_p,c,r,_lci,_lq as rthz) = theoremedeszeros_termes lp in
let certif = certificat_vers_polynome_creux rthz in
let certif = hash_certif certif in
let certif = certif_term certif in
let c = mkt_term c in
info "constr computed\n";
(c, certif)
let nsatz lpol =
let lp= parse_request lpol in
let (c,r,lci,lq) = theoremedeszeros_termes lp in
let res = [c::r::lq]@lci in
let res = List.map (fun lx -> List.map mkt_term lx) res in
let res =
(fun lt r ->
let ltterm =
(fun t r ->
mkt_app lcons [mkt_app tpexpr [Lazy.force tz];t;r])
(mkt_app lnil [mkt_app tpexpr [Lazy.force tz]]) in
mkt_app lcons [tlp ();ltterm;r])
(mkt_app lnil [tlp ()]) in
sinfo "term computed";
let return_term t =
let a =
mkApp (UnivGen.constr_of_monomorphic_global @@ Coqlib.lib_ref "core.eq.refl",[|tllp ();t|]) in
let a = EConstr.of_constr a in
generalize [a]
let nsatz_compute t =
let lpol =
try nsatz t
with Ideal.NotInIdeal ->
user_err Pp.(str "nsatz cannot solve this problem") in
return_term lpol
[ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.57 Sekunden