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* @test
* @summary converted from VM Testbase nsk/jdwp/EventRequest/ClearAllBreakpoints/clrallbreakp002.
* VM Testbase keywords: [quick, jpda, jdwp]
* VM Testbase readme:
* This test performs checking for
* command set: EventRequest
* command: ClearAllBreakpoints
* Test checks that debugee accepts command packet for tested command
* and replies with correct reply packet, even if no requests for
* BREAKPOINT event had been made before.
* Test consists of two compoments:
* debugger: clrallbreakp002
* debuggee: clrallbreakp002a
* First, debugger uses nsk.share support classes to launch debuggee
* and obtain Transport object, that represents JDWP transport channel.
* Next, debugger waits for tested class loaded, creates command packet
* for EventRequest.ClearAllBreakpoints command and sends it to debuggee.
* Then debugger reads reply packet and checks if reply packet is correct
* and has no reply data.
* Finally, debugger disconnectes debuggee, waits for it exits
* and exits too with proper exit code.
* @library /vmTestbase /test/hotspot/jtreg/vmTestbase
* /test/lib
* @build nsk.jdwp.EventRequest.ClearAllBreakpoints.clrallbreakp002a
* @run main/othervm
* nsk.jdwp.EventRequest.ClearAllBreakpoints.clrallbreakp002
* -arch=${os.family}-${os.simpleArch}
* -verbose
* -waittime=5
* -debugee.vmkind=java
* -transport.address=dynamic
* -debugee.vmkeys="${test.vm.opts} ${test.java.opts}"
[ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.4 Sekunden