elementary_matrices: THEORY
IMPORTING matrices, more_list_props %, dets
IMPORTING reals@product
M, N, P: VAR Matrix
zero_row?(M: Matrix, i: below(M`rows)): bool =
forall (j: below(M`cols)): M`matrix(i, j) = 0
zero_row?(M: Matrix)(i: below(M`rows)): bool =
forall (j: below(M`cols)): M`matrix(i, j) = 0
nonzero_row?(M: Matrix, i: below(M`rows)): bool =
exists (j: below(M`cols)): M`matrix(i, j) /= 0
nonzero_row?(M: Matrix)(i: below(M`rows)): bool =
exists (j: below(M`cols)): M`matrix(i, j) /= 0
zero_or_nonzero: lemma
forall (M: Matrix, i: below(M`rows)): zero_row?(M, i) or nonzero_row?(M, i)
zero_isnt_nonzero: lemma
forall (M: Matrix, i: below(M`rows)): zero_row?(M, i) => not nonzero_row?(M, i)
nonzero_isnt_zero: lemma
forall (M: Matrix, i: below(M`rows)): nonzero_row?(M, i) => not zero_row?(M, i)
%% Elementary matrices - three types
% Given E1: (elemM1?(M)(i, j)), E1 * M replaces the ith row X_i by X_i + a*X_j
elemM1?(M: Square)(i: below(M`rows), j: below(M`rows) | i /= j): bool =
FORALL (k, l: below(M`rows)):
if k = l then M`matrix(k, l) = 1
elsif (k, l) = (i, j) then true % arbitrary real
else M`matrix(k, l) = 0
% Given E2: (elemM2?(M)(i, j)), E2 * M interchanges row i and row j
elemM2?(M: Square)(i: below(M`rows), j: below(M`rows) | i /= j): bool =
FORALL (k, l: below(M`rows)):
if k = l and k /= i and k /= j then M`matrix(k, l) = 1
elsif (k, l) = (i, j) or (k, l) = (j, i) then M`matrix(k, l) = 1
else M`matrix(k, l) = 0
% Given E3: (elemM3?(M)(i)), E3 * M multiplies row i by nonzero scalar c
elemM3?(M: Square)(i: below(M`rows)): bool =
FORALL (k, l: below(M`rows)):
if k = l and k /= i then M`matrix(k, l) = 1
elsif (k, l) = (i, i) then M`matrix(k, l) /= 0
else M`matrix(k, l) = 0
elemM1?(M: Square): bool =
EXISTS (i: below(M`rows), j: below(M`rows) | i /= j): elemM1?(M)(i, j)
elemM2?(M: Square): bool =
EXISTS (i: below(M`rows), j: below(M`rows) | i /= j): elemM2?(M)(i, j)
elemM3?(M: Square): bool =
EXISTS (i: below(M`rows)): elemM3?(M)(i)
elemM?(M: Square): bool = elemM1?(M) or elemM2?(M) or elemM3?(M)
ElemM1: TYPE = (elemM1?)
ElemM2: TYPE = (elemM2?)
ElemM3: TYPE = (elemM3?)
ElemM: TYPE = (elemM?)
elemMat1?(n: posnat)(M: SquareMat(n)): bool =
EXISTS (i: below(M`rows), j: below(M`rows) | i /= j): elemM1?(M)(i, j)
elemMat2?(n: posnat)(M: SquareMat(n)): bool =
EXISTS (i: below(M`rows), j: below(M`rows) | i /= j): elemM2?(M)(i, j)
elemMat3?(n: posnat)(M: SquareMat(n)): bool =
EXISTS (i: below(M`rows)): elemM3?(M)(i)
elemMat?(n: posnat)(M: SquareMat(n)): bool =
elemMat1?(n)(M) or elemMat2?(n)(M) or elemMat3?(n)(M)
ElemMat1(n: posnat): TYPE = (elemMat1?(n))
ElemMat2(n: posnat): TYPE = (elemMat2?(n))
ElemMat3(n: posnat): TYPE = (elemMat3?(n))
ElemMat(n: posnat): TYPE = (elemMat?(n))
elm1_judgement: judgement ElemMat1(n: posnat) subtype_of ElemM1
elm2_judgement: judgement ElemMat2(n: posnat) subtype_of ElemM2
elm3_judgement: judgement ElemMat3(n: posnat) subtype_of ElemM3
elm_judgement: judgement ElemMat(n: posnat) subtype_of ElemM
elemM1(n: posnat)(i: below(n), j: below(n) | i /= j)(a: real): ElemMat1(n) =
(# rows := n, cols := n,
matrix := lambda (k, l: below(n)):
if k = l then 1
elsif (k, l) = (i, j) then a
else 0
endif #)
elemM2(n: posnat)(i: below(n), j: below(n) | i /= j): ElemMat2(n) =
(# rows := n, cols := n,
matrix := lambda (k, l: below(n)):
if k = l and k /= i and k /= j then 1
elsif (k, l) = (i, j) or (k, l) = (j, i) then 1
else 0
endif #)
elemM3(n: posnat)(i: below(n))(c: nzreal): ElemMat3(n) =
(# rows := n, cols := n,
matrix := lambda (k, l: below(n)):
if k = l
then if k = i then c else 1 endif
else 0
endif #)
elemM1_invertible: lemma forall (M: ElemM1): invertible?(M)
elemM2_invertible: lemma forall (M: ElemM2): invertible?(M)
elemM3_invertible: lemma forall (M: ElemM3): invertible?(M)
% Given M, and rows i, j st i /= j, and real a
% ememM1 adds a * row(M, j) + row(M, i) to row(M, i)
elemM1_prop: lemma
forall (M: Matrix, i: below(M`rows), j: below(M`rows) | i /= j, a: real):
forall (k: below(M`rows)):
rowV(elemM1(M`rows)(i, j)(a) * M)(k) =
if k = i
then rowV(M)(i) + a * rowV(M)(j)
else rowV(M)(k)
elemM2_prop: lemma forall (M: Matrix, i: below(M`rows), j: below(M`rows) | i /= j):
forall (k: below(M`rows)):
rowV(elemM2(M`rows)(i, j) * M)(k) =
if k = i then rowV(M)(j)
elsif k = j then rowV(M)(i)
else rowV(M)(k)
elemM3_prop: lemma
forall (M: Matrix, i: below(M`rows), c: nzreal):
forall (k: below(M`rows)):
rowV(elemM3(M`rows)(i)(c) * M)(k) =
if k = i then c * rowV(M)(i)
else rowV(M)(k)
% Elementary matrix products
elem_prod: lemma forall (M: Matrix, e: ElemMat(M`rows)):
same_dim?(e * M, M)
elem_product_left(M: Matrix, el: list[ElemMat(M`rows)]):
recursive Mat(M`rows, M`cols) =
if null?(el)
then M
else elem_product_left(car(el) * M, cdr(el))
measure length(el)
% This is used to do induction - need to leave M free for inductive step,
% but this makes induction impossible, so we introduce n
elem_prod_append_aux: lemma
forall (n: posnat, M: Matrix | M`rows = n, el1, el2: list[ElemMat(n)]):
elem_product_left(elem_product_left(M, el1), el2)
= elem_product_left(M, append[Matrix](el1, el2))
% This is the useful lemma, can be proved from elem_prod_append_aux
elem_prod_append: lemma
forall (M: Matrix, el1, el2: list[ElemMat(M`rows)]):
elem_product_left(elem_product_left(M, el1), el2)
= elem_product_left(M, append[Matrix](el1, el2))
elem_prod_append1: lemma
forall (M: Matrix, M1: Matrix | same_dim?(M1, M),
e: ElemMat(M`rows), el: list[ElemMat(M`rows)]):
elem_product_left(M, el) = M1
=> elem_product_left(M, append1[Matrix](el, e)) = e * M1
END elementary_matrices
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.17 Sekunden
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